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Management of harvested wildlife populations aims to protect species from overexploitation and ultimately extinction, by regulating exploitation towards achievable sustainable levels. However, assessments of impact and sustainability of implemented management actions on a population level are scarce. This study assesses effects of changes in hunting season length imposed on the Baltic-Wadden Sea Common Eider Somateria mollissima population, including differential restriction on hunting of the sexes. The potential impact of these changes on the population was assessed by simple demographic matrix projections. Since the early 1990s, this population has declined at ca. 6.3 % per annum, and the male/female ratio among shot birds has fallen from 3:2 to about 3:1. Concerns in Denmark regarding the conservation status and sustainability of contemporary levels of exploitation resulted in shortening the open season by 44 and 46 days for females and 13 and 15 days for males from the hunting seasons 2004/2005 and 2011/2012 onwards, respectively. These reduced the kill of adult females by 82 %, adult males by 31 %, juvenile females by 58 % and juvenile males by 55 %. The observed reduction in the kill of adult females following both changes in 2004/2005 and 2011/2012 matched the expected changes based on the seasonal distribution of sexes in the bag prior to the change. Post 2004/2005 hunters killed more adult males, but shot markedly fewer juvenile birds than expected. Demographic modelling of the female population showed that the effects of the reduced hunting would correspond to an increase in the annual population growth rate from the previous ?6.3 to ?3.6 % (post 2004) and ?1.6 % (post 2011). The model also predicted that a full ban on hunting female eiders (adults and juveniles) would lead to a positive population growth rate of 0.7 %. Taking into account the conservative model estimates and natural variations in annual breeding success, the implemented changes in sex-specific regulation of hunting may potentially be an effective management tool to halt the decline of the Baltic-Wadden Sea eider population, potentially rendering such levels of hunting sustainable under prevailing conditions.  相似文献   

The expression of agonistic behavior in adult and juvenile members of both sexes was studied in groups of from 23 to 93 animals representing Macaca mulatta, M. arctoides, M. nemestrina, M. nigra, and Cercocebus atys. Data were collected using focal animal techniques over a period of 1 year for each group. Adult male biting was notably infrequent in all cases, and adult male participation in agonistic encounters was less frequent than for any other age-sex class, especially in the groups with the highest agonistic rates. Adult male agonistic behavior was often expressed as aggression but seldom involved contact forms of aggression, and biting constituted the smallest proportion of contact aggression for all age-sex classes. Adult males were also seldom the targets of aggression and had the highest rates for shaking of objects and bouncing displays. A tendency for the most severe forms of aggressive expression to be most frequent in those animals least capable of inflicting injury was noted in all groups, along with a tendency for aggression to be directed toward immature animals. Sex differences in aggressive expression and responses to aggression were noted, but the frequency of receipt of aggression was not directly reflected in the wounding noted. Different means to achieve the same consequence, infrequent adult male damaging attacks, are suggested to operate in the several groups studied.  相似文献   

Parturition is one of the most important yet least observed events in studies of primate life history and reproduction. Here, I report the first documented observation of a bonobo (Pan paniscus) birth event in the wild, at the Luikotale Bonobo Project field site, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The nulliparous mother’s behaviour before, during and after parturition is described, along with reactions of other community members to the birth and the neonate. Data were collected through focal-animal observations, and the events postpartum were photo-documented. The behaviour and spatial distribution of party members were recorded using scan samples. Parturition occurred during the late morning in a social context, with parous females in close proximity to the parturient mother. Placentophagia occurred immediately after delivery, and the parturient shared the placenta with two of the attending females. I compare this observation with reports of parturition in captive bonobos, and highlight the observed female sociality and social support during the birth event. Plausible adaptive advantages of parturition occurring in a social context are discussed, and accrued observations of birth events in wild and free-ranging primates suggest that females may give birth within proximity of others more frequently than previously thought. This account contributes rare empirical data for examining the interface between female sociality and parturition, and the evolution of parturitional behaviours in primates.  相似文献   

Glossina pallidipes Austen,G. brevipalpis Newstead andG. austeni Newstead were collected from 5 sites along the south Kenyan coast over a 2 year period. They were dissected and examined for nematodes. Three of the sites yielded tsetse parasitized by juvenile mermithids identified asHexamermis glossinae Poinar et al. Glossina pallidipes andG. brevipalpis are new host records for this parasite, whileG. austeni was captured infrequently and only at a site that failed to yield other parasitized tsetse. Parasite prevalence was low (0.16–0.61 %) and did not differ between male and female hosts. More tsetse than expected by chance harboured nematodes during the long rains season (April–August) than during the short rains (September–November) or dry season (December–March). Early juvenile stages (0.5–2.5 mm long) were recovered mainly from tsetse less than 50 days old, while late juvenile stages (35–85 mm long) were only found in flies older than 30 days. Late stages occurred singly while early ones usually occurred as two or more per host.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic mite Dorsipes caspius n. sp. (Heterostigmata: Podapolipidae) belonging to the platysmae species group collected from the beneath elytra of Pterostichus (Lyrothorax) caspius (Menetries) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in northern Iran, is described. This is the first record of species of the platysmae group from the Middle East. Keys to adult and larval female stages of world species of the platysmae group are provided. The host range of all species of the genus and the distribution of all representatives of the group are discussed.  相似文献   

During a 16-month study of semifree-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) the group under observation divided into two groups. Observations were carried out in 1987–1988, at «La Montagne des Singes,” Kintzheim, France. A subgroup of monkeys, which was already cohesive at the beginning of the study, became progressively autonomous in relation to the rest of the main group, during the mating season. Overt aggression between the males of the two groups during this period brought about the fission. Only low-ranking genealogies left their group of origin. Dominance relations between females remained identical in both groups except for one lineage. The alpha male and the alpha female of the subgroup had a close relationship before the fission occurred. The sequence of agonistic intergroup relations is described and analyzed in relation to male sexual competition and female alliance power. The results suggest that: (1) the males of the subgroup instigated the fission because it was the best strategy for them to counter sexual competition; and (2) the females followed the males in order to maintain their alliance network, necessary to insure their dominance status over subordinate females.  相似文献   

STERILIZATION of adult insects with juvenile hormone mimics has been reported several times1–5, but only once for adult mosquitoes and no details were given2. I report here on the sterilizing effect of three juvenile hormone mimics on female Aedes aegypti. They were (i) mixed geometric isomers of methyl 10,11-epoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-tridecadienoate (CJH2), one of two substances with high juvenile hormone activity isolated from Cecropia oil6; (ii) mixed geometric isomers of farnesyl methyl ether (FME) and (iii) 2 cis/trans, 6 trans farnesenic acid ethyl ester (FAE). All three compounds were first tested on fifth instar Rhodnius prolixus using Wiggles-worth's method7. The doses to give a score of ten were as follows: CJH2 1.3µg; FME 1.4 µg; FAE 31.7 µg.  相似文献   

Howler (Alouatta spp.)females often produce loud calls together with the males. Sometimes these howls are not heard above the much louder male call, but on other occasions most of the howls are produced by the females. Observations indicate that female howls are aggressive. Females howl at other troop females and at extratroop females; they also sit close to their mates and howl at other males. I suggest that howling by the females with their mate is important in strengthening the pair bond whereby the male recognizes his infants and acts protectively toward them. Playback experiments of female howls elicited more response from the males than did recordings of male/female and male-only howls, supporting the hypothesis that females howl in order to incite competition among the males.  相似文献   

Telenomus fariai Lima ranges from Argentina and Chile to Mexico; some ecological parameters and morphological characters were compared between tropical (Costa Rica) and temperate (Argentina) populations, as reared on tropical and temperate hosts. The results of the 4 combinations between the 2 parasite populations and the 2 host species (Triatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis Stal) andTriatoma infestans Klug) [Hym.: Reduviidae] showed that only the parasite's geographical origin was statistically significant when evaluated through adult female life expectancy at time of emergence from the host, development time, total progeny per host per female 0–24 h old, and generation time. No difference was found between parasite populations with respect to total progeny per female and net reproductive rate. The morphometry proved statistically significant for all body measurements except the antennae.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses. 1) SkQ1 positively affects postnatal development of hamsters in litters born to parents receiving long-term SkQ1 treatment. 2) SkQ1 accelerates maturation of juvenile females receiving the antioxidant treatment from 10 days of age. Parental pairs were kept in an outdoor vivarium under conditions close to natural. At the age of 25 days, juvenile males in litters born to parents treated daily with SkQ1 (50 nmol/kg per os) had higher epididymis mass. Both the size of a litter and SkQ1 affected epididymis mass in young males. Both the litter size and SkQ1 affected uterus mass in 25-day-old females. Juvenile females who received SkQ1 treatment from 10 days of age demonstrated earlier opening of the vagina. This experiment was replicated with the same result. At the age of 2.5 months, virgin females treated with SkQ1 from the early age demonstrated higher ovary mass.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic traits can evolve through male–male competition or female choice. Squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri) live in large multimale, multifemale groups and are seasonal breeders with concealed ovulation. In several species of the genus, females are dominant to males. Males show weight gain preceding and during the mating season, which produces a “fattened” appearance in the upper arms, shoulders, and torso. Although much is known about the physiology of fattening, the evolutionary function(s) of this sexually dimorphic trait, including possible benefits and costs, remain(s) unknown. This unusual reproductive physiology of males is suggestive of sexual selection. Here I present data on wild Saimiri sciureus studied in Brazil to describe male reproductive investment in the species and to examine the hypothesis that male fattening is a product of sexual selection. I observed at least nine adult males via focal animal sampling and ad libitum observations during four mating seasons and during an additional 10 nonbreeding season months for comparison. Compared to less robust males, fatter males spent significantly more time near females and less time alone. These males also spent more time engaged in sociosexual activities and less time feeding/foraging, suggesting a trade-off between maintenance and reproductive behaviors. The 2-mo mating season accounted for 62% of all male–male agonism observed over one 12-mo period. These results are suggestive of malemale competition for females. However, males did not coerce females to mate and females often rejected males; this pattern suggests female choice. It is possible that male fattening in Saimiri is a product of both intra- and intersexual selection. Males experience intense reproductive costs related to agonism with other males, and related to time and energy invested in the pursuit of females. Although fattening may mitigate some of these costs by aiding in male–male competition and in female preference, this phenomenon is likely not without physiological costs to adult males.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that methamphetamine (MA) is a widely abused drug popular among pregnant women. MA exposure is associated with changes in the function of neurotransmitter systems, namely the dopaminergic, serotonergic and glutamatergic systems. Since N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDA) are affected by MA-induced glutamate release, we assessed the expression of NMDAR subunits (NR1, NR2A, and NR2B) and postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95), which is connected with NMDAR. We measured the expression of these proteins in adolescent (30 days old) and adult (60 days old) rat males exposed to MA during the entire prenatal period and compared them with the same parameters in age matched saline-exposed rats. There was a significant increase in the NR1 and NR2B subunits in the hippocampus of adult males, but not in adolescent males. We identified a significant change in adult MA-induced rats when compared to adult controls for NR2A and NR2B, while in adolescent MA rats this change was close to the boundary of significance. In summary, our study suggests that prenatal MA exposure is connected with changes in NMDAR subunit expression in adult rats but not in adolescent rats.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of the palatal growth of 80 male and 81 femaleMacaca nemestrina reveals that male growth rates are greater than female growth rates. In addition, both sexes demonstrate a similar pattern of palatal growth although growth rate differences between sexes probably reflect the larger canine/P3 apparatus and overall body size of males. Growth of the premaxillary and postmaxillary palatal segments appear to be independent of one another. Palatal growth spurts, obvious in males, exist for two palatal length dimensions. The maxillary tuberosity growth center is postulated to account for more size dimorphism between sexes than the premaxilla growth center.  相似文献   

Aggression and peripheralization between adult and subadult male macaques have been postulated as proximate causes for dispersal, but empirical evidence for this relationship is scarce. To investigate the level of aggression and peripheralization experienced by subadult males, we conducted focal animal and scan sampling of two long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) groups in the highly anthropogenic environment of Singapore’s Central Nature Reserve. We followed two subadult males each in two groups and compared (1) aggression between subadult and adult males and (2) peripheralization measured by (a) greater interindividual distances, (b) more noninteractive behaviors, and (c) fewer interactive behaviors. After 72 focal hours, results suggest varying levels of peripheralization and consistently low levels of aggression among all four males. Data herein call into question the role of aggression in intragroup interactions. Differences in affiliation patterns appear to be core factors in determining the individual degree of peripheralization. Ultimately, strategic choices related to an individual’s place within the natal group (e.g., affiliations, rank of relatives) may be important to cost–benefit assessments; these choices have significant implications in both the short term (i.e., dispersal timing) and long term (i.e., reproductive success). This study is a first step toward understanding macaque behavior in anthropogenic environments; further exploration is needed to anticipate how landscape changes might influence macaque dispersal patterns. Greater understanding will come from recognition that social mechanisms are highly individualized and constantly dynamic, especially for highly cognitive, social species, and in ever increasingly dynamic anthropogenic environments.  相似文献   

Darwinian fitness in holometabolous insects like the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is reported to be positively correlated with body size. If large individuals in a population have higher fitness, then one would expect directional selection to operate leading to uniformly large individuals. However, size polymorphism persists in nature and needs further probing. We assessed the effect of body size on some of the fitness and fitness-related traits in replicate populations of genotypically large, genotypically small and phenotypically small D. melanogaster flies. In this study, the time taken to attain reproductive maturity and copulation duration were independent of fly size. Fecundity and longevity of large females were significantly higher when they partnered genotypically small males than when they were with genotypically larger or phenotypically small males. The increased female longevity when in association with genotypically small males was not due to selective early death of males that would release the female partner from presumed cost of persistent courtship. On the contrary, the genotypically as well as phenotypically small males had significantly higher longevity than large males. The virility of the genotypically small males was not significantly different from that of genotypically large males. Our results clearly show that selection on body size operates in the opposite direction (disruptive selection) for the two genders, thus explaining the persistence of size polymorphisms in the holometabolous insect, Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Chromosomes and sex determination of 9 species of Haemaphysalis assigned to 4 subgenera are described. H. (tAlloceraea) kitaokai possesses an XX∶XO sex chromosome system with 18 autosomes plus XX in females; 18 plus X in males. H. (Kaiseriana) hystricis has 18 +XX and 18 + XY in females and males, respectively, in most specimens, but a supernumerary chromosome is present in some individuals. A supernumerary chromosome was also observed in 1 male H. (Aborphysalis) formosensis. These two species are the second and third species of ticks reported to have supernumerary chromosomes. H. formosensis, H. (Kaiseriana) bispinosa, H. (Haemaphysalis) campanulata, H. (H.) flava, H. (H.) megaspinosa, H. (H.) japonica, and H. (H.) pentalagi possess 20 autosomes plus 2 sex chromosomes in females and 20+1 sex chromosomes in males. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Haemaphysalis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The mating system and sexuality of the gobiid fish Trimma marinae were investigated in aquaria and by gonadal histological examination. The male to female sex ratio in the study aggregation was female biased (14:27), and females were larger than males. T. marinae were monogamous because they established continuous pairs and spawned repeatedly with the same individuals. Observations of aggressive behavior suggested that the monogamous mating system resulted from female mate guarding. We also performed a rearing experiment to test whether sex change occurs in this species. None of the males or females reared separately in aquaria for 63 days changed sex. Additionally, gonadal histology revealed that mature fish had unisexual gonads (testis or ovary). These results strongly suggest that T. marinae is gonochoristic. However, immature fish had a bisexual gonadal structure, indicating juvenile hermaphroditism.  相似文献   

Results of morphometric analysis of the mound-building mouse (Mus spicilegus) evaluated in this study originate from field trapping in the eastern part of Slovakia during the years 2003–2008. Twenty-four cranial and dental variables and the zygomatic index (A/B) of 80 skulls (43 males, 37 females) were measured and evaluated with respect to the sex of the mice. Despite the fact that the overlap of skull measurements in adult males and females was high, sexual dimorphism was confirmed for several skull and dental traits. On average, the values for adult females of M. spicilegus were higher than males, with the exception of dental traits and the zygomatic index. Significant differences between adult males and females were found for the mean values of ten skull and dental parameters (LB, LCb, FL, LD, LMd, LaZ, LM1, LM1, LaM1 and LaM1). The values for the zygomatic index (A/B) overlapped between both sexes, but the higher average values in adult males were statistically significant. The results showed that the variability of the species confirmed in this paper was probably caused only at the regional level and did not differ from the findings reported by several authors for species from neighboring countries.  相似文献   

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