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Coordinated cell movements shape simple epithelia into functional tissues and organs during embryogenesis. Regulators and effectors of the small GTPase Rho have been shown to be essential for epithelial morphogenesis in cell culture; however, the mechanism by which Rho GTPase and its downstream effectors control coordinated movement of epithelia in a developing tissue or organ is largely unknown. Here, we show that Rho1 GTPase activity is required for the invagination of Drosophila embryonic salivary gland epithelia and for directed migration of the internalized gland. We demonstrate that the absence of zygotic function of Rho1 results in the selective loss of the apical proteins, Crumbs (Crb), Drosophila atypical PKC and Stardust during gland invagination and that this is partially due to reduced crb RNA levels and apical localization. In parallel to regulation of crb RNA and protein, Rho1 activity also signals through Rho-kinase (Rok) to induce apical constriction and cell shape change during invagination. After invagination, Rho-Rok signaling is required again for the coordinated contraction and dorsal migration of the proximal half of the gland. We also show that Rho1 activity is required for proper development of the circular visceral mesoderm upon which the gland migrates. Our genetic and live-imaging analyses provide novel evidence that the proximal gland cells play an essential and active role in salivary gland migration that propels the entire gland to turn and migrate posteriorly.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the cloning and full sequencing of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC, EC cDNA from Vitis vinifera L. (VV) leaves, an enzyme belonging to the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, which appears to play an important role in the regulation of plant growth and development. The presence of two overlapping ORFs (tiny ORF and small ORF) upstream of the main ORF is reported in the Vitis cDNA. When the Vitis SAMDC cDNA was expressed in yeast without the two upstream ORFs, the resulting activity was about 50 times higher than the activity obtained with the full cDNA. These results demonstrated the strong regulatory activity of the tiny and small ORFs. RT-PCR expression analysis showed evidence of a similar mRNA level in all the tissues tested, with the exception of the petioles. The VV SAMDC was also modelled using its homologues from Solanum tuberosum and Homo sapiens as template. The present work confirmed, for the first time in a woody plant of worldwide economic interest such as grapevine, the presence of a regulatory mechanism of SAMDC, enzyme that has a well-established importance in the modulation of plant growth and development.  相似文献   

N6-threonylcarbamoyl-adenosine (t6A) is one of the few RNA modifications that is universally present in life. This modification occurs at high frequency at position 37 of most tRNAs that decode ANN codons, and stabilizes cognate anticodon–codon interactions. Nearly all genetic studies of the t6A pathway have focused on single-celled organisms. In this study, we report the isolation of an extensive allelic series in the Drosophila ortholog of the core t6A biosynthesis factor Kae1. kae1 hemizygous larvae exhibit decreases in t6A that correlate with allele strength; however, we still detect substantial t6A-modified tRNAs even during the extended larval phase of null alleles. Nevertheless, complementation of Drosophila Kae1 and other t6A factors in corresponding yeast null mutants demonstrates that these metazoan genes execute t6A synthesis. Turning to the biological consequences of t6A loss, we characterize prominent kae1 melanotic masses and show that they are associated with lymph gland overgrowth and ectopic generation of lamellocytes. On the other hand, kae1 mutants exhibit other phenotypes that reflect insufficient tissue growth. Interestingly, whole-tissue and clonal analyses show that strongly mitotic tissues such as imaginal discs are exquisitely sensitive to loss of kae1, whereas nonproliferating tissues are less affected. Indeed, despite overt requirements of t6A for growth of many tissues, certain strong kae1 alleles achieve and sustain enlarged body size during their extended larval phase. Our studies highlight tissue-specific requirements of the t6A pathway in a metazoan context and provide insights into the diverse biological roles of this fundamental RNA modification during animal development and disease.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis is essential for cell growth and viability. The 3-oxoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase II (KAS II) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalyses initiation of the fatty acid synthesis pathway by condensation of acyl CoA and mycolic acid during the elongation phase. KAS II is a key regulator of bacterial fatty acid synthesis, and a promising target in the search for potent antibacterial drugs. Homology modelling was used to generate the 3-D protein structure using the known crystal structure, and the stereochemical quality of KAS II was validated. Effective drugs were selected that target the active amino acid residues of KAS II. The drugs thiolactomycin, thiophenone and the multidrug cerulenin isoniazed were found to be more potent for inhibition of M. tuberculosis due to the robust binding affinity of their protein–drug interactions. KAS II enzymes of M. tuberculosis and other species of Mycobacterium are conserved, as revealed by their close phylogenetic relationships. This study may provide new insights towards understanding the 3-D structural conformation and active amino acids of KAS II, thus providing rationale for the design of novel antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   

Despite the obvious anatomical differences between the fly and the vertebrate body plans, several genes involved in their development are largely conserved. In this work we provide evidence that overexpression of the Drosophila orthodenticle (otd) gene in Xenopus laevis has a similar effect to that of its homolog Xotx2. Injections of otd mRNA in whole embryos lead to posterior truncations and to induction of ectopic cement glands, similar to Xotx2 injections. In animal cap assays, otd, like Xotx2, is able to activate the cement gland marker XAG and to suppress the expression of the epidermal marker XK81. Finally, as assayed by Einsteck transplantation assays, otd, like Xotx2, is able to respecify a tail/trunk organizer to a head organizer. In this work we also show that Xotx2 and otd share molecular functions that regulate early regional specification of the Xenopus anterior neural plate. Gain-of-function experiment targeting low doses of either otd or Xotx2 mRNAs in the neural plate promote reduction of Xrx1 and Xbf1 expression domain; no changes are observed for the anterior mesodermal marker Xgsc, the dorsal diencephalic marker Xbh1, and the midbrain/hindbrain marker Xen2. otd/Xotx2 inhibition activity of Xrx1 and Xbf1 expression is consistent with the strong inhibition of Xfgf8 expression in the anterior neural ridge observed upon otd/Xotx2 mRNA injection.  相似文献   

Penicillin V acylases (PVAs) and bile salt hydrolases (BSHs) have considerable sequence and structural similarity; however, they vary significantly in their substrate specificity. We have identified a PVA from a Gram-negative organism, Pectobacterium atrosepticum (PaPVA) that turned out to be a remote homolog of the PVAs and BSHs reported earlier. Even though the active site residues were conserved in PaPVA it showed high specificity towards penV and interestingly the penV acylase activity was inhibited by bile salts. Comparative modelling and docking studies were carried out to understand the structural differences of the binding site that confer this characteristic property. We show that PaPVA exhibits significant differences in structure, which are in contrast to those of known PVAs and such enzymes from Gram-negative bacteria require further investigation.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the Drosophila tracheal system relies on different signalling pathways that have distinct roles in specifying both the migration of the tracheal cells and the particular morphological features of the primary branches. The current view is that the tracheal cells are initially specified as an equivalent group of cells whose diversification depends on signals from the surrounding cells. In this work, we show that the tracheal primordia are already specified as distinct dorsal and ventral cell populations. This subdivision depends on the activity of the spalt (sal) gene and occurs prior to the activity of the signalling pathways that dictate the development of the primary branches. Finally, we show that the specification of these two distinct cell populations, which are not defined by cell lineage, are critical for proper tracheal patterning. These results indicate that tracheal patterning depends not only on signalling from surrounding cells but also in the different response of the tracheal cells depending on their allocation to the dorsal or ventral domains.  相似文献   

Folding and assembly studies with alpha-helical membrane proteins are often hampered by the absence of high-level expression systems as well as by missing suitable in vitro refolding procedures. Experimental constraints and requirements for heterologous expression and in vitro assembly of cytochrome b6 have been examined and conditions for in vitro reconstitutions of the protein have been optimized. Cytochrome b6 can serve as an excellent model system for in vitro studies on the dynamic interplay of an apo-protein and heme cofactors during assembly of a transmembrane b-type cytochrome. In vitro assembled cytochrome b6 binds two hemes with different midpoint potentials and both ferri as well as ferro heme bind to the apo-cytochrome. However, the ferro cytochrome appears to be less stable than the ferri form.  相似文献   

In most lineages of the subgenus Sophophora esterase-6 is a homodimeric haemolymph protein. In the melanogaster subgroup of species it has become a monomer which is mainly expressed in the male sperm ejaculatory duct. Our analyses of esterase-6 sequences from three melanogaster subgroup species and two close relatives reveal a brief period of accelerated amino acid sequence change during the transition between the ancestral and derived states. In this period of 2–6Myr the ratio of replacement to silent site substitutions (0.51) is about three times higher than the values in other lineages of the phylogeny. There are about 50 more replacements in this period than would be predicted from the ratios of replacement to silent site substitutions found elsewhere in the phylogeny. Modelling on the known structure of a related acetylcholinesterase suggests that an unusually high proportion of the replacements in the transitional branch are non-conservative changes on the protein surface. Up to half the accelerated replacement rate can be accounted for by clusters of changes to the face of the molecule containing the opening of the active site gorge. This includes changes in and around regions homologous to peripheral substrate binding sites in acetylcholinesterase. There are also three changes in glycosylation status. One region predicted to lie on the protein surface which becomes markedly more hydrophilic is proposed to be the ancestral dimerisation site that is lost in the transitional branch. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

6-Phosphogluconate dehyrogenase is evident at all developmental stages of Drosophila melanogaster. The activity level is highest in early third instar larvae and declines to a lower, but relatively constant, level at all later stages of development. The enzyme is localized in the cytosolic portion of the cell. The A-isozymic form of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was purified to homogeneity and has a molecular weight of 105,000. The enzyme is a dimer consisting of subunits with molecular weights of 55,000 and 53,000. For the oxidative decarboxylation of 6-phosphogluconate the Km for substrate is 81 µm while that for NADP+ is 22.3 µm. The optimum pH for activity is 7.8 while the optimum temperature is 37 C.This work was supported by National Research Council of Canada Grant A5860 and by the University of Calgary Research Policy and Grants Committee.  相似文献   

Coppin CW  Odgers WA  Oakeshott JG 《Genetica》2007,129(3):259-271
Previous studies have found non-neutral patterns of nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter and coding regions of Est6 in D. melanogaster. Coding region polymorphism peaks around two closely linked replacement differences associated with the EST6-F/EST6-S allozyme polymorphism. The promoter contains two common, highly diverged haplotype groups, P1 and P7, that differentially affect Est6 expression. Allozyme studies have also revealed latitudinal clines in EST6-F and EST6-S frequencies that recur across continents. Here we analyse nucleotide polymorphisms across the promoter and the region of peak coding sequence polymorphism in 10 Australian populations along a 25° latitudinal gradient in order to examine the basis for the allozyme clines. As with the earlier studies, we find an excess of intermediate to high frequency variants in both the P1/P7 region and around the two EST6-F/EST6-S replacements in some populations. The two EST6-F/EST6-S replacement polymorphisms show latitudinal clines whereas the P1 and P7 groups of promoter haplotypes do not. However the strongest clines are for three co-segregating silent site polymorphisms in a 4 bp stretch at the 3′ end of the sequenced region. Monte Carlo simulations show that the clines for those three sites can explain all others in the data but none of the others can explain those three. Thus the allozyme clines may not reflect selection on either the P1/P7 polymorphism or the two replacements previously associated with the EST6-F/EST-S difference.  相似文献   

Developmental profiles of the second- and third-chromosome modifiers of the activities of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) in Drosophila melanogaster were investigated. Third-chromosome modifiers showed very strong effects on both enzyme activities at larval, pupal, and adult stages, whereas second-chromosome effects were detected mainly at larval and adult stages. For both enzyme activities and both chromosomes, the correlation over line means between larval and pupal stages was significantly positive, but the correlation between larval or pupal stage and adult stage was not significant. This result suggests that the actions of modifiers on G6PD and 6PGD activities are influenced by the change of developmental stages. Correlation between G6PD and 6PGD activities was positive and highly significant throughout the developmental stages for both sets of chromosomes, although third-chromosome correlations were slightly higher than second-chromosome correlations. The magnitude of the correlation between G6PD and 6PGD activities does not seem to be influenced by the change of development. Diallel crosses for both sets of chromosomes indicate that the action of activity modifiers is mainly additive for both sets of chromosomes, but dominance effects were detected in some cases in adult males. Significant maternal effects were detected for the third chromosome for both enzyme activities until the pupal stage. The change of the activity modifier action after emergence of the imago and the significant correlation between G6PD and 6PGD activities were also detected for diallel progeny.This work was supported by Public Health Service Grant NIH-GM11546.Paper No. 10211 of the journal series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695.  相似文献   

Summary Minute loci represent a class of about 50 different Drosophila genes that appear to be functionally related. These genes may code for components of the protein synthetic apparatus. While one Minute locus has been recently shown to code for a ribosomal protein, it is not yet known whether any of the other Minute loci also code for ribosomal proteins. We have addressed this question by a combined molecular and genetic approach. In this report, a cloned DNA encoding the ribosomal protein rp21 is partially characterized. The rp21 gene maps to the same region (region 80 of chromosome 3L) as the temperature-sensitive Minute QIII gene. Using P-element mediated transformation, the rp21 gene was transformed into the germline of Drosophila. RNA blot experiments revealed that the transformed gene is expressed in transgenic flies. However, genetic complementation analysis indicated that the QIII locus and the rp21 gene are not identical. Implications of these findings for the relationship between Minutes and ribosomal protein genes are discussed.  相似文献   

Different homozygous lines of similar genotype with respect to G6pd and 6Pgd were shown to have different enzyme activities for G6PD and 6PGD. Crosses between high and low lines suggested that there were modifying genes present on the autosomes, while others were probably located on the X chromosome. Allelic variation within each electrophoretic class of G6pd and 6Pgd might, however, also have contributed to this variation. An experiment on adaptation to sodium octanoate demonstrated that in adapted flies selection for lower enzyme activity had occurred, which provided further evidence for the existence of genetic differences in activity. Furthermore, a strong positive correlation between the activities of G6PD and 6PGD was found for each genotype. Since no correlation was found between MDH and the two enzymes G6PD and 6PGD, it could be concluded that this correlation was probably rather specific for G6PD and 6PGD. Interaction between genotypes with respect to activity was also found. It was shown that the variation at 6Pgd influenced the activity of G6PD within a genotype. The data are discussed in relation to fitness differences presented in foregoing articles.  相似文献   

Mutations in the DIIS4-S5 linker and DIIS5 have identified hotspots of pyrethroid and DDT interaction with the Drosophila para sodium channel. Wild-type and mutant channels were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and subjected to voltage-clamp analysis. Substitutions L914I, M918T, L925I, T929I and C933A decreased deltamethrin potency, M918T, L925I and T929I decreased permethrin potency and T929I, L925I and I936V decreased fenfluthrin potency. DDT potency was unaffected by M918T, but abolished by T929I and reduced by L925I, L932F and I936V, suggesting that DIIS5 contains at least part of the DDT binding domain. The data support a computer model of pyrethroid and DDT binding.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo antifungal activities of synthetically parepared 6-animo-2-n-pentylthiobenzothiazole (APB) againstTrichophyton strains were studied. APB inhibited the growth of 3Trichophyton strains at 65 µg/ml. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole was not effective at 125 µg/ml and ketoconazole inhibited the growth at 20–30 µg/ml. Treatment of experimental dermatophytosis in guinea pigs using 2.5% APB cream was studied in comparison to Canesten cream (1% clotrimazole). Dermatophytosis was considerably reduced after both APB and Canesten therapies.  相似文献   

An improved procedure for the isolation of the cytochromeb 6/f complex from spinach chloroplasts is reported. With this preparation up to tenfold higher plastoquinol-plastocyanin oxidoreductase activities were observed. Like the complex obtained by our previous procedure, the complex prepared by the modified way consisted of five polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 34, 33, 23, 20, and 17 kD, which we call Ia, Ib, II, III, and IV, respectively. In addition, one to three small components with molecular masses below 6 kD were now found to be present. These polypeptides can be extracted with acidic acetone. Cytochromef, cytochromeb 6, and the Rieske Fe-S protein could be purified from the isolated complex and were shown to be represented by subunits Ia + Ib, II, and III, respectively. The heterogeneity of cytochromef is not understood at present. Estimations of the stoichiometry derived from relative staining intensities with Coomassie blue and amido black gave 1:1:1:1 for the subunits Ia + Ib/II/III/IV, which is interesting in of the presence of two cytochromesb 6 per cytochromef. Cytochromef titrated as a single-electron acceptor with a pH-independent midpoint potential of +339 mV between pH 6.5 and 8.3, while cytochromeb 6 was heterogeneous. With the assumption of two components present in equal amounts, two one-electron transitions withE m(1)=–40 mV andE m(2)=–172 at pH 6.5 were derived. Both midpoint potentials were pH-dependent.Abbreviation Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - SDS-PAGE SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Itoh M  Yu S  Watanabe TK  Yamamoto MT 《Genetica》1999,106(3):223-229
To examine whether structural and functional differences exist in the proliferation disrupter (prod) genes between Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster, we analyzed and compared both genes. The exon–intron structure of the genes was found to be the same – three exons were interrupted by two introns, although a previous report suggested that only one intron existed in D. melanogaster. The prod genes of D. simulans and D. melanogaster both turn out to encode 346 amino acids, not 301 as previously reported for D. melanogaster. The numbers of nucleotide substitutions in the prod genes was 0.0747 ±  per synonymous site and 0.0116 ± 0.0039 per replacement site, both comparable to those previously known for homologous genes between D. simulans and D. melanogaster. Genetic analysis demonstrated that D. simulans PROD can compensate for a deficiency of D. melanogaster PROD in hybrids. The PRODs of D. simulans and D. melanogaster presumably share the same function and a conserved working mechanism. The prod gene showed no significant interaction with the lethality of the male hybrid between these species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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