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Oxidative stress has been shown to induce apoptosis in cancer cells. Therefore, one might suspect that antioxidants may inhibit reactive oxygen species (ROS) and prevent apoptosis of cancer cells. No study has been carried out so far to elucidate the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on bleomycin-induced apoptosis in human testicular cancer (NCCIT) cells. We investigated the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induced by bleomycin and the effect of NAC in NCCIT cells. We compared the effects of bleomycin on apoptosis with H2O2 which directly produces ROS. Strong antioxidant NAC was evaluated alone and in combination with bleomycin or H2O2 in germ cell tumor-derived NCCIT cell line (embryonal carcinoma, being the nonseminomatous stem cell component). We determined the cytotoxic effect of bleomycin and H2O2 on NCCIT cells and measured apoptosis markers such as caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9 activities and Bcl-2, Bax, and cytochrome c (Cyt-c) levels in NCCIT cells incubated with bleomycin, H2O2, and/or NAC. We found half of the lethal dose (LD50) of bleomycin on NCCIT cell viability as 120???g/ml after incubation for 72?h. Incubation with bleomycin (LD50) induced increases in caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9 activities and Cyt-c and Bax protein levels and a decrease in Bcl-2 level. Co-incubation of NCCIT cells with bleomycin and 10?mM NAC abolished bleomycin-induced increases in caspase-3 and caspase-9 activities, Bax, and Cyt-c levels and bleomycin-induced decrease in Bcl-2 level. Our results indicate that bleomycin induces apoptosis in NICCT cells and that NAC diminishes bleomycin-induced apoptosis via inhibiting the mitochondrial pathway. We conclude that NAC has negative effects on bleomycin-induced apoptosis in NICCT cells and causes resistance to apoptosis, which is not a desirable effect in the fight against cancer.  相似文献   

Role of Sertoli cells in injury-associated testicular germ cell apoptosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review examines experimental models of Sertoli cell injury resulting in germ cell apoptosis. Since germ cells exist in an environment created by Sertoli cells, paracrine signaling between these intimately associated cells must regulate the process of germ cell death. Germ cell apoptosis may be signaled by a decrease in Sertoli cell pro-survival factors, an increase in Sertoli cell pro-apoptotic factors, or both. The different models of Sertoli cell injury indicate that spermatogenesis is susceptible to disruption, and that targeting critical Sertoli cell functions can lead to rapid and massive germ cell death.  相似文献   

The mRNA of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) was up-regulated by cryptorchidism, a testicular hyperthermic condition under which germ cells undergo severe apoptosis. We investigated whether UCP2 was able to protect germ cells from hyperthermia-induced apoptosis. UCP2 was predominantly present in elongate spermatids under normal conditions, and was detected in all germ cells with its level significantly increased if the testes were exposed to 43 degrees C for 5 min. Such a short heat exposure was non-lethal and enabled the preconditioned cells to be resistant to apoptosis induced by a longer hyperthermic treatment (15 min). While hyperthermia resulted in oxidative stress in mouse testes, it did not change the total anti-oxidative capacity. Indeed, overexpression of UCP2 in the GC-2 germ cell line protected the cells from radical oxygen species (ROS)-induced apoptosis. Taken together, we propose that UCP2 may represent an effective weaponry used by germ cells to combat ROS-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Under normal condition in the most mammals, spermatogenesis is closely associated with the balance between germ cells proliferation and apoptosis. The present study was designed to determine the effects of ghrelin treatment on in vivo quality and quantity expression of apoptosis and proliferation specific indices in rat testicular germ cells. Twenty eight adult normal rats were subdivided into equal control and treatment groups. Treatment group received 3 nmol of ghrelin as subcutaneous injection for 30 consecutive days or vehicle to the control animals. The rats from each group (n=7) were killed on days 10 and 30 and their testes were taken for immunocytochemical evaluation and caspase-3 assay. Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that the accumulations of Bax and PCNA peptides are generally more prominent in spermatocytes and spermatogonia of both groups. Likewise, the mean percentage of immunoreactive spermatocytes against Bax increased (P<0.01) in the ghrelin-treated group on day 10, while despite of 30% increment in the Bax level of spermatocytes in the treated rats on day 30, however, it was not statistically significant. During the experimental period, only a few spermatogonia represented Bax expression and the changes of Bax immunolabling cells were negligible upon ghrelin treatment. Likewise, there were immunostaining cells against Bcl-2 in each germ cell neither in the control nor in the treated animals. In fact, ghrelin balanced Bax/Bcl-2 ratio toward at increase of Bax level in the spermatocytes and therefore may stimulate apoptosis in these germ cells. In contrast, ghrelin administration significantly suppressed proliferation-associated peptide PCNA in the spermatocytes as well as spermatogonia (P<0.05). Whereas, caspase-3 activity did not show any marked alteration during the experiment in both groups (P>0.05). Upstream of Bax substance parallel to down-regulation of PCNA demonstrate that ghrelin may prevent massive accumulation of germ cells during normal spermatogenesis. These observations also indicate that ghrelin may be considered as a modulator of spermatogenesis in normal adult rats and could be potentially implicated for abnormal spermatogenesis in some testicular germ cell tumors.  相似文献   

Neither HLA Class I nor Class II transplantation antigens were detected on human testicular germ cells by immunohistologic or immunoprecipitation techniques. This unusual characteristic of human germ-line cells could help to explain their immunologically privileged status in potentially hostile autologous and allogeneic host environments.  相似文献   

We recently reported that continuous exposure, for 8 weeks, of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field (MF) of 0.1 or 0.5 mT might induce testicular germ cell apoptosis in BALB/c mice. In that report, the ELF MF exposure did not significantly affect the body weight or testicular weight, but significantly increased the incidence of testicular germ cell death. In the present study, we aimed to further characterize the effect of a 16-week continuous exposure to ELF MF of 14 or 200 microT on testicular germ cell apoptosis in mice. There were no significant effects of MF on body weight and testosterone levels in mice. In TUNEL staining (In situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxy-UTP nick end labeling), germ cells showed a significantly higher apoptotic rate in exposed mice than in sham controls (P < 0.001). TUNEL-positive cells were mainly spermatogonia. In an electron microscopic study, degenerating spermatogonia showed condensation of nuclear chromatin similar to apoptosis. These results indicate that apoptosis may be induced in spermatogenic cells in mice by continuous exposure to 60 Hz MF of 14 microT.  相似文献   

Curcumin, an active ingredient from the rhizome of the plant, Curcuma longa, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities. It has recently been demonstrated that the chemopreventive activities of curcumin might be due to its ability to inhibit cell growth and induce apoptosis. In the present study, we have investigated the effects of curcumin on growth and apoptosis in the human ovarian cancer cell line Ho-8910 by MTT assay, fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and Western blotting. Our data revealed that curcumin could significantly inhibit the growth and induce apoptosis in Ho-8910 cells. A decrease in expression of Bcl-2, Bcl-X(L) and pro-caspase-3 was observed after exposure to 40 microM curcumin, while the levels of p53 and Bax were increased in the curcumin-treated cells. These activities may contribute to the anticarcinogenic action of curcumin.  相似文献   

Functional role of caspases in heat-induced testicular germ cell apoptosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the present study, we determined whether a pan caspase inhibitor could prevent or attenuate heat-induced germ cell apoptosis. Groups of five adult (8 wk old) C57BL/6 mice pretreated with vehicle (DMSO) or Quinoline-Val-Asp (Ome)-CH2-O-Ph (Q-VD-OPH), a new generation broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, were exposed once to local testicular heating (43 degrees C for 15 min) and killed 6 h later. The inhibitor (40 mg/kg body weight) or vehicle was administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) 1 h before local testicular heating. Germ cell apoptosis was detected by TUNEL assay and quantitated as number of apoptotic germ cells per 100 Sertoli cells at stages XI-XII. Compared with controls (16.8 +/- 3.1), mild testicular hyperthermia within 6 h resulted in a marked activation (277.3 +/- 21.6) of germ cell apoptosis, as previously reported by us. Q-VD-OPH at this dose markedly inhibited caspase 3 activation and significantly prevented (by 67.0%) heat-induced germ cell apoptosis. Q-VD-OPH-mediated rescue of germ cells was independent of cytosolic translocation of mitochondrial cytochrome c and DIABLO. Electron microscopy further revealed normal appearance of these rescued cells. Similar protection from heat-induced germ cell apoptosis was also noted after pretreatment with minocycline, a second-generation tetracycline that effectively inhibits cytochrome c release and, in turn, caspase activation. Collectively, the present study emphasizes the role of caspases in heat-induced germ cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are exceptional adult stem cells that transfer genes to new generations. This behavior makes them unique cells for the production of transgenic farm animals. However, this goal has been hampered by their spontaneous differentiation during in vitro culture. Therefore, the objective of this study was the evaluation of the effects of different feeders on in vitro short-term culture of prepubertal bovine testicular germ cells. The isolated cell suspensions containing SSCs were enriched by Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and gelatin and were cultured in the presence of Glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and basic Fibroblastic Growth Factor (bFGF). After 7 d of culture, colonies were harvested and cultured on four different feeders, including SIM mouse embryo-derived thioguanine and ouabain resistant (STO), mouse embryonic fibroblast, bovine Sertoli cells (BSC) and on a laminin-coated plate. The number and area of colonies were measured at seven, 11 and 14 d post-culture. The expression of germ cells markers was detected using immunofluorescence and flow cytometry analyses on day 7, and quantitative real-time PCR at 14 d post-culture. Immunocytochemical staining revealed that colonies were positive for Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Thy-1, Oct-4, c-ret, α6-integrin, β1-integrin and negative for c-kit. In addition, the number and area of those colonies formed on the STO feeder were significantly greater than the other groups. Relative expressions of Thy-1 in the STO and in BSC groups were significantly higher than other groups but expression of Oct-4 was highest in the laminin group compared to other groups. In conclusion, STO might be a suitable feeder layer for in vitro propagation of bovine testicular germ cells.  相似文献   

Peanut agglutinin receptors expressed specifically in mouse testicular germ cells have been identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and lectin blotting techniques. Two major components were estimated to have molecular weights of 86,000 and isoelectric points of 6.1 +/- 0.3 and 6.2 +/- 0.3. Minor components with molecular weights of 71,000-74,000 and isoelectric points of 6.1 +/- 0.3 were also detected. Specific expression of these receptors on testicular germ cells was confirmed using the testes of mutant mice, Sld/Sld, devoid of germ cells.  相似文献   

Antioxidants may prevent apoptosis of cancer cells via inhibiting reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, to date no study has been carried out to elucidate the effects of strong antioxidant N‐acetylcysteine (NAC) on Bleomycin induced apoptosis in human testicular cancer (NTERA‐2, NT2) cells. For this reason, we studied the effects of Bleomycin and NAC alone and in combination on apoptotic signaling pathways in NT2 cell line. We determined the cytotoxic effect of bleomycin on NT2 cells and measured apoptosis markers such as Caspase‐3, ‐8, ‐9 activities and Bcl‐2, Bax, Cyt‐c, Annexin V‐FTIC and PI levels in NT2 cells incubated with different agents for 24 h. Early apoptosis was determined using FACS assay. We found half of the lethal dose (LD50) of Bleomycin on NT2 cell viability as 400, 100, and 20 µg/ml after incubations for 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively. Incubation with bleomycin (LD50) and H2O2 for 24 h increased Caspase‐3, ‐8, ‐9 activities, Cyt‐c and Bax levels and decreased Bcl‐2 levels. The concurrent incubation of NT2 cells with bleomycin/H2O2 and NAC (5 mM) for 24 h abolished bleomycin/H2O2‐dependent increases in Caspase‐3, ‐8, ‐9 activities, Bax and Cyt‐c levels and bleomycin/H2O2‐dependent decrease in Bcl‐2 level. Our results indicate that bleomycin/H2O2 induce apoptosis in NT2 cells by activating mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, while NAC diminishes bleomycin/H2O2 induced apoptosis. We conclude that NAC has antagonistic effects on Bleomycin‐induced apoptosis in NT2 cells and causes resistance to apoptosis which is not a desired effect in eliminating cancer cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1685–1694, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to understand the pathogenesis of estradiol induced effects in the seminiferous epithelium, studies were undertaken in adult rats with estradiol-3-benzoate administered for different durations. After 30 d of treatment, a significant rise in lipid peroxidation with concomitant fall in the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase was observed. Both, serum and intra-testicular testosterone levels were found severely depleted. Seminiferous epithelium was devoid of elongated spermatids and spermatozoa by 30 d of treatment. Number of spermatocytes and round spermatids were significantly (p < 0.001) reduced. Flowcytometric analysis confirmed a drastic reduction of the haploid cell population (1c peak). Beginning from day 10 of treatment, there was a consistent rise in the number of pyknotic/apoptotic germ cells in the seminiferous epithelium. A gradual increase in Bax protein expression was observed with the duration of treatment. The shift in Bax immunostaining from the cytoplasm and nucleus of germ cells (at 10 d of treatment) to only nuclei of cells by 30 d of treatment was also noticed. By this time testicular tissue showed three-fold increase in caspase-8 enzyme activity. Viable testicular cells isolated in vitro decreased drastically subsequent to different periods of estradiol treatment. The above findings substantiate the fact that the testicular pathogenesis of estradiol benzoate treatment may be primarily because of altered reproductive hormone levels and high oxidative stress leading to germ cell apoptosis and subsequent germ cell loss in the seminiferous epithelium.  相似文献   

Like other arteriviruses, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is shed in semen, a feature that is critical for the venereal transmission of this group of viruses. In spite of its epidemiological importance, little is known of the association of PRRSV or other arteriviruses with gonadal tissues. We experimentally infected a group of boars with PRRSV 12068-96, a virulent field strain. By combined use of in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we detected infection by PRRSV in the testes of these boars. The PRRSV testicular replication in testis centers on two types of cells: (i) epithelial germ cells of the seminiferous tubules, primarily spermatids and spermatocytes, and (ii) macrophages, which are located in the interstitium of the testis. Histopathologically, hypospermatogenesis, formation of multinucleated giant cells (MGCs), and abundant germ cell depletion and death were observed. We obtained evidence that such germ cell death occurs by apoptosis, as determined by a characteristic histologic pattern and evidence of massive DNA fragmentation detected in situ (TUNEL [terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated digoxigenin-UTP nick end labeling] assay). Simultaneously with these testicular alterations, we observed that there is a significant increase in the number of immature sperm cells (mainly MGCs, spermatids, and spermatocytes) in the ejaculates of the PRRSV-inoculated boars and that these cells are infected with PRRSV. Our results indicate that PRRSV may infect target cells other than macrophages, that these infected cells can be primarily responsible for the excretion of infectious PRRSV in semen, and that PRRSV induces apoptosis in these germ cells in vivo.  相似文献   

PERF 15 is a testicular germ cell specific fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) isolated from rat. Indirect immunofluorescent analysis of juvenile rat testis showed that there were some strongly PERF 15-positive spermatocytes. These cells showed unclear nuclear structure and were predicted to undergo apoptosis. Apoptosis in germ cells is an important regulatory event to limit the number of germ cells in the seminiferous epithelium, but the physiological significance and molecular mechanisms of this testicular germ cell apoptosis are poorly understood. To determine whether PERF 15 participates in germ cell apoptosis, juvenile rat testis was examined by immunohistochemical and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) methods. Strongly PERF 15-positive cells and TUNEL-positive cells were co-localized in adjacent sections. Exposure to methoxyacetic acid (MAA), known to induce apoptosis in spermatocytes, increased the number of strongly PERF 15-positive cells in 25-day-old rats' testes. Therefore, it seems that PERF 15 is involved in both spermatogenesis and testicular germ cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

Isolated pachytene spermatocytes liver longer than round spermatids in vitro. Indigenous formation of oxygen-derived free radicals and hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to germ cells. The germ cell antioxidant capacity may play an important role in this respect. In view of this, we have examined the activity and cellular localization of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione S-transferases (GST) in rat testicular cells. We have found significant differences in the distribution of these enzymatic activities in the germ cells. In addition, this study shows that alpha-tocopherol is found in various amounts in rat testicular cells in the order of: Sertoli cells greater than pachytene spermatocytes greater than round spermatids, with a factor of 4 in the alpha-tocopherol content between Sertoli cells and round spermatids.  相似文献   

Our earlier studies showed that bleomycin-induced apoptosis of type II alveolar epithelial cells (AECs) requires the autocrine synthesis and proteolytic processing of angiotensinogen into ANG II and that inhibitors of ANG-converting enzyme (ACEis) block bleomycin-induced apoptosis (Li X, Zhang H, Soledad-Conrad V, Zhuang J, and Uhal BD. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 284: L501-L507, 2003). Given the documented role of cathepsin D (CatD) in apoptosis of other cell types, we hypothesized that CatD might be the AEC enzyme responsible for the conversion of angiotensinogen into ANG I, the substrate for ACE. Primary cultures of rat type II AECs challenged with bleomycin in vitro showed upregulation and secretion of CatD enzymatic activity and immunoreactive protein but no increases in CatD mRNA. The aspartyl protease inhibitor pepstatin A, which completely blocked CatD enzymatic activity, inhibited bleomycin-induced nuclear fragmentation by 76% and reduced bleomycin-induced caspase-3 activation by 47%. Antisense oligonucleotides against CatD mRNA reduced CatD-immunoreactive protein and inhibited bleomycin-induced nuclear fragmentation by 48%. A purified fragment of angiotensinogen (F1-14) containing the CatD and ACE cleavage sites, when applied to unchallenged AEC in vitro, yielded mature ANG II peptide and induced apoptosis. The apoptosis induced by F1-14 was inhibited 96% by pepstatin A and 77% by neutralizing antibodies specific for CatD (both P < 0.001). These data indicate a critical role for CatD in bleomycin-induced apoptosis of cultured AEC and suggest that the role(s) of CatD in AEC apoptosis include the conversion of newly synthesized angiotensinogen to ANG II.  相似文献   

Glycogen is the main source of glucose for many biological events. However, this molecule may have other functions, including those that have deleterious effects on cells. The rate‐limiting enzyme in glycogen synthesis is glycogen synthase (GS). It is encoded by two genes, GYS1, expressed in muscle (muscle glycogen synthase, MGS) and other tissues, and GYS2, primarily expressed in liver (liver glycogen synthase, LGS). Expression of GS and its activity have been widely studied in many tissues. To date, it is not clear which GS isoform is responsible for glycogen synthesis and the role of glycogen in testis. Using RT‐PCR, Western blot and immunofluorescence, we have detected expression of MGS but not LGS in mice testis during development. We have also evaluated GS activity and glycogen storage at different days after birth and we show that both GS activity and levels of glycogen are higher during the first days of development. Using RT‐PCR, we have also shown that malin and laforin are expressed in testis, key enzymes for regulation of GS activity. These proteins form an active complex that regulates MGS by poly‐ubiquitination in both Sertoli cell and male germ cell lines. In addition, PTG overexpression in male germ cell line triggered apoptosis by caspase3 activation, proposing a proapoptotic role of glycogen in testis. These findings suggest that GS activity and glycogen synthesis in testis could be regulated and a disruption of this process may be responsible for the apoptosis and degeneration of seminiferous tubules and possible cause of infertility. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1653–1664, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on testicular DNA synthesis in mice was studied in vitro. By using cultures of cryptorchid testis, DNA synthesis of differentiated germ cells, such as intermediate and type B spermatogonia and resting primary spermatocytes, was shown to be temperature-sensitive, while that of undifferentiated type A spermatogonia was not. DNA synthesis of non-germ cells was not temperature-sensitive. This temperature sensitivity of germ cells in DNA synthesis may be one cause of the thermal inhibition of germ cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Massive apoptosis of pubertal male germ cells is important for the development of functional spermatogenesis in the adult testis. Although the trigger(s) for male germ cell loss at puberty remain undefined, we have hypothesized that transforming growth factor-betas (TGF-βs) play an active role. Here we demonstrate that the three mammalian TGF-β isoforms, TGF-β1, TGF-β2 and TGF-β3, induce distinct apoptosis of pubertal spermatogonia and spermatocytes in a dose-dependent manner. Induction of male germ cell death by activation of caspase-3 was most pronounced with TGF-β2 compared to TGF-β1 and TGF-β3. Furthermore, we found colocalization of activated caspase-3 with apoptotic protease-activating factor-1 (Apaf-1) in apoptotic germ cells, thus indicating the importance of the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway in TGF-β-induced apoptosis. The specificity of the TGF-β effects was proven by addition of recombinant latency-associated peptide against TGF-β1 (rLAP-TGF-β1) which completely abolished TGF-β1-induced and TGF-β3-induced germ cell apoptosis. Although TGF-β2-triggered germ cell death also was significantly reduced by rLAP-TGF-β1, inhibition was not maximal. Our results suggest that the three TGF-β isoforms induce apoptosis of pubertal male germ cells via the mitochondrial pathway in vitro and are thus likely candidates involved in the excessive first wave of apoptosis of male germ cells during puberty. Lutz Konrad and Marcel Munir Keilani contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

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