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This article deals with the identification of gene regulatory networks from experimental data using a statistical machine learning approach. A stochastic model of gene interactions capable of handling missing variables is proposed. It can be described as a dynamic Bayesian network particularly well suited to tackle the stochastic nature of gene regulation and gene expression measurement. Parameters of the model are learned through a penalized likelihood maximization implemented through an extended version of EM algorithm. Our approach is tested against experimental data relative to the S.O.S. DNA Repair network of the Escherichia coli bacterium. It appears to be able to extract the main regulations between the genes involved in this network. An added missing variable is found to model the main protein of the network. Good prediction abilities on unlearned data are observed. These first results are very promising: they show the power of the learning algorithm and the ability of the model to capture gene interactions.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interaction networks: from interactions to networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of interaction proteomics that studies the protein-protein interactions of all expressed proteins is to understand biological processes that are strictly regulated by these interactions. The availability of entire genome sequences of many organisms and high-throughput analysis tools has led scientists to study the entire proteome (Pandey and Mann, 2000). There are various high-throughput methods for detecting protein interactions such as yeast two-hybrid approach and mass spectrometry to produce vast amounts of data that can be utilized to decipher protein functions in complicated biological networks. In this review, we discuss recent developments in analytical methods for large-scale protein interactions and the future direction of interaction proteomics.  相似文献   

Antiidiotypic networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jerne envisions the immune system as a web of V domains that constitutes an idiotypic network. He thinks that regulatory processes governed by idiotypic interactions can explain the generation of the various immune states. We discuss a few models that furnish information about the possible configuration of this immune network: closed or open ended. It appears that closed configurations only can generate stable immune states. Moreover, we cite some experimental data in favor of the network hypothesis. We show how they can lead to propose the structure of functional regulatory circuits whose cellular and molecular interactions are mediated by idiotypic recognition processes.  相似文献   

Biological networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent advances in high-throughput methods have provided us with a first glimpse of the overall structure of molecular interaction networks in biological systems. Ultimately, we expect that such information will change how we think about biological systems in a fundamental way. Instead of viewing the genetic parts list of an organism as a loose collection of biochemical activities, in the best case, we anticipate discrete networks of function to bridge the gap between genotype and phenotype, and to do so in a more profound way than the current qualitative classification of linked reactions into familiar pathways, such as glycolysis and the MAPK signal transduction cascades. At the present time, however, we are still far from a complete answer to the most basic question: what can we learn about biology by studying networks? Promising steps in this direction have come from such diverse approaches as mathematical analysis of global network structure, partitioning networks into functionally related modules and motifs, and even de novo design of networks. A complete picture will probably require integrating the data obtained from all of these approaches with modeling efforts at many different levels of detail.  相似文献   

Phylogenomics is aimed at studying functional and evolutionary aspects of genome biology using phylogenetic analysis of whole genomes. Current approaches to genome phylogenies are commonly founded in terms of phylogenetic trees. However, several evolutionary processes are non tree-like in nature, including recombination and lateral gene transfer (LGT). Phylogenomic networks are a special type of phylogenetic network reconstructed from fully sequenced genomes. The network model, comprising genomes connected by pairwise evolutionary relations, enables the reconstruction of both vertical and LGT events. Modeling genome evolution in the form of a network enables the use of an extensive toolbox developed for network research. The structural properties of phylogenomic networks open up fundamentally new insights into genome evolution.  相似文献   

Motor control in primates relates to a system which is highly redundant from the mechanical point of view — redundancy coming from an imbalance between the set of independently controllable variables and the set of system variables. The consequence is the manifestation of a broad class of ill-posed problems, problems for which it is difficult to identify unique solutions. For example (i) the problem of determining the coordinated patterns of rotation of the arm joints for a planned trajectory of the hand; (ii) the problem of determining the distribution of muscle forces for a desired set of joint torques. Ill-posed problems, in general, require regularization methods which allow to spell acceptable, if not unique, solutions. In the case of the motor system, we propose that the basic regularization mechanism is provided by the potential fields generated by the elastic properties of muscles, according to an organizational principle that we call Passive Motion Paradigm. The physiological basis of this hypothesis is reviewed and a Kinematic Network (K-net) model is proposed that expresses the kinematic transformations and the causal relations implied by elasticity. Moreover, it is shown how K-nets can be obtained from a kinematic Body Model, in the context of a specific task. Two particularly significant results are: (i) the uniform treatment of closed as well as open kinematic chains, and (ii) the development of a new method for the automatic generation of kinematic equations with arbitrary topology. Moreover, the model is akin to the concept of motor equivalence in the sense that it provides families of motor equivalent trajectories parametrized by tunable motor impedances.  相似文献   

The behavior of two pacemaker neurons simulated by leaky integrators and connected reciprocally by synapses was studied. In every case the firing of both neurons phase-locks. The resulting limit cycle may or may not show simultaneous firing of both neurons. When both synapses are excitatory, phase-locking with simultaneous neuronal firing is always present. When one synapse is excitatory and the other inhibitory, phase-locking is also present always, while the neurons may or may not fire simultaneously. For a restricted set of parameters, bistability appears; the initial conditions determine whether or not the limit cycle presents simultaneous firing. When both synapses are inhibitory, the system phase-locks without simultaneous firing for almost every set of parameters.  相似文献   

D Koruga 《Bio Systems》1990,23(4):297-303
We describe a new approach in the research of neural networks. This research is based on molecular networks in the neuron. If we use molecular networks as a sub-neuron factor of neural networks, it is a more realistic approach than today's concepts in this new computer technology field, because the artificial neural activity profile is similar to the profile of the action potential in the natural neuron. The molecular networks approach can be used in three technologies: neurocomputer, neurochip and molecular chip. This means that molecular networks open new fields of science and engineering called molecular-like machines and molecular machines.  相似文献   

We investigate interaction networks that we derive from multivariate time series with methods frequently employed in diverse scientific fields such as biology, quantitative finance, physics, earth and climate sciences, and the neurosciences. Mimicking experimental situations, we generate time series with finite length and varying frequency content but from independent stochastic processes. Using the correlation coefficient and the maximum cross-correlation, we estimate interdependencies between these time series. With clustering coefficient and average shortest path length, we observe unweighted interaction networks, derived via thresholding the values of interdependence, to possess non-trivial topologies as compared to Erd?s-Rényi networks, which would indicate small-world characteristics. These topologies reflect the mostly unavoidable finiteness of the data, which limits the reliability of typically used estimators of signal interdependence. We propose random networks that are tailored to the way interaction networks are derived from empirical data. Through an exemplary investigation of multichannel electroencephalographic recordings of epileptic seizures--known for their complex spatial and temporal dynamics--we show that such random networks help to distinguish network properties of interdependence structures related to seizure dynamics from those spuriously induced by the applied methods of analysis.  相似文献   

Phytochrome-hormonal signalling networks   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

The indeterminate growth habit of fungal mycelial can produce massive organisms spanning kilometres, whereas the hypha, the modular building block of these structures, is only a few microns in diameter. The qualitative and quantitative relationship between these scales is difficult to establish using experimental methods alone and a large number of mathematical models have been constructed to assist in the investigation of the multi-scale form and function of filamentous fungi. Many such models operate at the colony-scale, representing the hyphal network as either a regular lattice or as a geometrically-unconstrained structure that changes according to a minimal set of specified rules focussed on the fundamental processes responsible for growth and function. In this review we discuss the historical development and recent applications of such models and suggest some future directions.  相似文献   

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