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We have isolated a lambda-transducing phage carrying the gene (glnS) for Escherichia coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase. The location of the glnS gene within the 13.5-kilobase E. coli DNA transducing fragment was determined by genetic means. The glnS gene was recloned into plasmid pBR322 and its nucleotide sequence was established. The DNA sequence translates to a protein of 550 amino acids.  相似文献   

The heat shock proteins DnaK and DnaJ of Escherichia coli participate in phosphorylation of both glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and threonyl-tRNA synthetase. When cellular proteins extracted from the dnaK7(Ts) and dnaJ259(Ts) mutant cells labeled with 32Pi at 42 degrees C were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, no phosphorylation of these proteins was observed when they were compared with those from wild-type cells.  相似文献   

The glt operon of Escherichia coli comprises the structural genes for the glutamate synthase subunits (gltB and gltD) and gltF, whose product was previously suggested to have regulatory functions. The A/T-rich region between gltD and gltF contains a weak promoter and a translation initiation site for gltF. The GltF protein is preceded by a signal peptide, which is cleaved off during export into the periplasmic space. A gltF::Km(R) insertion mutant was constructed and shown here to have no detectable phenotype with respect to amino acid utilization or ammonium transport. Thus, GltF is apparently not involved in regulation of nitrogen catabolism.  相似文献   

H Itikawa  M Wada  K Sekine  H Fujita 《Biochimie》1989,71(9-10):1079-1087
In Escherichia coli K-12, the heat shock protein DnaK and DnaJ participate in phosphorylation of both glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and threonyl-tRNA synthetase since when cellular proteins extracted from the dnaK7(Ts), dnaK756(Ts) and dnaJ259(Ts) mutant cells labeled with 32Pi at 42 degrees C were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, no phosphorylation of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and threonyl-tRNA synthetase was observed while phosphorylation of both aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases was detected in the samples extracted from wild-type cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated from a Lambda-gt 11 library a human cDNA clone with one open reading frame of about 2400 bases. A stretch of about 350 amino acids in the deduced amino acid sequence is up to 40 percent identical with parts of the known amino acid sequences of E. coli and yeast glutaminyl (Gln)-tRNA synthetase. The isolated cDNA sequence corresponds to an internal section of a 5500 bases long mRNA that codes for a 170 kDa polypeptide associated with Gln-tRNA synthetase. Thus, the human enzyme is about three times larger than the E. coli and two times larger than the yeast Gln-tRNA synthetase. The three enzymes share an evolutionarily conserved core but differ in amino acid sequences linked to the N-terminal and C-terminal side of the core.  相似文献   

Natural evolution has resulted in protein molecules displaying a wide range of binding properties that include extremes of affinity and specificity. A detailed understanding of the principles underlying protein structure-function relationships, particularly with respect to binding properties, would greatly enhance molecular engineering and ligand design studies. Here, we have analyzed the interactions of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase for which strong evolutionary pressure has enforced high specificity for substrate binding and catalysis. Electrostatic interactions have been identified as one efficient mechanism for enhancing binding specificity; as such, the effects of charged and polar groups were the focus of this study. The binding of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli to several ligands, including the natural substrates, was analyzed. The electrostatic complementarity of the enzyme to its ligands was assessed using measures derived from affinity optimization theory. The results were independent of the details of the calculational parameters, including the value used for the protein dielectric constant. Glutamine and ATP, two of the natural ligands, were found to be extremely complementary to their binding sites, particularly in regions seen to make electrostatic interactions in the structure. These data suggest that the optimization of electrostatic interactions has played an important role in guiding the evolution of this enzyme. The results also show that the enzyme is able to effectively select for high affinity and specificity for the same chemical moieties both in the context of smaller substrates, and in that of a larger reactive intermediate. The regions of greatest non-complementarity between the enzyme and ligands are the portions of the ligand that make few polar contacts with the binding site, as well as the sites of chemical reaction, where overly strong electrostatic binding interactions with the substrate could hinder catalysis. The results also suggest that the negative charge on the phosphorus center of glutaminyl-adenylate plays an important role in the tight binding of this intermediate, and thus that adenylate analogs that preserve the negative charge in this region may bind substantially tighter than analogs where this group is replaced with a neutral group, such as the sulfamoyl family, which can make similar hydrogen bonds but is uncharged.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli tls-1 strain carrying a mutated aspS gene (coding for aspartyl-tRNA synthetase), which causes a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype, was cloned by PCR, sequenced, and shown to contain a single mutation resulting in substitution by serine of the highly conserved proline 555, which is located in motif 3. When an aspS fragment spanning the codon for proline 555 was transformed into the tls-1 strain, it was shown to restore the wild-type phenotype via homologous recombination with the chromosomal tls-1 allele. The mutated AspRS purified from an overproducing strain displayed marked temperature sensitivity, with half-life values of 22 and 68 min (at 42 degrees C), respectively, for tRNA aminoacylation and ATP/PPi exchange activities. Km values for aspartic acid, ATP, and tRNA(Asp) did not significantly differ from those of the native enzyme; thus, mutation Pro555Ser lowers the stability of the functional configuration of both the acylation and the amino acid activation sites but has no significant effect on substrate binding. This decrease in stability appears to be related to a conformational change, as shown by gel filtration analysis. Structural data strongly suggest that the Pro555Ser mutation lowers the stability of the Lys556 and Thr557 positions, since these two residues, as shown by the crystallographic structure of the enzyme, are involved in the active site and in contacts with the tRNA acceptor arm, respectively.  相似文献   

In the course of a structural genomics program aiming at solving the structures of Escherichia coli open reading frame products of unknown function, we have determined the structure of YadB at 1.5A using molecular replacement. The YadB protein is 298 amino acid residues long and displays 34% sequence identity with E.coli glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS). It is much shorter than GluRS, which contains 468 residues, and lacks the complete domain interacting with the tRNA anticodon loop. As E.coli GluRS, YadB possesses a Zn2+ located in the putative tRNA acceptor stem-binding domain. The YadB cluster uses cysteine residues as the first three zinc ligands, but has a weaker tyrosine ligand at the fourth position. It shares with canonical amino acid RNA synthetases a major functional feature, namely activation of the amino acid (here glutamate). It differs, however, from GluRSs by the fact that the activation step is tRNA-independent and that it does not catalyze attachment of the activated glutamate to E.coli tRNAGlu, but to another, as yet unknown tRNA. These results suggest thus a novel function, distinct from that of GluRSs, for the yadB gene family.  相似文献   

The traY gene product (TraYp) from the Escherichia coli F factor has previously been purified and shown to bind a DNA fragment containing the F plasmid oriT region (E. E. Lahue and S. W. Matson, J. Bacteriol. 172:1385-1391, 1990). To determine the precise nucleotide sequence bound by TraYp, DNase I footprinting was performed. The TraYp-binding site is near, but not coincident with, the site that is nicked to initiate conjugative DNA transfer. In addition, a second TraYp binding site, which is coincident with the mRNA start site at the traYI promoter, is described. The Kd for each binding site was determined by a gel mobility shift assay. TraYp exhibits a fivefold higher affinity for the oriT binding site compared with the traYI promoter binding site. Hydrodynamic studies were performed to show that TraYp is a monomer in solution under the conditions used in DNA binding assays. Early genetic experiments implicated the traY gene product in the site- and strand-specific endonuclease activity that nicks at oriT (R. Everett and N. Willetts, J. Mol. Biol. 136:129-150, 1980; S. McIntire and N. Willetts, Mol. Gen. Genet. 178:165-172, 1980). As this activity has recently been ascribed to helicase I, it was of interest to see whether TraYp had any effect on this reaction. Addition of TraYp to nicking reactions catalyzed by helicase I showed no effect on the rate or efficiency of oriT nicking. Roles for TraYp in conjugative DNA transfer and a possible mode of binding to DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

Identification of the purC gene product of Escherichia coli.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The purC region of the Escherichia coli chromosome was isolated from in vivo-derived lambda transducing bacteriophages and cloned in high-copy-number plasmids. The product of the purC gene, phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthetase, was identified as a protein with an Mr of ca. 27,000. The level of the protein is increased by more than 60-fold in strains carrying the gene on a high-copy-number plasmid. Purine addition represses the enzyme level in both plasmid- and non-plasmid-containing strains.  相似文献   

The relA gene product, ATP: GTP 3'-pyrophosphotransferase (stringent factor) has been isolated in homogeneous form from an Escherichia coli strain polyploid for this gene at a yield of 1 mg/100 g cells and at a specific activity in a ribosome-activated assay at 37 degrees C of 120 mumol guanosine pentaphosphate formed min-1 mg protein-1. The specific activity in a methanol-activated assay at 25 degrees C was found to be 4 mumol guanosine pentaphosphate formed min-1 mg protein-1. These values are about 100 times higher than reported by others. Our further studies of this enzyme led to the following results. Antibodies raised against this enzyme inhibit the ribosome-activated synthesis of guanosine tetraphosphate and pentaphosphate but have no effect on the much slower synthesis, detected in the absence of ribosomes. The amount of stringent factor in the relA+ strain CP78 is estimated to about 1 copy per 200 ribosomes. The amount of antibody-binding material in CP79 (relA) is at least 5 times lower.  相似文献   

Identification of the rodA gene product of Escherichia coli.   总被引:2,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Purine nucleoside phosphorylases (PNPs, E. C. use orthophosphate to cleave the N-glycosidic bond of beta-(deoxy)ribonucleosides to yield alpha-(deoxy)ribose 1-phosphate and the free purine base. Escherichia coli PNP-II, the product of the xapA gene, is similar to trimeric PNPs in sequence, but has been reported to migrate as a hexamer and to accept xanthosine with comparable efficiency to guanosine and inosine, the usual physiological substrates for trimeric PNPs. Here, we present a detailed biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of E.coli PNP-II. In three different crystal forms, PNP-II trimers dimerize, leading to a subunit arrangement that is qualitatively different from the "trimer of dimers" arrangement of conventional high molecular mass PNPs. Crystal structures are compatible with similar binding modes for guanine and xanthine, with a preference for the neutral over the monoanionic form of xanthine. A single amino acid exchange, tyrosine 191 to leucine, is sufficient to convert E.coli PNP-II into an enzyme with the specificity of conventional trimeric PNPs, but the reciprocal mutation in human PNP, valine 195 to tyrosine, does not elicit xanthosine phosphorylase activity in the human enzyme.  相似文献   

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