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在350m氦氧模拟饱和及370m巡回潜水实验中,观察了16项肺功能指标及其衍生指标的定期监测结果。通过监测试图对暴露于高气压环境中人员的安全性、作业能力作出客观的评价,以加强医学保障,同时对大深度氦氧环境所导致的呼吸功能改变进行实验研究。  相似文献   

为了使我国大深度饱和潜水向纵深发展,适应未来海洋开发的需要,我所建成了500m饱和潜水设备系统,结合验收该设备的性能,进行了3.6MPa(350m)氦氧饱和潜水模拟实验的医学保障研究,心血管功能监测是实验研究的一部分。 1 材料和方法 500m(5.1MPa)饱和潜水设备系统由居住舱(17m~3)、过渡舱(8m~3)和巡潜水舱(19m~3)三部分组成。本次实验的模拟压力为3.6MPa。呼吸氦氧混合气,其中Po_2为40±2kPa,P_(N2)为90kPa,P_(co2)—  相似文献   

目的:探讨模拟65 msw饱和潜水暴露对机体氧化应激的影响。方法:7名健康男性潜水员参加65 msw饱和潜水,在暴露前、中、后取24 h尿检测超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)、总氨基酸(T-AA)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)含量,同时监测24 h尿量及体重变化。结果:总氨基酸含量在减压末期比基础值显著增高,减压后1周恢复至正常水平;SOD、MDA、T-AOC在各时间点无明显变化。进舱后第1天尿量比进舱前基础值明显减少,随后逐渐恢复。加压后第2天开始体重逐渐增高,减压结束时比进舱前体重明显增高。结论:模拟65 msw饱和潜水暴露未造成参试潜水员明显氧化损伤。在饱和潜水试验中实时监测24 h尿量及氧化应激程度对防止机体损伤具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨海上大深度饱和潜水对潜水员血浆和尿液中CRH、β EP含量的影响。 方法 :用放射免疫法检测潜水员饱和前后血浆CRH、β EP含量和潜水员在饱和潜水前、加压后、饱和暴露期间及减压后尿中CRH和 β EP的含量。 结果 :血浆CRH含量在饱和潜水后显著高于饱和潜水前 (P <0 .0 1 )。尿液中的CRH、β EP含量在加压后、饱和期间及减压后均显著高于饱和潜水前 (P <0 .0 5)。结论 :大深度饱和潜水能引起潜水员血浆和尿液中CRH、β EP含量的改变 ,CRH、β EP参与了大深度饱和潜水引起的机体应激反应  相似文献   

本实验在我国首次进行的350m氦氧模拟饱和潜水试验中研究了人体肾上腺皮质及髓质功能的变化,这对潜水员的选拔及健康保障具有重要意义。 对象及方法 讲究对象 男性海军现役潜水员4名,经严格体检除外各种疾病。年龄20~22岁、身高169~173cm.体重64.5~68kg,潜水工龄2~4年。试验前均经过2.5个月严格适应性训练。  相似文献   

氦氧潜水减压时间长。Keler利用转换呼吸气体成分的方法大大地缩短了减压时间,在减压中,以氦氧混合气(He-O2)转为空气最常见,但是,这种方式的气体转换后,有时会发生内耳减压病,其症状为眼震、耳呜、耳聋、恶心、呕吐,重者出现运动平衡失调。本研究旨在...  相似文献   

本实验观察了潜水员的左心室功能、心电图和阻抗心动图,以了解200m(21ATA)氦氧饱和潜水巾、及以后人体血流动力学变化。 方法 受试潜水员共4名,平均年龄23.3±0.5岁,体重66.1±4.1kg,身高173.8±3.9cm,体表面积1.75±0.07m~2。模拟深度200m,饱和停留53小时,呼吸氦氧混合气,其中Po_2444.4  相似文献   

在350m氦氧模拟饱和潜水过程中,对4名男性潜水员采用耳密度图导数图方法观察坐位踏车时心缩间期变化。在压力(300、230、135m)下和减压后的主要变化是等容收缩期、射血前期(PEP)和PEP/左室射血时间加大,与加压前比较有显著差异,尤其在踏车负荷加重时更为明显。提示心肌收缩力受高气压的影响而降低。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate energy balance in professional male breath-hold divers in Tsushima Island, Japan. In 4 divers, rectal (Tre) and mean skin (Tsk) temperatures and rate of O2 consumption (VO2) were measured during diving work in summer (27 degrees C water) and winter (14 degrees C water). Thermal insulation and energy costs of diving work were estimated. In summer, comparisons were made of subjects clad either in wet suits (protected) or in swimming trunks (unprotected), and in winter, they wore wet suits. The average Tre in unprotected divers decreased to 36.4 +/- 0.2 degrees C at the end of 1-h diving work, but in protected divers it decreased to 37.2 +/- 0.3 degrees C in 2 h in summer and to 36.9 +/- 0.1 degree C in 1.5 h in winter. The average Tsk of unprotected divers decreased to 28.0 +/- 0.6 degrees C in summer and that of protected divers decreased to 32.9 +/- 0.5 degrees C in summer and 28.0 +/- 0.3 degrees C in winter. Average VO2 increased 190% (from 370 ml/min before diving to 1,070 ml/min) in unprotected divers in summer, but in protected divers it rose 120% (from 360 to 780 ml/min) in summer and 110% (from 330 to 690 ml/min) in winter. Overall thermal insulation (tissue and wet suit) calculated for protected divers was 0.065 +/- 0.006 degree C X kcal-1 X m-2 X h-1 in summer and 0.135 +/- 0.019 degree C X kcal-1 X m-2 X h-1 in winter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of pressure reduction, decompression rate, and repeated exposure on venous gas bubble formation were determined in five groups (GI, GII, GIII, GIV, and GV) of conscious and freely moving rats in a heliox atmosphere. Bubbles were recorded with a Doppler ultrasound probe implanted around the inferior caval vein. Rats were held for 16 h at 0.4 MPa (GI), 0.5 MPa (GII and GIII), 1.7 MPa (GIVa), or 1.9 MPa (GIV and GV), followed by decompression to 0.1 MPa in GI to GIII and to 1.1 MPa in GIV and GV. A greater decompression step, but at the same rate (GII vs. GI and GIVb vs. GIVa), resulted in significantly more bubbles (P < 0.01). A twofold decompression step resulted in equal amount of bubbles when decompressing to 1.1 MPa compared with 0.1 MPa. The faster decompression in GII and GVa (10.0 kPa/s) resulted in significantly more bubbles (P < 0.01) compared with GIII and GVb (2.2 kPa/s). No significant difference was observed in cumulative bubble score when comparing first and second exposure. With the present animal model, different decompression regimes may be evaluated.  相似文献   

End tidal O2 and CO2 (PETCO2) pressures, expired volume, blood lactate concentration ([Lab]), and arterial blood O2 saturation [dry breath holds (BHs) only] were assessed in three elite breath-hold divers (ED) before and after deep dives and BH and in nine control subjects (C; BH only). After the dives (depth 40-70 m, duration 88-151 s), end-tidal O2 pressure decreased from approximately 140 Torr to a minimum of 30.6 Torr, PETCO2 increased from approximately 25 Torr to a maximum of 47.0 Torr, and expired volume (BTPS) ranged from 1.32 to 2.86 liters. Pulmonary O2 exchange was 455-1,006 ml. CO2 output approached zero. [Lab] increased from approximately 1.2 mM to at most 6.46 mM. Estimated power output during dives was 513-929 ml O2/min, i.e. approximately 20-30% of maximal O2 consumption. During BH, alveolar PO2 decreased from approximately 130 to less than 30 Torr in ED and from 125 to 45 Torr in C. PETCO2 increased from approximately 30 to approximately 50 Torr in both ED and C. Contrary to C, pulmonary O2 exchange in ED was less than resting O2 consumption, whereas CO2 output approached zero in both groups. [Lab] was unchanged. Arterial blood O2 saturation decreased more in ED than in C. ED are characterized by increased anaerobic metabolism likely due to the existence of a diving reflex.  相似文献   

This study addressed the effects of apnea in air and apnea with face immersion in cold water (10 degrees C) on the diving response and arterial oxygen saturation during dynamic exercise. Eight trained breath-hold divers performed steady-state exercise on a cycle ergometer at 100 W. During exercise, each subject performed 30-s apneas in air and 30-s apneas with face immersion. The heart rate and arterial oxygen saturation decreased and blood pressure increased during the apneas. Compared with apneas in air, apneas with face immersion augmented the heart rate reduction from 21 to 33% (P < 0.001) and the blood pressure increase from 34 to 42% (P < 0.05). The reduction in arterial oxygen saturation from eupneic control was 6.8% during apneas in air and 5.2% during apneas with face immersion (P < 0.05). The results indicate that augmentation of the diving response slows down the depletion of the lung oxygen store, possibly associated with a larger reduction in peripheral venous oxygen stores and increased anaerobiosis. This mechanism delays the fall in alveolar and arterial PO(2) and, thereby, the development of hypoxia in vital organs. Accordingly, we conclude that the human diving response has an oxygen-conserving effect during exercise.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules in myogenesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

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