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Summary Each one of at least three unlinked STA loci (STA1, STA2 and STA3), in the genome of Saccharomyces diastaticus controls starch hydrolysis by coding for an extracellular glucoamylase. Cloned STA2 sequences were used as hybridization probes to investigate the physical structure of the family of STA genes in the genomes of different Saccharomyces strains. Sta+ strains, each carrying a single genetically defined STA locus, were crossed with a Sta strain and the segregation behavior of the functional locus (i.e. Sta+) and sequences homologous to a cloned STA2 glucoamylase structural gene at that locus were analyzed. The results indicate that in all strains examined there is a multiplicity of sequences that are homologous to STA2 DNA but that only the functional STA loci contain extensive 5 and 3 homology to each other and can be identified as residing on unique fragments of DNA; that all laboratory yeast strains examined contain extensive regions of the glucoamylase gene sequences at or closely linked to the STA1 chromosomal position; that the STA1 locus contains two distinct glucoamylase gene sequences that are closely linked to each other; and that all laboratory strains examined also contain another ubiquitous sequence that is not allelic to STA1 and is nonfunctional (Sta), but has retained extensive sequence homology to the 5 end of the cloned STA2 gene. It was also determined that the DEX genes (which control dextrin hydrolysis in S. diastaticus), MAL5 (a gene once thought to control maltose metabolism in yeast) and the STA genes are allelic to each other in the following manner: STA1 and DEX2, STA1 and MAL5, and STA2 and DEX1 and STA3 and DEX3.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast phosphofructokinase is an octamer composed of two different kinds of subunit. The genes coding for these subunits have been isolated by means of functional complementation in a pfk1 pfk2 double mutant. As a source of DNA the genomic library of Nasmyth and Tatchell (1980) constructed in the yeast multicopy vector YEp13 was used. Plasmids containing the information of one or the other gene were identified by back-transformation into pfk single mutants (pfk1 PFK2, PFK1 pfk2). Restriction maps of the respective insertions are provided. The genomic organization was confirmed by Southern analysis. Northern analysis showed hybridization to mRNAs of about 3.6 kb for both genes, corresponding to the molecular weight of the protein subunits. Transformation with one of the plasmids did not lead to an increase in phosphofructokinase activity. Subcloning of both genes in one multicopy vector (YEp13) and reintroduction into the yeast cell resulted in a 3.5-fold higher specific activity compared to the wild type. Overproduction of the protein subunits in this transformant was confirmed by SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis of crude extracts stained with Coomassie-blue. This was not accompanied by an increased ethanol production. The sequences encoding the two subunits were shown to share homology.  相似文献   

Control of maltase synthesis in yeast   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Maltose fermentation in Saccharomyces species requires the presence of at least one of five unlinked MAL loci: MAL1, MAL2, MAL3, MAL4 and MAL6. Each MAL locus is complex consisting of at least three genes: a trans-acting activator, a maltose permease, and maltase. All the MAL loci show homology to each other both at the sequence level as determined by Southern transfer analysis and at the functional level as determined by complementation. We describe the organization of the MAL loci in yeast and the basic features of their regulation. The analysis of MAL has contributed to our understanding of the evolution of multigenic families, the global integration of carbohydrate metabolism, and gene regulation.  相似文献   

A gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been mapped, cloned, sequenced and shown to encode a catalytic subunit of an N-terminal acetyltransferase. Regions of this gene, NAT1, and the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase genes of bacteria have limited but significant homology. A nat1 null mutant is viable but exhibits a variety of phenotypes, including reduced acetyltransferase activity, derepression of a silent mating type locus (HML) and failure to enter G0. All these phenotypes are identical to those of a previously characterized mutant, ard1. NAT1 and ARD1 are distinct genes that encode proteins with no obvious similarity. Concomitant overexpression of both NAT1 and ARD1 in yeast causes a 20-fold increase in acetyltransferase activity in vitro, whereas overexpression of either NAT1 or ARD1 alone does not raise activity over basal levels. A functional iso-1-cytochrome c protein, which is N-terminally acetylated in a NAT1 strain, is not acetylated in an isogenic nat1 mutant. At least 20 other yeast proteins, including histone H2B, are not N-terminally acetylated in either nat1 or ard1 mutants. These results suggest that NAT1 and ARD1 proteins function together to catalyze the N-terminal acetylation of a subset of yeast proteins.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants affecting maltose utilization in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been isolated. Two such mutants although failing to ferment maltose at the restrictive temperature, have normal induced level of maltase. The third mutant (UNT-37) not only failed to ferment maltose but has 5-6 fold less induced level of maltase at the restrictive temperature than the parental strain. The genetic control mechanisms of maltase induction and maltose utilization have been discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A new series of maltase negative mutants have been isolated from yeast strains carrying the MAL4 gene. These mutants are allelic to the MAL4 gene and fail to ferment maltose, sucrose, and alphamethylglucoside. Most revertants isolated from these mutants restore the ability to ferment above sugars, and also produce the same levels of maltase as the parental strains. One of the revertants (NA-520-R1), however, ferments maltose slowly, and produces 24 fold less enzyme than the parental strain. Genetic studies revealed that revertant (NA-520-R1), is not a truc back mutation but is carrying an extra-genic suppressor, which suppresses the mal4 allele in mutant (NA-520). Since several lines of published evidence indicate that the MAL4 gene is a regulatory gene, it is suggested that the MAL4 gene codes for a regulatory protein, which acts as positive regulatory element in maltase synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to resolve the question of structural versus regulatory genes, we have isolated several maltase negative mutants from strain 1403-7A, which carries the MAL4 gene. Antibody required for 50% inhibition of enzyme activity in these mutant strains is directly proportional to the amount of activity present, and no evidence was found for the presence of immunologically cross reacting material. These results suggest that either a gene closely linked to the MAL4 gene has a regulatory function or the MAL4 gene itself is a regulatory gene.  相似文献   

Hollunder J  Beyer A  Wilhelm T 《Proteomics》2005,5(8):2082-2089
Protein complexes are major components of cellular organization. Based on large-scale protein complex data, we present the first statistical procedure to find insightful substructures in protein complexes: we identify protein subcomplexes (SCs), i.e., multiprotein assemblies residing in different protein complexes. Four protein complex datasets with different origins and variable reliability are separately analyzed. Our method identifies well-characterized protein assemblies with known functions, thereby confirming the utility of the procedure. In addition, we also identify hitherto unknown functional entities consisting of either functionally unknown proteins or proteins with different functional annotation. We show that SCs represent more reliable protein assemblies than the original complexes. Finally, we demonstrate unique properties of subcomplex proteins that underline the distinct roles of SCs: (i) SCs are functionally and spatially more homogeneous than complete protein complexes (this fact is utilized to predict functional roles and subcellular localizations for so far unannotated proteins); (ii) the abundance of subcomplex proteins is less variable than the abundance of other proteins; (iii) SCs are enriched with essential and synthetic lethal proteins; and (iv) mutations in SC-proteins have higher fitness effects than mutations in other proteins.  相似文献   

Identification and distinct regulation of yeast TATA box-containing genes   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Basehoar AD  Zanton SJ  Pugh BF 《Cell》2004,116(5):699-709

Identification and characterization of cap-binding proteins from yeast   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Photochemical cross-linking of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal salt wash preparations to cap-labeled mRNA reveals, in addition to the previously characterized 24-kDa cap-binding protein (eIF-4E), the presence of two novel cap-binding proteins (CBPs) of apparent molecular masses of 96 and 150 kDa. Cross-linking of the 96-kDa CBP was found to occur spontaneously without UV light induction. Based on the ATP/Mg2+ requirements, the three CBPs can be subdivided into two classes: 1) ATP/Mg2+ independent (24- and 150 kDa) and 2) Mg2+ dependent (96 kDa). The co-purification of the 24- and 150-kDa CBPs through several different chromatographic steps is consistent with the existence of a yeast CBP complex, possibly analogous to mammalian eIF-4F.  相似文献   

Meiosis, a specialized cell division process, occurs in all sexually reproducing organisms. During this process a diploid cell undergoes a single round of DNA replication followed by two rounds of nuclear division to produce four haploid gametes. In yeast, the meiotic products are packaged into four spores that are enclosed in a sac known as an ascus. To enhance our understanding of the meiotic developmental pathway and spore formation, we followed differential expression of genes in meiotic versus vegetatively growing cells in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Such comparative analyses have identified five different classes of genes that are expressed at different stages of the sporulation program. We identified several meiosis-specific genes including some already known to be induced during meiosis. Here we describe one of these previously uncharacterized genes, SSP1, which plays an essential role in meiosis and spore formation. SSP1 is induced midway through meiosis, and the homozygous mutant-diploid cells fail to sporulate. In ssp1 cells, meiosis is delayed, nuclei fragment after meiosis II, and viability declines rapidly. The ssp1 defect is not related to a microtubule-cytoskeletal-dependent event and is independent of two rounds of meiotic divisions. Our results suggest that Ssp1 is likely to function in a pathway that controls meiotic nuclear divisions and coordinates meiosis and spore formation. Functional analysis of other uncharacterized genes is underway.  相似文献   

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