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Yu F  Liu X  Alsheikh M  Park S  Rodermel S 《The Plant cell》2008,20(7):1786-1804
The Arabidopsis thaliana yellow variegated2 (var2) mutant is variegated due to lack of a chloroplast FtsH-like metalloprotease (FtsH2/VAR2). We have generated suppressors of var2 variegation to gain insight into factors and pathways that interact with VAR2 during chloroplast biogenesis. Here, we describe two such suppressors. Suppression of variegation in the first line, TAG-FN, was caused by disruption of the nuclear gene (SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION1 [SVR1]) for a chloroplast-localized homolog of pseudouridine (Psi) synthase, which isomerizes uridine to Psi in noncoding RNAs. svr1 single mutants were epistatic to var2, and they displayed a phenotypic syndrome that included defects in chloroplast rRNA processing, reduced chloroplast translation, reduced chloroplast protein accumulation, and elevated chloroplast mRNA levels. In the second line (TAG-IE), suppression of variegation was caused by a lesion in SVR2, the gene for the ClpR1 subunit of the chloroplast ClpP/R protease. Like svr1, svr2 was epistatic to var2, and clpR1 mutants had a phenotype that resembled svr1. We propose that an impairment of chloroplast translation in TAG-FN and TAG-IE decreased the demand for VAR2 activity during chloroplast biogenesis and that this resulted in the suppression of var2 variegation. Consistent with this hypothesis, var2 variegation was repressed by chemical inhibitors of chloroplast translation. In planta mutagenesis revealed that SVR1 not only played a role in uridine isomerization but that its physical presence was necessary for proper chloroplast rRNA processing. Our data indicate that defects in chloroplast rRNA processing are a common, but not universal, molecular phenotype associated with suppression of var2 variegation.  相似文献   

AtNOS1 was previously identified as a potential nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) in Arabidopsis thaliana, despite lack of sequence similarity to animal NOSs. Although the dwarf and yellowish leaf phenotype of Atnos1 knock-out mutant plants can be rescued by treatment with exogenous NO, doubts have recently been raised as to whether AtNOS1 is a true NOS. Moreover, depending on the type of physiological responses studied, Atnos1 is not always deficient in NO induction and/or detection, as previously reported. Here, we present experimental evidence showing that AtNOS1 is unable to bind and oxidize arginine to NO. These results support the argument that AtNOS1 is not a NOS. We also show that the renamed NO-associated protein 1 (AtNOA1) is a member of the circularly permuted GTPase family (cGTPase). AtNOA1 specifically binds GTP and hydrolyzes it. Complementation experiments of Atnoa1 mutant plants with different constructs of AtNOA1 show that GTP hydrolysis is necessary but not sufficient for the physiological function of AtNOA1. Mutant AtNOA1 lacking the C-terminal domain, although retaining GTPase activity, failed to complement Atnoa1, suggesting that this domain plays a crucial role in planta. cGTPases appear to be RNA-binding proteins, and the closest homolog of AtNOA1, the Bacillus subtilis YqeH, has been shown to participate in ribosome assembly and stability. We propose a similar function for AtNOA1 and discuss it in the light of its potential role in NO accumulation and plant development.  相似文献   

Variegated plants have green- and white-sectored leaves. Cells in the green sectors contain morphologically normal chloroplasts, whereas cells in the white sectors contain non-pigmented plastids that lack organized lamellar structures. Many variegations are caused by mutations in nuclear genes that affect plastid function, yet in only a few cases have the responsible genes been cloned. We show that mutations in the nuclear VAR2 locus of Arabidopsis cause variegation due to loss of a chloroplast thylakoid membrane protein that bears similarity to the FtsH family of AAA proteins (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities). Escherichia coli FtsH is a chaperone metalloprotease that functions in a number of diverse membrane-associated events. Although FtsH homologs have been identified in multicellular organisms, their functions and activities are largely unknown; we provide genetic in vivo evidence that VAR2 functions in thylakoid membrane biogenesis. We have isolated four var2 alleles and they have allowed us to define domains of the protein that are required for activity. These include two putative ATP-binding sites. VAR2 protein amounts generally correlate with the severity of the var2 mutant phenotype. One allele lacks detectable VAR2 protein, suggesting that the mechanism of var2 variegation involves the action of a redundant activity in the green sectors. We conclude that redundant activities may be a general mechanism to explain nuclear gene-induced plant variegations.  相似文献   

We have studied the morphology and vein branching of rosette leaves in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants as and sa, which proved to be alleles of the A.thaliana AS1 and AS2 genes, respectively. We have also analyzed the localization of bioactive auxin, as measured by the expression of the DR5::GUS transgene, as well as the expression patterns of BP, as measured by the expression of the BP::GUS transgene in leaves of the mutants. In mature leaves of the mutants, BP was expressed ectopically. Furthermore, the mutants showed some defects in the localization and concentration of free auxin compared to the wild type. Our results of studying new alleles of AS1 and AS2 support their role in control of class I KNOX genes and auxin transport.  相似文献   

We have studied the morphology and vein branching of rosette leaves in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants as and sa, which proved to be alleles of the A. thaliana AS1 and AS2 genes, respectively. We have also analyzed the localization of bioactive auxin, as measured by the expression of the DR5::GUS transgene, as well as the expression patterns of BP, as measured by the expression of the BP::GUS transgene in leaves of the mutants. In mature leaves of the mutants, BP was expressed ectopically. Furthermore, the mutants showed some defects in the localization and concentration of free auxin compared to the wild type. Our results of studying new alleles of AS1 and AS2 support their role in control of class I KNOX genes and auxin transport.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, patterning is a process that generates axes in the primary body plan, creates domains upon organ formation, and finally leads to differentiation into tissues and cell types. We identified the Arabidopsis thaliana TORNADO1 (TRN1) and TRN2 genes and their role in leaf patterning processes such as lamina venation, symmetry, and lateral growth. In trn mutants, the leaf venation network had a severely reduced complexity: incomplete loops, no tertiary or quaternary veins, and vascular islands. The leaf laminas were asymmetric and narrow because of a severely reduced cell number. We postulate that the imbalance between cell proliferation and cell differentiation and the altered auxin distribution in both trn mutants cause asymmetric leaf growth and aberrant venation patterning. TRN1 and TRN2 were epistatic to ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 with respect to leaf asymmetry, consistent with their expression in the shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia. TRN1 codes for a large plant-specific protein with conserved domains also found in a variety of signaling proteins, whereas TRN2 encodes a transmembrane protein of the tetraspanin family whose phylogenetic tree is presented. Double mutant analysis showed that TRN1 and TRN2 act in the same pathway.  相似文献   

BELL1 and AGAMOUS genes promote ovule identity in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Molecular and genetic analyses have demonstrated that the Arabidopsis thaliana gene BELL1 (BEL1) is required for proper morphogenesis of the ovule integuments. Several lines of evidence suggest that BEL1 may act, at least in part, to repress the function of the organ identity gene AGAMOUS (AG) during ovule development. To study the relative roles of BEL1 and AG, plants homozygous for ag, bel1 or both were constructed in an ap2 mutant background where ovules form even in the absence of AG function. The loss of either BEL1 or AG led to a decrease in the number of mature ovules, accompanied by an increase in primordial outgrowths. These data suggest that BEL1 and AG gene products act early in ovule development in a partially redundant manner to direct ovule identity. Development of the abnormal integuments characteristic of the Bel1- mutant phenotype was found to be dependent on AG function. Finally, BEL1 appears to be required for embryo sac development independent of both other aspects of ovule morphogenesis and AG function. This study therefore suggests that both BEL1 and AG are required for several distinct aspects of ovule morphogenesis.  相似文献   

AP-1 and AP-2 adaptor protein (AP) complexes mediate clathrin-dependent trafficking at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and the plasma membrane, respectively. Whereas AP-1 is required for trafficking to plasma membrane and vacuoles, AP-2 mediates endocytosis. These AP complexes consist of four subunits (adaptins): two large subunits (β1 and γ for AP-1 and β2 and α for AP-2), a medium subunit μ, and a small subunit σ. In general, adaptins are unique to each AP complex, with the exception of β subunits that are shared by AP-1 and AP-2 in some invertebrates. Here, we show that the two putative Arabidopsis thaliana AP1/2β adaptins co-assemble with both AP-1 and AP-2 subunits and regulate exocytosis and endocytosis in root cells, consistent with their dual localization at the TGN and plasma membrane. Deletion of both β adaptins is lethal in plants. We identified a critical role of β adaptins in pollen wall formation and reproduction, involving the regulation of membrane trafficking in the tapetum and pollen germination. In tapetal cells, β adaptins localize almost exclusively to the TGN and mediate exocytosis of the plasma membrane transporters such as ATP-binding cassette (ABC)G9 and ABCG16. This study highlights the essential role of AP1/2β adaptins in plants and their specialized roles in specific cell types.

Arabidopsis AP1/2β adaptins are shared by the AP-1 and AP-2 complexes and required for pollen development by mediating the trafficking of ABCG transporters in tapetal cells.

IN A NUTSHELL Background: Adaptor protein (AP) complexes are critical for the recruitment of cargo proteins during vesicle trafficking. AP-1 and AP-2 mediate clathrin-dependent trafficking at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and the plasma membrane, respectively. Whereas AP-1 regulates trafficking to the plasma membrane (exocytosis) and vacuole, AP-2 mediates endocytosis. These AP complexes consist of four subunits (adaptins): two large subunits (β1 and γ for AP-1, β2, and α for AP-2), a medium subunit μ, and a small subunit σ. The general roles of some AP-1 and AP-2 adaptins in vegetative and reproductive development have been characterized in plants. However, the function of the large β subunits and whether they are shared by the two AP-1 and AP-2 complexes in plants is currently unknown. Questions: Are β adaptins shared by AP-1 and AP-2 complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana? What function do they play in plant development? Findings: We found that the two putative Arabidopsis AP1/2β adaptins co-assemble with both AP-1 and AP-2 subunits and regulate exocytosis and endocytosis in root cells, consistent with their dual localization to the TGN and the plasma membrane. However, in tapetal cells of developing anthers, AP1/2β adaptins localize almost exclusively to TGN. Mutations in AP1/2β adaptins result in collapsed pollen grains with abnormal walls and reduced pollen germination due to impaired exocytosis of the tapetum-specific plasma membrane transporters ABCG9 and ABCG16, highlighting the essential role of AP1/2β adaptins in plants and their specialized roles in specific cell types. Next steps: We will investigate the mechanism by which AP1/2β adaptins recognize cargo proteins and their role in female gametophyte and embryonic development.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous small RNAs that play important regulatory roles in both animals and plants, miRNA genes have been intensively studied in animals, but not in plants. In this study, we adopted a homology search approach to identify homologs of previously validated plant miRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. We identified 20 potential miRNA genes in Arabidopsis and 40 in O. sativa, providing a relatively complete enumeration of family members for these miRNAs in plants. In addition, a greater number of Arabidopsis miRNAs (MIR168, MIR159 and MIR172) were found to be conserved in rice. With the novel homologs, most of the miRNAs have closely related fellow miRNAs and the number of paralogs varies in the different miRNA families. Moreover, a probable functional segment highly conserved on the elongated stem of pre-miRNA fold-backs of MIR319 and MIR159 family was identified. These results support a model of variegated miRNA regulation in plants, in which miRNAs with different functional elements on their pre-miRNA fold-backs can differ in their function or regulation, and closely related miRNAs can be diverse in their specificity or competence to downregulate target genes. It appears that the sophisticated regulation of miRNAs can achieve complex biological effects through qualitative and quantitative modulation of gene expression profiles in plants.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that chloroplast energy imbalance sensed through alterations in the redox state of the photosynthetic electron transport chain, measured as excitation pressure, governs the extent of variegation in the immutans mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. To test this hypothesis, we developed a nondestructive imaging technique and used it to quantify the extent of variegation in vivo as a function of growth temperature and irradiance. The extent of variegation was positively correlated (R2 = 0.750) with an increase in excitation pressure irrespective of whether high light, low temperature, or continuous illumination was used to induce increased excitation pressure. Similar trends were observed with the variegated mutants spotty, var1, and var2. Measurements of greening of etiolated wild-type and immutans cotyledons indicated that the absence of IMMUTANS increased excitation pressure twofold during the first 6 to 12 h of greening, which led to impaired biogenesis of thylakoid membranes. In contrast with IMMUTANS, the expression of its mitochondrial analog, AOX1a, was transiently upregulated in the wild type but permanently upregulated in immutans, indicating that the effects of excitation pressure during greening were also detectable in mitochondria. We conclude that mutations involving components of the photosynthetic electron transport chain, such as those present in immutans, spotty, var1, and var2, predispose Arabidopsis chloroplasts to photooxidation under high excitation pressure, resulting in the variegated phenotype.  相似文献   

The asymmetric leaves 1 ( as1 ) and as2 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibit pleiotropic phenotypes. Expression of a number of genes, including three class-1 KNOTTED -like homeobox ( KNOX ) genes ( BP , KNAT2 and KNAT6 ) and ETTIN / ARF3 , is enhanced in these mutants. In the present study, we attempted to identify the phenotypic features of as1 and as2 mutants that were generated by ectopic expression of KNOX genes, using multiple loss-of-function mutations of KNOX genes as well as as1 and as2 . Our results revealed that the ectopic expression of class-1 KNOX genes resulted in reductions in the sizes of leaves, reductions in the size of sepals and petals, the formation of a less prominent midvein, the repression of adventitious root formation and late flowering. Our results also revealed that the reduction in leaf size and late flowering were caused by the repression, by KNOX genes, of a gibberellin (GA) pathway in as1 and as2 plants. The formation of a less prominent midvein and the repression of adventitious root formation were not, however, related to the GA pathway. The asymmetric formation of leaf lobes, the lower complexity of higher-ordered veins, and the elevated frequency of adventitious shoot formation on leaves of as1 and as2 plants were not rescued by multiple mutations in KNOX genes. These features must, therefore, be controlled by other genes in which expression is enhanced in the as1 and as2 mutants.  相似文献   

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