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We compared the effects of calorie restriction (CR) and cyclophosphamide (CTX) on the progression of lupus nephritis and immunological changes in NZB/NZW F1 mice. Ad libitum (AL)/CTX and CR delayed onset of proteinuria and significantly decreased serum levels of anti-dsDNA, anti-histone, and circulating immune complex antibodies. CTX and CR prevented the increase in and activation of B cells, the decline in CD8(+) T cells, and maintained a higher proportion of na?ve CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells. MHC class I antigen and LFA-1 expression on CD8(+) T cells and MHC class II antigen on B cells were also decreased. AL/CTX and CR prevented the increase in production of IL-10 and up-regulated IL-2 production in T cells ex vivo. We concluded that both CR and CTX can delay the onset of autoimmune disease, in part by maintaining higher numbers of na?ve T cells and the immune responsiveness of T cells and decreasing the proportion of B cells.  相似文献   

Administration of sDNA-poly-D-lysine (DNA-PDL) to newborn NZB/NZW F1 mice (B/W) was previously shown to prolonge survival and to decrease nephritis and DNA antibodies. In this study, B/W mice treated from birth with DNA-PDL were found to be tolerant to immunization with sDNA on PDL or mBSA carriers in adjuvants. Tolerance to sDNA was present and was hapten-specific carrier-dependent. IgG and IgM anti-nDNA circulating antibodies were suppressed. Continuous tolerization was necessary to maintain tolerance. Tolerance to sDNA could be transferred by spleen cells, by tolerized thymus cells, and by tolerized bone marrow cells, suggesting that both T and B cells participated in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Abnormal polyclonal B cell activation in NZB/NZW F1 mice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Spleen cells from autoimmune (10-mont-old) NZB/NZW (B/W) mice failed to generate appreciable numbers of antibody-forming cells (AFC) in vitro to TNP-substituted sheep erythrocytes in response to the polyclonal B cell activators (PBA), LPS and PPD, despite normal DNA synthetic responses to these agents and normal AFC responses to TNP-Ficoll. The failure to respond to PBA in old B/W mice was not due to suppressor T cells since anti-brain-associated-theta-treated spleen cells still failed to generate AFC in response to PBA. The defect was age-related since cells from young B/W mice generated vigorous AFC responses to PBA. It is suggested that the failure of the spleen cells of old B/W mice to generate AFC is a result of in vitro polyclonal B cell activation in the course of autoantibody formation.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of mammary glands was studied in the normal and autoimmune F1(NZW X NZB) mice. In the lactation cycle of the autoimmune mice the normal course of structural-functional rearrangements of parenchyma and stroma in the developing and involuting mammary glands was disturbed. A conclusion has been reached that the modification of stromal elements, first of all involved in the autoimmune disease, is the leading link in the abnormal development of mammary glands.  相似文献   

Distribution of anti-histone-antibody-secreting cells in NZB/NZW mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a histone-specific plaque assay, we examined anti-histone-antibody (AHA) production at the organ level in the autoimmune NZB/NZW strain. The spleen had the highest absolute numbers of AHA-secreting cells. High percentages of immunoglobulin-secreting cells producing AHA were characteristic of spleen and bone marrow but not lymph node. AHA-secreting cells were detected in NZB/NZW mice with elevated serum activity but not in mice with normal serum levels. Serum AHA activity correlated with the number of AHA-secreting cells in the spleen but not with the total number of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in the spleen nor with the total serum immunoglobulin level. These findings concerning the organ distribution of AHA-secreting cells contrast with results of other investigators studying autoantibodies of other specificities. Furthermore, our results suggest that AHA production does not solely result from a generalized increase in total immunoglobulin synthesis present in NZB/NZW mice.  相似文献   

A long-term cultured suppressor T cell line (GTS-124) was established from an autoimmune mouse strain, (NZB X NZW)F1, by a two-part procedure: a) B/W F1 mice were made tolerant to guanosine (G) by administration of a tolerogen, the G-modified copolymer of D-glutamic acid and D-lysine (G-D-GL); and b) the spleen cells obtained from tolerant mice were repeatedly stimulated with mitomycin C-treated G-modified syngeneic spleen cells. The GTS-124 cells suppressed the secondary in vitro response to G-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (G-KLH) but did not suppress the response to unrelated antigens, sheep erythrocytes (SRBC), or trinitrophenyl-KLH (TNP-KLH). The expression of Thy-1 antigen on the cell surface of GTS-124 was demonstrated by flow cytometry. Growth of GTS-124 cells was dependent on IL 2. To determine whether GTS-124 cells could suppress the response to nucleosides other than G, KLH coupled with four nucleosides (adenosine [A], G, cytidine [C], and thymine riboside [T]) collectively (AGCT-KLH) was first used as the antigen in the assay system. The PFC response to the individual nucleosides (anti-A, -G, -C, and -T PFC) were effectively inhibited by GTS-124 cells, suggesting that the GTS-124 cells mediated cross-suppression toward all four nucleosides. A more stringent cross-suppression test was conducted by using only the T moiety bound to KLH (T-KLH) as antigen. The results showed that GTS-124 cells were capable of suppressing the T-specific response. The cross-suppression could be seen after repeated selection on a G-BSA-coated dish. These results provide direct evidence that the suppressor T cells induced by in vitro stimulation with G-modified self can indeed suppress the response to nucleosides other than G.  相似文献   

(NZB x NZW)F1 mice initiated on fat restriction at weanling were significantly protected from the development of immune complex glomerulonephritis. Whereas the mice on high-fat intake demonstrated immune depositions both in capillary walls and mesangial areas in a diffuse granular pattern, those on a low-fat diet with caloric content similar to the high-fat diets exhibited mesangial confinement of the depositions of immunoglobulins, complement, and retroviral gp70. In association with these divergent patterns of immune deposition, the mice on high-fat diets had evidence of extensive diffuse cellular proliferation, wire loop lesion, and sclerosis in the glomeruli. In contrast, most of the mice on the low-fat diet showed only mesangial cell and matrix proliferations. In addition, the group of mice fed high saturated fat showed more severe glomerular pathology as compared to those fed high unsaturated fat. Paradoxically, levels of circulating immune complexes (as measured by the polyethylene glycol precipitation technique) in the high saturated fat group were low and did not correlate with the findings by light and immunofluorescence microscopy. These findings suggest that dietary fat restriction can serve as either a prophylactic or effective therapeutic approach to murine lupus nephritis.  相似文献   

15-HETE is an arachidonic acid derivative issued from the 15 lipoxygenase pathway. This fatty acid possesses immunomodulatory capabilities since it was reported that it generates CD8 + suppressor T-cells either in vitro or ex vivo. The aim of the present report was to study if the suppressive capabilities of 15-HETE were able to influence the onset of the NZB/NZW Fl auto-immune disease. For that purpose we produced 15-HETE and injected the eicosanoid twice a week to NZB/WFI mice for 40 weeks. During the 15-HETE treatment of the animals it was observed an augmentation of the proliferative response of lectin-stimulated splenocytes (at weeks 20 and 30) then the thymidine uptake decreased (at week 40). In fact we observed that among 15-HETE treated mice the evolution of the nephropathy was not changed, the 'glomerular activity score' remained the same for the treated animals compared to controls. On the contrary antinuclear antibodies occurred earlier even if in some experiments the generation of CD8 + cells was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The influence of dietary fat on autoimmunity in lupus-prone (NZB x NZW)F1 mice has been demonstrated. In defining further the effects of dietary lipid on the immune system of this strain, female weanling mice were placed on four diets differing in quantity and type of fat. Their immunologic response was then studied by a variety of tests at 4 and 7 mo of age. Few differences were seen among the four groups at 4 mo of age. At 7 mo of age, however, the mice receiving diets high in saturated and unsaturated fats had a reduced mitogenic response to T cell mitogens and an enhanced response to the B cell mitogen LPS. Immunoglobulin levels and delayed hypersensitivity responses did not show any consistent differences among the diet groups. At 7 mo, however, mice receiving diets high in unsaturated fat demonstrated hyperresponsiveness to injected sheep red blood cells as measured by the hemolytic plaque technique. In addition, peritoneal leukocytes from the same diet group exhibited an increased response to bromelain-treated autologous erythrocytes which was decreased after treatment with anti-Thy-1 antiserum and complement. Phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages was significantly decreased in the animals fed high-fat diets, particular high saturated fat. Similarly, natural killer cell activity was markedly reduced in the mice with a high intake of saturated lipid, a finding which correlated with the in vitro production of interferon. These results indicate that diets high in fat influence immune responses and thus can affect the onset and severity of autoimmune disease. A low-fat diet can reduce the development of disease by maintaining normal immune responses. The data also suggest that unsaturated fat may influence T helper cell activity and therefore antibody production, whereas saturated fats may affect cellular immune responses which are dependent on membrane contact.  相似文献   

Autoimmune-prone (NZB X NZW)F1 (B/W) mice have been shown to have a variety of immunologic perturbations. However, most studies have been performed with spleen cells. By using the Mishell-Dutton culture system, we examined the in vitro immune response of the various lymphoid tissue to determine whether an imbalance at a selective lymphoid site may exist in B/W mice. It was shown that the ability of mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells of B/W mice to generate plaque-forming cells (PFC) in response to sheep red blood cells was consistently less than that of the spleen cells. This relationship held true in the aged mice. In contrast, the ability of the MLN cells of other strains not prone to develop autoimmunity to generate PFC was higher than that of the spleen cells. No significant difference in the mitogenic response of the lymphoid cells from various lymphoid tissue in the young B/W mice was seen, as compared with normal lymphoid cells from control mice. However, it was demonstrated that a relative decrease of B cells and immunoregulatory Lyt-123+ cells in the MLN in the B/W mice occurred early in life, and it was concluded that this abnormality may account for the low PFC response observed.  相似文献   

The V region sequences of two anti-DNA (A52, D42) and two anti-RNA (D44, D444) autoantibodies, derived from lupus prone NZB/NZW F1 female mice, were determined by mRNA sequencing. The sequences had the following features: 1) there was no clear sequence relationship between anti-DNA and anti-RNA antibodies; 2) there were no major similarities between any of the L chain sequences and each VL gene segment belonged to a different mouse VK subgroup; 3) the H chains of the two anti-RNA antibodies showed closely related sequences of VH gene segments and very similar third complementarity determining regions (CDR3); 4) the H chains of the two anti-DNA antibodies had VH segments belonging to different VH gene families but had a unique and similar combination of D segments and junctional sequences, suggesting a common recognition element for Ag and/or for idiotypic regulation in the H chain CDR3; and 5) the VH gene segment of one anti-DNA antibody (D42) was found to be very similar to the VH gene segment of a CBA mouse hybridoma antibody (6G6) which binds to the environmental Ag phosphocholine. The three-dimensional structure of the Fv-region of the anti-DNA antibody (D42) was modeled by computer and a stretch of poly(dT), ssDNA was docked to a cleft in the antibody combining site, formed by the three H chain CDR and by CDR1 and CDR3 of the L chain. The cleft is characterized by a preponderance of arginine and tyrosine residues, lining both the walls and base of the cleft.  相似文献   

T-cell-mediated suppression of the antibody response of autoimmune NZB/N mice to Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SSS-III) can readily be induced in situ by priming with a subimmunogenic dose of SSS-III; however, the transfer of either "young" (8 weeks old) or "old" (42 weeks old) SSS-III-primed B cells, which activates suppressor T cells in normal BALB/cByJ mice, fails to induce suppression of the antibody response in recipient NZB/N mice, regardless of the number of cells transferred or the time interval between transfer and immunization. Transfer of 51Cr-labeled B cells demonstrated that syngeneic primed B cells home to the spleens of NZB/N mice in somewhat lower numbers than in BALB/cByJ mice, although the differences observed may not be sufficient to explain the complete absence of activation of suppressor T cells. These findings suggest that B cells from autoimmune NZB/N mice are unable to activate T suppressor cells upon transfer; this disorder in a normal regulatory mechanism may be important in the pathogenesis of disease.  相似文献   

The relationship between pathologic anti-DNA and natural autoantibodies (Auto Ab) remains unclear. In particular, it has not yet been elucidated whether pathologic anti-DNA antibodies originate from and are regulated by the pool of natural Auto Ab. To address this question, a large number of Ig-secreting hybridomas were derived from the unstimulated splenocytes of B/W mice, newborn to 12 mo of age, and their binding activities against a panel of self-Ag (DNA, actin, tubulin, myosin, and myoglobin), isotype, idiotypic determinants, and VH gene utilization were analyzed. A progressive increase in the number of Ig-secreting clones was observed and associated with a constant proportion (approximately 6%) of autoreactive B cell clones. However, dramatic changes in the pool of autoreactive B cell hybridomas were observed as the disease evolved, including the selective maintenance of IgM anti-DNA polyspecific antibodies, reduction in percentage of polyspecific IgM mAb with no DNA-binding activity, and the production of IgG anti-DNA antibodies of the IgG2 class. The kinetics, immunochemical properties, and idiotypic analysis of polyspecific IgM mAb with DNA-binding activity strongly suggest that they belong to natural Auto Ab and constitute the precursors of pathologic IgG anti-DNA antibodies. In addition, and IgM polyspecific antibody was demonstrated to bind IgG anti-DNA mAb through F(ab')2 interactions suggesting a regulatory role of natural antibodies and their participation in the control of pathologic Auto Ab production.  相似文献   

We analyzed the mechanism of spontaneous B cell activation in lupus mice by using anticlass-II antibody in vitro. The in vitro culture of B cells from old NZB mice markedly produced Ig without any stimulation, while B cells from NZW mice did not. The addition of anticlass-II antibody (anti-Iad antibody) to the culture inhibited Ig production of NZB B cells in a concentration-dependent manner. On the other hand, the addition of anticlass-I antibody (anti-H-2Dd antibody) and anticlass-II antibody with different specificity (anti-Iak) gave no effect on the Ig production of NZB B cells. When mitomycin C-treated B cells were added to in vitro culture of responder B cells as a stimulator, Ig production of responder B cells was enhanced in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the enhancing effect of the stimulator B cells was abrogated by the pretreatment with anticlass-II antibody. The stimulator B-cell activity to NZB B cells was marked in NZB B cells, moderate in NZB/W F1 B cells, and weak in NZW B cells. Furthermore, the stimulator B-cell activity with regard to NZB B cells was marked in old female NZB B cells, moderate in old male NZB B cells, and weak in young NZB B cells. The expression of class II antigens on the surface of old female NZB B cells was significantly higher than that of old male NZB and young NZB B cells. These results suggest that in lupus mice the spontaneous B-cell activation is induced by an abnormal B-B cell interaction mediated by class II antigens.  相似文献   

The immune responses of allogeneic mixed spleen cell cultures (MLC) to the T-dependent antigen, SRBC, and to the T-independent antigen, DNP-PAA, were investigated. The immune response to DNP-PAA in MLC with certain strain combinations was always suppressed as compared with the expected PFC response calculated from the PFC responses of the individual strains. This suppression was eliminated by treating the spleen cells with RAMB antiserum plus complement before the incubation of the MLC with DNP-PAA. It can be concluded that the suppression in the PFC response to the T-independent antigen DNP-PAA in MLC is due to the generation of suppressor T-cells. The PFC response to the T-dependent antigen, SRBC, in MLC showed either suppression, no change, or rarely augmenation, suggesting that the allogeneic mixed spleen cell cultures can generate both suppressor and helper T cells and that the balance between helper and suppressor activity regulates the PFC response to a T-dependent antigen. Suppressor activity was also generated in a one-way MLC, but the degree of suppression depended upon which of the two strains was responding. Similar amounts of thymidine were incorporated in the one-way MLR irrespective of which strains was responding. Thus, the extent of proliferation in one-way MLR is not related to the degree of suppressor activity generated. The results further indicate that a difference between two strains in the I-C, S, and G regions of the major histocompatibility complex is required to generate suppressor activitiy that can depress the response to a T-independent antigen, MLC between strains differing in K, I-A, I-B, I-J, I-E, and D regions generate little or no suppressor activity in this system.  相似文献   

Antibodies that bind tRNA are produced spontaneously in New Zealand Black/New Zealand White (NZB/NZW) F1 hybrid female mice. An assay for the detection of these antibodies has been developed by using gel filtration and radioactive tRNA. This assay was found superior to the widely used ammonium sulfate precipitation assay because of the nature of the interaction between the protein and the tRNA. The ant-bodies bound native tRNA preferentially to tRNA denatured by cross-linking with formaldehyde. This conformational specificity was confirmed in competition experiments. The antibodies to native tRNA had an average association constant of 5 x 10(7) leter/mole at 4 degrees C and could bind to more than one site per tRNA molecule. Experiments with immunoglobulin class-specific anti-mouse antisera, in solution and by radioimmunoelectrophoresis, showed that the antibodies were heterogeneous, but were predominantly of the IgG class. These antibodies may be useful for detection, localization, and conformational analysis of tRNA in solution as well as for understanding the pathogenesis of the lupus-like syndrome in these mice.  相似文献   

Autoantigen presentation to T cells is crucial for the development of autoimmune disease. However, the mechanisms of autoantigen presentation are poorly understood. In this study, we show that splenic phagocytes play an important role in autoantigen presentation in murine lupus. Nucleosomes are major autoantigens in systemic lupus erythematosus. We found that nucleosome-specific T cells were stimulated dominantly in the spleen, compared with lymph nodes, lung, and thymus. Among splenic APCs, F4/80(+) macrophages and CD11b(+)CD11c(+) dendritic cells were strong stimulators for nucleosome-specific T cells. When splenic phagocytes were depleted in (NZB x NZW) F(1) (NZB/W F(1)) mice, nucleosome presentation in the spleen was dramatically suppressed. Moreover, depletion of splenic phagocytes significantly suppressed anti-nucleosome Ab and anti-dsDNA Ab production. Proteinuria progression was delayed and survival was prolonged in phagocyte-depleted mice. The numbers of autoantibody- secreting cells were decreased in the spleen from phagocyte-depleted mice. Multiple injections of splenic F4/80(+) macrophages, not those of splenic CD11c(+) dendritic cells, induced autoantibody production and proteinuria progression in NZB/W F(1) mice. These results indicate that autoantigen presentation by splenic phagocytes including macrophages significantly contributes to autoantibody production and disease progression in lupus-prone mice.  相似文献   

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