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The majority of experimentally determined crystal structures of Type II restriction endonucleases (REases) exhibit a common PD-(D/E)XK fold. Crystal structures have been also determined for single representatives of two other folds: PLD (R.BfiI) and half-pipe (R.PabI), and bioinformatics analyses supported by mutagenesis suggested that some REases belong to the HNH fold. Our previous bioinformatic analysis suggested that REase R.Eco29kI shares sequence similarities with one more unrelated nuclease superfamily, GIY-YIG, however so far no experimental data were available to support this prediction. The determination of a crystal structure of the GIY-YIG domain of homing endonuclease I-TevI provided a template for modeling of R.Eco29kI and prompted us to validate the model experimentally.


Using protein fold-recognition methods we generated a new alignment between R.Eco29kI and I-TevI, which suggested a reassignment of one of the putative catalytic residues. A theoretical model of R.Eco29kI was constructed to illustrate its predicted three-dimensional fold and organization of the active site, comprising amino acid residues Y49, Y76, R104, H108, E142, and N154. A series of mutants was constructed to generate amino acid substitutions of selected residues (Y49A, R104A, H108F, E142A and N154L) and the mutant proteins were examined for their ability to bind the DNA containing the Eco29kI site 5'-CCGCGG-3' and to catalyze the cleavage reaction. Experimental data reveal that residues Y49, R104, E142, H108, and N154 are important for the nuclease activity of R.Eco29kI, while H108 and N154 are also important for specific DNA binding by this enzyme.


Substitutions of residues Y49, R104, H108, E142 and N154 predicted by the model to be a part of the active site lead to mutant proteins with strong defects in the REase activity. These results are in very good agreement with the structural model presented in this work and with our prediction that R.Eco29kI belongs to the GIY-YIG superfamily of nucleases. Our study provides the first experimental evidence for a Type IIP REase that does not belong to the PD-(D/E)XK or HNH superfamilies of nucleases, and is instead a member of the unrelated GIY-YIG superfamily.  相似文献   

The Eco29kI restriction-modification system (RMS2) has been found to be localized on the plasmid pECO29 occurring naturally in the Escherichia coli strain 29k (Pertzev, A.V., Ruban, N.M., Zakharova, M.V., Beletskaya, I.V., Petrov, S.I., Kravetz, A.N., Solonin, A.S., 1992. Eco29kI, a novel plasmid encoded restriction endonuclease from Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Res. 20, 1991). The genes coding for this RMS2, a SacII isoschizomer recognizing the sequence CCGCGG have been cloned in Escherichia coli K802 and sequenced. The DNA sequence predicts the restriction endonuclease (ENase) of 214 amino acids (aa) (24 556 Da) and the DNA-methyltransferase (MTase) of 382 aa (43 007 Da) where the genes are separated by 2 bp and arranged in tandem with eco29kIR preceding eco29kIM. The recombinant plasmid with eco29kIR produces a protein of expected size. ṀEco29kI contains all the conserved aa sequence motifs characteristic of m5C-MTases. Remarkably, its variable region exhibits a significant similarity to the part of the specific target-recognition domain (TRD) from ṀBssHII—multispecific m5C-MTase (Schumann, J.J., Walter, J., Willert, J., Wild, C., Koch D., Trautner, T.A., 1996. ṀBssHII: a multispecific cytosine-C5-DNA-methyltransferase with unusual target recognizing properties. J. Mol. Biol. 257, 949–959), which recognizes five different sites on DNA (HaeII, MluI, Cfr10I, SacII and BssHII), and the comparison of the nt sequences of its variable regions allowed us to determine the putative TRD of ṀEco29kI.  相似文献   


To study the interaction of the restriction endonucleases Mval and Eco RII with DNA we have synthesized some modified oligonucleotides. The results of hydrolysis demonstrate that both enzymes cleave their substrate by different mechanism.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, frequently utilize tripartite efflux complexes in the RND (resistance–nodulation–cell division) family to expel diverse toxic compounds from the cell. These complexes span both the inner and outer membranes of the bacterium via an α-helical, inner membrane transporter; a periplasmic membrane fusion protein; and a β-barrel, outer membrane channel. One such efflux system, CusCBA, is responsible for extruding biocidal Cu(I) and Ag(I) ions. To remove these toxic ions, the CusC outer membrane channel must form a β-barrel structural domain, which creates a pore and spans the entire outer membrane. We here report the crystal structures of wild-type CusC, as well as two CusC mutants, suggesting that the first N-terminal cysteine residue plays an important role in protein–membrane interactions and is critical for the insertion of this channel protein into the outer membrane. These structures provide insight into the mechanisms on CusC folding and transmembrane channel formation. It is found that the interactions between CusC and membrane may be crucial for controlling the opening and closing of this β-barrel, outer membrane channel.  相似文献   

Linear, size-heterogenous mitochondrial DNA from Neurospora crassa was cleaved by the restriction endonuclease Eco R I into eleven specific fragments. According to their contour lengths the fragments have molecular weights between 1.1 and 14 × 106. The sum of the fragments lengths is identical with the contour length (19.8 μm, 41 × 106 daltons) of the few circular molecules detectable in purified DNA preparations.The results suggest sequence homogeneity of mitochondrial DNA and further demonstrate that restriction enzymes can be used to establish a physical map of an unspecifically-fragmented DNA molecule.  相似文献   

We constructed a strain of Escherichia coli overproducing 6His-tagged Eco29kI by placing the coding sequence under control of a strong bacteriophage T5 promoter. The yield of 6His-Eco29kI restriction endonuclease expression could be increased to about 20% of the total cellular protein, but inclusion bodies formed consisting of insoluble 6His-Eco29kI protein. We developed a fast and effective protocol for purification of the homogeneous enzyme from both soluble and insoluble fractions and established their identity by catalytic activity assay. The isolated enzymes were tested for recognition specificity and optimal reaction conditions as a function of NaCl and KCl concentrations, temperature, and pH compared with the native Eco29kI restriction endonuclease. The 6His-tagged enzyme retained the specificity of the native protein but had an altered optimum of its catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

The thumb subdomain, located in various family B DNA polymerases in the C-terminal region, has been shown in their crystal structures to move upon binding of DNA, changing its conformation to nearly completely wrap around the DNA. It has therefore been involved in DNA binding. In agreement with this, partial proteolysis studies of 29 DNA polymerase have shown that the accessibility of the cleavage sites located in their C-terminal region is reduced in the presence of DNA or terminal protein (TP), indicating that a conformational change occurs in this region upon substrate binding and suggesting that this region might be involved in DNA and TP binding. Therefore, we have studied the role of the C-terminus of 29 DNA polymerase by deletion of the last 13 residues of this enzyme. This fragment includes a previously defined region conserved in family B DNA polymerases. The resulting DNA polymerase Δ13 was strongly affected in DNA binding, resulting in a distributive replication activity. Additionally, the capacity of the truncated polymerase to interact with TP was strongly reduced and its initiation activity was very low. On the other hand, its nucleotide binding affinity and its fidelity were not affected. We propose that the C-terminal 13 amino acids of 29 DNA polymerase are involved in DNA binding and in a stable interaction with the initiator protein TP, playing an important role in the intrinsic processivity of this enzyme during polymerization.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases Ecl18kI and PspGI/catalytic domain of EcoRII recognize CCNGG and CCWGG sequences (W stands for A or T), respectively. The enzymes are structurally similar, interact identically with the palindromic CC:GG parts of their recognition sequences and flip the nucleotides at their centers. Specificity for the central nucleotides could be influenced by the strength/stability of the base pair to be disrupted and/or by direct interactions of the enzymes with the flipped bases. Here, we address the importance of these contributions. We demonstrate that wt Ecl18kI cleaves oligoduplexes containing canonical, mismatched and abasic sites in the central position of its target sequence CCNGG with equal efficiencies. In contrast, substitutions in the binding pocket for the extrahelical base alter the Ecl18kI preference for the target site: the W61Y mutant prefers only certain mismatched substrates, and the W61A variant cuts exclusively at abasic sites, suggesting that pocket interactions play a major role in base discrimination. PspGI and catalytic domain of EcoRII probe the stability of the central base pair and the identity of the flipped bases in the pockets. This ‘double check’ mechanism explains their extraordinary specificity for an A/T pair in the flipping position.  相似文献   

Chaperonins are large protein complexes consisting of two stacked multisubunit rings, which open and close in an ATP-dependent manner to create a protected environment for protein folding. Here, we describe the first crystal structure of a group II chaperonin in an open conformation. We have obtained structures of the archaeal chaperonin from Methanococcus maripaludis in both a peptide acceptor (open) state and a protein folding (closed) state. In contrast with group I chaperonins, in which the equatorial domains share a similar conformation between the open and closed states and the largest motions occurs at the intermediate and apical domains, the three domains of the archaeal chaperonin subunit reorient as a single rigid body. The large rotation observed from the open state to the closed state results in a 65% decrease of the folding chamber volume and creates a highly hydrophilic surface inside the cage. These results suggest a completely distinct closing mechanism in the group II chaperonins as compared with the group I chaperonins.  相似文献   

Eco KI, a type I restriction enzyme, specifies DNA methyltransferase, ATPase, endonuclease and DNA translocation activities. One subunit (HsdR) of the oligomeric enzyme contributes to those activities essential for restriction. These activities involve ATP-dependent DNA translocation and DNA cleavage. Mutations that change amino acids within recognisable motifs in HsdR impair restriction. We have used an in vivo assay to monitor the effect of these mutations on DNA translocation. The assay follows the Eco KI-dependent entry of phage T7 DNA from the phage particle into the host cell. Earlier experiments have shown that mutations within the seven motifs characteristic of the DEAD-box family of proteins that comprise known or putative helicases severely impair the ATPase activity of purified enzymes. We find that the mutations abolish DNA translocation in vivo. This provides evidence that these motifs are relevant to the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to DNA translocation. Mutations that identify an endonuclease motif similar to that found at the active site of type II restriction enzymes and other nucleases have been shown to abolish DNA nicking activity. When conservative changes are made at these residues, the enzymes lack nuclease activity but retain the ability to hydrolyse ATP and to translocate DNA at wild-type levels. It has been speculated that nicking may be necessary to resolve the topological problems associated with DNA translocation by type I restriction and modification systems. Our experiments show that loss of the nicking activity associated with the endonuclease motif of Eco KI has no effect on ATPase activity in vitro or DNA translocation of the T7 genome in vivo.  相似文献   

Mapping and cloning of Eco RI-fragments of bacteriophage T5+ DNA.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The Eco RI-fragments of bacteriophage T5 DNA were mapped using a technique which involves primarily length measurements of molecules observed in the electron microscope. Since Eco RI cleavage generates termini with 4-nucleotide long cohesive ends, fragments of complete and partial Eco RI digests were covalently circularized with DNA ligase at dilute DNA concentrations before measuring relative to internal length standards. This established the order of the internal Eco RI fragments. The two external Eco RI fragments, which had only one Eco RI terminus, were positioned relative to the internal fragments by identifying the location of some of the naturally-occurring nicks in partially denatured linear Eco RI fragments. An attempt was made to clone each of the internal Eco RI-fragments of T5 DNA via transformation into E. coli after ligation in vitro with the plasmid pMB 9. Only one fragment could be cloned and this fragment did not specify any new polypeptides in minicells of either the E. coli EK1 host, X1411, or the EK 2 host, X1776.  相似文献   

Replicative DNA polymerases (DNAPs) move along template DNA in a processive manner. The structural basis of the mechanism of translocation has been better studied in the A-family of polymerases than in the B-family of replicative polymerases. To address this issue, we have determined the X-ray crystal structures of phi29 DNAP, a member of the protein-primed subgroup of the B-family of polymerases, complexed with primer-template DNA in the presence or absence of the incoming nucleoside triphosphate, the pre- and post-translocated states, respectively. Comparison of these structures reveals a mechanism of translocation that appears to be facilitated by the coordinated movement of two conserved tyrosine residues into the insertion site. This differs from the mechanism employed by the A-family polymerases, in which a conserved tyrosine moves into the templating and insertion sites during the translocation step. Polymerases from the two families also interact with downstream single-stranded template DNA in very different ways.  相似文献   

The phage phi 29 protein p5, required in vivo in the elongation step of phi 29 DNA replication, was highly purified from Escherichia coli cells harbouring a gene 5-containing plasmid and from phi 29-infected Bacillus subtilis. The protein was characterized as the gene 5 product by amino acid analysis and NH2-terminal sequence determination. The purified protein p5 was shown to bind to single-stranded DNA and to protect it against nuclease degradation. No effect of protein p5 was observed either on the formation of the p3-dAMP initiation complex or on the rate of elongation. However, protein p5 greatly stimulated phi 29 DNA-protein p3 replication at incubation times where the replication in the absence of p5 leveled off.  相似文献   

The bacterial methylases M. Eco RII and M. Eco dam can methylate DNA in rat liver chromatin to form the 5-methylcytosine (m5C) and N6-methyladenine (m6A) residues, respectively. The CH3-accepting capacity of DNA in chromatin (mono- and dinucleosomes, mono- and dinucleomers) is 15 - 30 times less than that of free total DNA in rat liver. Such a low level of DNA methylation in chromatin in vitro suggests that the accessibility and recognition of methylation sites by DNA-methylases are decreased in comparison with free DNA both in the core-particle DNA and in the internucleosomal DNA. The degree of DNA methylation in chromatin particles depends on the ionic strength and Mg2+; when the former is decreased from 0.515 down to 0.176, the DNA methylation by both enzymes is increased 2-fold. An addition of Mg2+ (1 - 2 mM) decreases the CH3-accepting capacity of nucleomeric DNA, that of nucleosomal DNA remains unchanged. Thus, the accessibility of DNA for methylases is variable depending on the conformational changes of chromatin. The values of the m6A to m5C ratio for free and nucleosomal DNAs formed by methylation with a methylation of nucleomeric DNA, i. e. 1.01, 0.92 and 0.51, respectively. As Mg/4 concentration rises, the m6A/m5C ratio for nucleosomal and nucleomeric DNA is increased. It seems therefore that at different levels of organization and upon certain conformation changes the number and, probably, the nature of exposed DNA methylation sites in chromatin are different. Bacterial DNA-methylases can be used as an effective probe for a fine analysis of chromatin ultrastructure, in particular at its different functional states.  相似文献   

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