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The tissue response of common carp Cyprinus carpio to the kinetoplastid blood parasite Trypanoplasma borreli Laveran & Mesnil, 1901 was investigated during a laboratory infection of a highly susceptible carp line. With the development of the parasitaemia an increased proliferation of the lymphoid renal interstitial tissue was induced, which resulted in a progressive depression and deterioration of renal tubules. In heavily infected carp at Days 20 to 28 post inoculation (PI), a tubulonephrosis, a glomerulitis caused by a massive accumulation of leukocytes in glomerular capillaries, and large numbers of trypanoplasms in blood vessels and renal interstitium were observed. Corresponding with rising T. borreli numbers in the peripheral blood, splenic lymphocytes showed increasing proliferation rates, and the capillaries of the liver, gills, heart and intestine were infiltrated with lymphocytes and trypanoplasms. In heavily infected carp, congestion of liver sinusoids, focal necroses of hepatic tissue, extensive accumulations of erythrocytes in the spleen and in the blood marked anaemia were observed. These carp often showed abdominal distension, exophthalmus and swimming disorders described as 'sleeping sickness of carp'. Proliferation of cells from the interstitial lymphoid tissue of the kidney, which bears a close resemblance to the bone marrow of higher vertebrates, is considered a normal immune response of fish to antigen challenge. We here describe the unique case of a severe but ineffective immune reaction which results in the destruction of excretory renal structures. This has to be considered a severe disturbance of osmoregulation in affected carp, which, together with a decrease in oxygen uptake due to anaemia, is likely a major cause of death in these carp.  相似文献   

In an attempt to characterise the role of nitric oxide (NO) in immune responses of carp, carp leucocytes obtained during an acute T. borreli infection were examined, for their capacity to generate NO. In a second set of experiments the impact NO on viability of the parasite and on the modulation of functional carp leucocyte responses were tested in vitro. Both in carp head-kidneys and in the peripheral blood, the fractions of lymphoblasts among separated leucocytes were increased. However, the relative proportions of granulocytes among head-kidney leucocytes (HKL) significantly decreased during infection, whereas granulocytes appeared among peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL). The cellular dynamics of HKL and PBL of infected carp were paralleled by an enhanced spontaneous NO release in vitro. NO production was further increased after addition of viable parasites to these cultures. The hypothesis that NO had a possible role in granulocyte activation and lymphocyte proliferation in carp was supported by the reduction of mitogen-induced proliferative responses of PBL from healthy carp in the presence of NO donor substances. The negative effects of NO on lymphocyte proliferation were contrasted by enhancing effects on granulocyte functions: the inhibition of NO generation in T. borreli-stimulated HKL cultures by the l-arginine analogue L-NMMA reduced the viability of granulocytes and their phagocytic activity. Even massive amounts of nitric oxide produced by donor substances (up to 600 micromol l(-1) NO(-)(2)) caused no reduction in the numbers of viable T. borreli flagellates in vitro. Thus, in carp, T. borreli seems to induce high amounts of NO in vivo which are apparently not harmful for the parasite but which may interfere with co-ordinated interactions of activated cells aiming at the defence of the parasite.  相似文献   

The activation of carp peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) was analysed radiometrically and by means of flow cytometry (FCM) in order to compare the results obtained with both methods. The qualitative and quantitative FCM analyses of cellular morphology and viability resulted in a further characterisation of proliferative responses of carp PBL to Trypanoplasma borreli in vivo and in vitro. The lymphocyte population of PBL from T. borreli-infected carp exhibited a marked shift in forward scattered light (FSC; cell size). When PBL from healthy carp were stimulated with mitogens in vitro, a lymphoid population with increased FSC profiles was also observed. The number of these cells coincided to ratios of 3H-thymidine incorporation, recorded from corresponding cultures. Thus, it was concluded that the increase in size of stimulated lymphocytes could be due to blastogenic transformation. The advantage of the FCM procedure is that activation and proliferation of carp lymphocytes can be monitored without labelling the cells. Cocultures of mitogen-stimulated carp PBL and T. borreli revealed the ability of the parasite to suppress lymphocyte proliferation in vitro.  相似文献   

Trypanoplasma borreli is an extracellular blood parasite of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) transmitted by fish-biting leeches. The infestation with this parasite in juvenile carp may range between 75% and 100%, especially in fish recovering from the first hibernation period. T. borreli is perfectly adapted to its prolonged survival in a cyprinid host. Elevated numbers of activated neutrophils in peripheral blood and tissues are reported during T. borreli infection, but in context of the disease, the direct reason for elevated neutrophil numbers and their role during the infection remain unclear. In this study, a quantitative transmigration system, permitting the harvest of highly pure (> or = 97%) neutrophil populations was applied to investigate the modulation of carp neutrophil functions during T. borreli infection. We demonstrate time-dependent kinetics of a serum-induced down-regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis and an up-regulation of ROS production during the course of infection. With highly pure neutrophil populations, we could show that this divergent alteration of neutrophil functions was neither caused by T. borreli metabolites nor by the parasite itself. Moreover, when added to highly purified neutrophils, parasite metabolites did not alter the leukotriene B4-induced neutrophil chemotaxis nor the Staphylococcus aureus-induced ROS production. We conclude that the haemoparasite T. borreli does not interact with neutrophils directly, but indirectly modulates their functions via serum factors induced by parasite interaction with other components of the immune system.  相似文献   

The course of parasitemia of cloned Trypanoplasma borreli in laboratory-infected common carp was investigated. In 25-42-g carp kept at 20 C, the prepatent period was 8 days; after a phase of exponential growth, the parasitemia peaked at day 39 postinjection (PI) at a level of about 10(3) T. borreli/microliters blood. This maximum was followed by a chronic phase of about 6 wk with large numbers of T. borreli. At 20 wk PI, T. borreli was absent in infected carp. In 2.2-g carp kept at 20 C, the prepatent period was 4 days only, and the parasitemia peaked at day 23 PI. At 30 C, T. borreli was present in the blood only for 12 wk, and the number of T. borreli did not exceed 162 trypanoplasms/microliters blood. Carp kept at 8 and 15 C showed retarded development of parasitemia. The prepatent period lasted longer and the generation time was increased, but the level of parasitemia was not affected. Carp, inoculated at 8 C and then warmed to 20 C on days 27 and 55 PI, developed a parasitemia of 10(4) flagellates/microliters blood and showed high mortalities. During the prepatent period, T. borreli was found in the muscle tissue of the inoculation area but in no other tissue. In the kidney, T. borreli was found 27 hr PI, whereas in the circulating blood it was manifest at day 3 PI. At the same time it was manifest in the liver and spleen.  相似文献   

The bodonids and cryptobiids represent an early diverged sister group to the trypanosomatids among the kinetoplastid protozoa. The trypanosome type of uridine insertion-deletion RNA editing was found to occur in the cryptobiid fish parasite Trypanoplasma borreli. A pan-edited ribosomal protein, S12, and a novel 3'- and 5'-edited cytochrome b, in addition to an unedited cytochrome oxidase III gene and an apparently unedited 12S rRNA gene, were found in a 6-kb fragment of the 80- to 90-kb mitochondrial genome. The gene order differs from that in trypanosomatids, as does the organization of putative guide RNA genes; guide RNA-like molecules are transcribed from tandemly repeated 1-kb sequences organized in 200- and 170-kb molecules instead of minicircles. The presence of pan-editing in this lineage is consistent with an ancient evolutionary origin of this process.  相似文献   

Cytological alterations in renal tubule epithelium cells of carp Cyprinus carpio infected with the blood flagellate Trypanoplasma borreli Laveran & Mesnil, 1901 were investigated during the course of a laboratory infection of a highly susceptible carp line. With the development of the parasitaemia, a hyperplasia of the interstitial renal tissue was induced, which resulted in a tubulus necrosis. Cytological changes were already seen in tubulus epithelium cells on Day 7 post injection (PI) of the parasite. The basilar invaginations of the cells fragmented and a swelling of mitochondria was noted. With increasing parasitaemia, on Days 14 and 21 PI, these changes progressed up to the loss of the basilar invagination and high amplitude swellings of mitochondria and deterioration of their internal membrane structures. Cells of the distal tubule segment reacted earlier and more rapidly than cells of the proximal tubule. The cytological alterations suggested a loss of function of the epithelum cells, which most likely resulted in impaired ionic and osmotic regulation of T. borreli-infected fishes. Our findings indicate that in response to the proliferation of the interstitial renal tissue cell structures of the renal tubule cells are altered quickly and in a progressive manner.  相似文献   

The development of Trypanoplasma borreli in the crop of the leech vector Piscicola geometra was characterized by significant changes in morphology. Immediately after ingestion by the leech, stumpy-shaped T. borreli predominated and numerous dividing specimens were found. This led to long and slender trypanoplasms near the end of the infection. The infection was terminated with complete digestion of the blood stored in the crop of the leech. The longest period of infection observed was 11 days. Trypanoplasma borreli was found only in the crop of the leech. At any time during the infection, T. borreli isolated from P. geometra cause a parasitemia when inoculated into parasite-free carp. There was no difference in morphology or infectivity among T. borreli isolated from various crop regions of P. geometra.  相似文献   

The life-history parameters reproduction rate, developmental time and age specific survival of the western flower thrips,Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae], were determined on susceptible and resistant cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes. Both newly emerged andF. occidentalis females of mixed ages showed a substantial reduction (36 to 50%) of the reproduction rate on all resistant genotypes, in particular after the second day. On the resistant genotypes 9127 and 9140,F. occidentalis had a prolonged developmental period. This was primarily due to a prolongation of the second larval stage. On all resistant genotypes,F. occidentalis suffered from high (82 to 97%) preadult mortality, predominantly at the second larval stage. It is conclude that the resistant genotypes do not cause an immediate intoxication of adult nor preadult thrips stages.  相似文献   

The content of benzoxazinone compounds in Septoria nodorum resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars fell with time, reaching an undetectable level 3–4 wk after germination. The compounds were absent from field-grown plants extracted at growth stages 2–3, 6–7, 10, 10.5 and 11. Additional antifungal compounds were detected in healthy and diseased field-grown plants of both cultivars at all growth stages, although qualitative and quantitative differences in inhibitory activity were small and their role in resistance remains open to discussion.  相似文献   

Seven innate immune parameters were investigated in 64 full-sib families (the offspring of 64 sires and 45 dams) from two year-classes of farmed rohu carp (Labeo rohita). Survival rates were also available from Aeromonas hydrophila infection (aeromoniasis) recorded in controlled challenge tests on a different sample of individuals from the same families. Due to strong confounding between the animal additive genetic effect and the family effects (common environmental + non-additive genetic), reliable additive (co)variance components and hence heritabilities and genetic correlations could not be obtained for the investigated parameters. Therefore, estimates of the association of challenge test survival with the studied immune parameters were obtained as product moment correlations between family least square means. These correlations revealed statistically significant (p < 0.05) negative correlations of survival with bacterial agglutination titre (−0.48), serum haemolysin titre (−0.29) and haemagglutination titre (−0.34); and significant positive correlation with ceruloplasmin level (0.51). The correlations of survival to aeromoniasis with myeloperoxidase activity, superoxide production and lysozyme activity were found to be not significantly different from zero (p > 0.05). Assuming that the negatively correlated candidate traits are not favourable as indirect selection criteria, the results suggest that ceruloplasmin level could potentially be a marker for resistance to aeromoniasis in rohu. The use of this immune parameter as an indirect selection criterion for increased resistance to aeromoniasis in rohu will, however, require that the parameter shows significant additive genetic variation and a significant genetic correlation with survival. Further studies are therefore needed to obtain a reliable heritability estimate for ceruloplasmin and its genetic correlation with survival from aeromoniasis.  相似文献   

The effect of selection for methidathion resistance on fitness components of aP. persimilis strain was analysed by different means. The resistant strain was compared with the susceptible one from which it was selected. The life history and some parameters essential to the successful use of this species in biological control (voracity, resistance to starvation and drought) were analysed. Methidathion resistance was followed for 6 months under rearing conditions free of insecticide in the resistant and in a mixed strain. The investigations showed that the fitness of resistant mites did not seem altered by methidathion selection. It thus appears possible to increase pesticide resistance in beneficial arthropods without adversely affecting their main fitness components.  相似文献   

In vitro replication of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) in cells of the immune system derived from uninfected adolescent A/J and C57BL/6J mice and replication of CVB3 in and association with immune cells from spleens of infected animals in vivo were assessed. Nonstimulated or mitogen-stimulated spleen cells were minimally permissive for viral replication during an 8-h period. Three days postinfection (p.i.), CVB3 RNA was localized in vivo to B cells and follicular dendritic cells of germinal centers in both A/J and C57BL/6J mice; however, extrafollicular localization was greater in C57BL/6J mice (P = 0.0054). Although the pattern of CVB3 RNA localization was different, the total load of infections virus (PFU per milligram of tissue) was not different. Splenic CVB3 titers (PFU per milligram of tissue) in both strains were maximal at day 3 or 4 p.i. and were back to baseline by day 7 p.i., with most infectious virus being non-cell associated. CVB3 titers (PFU per milligram of tissue) correlated directly with in situ hybridization positivity in splenic follicles and extrafollicular regions in both murine strains; however, follicular hybridization intensity was greater in A/J mice at day 5 p.i. (P = 0.021). Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that 50.4% of total spleen cells positive for CVB3 antigen were B cells and 69.6% of positive splenic lymphocytes were B cells. Myocardial virus load in C57BL/6J mice was significantly lower than that in A/J mice at days 4 and 5 p.i. These data indicate that CVB3 replicates in murine splenocytes in vitro and in B cells and extrafollicular cells in vivo.  相似文献   

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