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In this paper, I present and analyse a model for the spatial dynamics of an epidemic following the point release of an infectious agent. Under conditions where the infectious agent disperses rapidly, relative to the dispersal rate of individuals, the resulting epidemic exhibits two distinct phases: a primary phase in which an epidemic wavefront propagates at constant speed and a secondary phase with a decelerating wavefront. The behavior of the primary phase is similar to standard results for diffusive epidemic models. The secondary phase may be attributed to the environmental persistence of the infectious agent near the release point. Analytic formulas are given for the invasion speeds and asymptotic infection levels. Qualitatively similar results appear to hold in an extended version of the model that incorporates virus shedding and dispersal of individuals.  相似文献   

The basic reproductive ratio, R0, is a central quantity in the investigation and management of infectious pathogens. The standard model for describing stochastic epidemics is the continuous time epidemic birth-and-death process. The incidence data used to fit this model tend to be collected in discrete units (days, weeks, etc.), which makes model fitting, and estimation of R0 difficult. Discrete time epidemic models better match the time scale of data collection but make simplistic assumptions about the stochastic epidemic process. By investigating the nature of the assumptions of a discrete time epidemic model, we derive a bias corrected maximum likelihood estimate of R0 based on the chain binomial model. The resulting 'removal' estimators provide estimates of R0 and the initial susceptible population size from time series of infectious case counts. We illustrate the performance of the estimators on both simulated data and real epidemics. Lastly, we discuss methods to address data collected with observation error.  相似文献   

In 1986 the rate of infectious syphilis (primary and secondary) in Los Angeles County began to rise from previously stable levels of about 23.5 per 100,000 to peak at 55.6 per 100,000 in 1987. The incidence of congenital syphilis increased from 205 cases in 1987 to 575 cases in 1989. The county''s Sexually Transmitted Disease Program instituted a disease-specific plan to address the epidemic. Factors considered in designing the program included the high morbidity and mortality associated with congenital infection, the existence of latent infection, self-limiting symptoms, and the availability of an inexpensive screening test and curative treatment. Policy changes implemented comprised expanded screening, expanded surveillance, increased contact tracing, and the initiation of condom promotion programs. To evaluate the relative effectiveness of Los Angeles County''s syphilis control efforts, the epidemic curve for infectious syphilis was compared with trends in other urban areas. Although the rate of infectious syphilis climbed a year earlier in Los Angeles than in other cities, it returned to baseline levels when other cities'' rates remained at epidemic levels.  相似文献   

Transient dynamics are important in many epidemics in agricultural and ecological systems that are prone to regular disturbance, cyclical and random perturbations. Here, using a simple host-pathogen model for a sessile host and a pathogen that can move by diffusion and advection, we use a range of mathematical techniques to examine the effect of initial spatial distribution of inoculum of the pathogen on the transient dynamics of the epidemic. We consider an isolated patch and a group of patches with different boundary conditions. We first determine bounds on the host population for the full model, then non-dimensionalizing the model allows us to obtain approximate solutions for the system. We identify two biologically intuitive groups of parameters to analyse transient behaviour using perturbation techniques. The first parameter group is a measure of the relative strength of initial primary to secondary infection. The second group is derived from the ratio of host removal rate (via infection) to pathogen removal rate (by decay and natural mortality) and measures the infectivity of initial inoculum on the system. By restricting the model to mimic primary infection only (in which all infections arise from initial inoculum), we obtain exact solutions and demonstrate how these depend on initial conditions, boundary conditions and model parameters. Finally, we suggest that the analyses on the balance of primary and secondary infection provide the epidemiologist with some simple rules to predict the transient behaviours.  相似文献   

A two-component model for counts of infectious diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a stochastic model for the analysis of time series of disease counts as collected in typical surveillance systems on notifiable infectious diseases. The model is based on a Poisson or negative binomial observation model with two components: a parameter-driven component relates the disease incidence to latent parameters describing endemic seasonal patterns, which are typical for infectious disease surveillance data. An observation-driven or epidemic component is modeled with an autoregression on the number of cases at the previous time points. The autoregressive parameter is allowed to change over time according to a Bayesian changepoint model with unknown number of changepoints. Parameter estimates are obtained through the Bayesian model averaging using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. We illustrate our approach through analysis of simulated data and real notification data obtained from the German infectious disease surveillance system, administered by the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. Software to fit the proposed model can be obtained from http://www.statistik.lmu.de/ approximately mhofmann/twins.  相似文献   

Infectious disease surveillance is key to limiting the consequences from infectious pathogens and maintaining animal and public health. Following the detection of a disease outbreak, a response in proportion to the severity of the outbreak is required. It is thus critical to obtain accurate information concerning the origin of the outbreak and its forward trajectory. However, there is often a lack of situational awareness that may lead to over- or under-reaction. There is a widening range of tests available for detecting pathogens, with typically different temporal characteristics, e.g. in terms of when peak test response occurs relative to time of exposure. We have developed a statistical framework that combines response level data from multiple diagnostic tests and is able to ‘hindcast’ (infer the historical trend of) an infectious disease epidemic. Assuming diagnostic test data from a cross-sectional sample of individuals infected with a pathogen during an outbreak, we use a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to estimate time of exposure, and the overall epidemic trend in the population prior to the time of sampling. We evaluate the performance of this statistical framework on simulated data from epidemic trend curves and show that we can recover the parameter values of those trends. We also apply the framework to epidemic trend curves taken from two historical outbreaks: a bluetongue outbreak in cattle, and a whooping cough outbreak in humans. Together, these results show that hindcasting can estimate the time since infection for individuals and provide accurate estimates of epidemic trends, and can be used to distinguish whether an outbreak is increasing or past its peak. We conclude that if temporal characteristics of diagnostics are known, it is possible to recover epidemic trends of both human and animal pathogens from cross-sectional data collected at a single point in time.  相似文献   

The generation interval is the time between the infection time of an infected person and the infection time of his or her infector. Probability density functions for generation intervals have been an important input for epidemic models and epidemic data analysis. In this paper, we specify a general stochastic SIR epidemic model and prove that the mean generation interval decreases when susceptible persons are at risk of infectious contact from multiple sources. The intuition behind this is that when a susceptible person has multiple potential infectors, there is a "race" to infect him or her in which only the first infectious contact leads to infection. In an epidemic, the mean generation interval contracts as the prevalence of infection increases. We call this global competition among potential infectors. When there is rapid transmission within clusters of contacts, generation interval contraction can be caused by a high local prevalence of infection even when the global prevalence is low. We call this local competition among potential infectors. Using simulations, we illustrate both types of competition. Finally, we show that hazards of infectious contact can be used instead of generation intervals to estimate the time course of the effective reproductive number in an epidemic. This approach leads naturally to partial likelihoods for epidemic data that are very similar to those that arise in survival analysis, opening a promising avenue of methodological research in infectious disease epidemiology.  相似文献   

Taking households having at least one infective as standard units and considering both a within-household infection rate and a global infection rate, we propose a Bayesian two level mixing S-I-R (susceptible-infective-removed) counting process model in which the transmission parameters may change over time and the parameters of interest are the within-household infection rate and the removal rate. Customized Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are developed for generating samples from the posterior distribution for inference purpose, based only on the removal times. The numerical performance of this method is examined in a simulation study. Applying this method to 2003 Taiwan SARS data, we find that the within-household infection rate decreases, the removal rate increases and their ratio is less than one and decreases significantly during the epidemic. This method allows the estimation of these parameters during the epidemic. For a rapidly transmitted disease, it provides a method to nearly real-time tracking of infection measures.  相似文献   

The initial exponential growth rate of an epidemic is an important measure of disease spread, and is commonly used to infer the basic reproduction number $\mathcal{R}_{0}$ . While modern techniques (e.g., MCMC and particle filtering) for parameter estimation of mechanistic models have gained popularity, maximum likelihood fitting of phenomenological models remains important due to its simplicity, to the difficulty of using modern methods in the context of limited data, and to the fact that there is not always enough information available to choose an appropriate mechanistic model. However, it is often not clear which phenomenological model is appropriate for a given dataset. We compare the performance of four commonly used phenomenological models (exponential, Richards, logistic, and delayed logistic) in estimating initial epidemic growth rates by maximum likelihood, by fitting them to simulated epidemics with known parameters. For incidence data, both the logistic model and the Richards model yield accurate point estimates for fitting windows up to the epidemic peak. When observation errors are small, the Richards model yields confidence intervals with better coverage. For mortality data, the Richards model and the delayed logistic model yield the best growth rate estimates. We also investigate the width and coverage of the confidence intervals corresponding to these fits.  相似文献   



One common observation in infectious diseases caused by multi-strain pathogens is that both the incidence of all infections and the relative fraction of infection with each strain oscillate with time (i.e., so-called Epidemic cycling). Many different mechanisms have been proposed for the pervasive nature of epidemic cycling. Nevertheless, the two facts that people contact each other through a network rather than following a simple mass-action law and most infectious diseases involve multiple strains have not been considered together for their influence on the epidemic cycling.


To demonstrate how the structural contacts among people influences the dynamical patterns of multi-strain pathogens, we investigate a two strain epidemic model in a network where every individual randomly contacts with a fixed number of other individuals. The standard pair approximation is applied to describe the changing numbers of individuals in different infection states and contact pairs.


We show that spatial correlation due to contact network and interactions between strains through both ecological interference and immune response interact to generate epidemic cycling. Compared to one strain epidemic model, the two strain model presented here can generate epidemic cycling within a much wider parameter range that covers many infectious diseases.


Our results suggest that co-circulation of multiple strains within a contact network provides an explanation for epidemic cycling.

When responding to infectious disease outbreaks, rapid and accurate estimation of the epidemic trajectory is critical. However, two common data collection problems affect the reliability of the epidemiological data in real time: missing information on the time of first symptoms, and retrospective revision of historical information, including right censoring. Here, we propose an approach to construct epidemic curves in near real time that addresses these two challenges by 1) imputation of dates of symptom onset for reported cases using a dynamically-estimated “backward” reporting delay conditional distribution, and 2) adjustment for right censoring using the NobBS software package to nowcast cases by date of symptom onset. This process allows us to obtain an approximation of the time-varying reproduction number (Rt) in real time. We apply this approach to characterize the early SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in two Spanish regions between March and April 2020. We evaluate how these real-time estimates compare with more complete epidemiological data that became available later. We explore the impact of the different assumptions on the estimates, and compare our estimates with those obtained from commonly used surveillance approaches. Our framework can help improve accuracy, quantify uncertainty, and evaluate frequently unstated assumptions when recovering the epidemic curves from limited data obtained from public health systems in other locations.  相似文献   

Recent studies of HIV RNA in infected individuals show that viral levels vary widely between individuals and within the same individual over time. Individuals with higher viral loads during the chronic phase tend to develop AIDS more rapidly. If RNA levels are correlated with infectiousness, these variations explain puzzling results from HIV transmission studies and suggest that a small subset of infected people may be responsible for a disproportionate number of infections. We use two simple models to study the impact of variations in infectiousness. In the first model, we account for different levels of virus between individuals during the chronic phase of infection, and the increase in the average time from infection to AIDS that goes along with a decreased viral load. The second model follows the more standard hypothesis that infected individuals progress through a series of infection stages, with the infectiousness of a person depending upon his current disease stage. We derive and compare threshold conditions for the two models and find explicit formulas of their endemic equilibria. We show that formulas for both models can be put into a standard form, which allows for a clear interpretation. We define the relative impact of each group as the fraction of infections being caused by that group. We use these formulas and numerical simulations to examine the relative importance of different stages of infection and different chronic levels of virus to the spreading of the disease. The acute stage and the most infectious group both appear to have a disproportionate effect, especially on the early epidemic. Contact tracing to identify super-spreaders and alertness to the symptoms of acute HIV infection may both be needed to contain this epidemic.  相似文献   

A class of discrete-time models of infectious disease spread, referred to as individual-level models (ILMs), are typically fitted in a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) framework. These models quantify probabilistic outcomes regarding the risk of infection of susceptible individuals due to various susceptibility and transmissibility factors, including their spatial distance from infectious individuals. The infectious pressure from infected individuals exerted on susceptible individuals is intrinsic to these ILMs. Unfortunately, quantifying this infectious pressure for data sets containing many individuals can be computationally burdensome, leading to a time-consuming likelihood calculation and, thus, computationally prohibitive MCMC-based analysis. This problem worsens when using data augmentation to allow for uncertainty in infection times. In this paper, we develop sampling methods that can be used to calculate a fast, approximate likelihood when fitting such disease models. A simple random sampling approach is initially considered followed by various spatially-stratified schemes. We test and compare the performance of our methods with both simulated data and data from the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) epidemic in the U.K. Our results indicate that substantial computation savings can be obtained—albeit, of course, with some information loss—suggesting that such techniques may be of use in the analysis of very large epidemic data sets.  相似文献   

Identifying the source of transmission using pathogen genetic data is complicated by numerous biological, immunological, and behavioral factors. A large source of error arises when there is incomplete or sparse sampling of cases. Unsampled cases may act as either a common source of infection or as an intermediary in a transmission chain for hosts infected with genetically similar pathogens. It is difficult to quantify the probability of common source or intermediate transmission events, which has made it difficult to develop statistical tests to either confirm or deny putative transmission pairs with genetic data. We present a method to incorporate additional information about an infectious disease epidemic, such as incidence and prevalence of infection over time, to inform estimates of the probability that one sampled host is the direct source of infection of another host in a pathogen gene genealogy. These methods enable forensic applications, such as source-case attribution, for infectious disease epidemics with incomplete sampling, which is usually the case for high-morbidity community-acquired pathogens like HIV, Influenza and Dengue virus. These methods also enable epidemiological applications such as the identification of factors that increase the risk of transmission. We demonstrate these methods in the context of the HIV epidemic in Detroit, Michigan, and we evaluate the suitability of current sequence databases for forensic and epidemiological investigations. We find that currently available sequences collected for drug resistance testing of HIV are unlikely to be useful in most forensic investigations, but are useful for identifying transmission risk factors.  相似文献   

A disease is considered which is transferred between two populations, termed hosts and vectors. The disease is transmitted solely from infected vector to uninfected host and from infected host to uninfected vector. Two models are formulated in which infectious individuals are introduced at time t = 0 into the populations of susceptibles, thus triggering an epidemic through those populations. Conditions are established for a major epidemic to occur, and the final size of the epidemic is obtained for these models when no spatial aspect is considered. When a spatial aspect is included in the models, again the condition for a major epidemic is obtained. The pandemic theorem is proved rigorously, giving a lower bound for the proportion of each population, at each point, who eventually suffer the epidemic. The behavior a long way from the initial focus of infection is also rigorously obtained.  相似文献   

A stochastic epidemic model allowing for both mildly and severely infectious individuals is defined, where an individual can become severely infectious directly upon infection or if additionally exposed to infection. It is shown that, assuming a large community, the initial phase of the epidemic may be approximated by a suitable branching process and that the main part of an epidemic that becomes established admits a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem, leading to a normal approximation for the final outcome of such an epidemic. Effects of vaccination prior to an outbreak are studied and the critical vaccination coverage, above which only small outbreaks can occur, is derived. The results are illustrated by simulations that demonstrate that the branching process and normal approximations work well for finite communities, and by numerical examples showing that the final outcome may be close to discontinuous in certain model parameters and that the fraction mildly infected may actually increase as an effect of vaccination.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the presentation and study of a specific stochastic epidemic model accounting for the effect of contact-tracing on the spread of an infectious disease. Precisely, one considers here the situation in which individuals identified as infected by the public health detection system may contribute to detecting other infectious individuals by providing information related to persons with whom they have had possibly infectious contacts. The control strategy, which consists of examining each individual who has been able to be identified on the basis of the information collected within a certain time period, is expected to efficiently reinforce the standard random-screening-based detection and considerably ease the epidemic. In the novel modelling of the spread of a communicable infectious disease considered here, the population of interest evolves through demographic, infection and detection processes, in a way that its temporal evolution is described by a stochastic Markov process, of which the component accounting for the contact-tracing feature is assumed to be valued in a space of point measures. For adequate scalings of the demographic, infection and detection rates, it is shown to converge to the weak deterministic solution of a PDE system, as a parameter n, interpreted as the population size, roughly speaking, becomes larger. From the perspective of the analysis of infectious disease data, this approximation result may serve as a key tool for exploring the asymptotic properties of standard inference methods such as maximum likelihood estimation. We state preliminary statistical results in this context. Eventually, relations of the model with the available data of the HIV epidemic in Cuba, in which country a contact-tracing detection system has been set up since 1986, is investigated and numerical applications are carried out.  相似文献   

Starting from a recent paper of Pollicott, Wang and Weiss we try to obtain improved representation formulas for the estimation of the time-dependent transmission rate of an epidemic in terms of either incidence or prevalence data. Although the formulas are (trivially) mathematically equivalent to previous formulas, the new representations need no additional estimates and they should be more stable numerically.We review the discrete time and the stochastic continuous time approach. We replace the assumption that recovery follows an exponential distribution and get estimates for the transmission rate for constant duration of the infectious phase.  相似文献   

Vaccine induced protection against infection is often random because of primary vaccine failures and variation in the immune systems of hosts. We introduce a concept of protective vaccine efficacy in terms of mean relative susceptibility of vaccinated individuals and derive both a lower and an upper bound for it. These bounds apply for all distributions of the vaccine response and can be estimated from data on the size of a major epidemic. Standard errors are given for estimates of the bounds. Bounds are also given for the vaccination coverage required to prevent epidemics and these are also estimable from data on the size of a major epidemic. The results are applied to data on an outbreak of mumps.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the presentation and study of a specific stochastic epidemic model accounting for the effect of contact-tracing on the spread of an infectious disease. Precisely, one considers here the situation in which individuals identified as infected by the public health detection system may contribute to detecting other infectious individuals by providing information related to persons with whom they have had possibly infectious contacts. The control strategy, which consists of examining each individual who has been able to be identified on the basis of the information collected within a certain time period, is expected to efficiently reinforce the standard random-screening-based detection and considerably ease the epidemic. In the novel modelling of the spread of a communicable infectious disease considered here, the population of interest evolves through demographic, infection and detection processes, in a way that its temporal evolution is described by a stochastic Markov process, of which the component accounting for the contact-tracing feature is assumed to be valued in a space of point measures. For adequate scalings of the demographic, infection and detection rates, it is shown to converge to the weak deterministic solution of a PDE system, as a parameter n, interpreted as the population size, roughly speaking, becomes larger. From the perspective of the analysis of infectious disease data, this approximation result may serve as a key tool for exploring the asymptotic properties of standard inference methods such as maximum likelihood estimation. We state preliminary statistical results in this context. Eventually, relations of the model with the available data of the HIV epidemic in Cuba, in which country a contact-tracing detection system has been set up since 1986, is investigated and numerical applications are carried out.  相似文献   

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