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In this work, we describe the ability of living cells of Entamoeba histolytica to hydrolyze extracellular ATP. In these intact parasites, whose viability was determined by motility and by the eosin method, ATP hydrolysis was low in the absence of any divalent metal (78 nmol P(i)/h/10(5) cells). Interestingly, in the presence of 5 mM MgCl(2) an ecto-ATPase activity of 300 nmol P(i)/h/10(5) cells was observed. The addition of MgCl(2) to the extracellular medium increased the ecto-ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. At 5 mM ATP, half-maximal stimulation of ATP hydrolysis was obtained with 1.23 mM MgCl(2). Both activities were linear with cell density and with time for at least 1 h. The ecto-ATPase activity was also stimulated by MnCl(2) and CaCl(2) but not by SrCl(2), ZnCl(2), or FeCl(3). In fact, FeCl(3) inhibited both Mg(2+)-dependent and Mg(2+)-independent ecto-ATPase activities. The Mg(2+)-independent ATPase activity was unaffected by pH in the range between 6.4 and 8. 4, in which the cells were viable. However, the Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase activity was enhanced concomitantly with the increase in pH. In order to discard the possibility that the ATP hydrolysis observed was due to phosphatase or 5'-nucleotidase activities, several inhibitors for these enzymes were tested. Sodium orthovanadate, sodium fluoride, levamizole, and ammonium molybdate had no effect on the ATPase activities. In the absence of Mg(2+) (basal activity), the apparent K(m) for ATP(4-) was 0.053 +/- 0.008 mM, whereas at saturating MgCl(2) concentrations, the corresponding apparent K(m) for Mg-ATP(2-) for Mg(2+)-dependent ecto-ATPase activity (difference between total and basal ecto-ATPase activity) was 0.503 mM +/- 0.062. Both ecto-ATPase activities were highly specific for ATP and were also able to hydrolyze ADP less efficiently. To identify the observed hydrolytic activities as those of an ecto-ATPase, we used suramin, a competitive antagonist of P(2) purinoreceptors and an inhibitor of some ecto-ATPases, as well as the impermeant agent 4'-4'-diisothiocyanostylbenzene-2'-2'-disulfonic acid. These two reagents inhibited the Mg(2+)-independent and the Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase activities to different extents, and the inhibition by both agents was prevented by ATP. A comparison among the ecto-ATPase activities of three amoeba species showed that the noninvasive E. histolytica and the free-living E. moshkovskii were less efficient than the pathogenic E. histolytica in hydrolyzing ATP. As E. histolytica is known to have a galactose-specific lectin on its surface, which is related to the pathogenesis of amebiasis, galactose was tested for an effect on ecto-ATPase activities. It stimulated the Mg(2+)-dependent ecto-ATPase but not the Mg(2+)-independent ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Simultaneous intracellular recordings were made from interneurons and from closer or opener mandibular motor neurons in the isolated suboesophageal ganglion of the larva of Manduca sexta. This article describes various morphologically and physiologically distinguishable premotor spiking interneurons which make direct excitatory connections with the motor neurons. In addition, two presumptive non-spiking interneurons make excitatory and inhibitory connections respectively with opener motor neurons. Both classes of interneurons receive excitatory and inhibitory sensory inputs from the mouthparts. Their circuitry and functions are discussed.Abbreviations A anterior - AP action potential - CEC circumoesophageal connective - Cl-MN closer motor neuron - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - IN interneuron - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - MdN mandibular nerve - MN motor neuron - MxN maxillary nerve - O-MN opener motor neuron - PSP postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

The carbohydrate metabolism in Manduca sexta underwent significant changes during late larval development. Approximately 10% of fat body glycogen phosphorylase was active during the feeding period of the 5th instar, pharate-pupal development and after the pupal moult; it is concluded that glycogen synthesis prevailed. During the last larval and the pupal moult, as well as the wandering stage the percentage of active phosphorylase was significantly increased indicating that fat body glycogen stores were broken down to supply substrates to meet the demands of carbohydrate metabolism. In the course of the last larval moult and the wandering stage the fat body glycogen content decreased significantly from about 300 to about 200 μg mg−1 dry mass substantiating that carbohydrates were released from the fat body. Prior to phosphorylase activation, the concentrations of total haemolymph sugars decreased significantly from about 12 to about 6 mg trehalose equivalents ml−1 (last larval moult) and from about 18 to about 12 mg ml−1 (wandering stage), and increased again slightly when phosphorylase was activated. The haemolymph glucose concentration decreased significantly from about 1.1 to 0.3 mg ml−1 (last larval moult) and in the course of the 5th-instar feeding period from about 1.1 to 0.2 mg ml−1, and remained at this level until the beginning of adult development. The amount of chitosan present in the cuticle increased steadily during the feeding period of the 5th instar from about 10 to 110 mg. It appears that fat body glycogen might be broken down during the last larval moult and the wandering period to provide substrates for chitin synthesis. A dramatic decrease in the amount of chitosan was observed prior to the pupal moult.  相似文献   

Serine proteinase inhibitors from the serpin superfamily have been identified as hemolymph proteins from several groups of arthropods, including horseshoe crabs, crayfish, and insects. In the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, one group of serpins present in plasma is generated by alternate exon splicing from serpin gene-1. We have identified a second serpin gene from this insect, M. sexta serpin-2. A serpin-2 DNA clone was isolated from a fifth instar larval cDNA library. The full-length cDNA is 1.5 kb long and encodes a protein of 381 amino acid residues. Amino acid sequence comparisons with other invertebrate serpins reveal approximately 25-40% identity with serpin-2. An expressed sequence tag from Bombyx mori, which is very similar to M. sexta serpin-2, was identified, and the corresponding full-length cDNA sequence was determined. This silkworm homolog of serpin-2 is 57% identical to M. sexta serpin-2. Recombinant M. sexta serpin-2 was used as an antigen to generate a rabbit polyclonal antiserum. This antiserum recognized a 43 kDa protein present in hemocytes but absent from plasma. Western and Northern blot results revealed that serpin-2 gene expression increased dramatically after larvae were injected with bacteria. In situ hybridization showed that the serpin-2 mRNA is present in granular hemocytes of immune-stimulated larvae. Serpin-2 purified from hemocytes obtained 24 h after injection of larvae with bacteria lacked inhibitory activity for all proteinases tested except for human cathepsin G. The intracellular location of serpin-2 suggests a function for serpin-2 different from the plasma serpin-1 proteins.  相似文献   

Although phosphorus has long been considered an important factor in the growth of diverse biota such as bacteria, algae, and zooplankton, insect nutrition has classically focused on dietary protein and energy content. However, research in elemental stoichiometry has suggested that primary producer biomass has similar N:P ratios in aquatic and terrestrial systems, and phosphorus-rich herbivores in freshwater systems frequently face phosphorus-limited nutritional conditions. Therefore, herbivorous insects should also be prone to phosphorus limitation. We tested this prediction by rearing Manduca sexta larvae on artificial and natural (Datura wrightii leaves) diets containing varying levels of phosphorus (approximately 0.20, 0.55, or 1.2% phosphorus by dry weight). For both artificial and natural diets, increased dietary phosphorus significantly increased growth rates and body phosphorus contents, and shortened the time to the final instar molt. Caterpillars did not consistently exhibit compensatory feeding for phosphorus on either type of diet. The growth and body phosphorus responses were not explicable by changes in amounts of potassium or calcium, which co-varied with phosphorus in the diets. Concentrations of phosphorus in D. wrightii leaves collected in the field varied over a range in which leaf phosphorus is predicted to affect M. sexta's growth rates. These results suggest that natural variation in dietary phosphorus is likely to affect the growth rate and population dynamics of M. sexta, and perhaps larval insects more generally.  相似文献   

On the hypothesis that prostaglandins and other eicosanoids mediate nodulation responses to bacterial infections in insects, we describe an intracellular phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in homogenates prepared from hemocytes collected from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. PLA2 hydrolyzes fatty acids from the sn-2 position of phospholipids. Some PLA2s are thought to be the first and rate-limiting step in biosynthesis of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids. The hemocyte PLA2 activity was sensitive to hemocyte homogenate protein concentration (up to 250 μg protein/reaction), pH (optimal activity at pH 8.0), and the presence of a Ca2+ chelator. Like PLA2s from mammalian sources, the hemocyte PLA2 was inhibited by the phospholipid analog oleyoxyethyl phosphorylcholine. Whereas most intracellular PLA2s require Ca2+ for catalytic activity, some PLA2s, including the hemocyte enzyme, are Ca2+-independent. The hemocyte PLA2 exhibited a preference for arachidonyl-associated substrate over palmitoyl-associated substrate. These findings show that M. sexta hemocytes express a PLA2 that shows a marked preference for hydrolyzing arachidonic acid from phospholipids. The biological significance of this enzyme relates to cellular immune responses to bacterial infections. The hemocyte PLA2 may be the first biochemical step in synthesis of the eicosanoids that mediate cellular immunity in insects. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The role of phosphorus (P) in numerous important biological structures, coupled with the observation that P-content of many insect foods is disproportionately low, suggests that P may be a critical nutrient for growing insects — however, the few studies examining the effects of dietary P on insect performance have generally found only weak relationships. This mismatch may be reconciled by understanding the physiological mechanisms by which insects handle P. Here we describe P processing by larvae of Manduca sexta. When given un-manipulated leaves of a common host plant, Datura wrightii, fifth-instar larvae retained about 85% of P consumed; when given P-enriched leaves larvae retained only 25% of P consumed. Analysis of gut concentrations of P at four sites along the digestive tract, and in leaves and feces, indicates that the rectum is the primary site of P transport between the gut and body and that differences in P retention may be accounted for by differential rates of rectal P transport. Larvae given P-enriched leaves also showed an eightfold increase in the concentration of P in the hemolymph, primarily as α-glycerophosphate — but only a 12% increase in the concentration of P in body tissues, suggesting that hemolymph plays a central role in storage and buffering of P.  相似文献   

Regulation of chitin synthesis in the larval midgut of Manduca sexta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In insects, chitin is not only synthesized by ectodermal cells that form chitinous cuticles, but also by endodermal cells of the midgut that secrete a chitinous peritrophic matrix. Using anti-chitin synthase (CHS) antibodies, we previously demonstrated that in the midgut of Manduca sexta, CHS is expressed by two cell types, tracheal cells forming a basal tracheal network and columnar cells forming the apical brush border [Zimoch and Merzendorfer, 2002, Cell Tissue Res. 308, 287-297]. Now, we show that two different genes, MsCHS1 and MsCHS2, encode CHSs of midgut tracheae and columnar cells, respectively. To investigate MsCHS2 expression and activity in the course of the larval development, we monitored chitin synthesis, enzyme levels as well as mRNA amounts. All of the tested parameters were significantly reduced during molting and in the wandering stage when compared to the values obtained from intermolt feeding larvae. By contrast, MsCHS1 appeared to be inversely regulated because its mRNA was detectable only during the molt at the time when tracheal growth occurs at the basal site of the midgut. To further examine midgut chitin synthesis, we measured enzyme activity in crude midgut extracts and different membrane fractions. When we analysed trypsin-mediated proteolytic activation, a phenomenon previously reported for insect and fungal systems, we recognized that midgut chitin synthesis was only activated in crude extracts, but not in the 12,000 g membrane fraction. However, proteolytic activation by trypsin in the 12,000 g membrane fraction could be reconstituted by re-adding a soluble fraction, indicating that limited proteolysis affects an unknown soluble factor, a process that in turn activates chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

Insect cellular immune reactions to bacterial infection include nodule formation. Eicosanoids mediate several cellular actions in the nodulation process, including formation of hemocyte microaggregates, an early step. In previous work, we reported that isolated hemocytes produce and secrete eicosanoids that influence hemocyte behavior in response to bacterial challenge. We also reported that microaggregate formation in response to challenge was mediated by prostaglandins (PGs), but not by products of the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathways. In this paper we describe experiments designed to test the idea that exposing isolated hemocytes to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) evokes formation of hemocyte microaggregates and this cellular action is mediated by PGs. Results show that isolated hemocyte preparations challenged with LPS formed more hemocyte microaggregates than unchallenged preparations (6.9x10(3) microaggregates/ml hemolymph vs. 2.5x10(3) microaggregates/ml hemolymph). LPS challenge stimulated formation of hemocyte microaggregates in a dose dependent manner. Experimental groups pretreated with cyclooxygenase inhibitors produced fewer hemocyte microaggregates in response to LPS challenge than untreated control groups. The formation of hemocyte microaggregates was not influenced by LOX inhibitors. Furthermore, the influence of dexamethasone was reversed by supplementing the experimental groups with the eicosanoid precursor fatty acid molecule, arachidonic acid and PGH(2). Palmitic acid, which is not substrate for eicosanoid biosynthesis, did not reverse the effects of dexamethasone on the formation of microaggregates. The LOX product 5(S)hydroperoxyeicosa-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-tetraenoic acid also did not reverse the effects of dexamethasone. These results are consistent with similar investigations performed with bacterial suspensions. We infer that isolated hemocyte preparations recognize and react to LPS by forming microaggregates and this reaction is mediated by PGs, but not products of the LOX pathway.  相似文献   

Insect hemocytes play a major role in developmental processes where they disassociate and rebuild metamorphosing tissues while undergoing physiological changes themselves. We identified hemocyte changes from the last larval to the beginning of the pupal stage of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Larval and pupal hemocytes behaved differently in a 40% Percoll density gradient. Larval granular cells were found in almost all density layers, pupal granular cells were abundant in high density layers; larval plasmatocytes occurred in dense layers, pupal plasmatocytes became enriched in less dense layers of the gradient. Using a panel of monoclonal antibodies generated against purified hemocytes, several different antibody binding patterns were identified. Quantitative differences in staining intensities were observed more often than qualitative changes, e.g. a loss or a gain of staining. Both phenomena were related to both plasmatocytes and granular cells. The distribution of the corresponding antigens in tissues was tested on cross sections of larvae and pupae as well as in Western blot analyses using organ homogenates. Several antibodies were specific for hemocytes only, among which two antibodies bound to molecules of the hematopoietic organ. Other antibodies had an additional reactivity to other tissues, mainly to the basal lamina.  相似文献   

1.  The physiology and morphology of olfactory interneurons in the brain of larval Manduca sexta were studied using intracellular recording and staining techniques. Antennal olfactory receptors were stimulated with volatile substances from plants and with pure odorants. Neurons responding to the stimuli were investigated further to reveal their response specificities, dose-response characteristics, and morphology.
2.  We found no evidence of specific labeled-lines among the odor-responsive interneurons, as none responded exclusively to one plant odor or pure odorant; most olfactory interneurons were broadly tuned in their response spectra. This finding is consistent with an across-fiber pattern of odor coding.
3.  Mechanosensory and olfactory information are integrated at early stages of central processing, appearing in the responses of some local interneurons restricted to the primary olfactory nucleus in the brain, the larval antennal center (LAC).
4.  The responses of LAC projection neurons and higher-order protocerebral interneurons to a given odor were more consistent than the responses of LAC local interneurons.
5.  The LAC appears to be functionally subdivided, as both local and projection neurons had arborizations in specific parts of the LAC, but none had dendrites throughout the LAC.
6.  The mushroom bodies and the lateral protocerebrum contain neurons that respond to olfactory stimulation.

Lipophorin binding to the midgut of Manduca sexta larvae was characterized in a midgut membrane preparation, using iodinated larval high-density lipophorin ((125)I-HDLp-L). The iodination procedure did not change the affinity of the preparation for lipophorin. In the presence of increasing concentrations of membrane protein, corresponding increases in lipophorin binding were observed. The time-course of lipophorin binding to the membranes was affected by the lipophorin concentration in the medium, and at a low lipoprotein concentration, a longer time was required for equilibrium to be reached. The specific binding of lipophorin to the midgut membrane was a saturable process with a K(d) = 1.5+/-0.2x10(-7) M and a maximal binding capacity = 127+/-17 ng lipophorin/microg of membrane protein. Binding did not depend on calcium, was maximal around pH 5.5, was strongly inhibited by an increase in the ionic strength, and abolished by suramin. However, suramin did not completely displace lipophorin that was previously bound to the membrane preparation. The lipid content of the lipophorin did not significantly affect the affinity of the membrane preparation for lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The nerves and nerve terminals to tonic larval muscle fibers in third and fifth instar caterpillars were studied to compare them with those formed by the same motor neurons on phasic flight muscles in adult moths. Scanning micrographs showed a primary nerve branch running the length of each fiber, with secondary nerve branches extending from it at intervals. There was a great deal of variability in both the length of the branches and the distance from the nerve at which the neuromuscular junctions were formed. The rapid increase in muscle fiber size during larval development may be responsible for this variability. The nerves and junctions were often found to be obscure by overlying fibroblasts and tracheoblasts or entering the deep muscle clefts. Those examined were similar in appearance to the adult junctions formed by the same neurons, although some may have formed single branches instead of y-shapes. The membrane specializations of the synapse seen in freeze-fractured specimens were similar to those of the adult junction. However, the overall shape of the nerve terminal within the junction differed. The larval nerve terminals appeared varicose instead of having a uniform diameter. The spacing of the nerve plaques varied, in contrast with the relatively straight alignment and even spacing of plaques found in adult junctions. Such differences could result from an interaction between the motor neuron and the two different types of muscle fiber that it innervates, an intrinsic change in the motor neurons themselves that occurs with metamorphosis, or a plastic functional response that occurs as a result of the different types of motor patterns that are used in the two stages.  相似文献   

Activation and inactivation of fat body glycogen phosphorylase was investigated in ligated abdomens of larval Manduca sexta and in vitro. After maximal activation through Manduca adipokinetic hormone (AKH) or chilling, inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase commenced as soon as the stimulus for the activation was removed indicating that the enzyme system in the fat body is fine-tuned to low phosphorylase activities which is necessary to allow glycogen synthesis. In intact ligated abdomens phosphorylase can be activated repeatedly by either stimulus showing that the fat body system does not lose its responsiveness. It was impossible to achieve complete conversion of the inactive form of phosphorylase into the active form even after administration of AKH and simultaneous chilling. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Incubation of Bacillus thuringiensis HD-1 spores in the larval gut fluid of Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) resulted in increased viable counts, conversion to phase-dark spores, and a loss of absorbance in spore suspensions, indicative of spore germination. Heat-activated and untreated spores incubated in water did not exhibit these changes. Only when spores were heat activated and incubated in germinants L-alanine and adenosine did changes in the spores approximate those observed in gut fluid. These data suggest that M. sexta larval gut fluid induces the activation and germination of B. thuringiensis spores.  相似文献   

In insects, melanotic encapsulation is an important innate immune response against large pathogens or parasites, and phenoloxidase (PO) is a key enzyme in this process. Activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO) to PO is mediated by a serine proteinase cascade. PO has a tendency to adhere to foreign surfaces including hemocyte surfaces. In this study, we showed that in the naïve larvae of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, hemolymph proPO bound to the surface of granulocytes and spherule cells but not to oenocytoids, and about 10% hemocytes had proPO on their surfaces. When larvae were injected with water (injury) or microsphere beads (immune-challenge), hemolymph proPO was activated, and the number of hemocytes with surface proPO/PO increased at 12 h post-injection, but dropped to the normal level at 24 h. Hemocyte surface proPO can be activated in vitro, leading to melanization of these hemocytes. The number of melanized hemocytes from the larvae injected with water or microsphere beads significantly increased. We also showed that neither hemocytes nor cell-free plasma alone triggered melanization of immulectin-2-coated agarose beads in vitro. However, agarose beads were effectively melanized by isolated hemocytes in the presence of cell-free plasma. Our results suggest that activation of hemocyte surface proPO may initiate melanization, leading to the systemic melanization of hemocyte capsules.  相似文献   

The time course of clearance of an injected dose of 106 CFU ml?1 hemolymph of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 in larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, has been examined in detail. The clearance process has been subdivided into three stages during which the rates of reduction in concentration of circulating viable bacteria were clearly different. Contributions of hemocyte reactions to bacterial clearance were examined during stages I and II. During stage I (0–2 hr postinoculation (PI), nodule formation produced a dramatic reduction in circulating bacteria by entrapping over 90% of the injected dose in the first 30 min. Phagocytosis of bacteria by circulating hemocytes and subsequent intracellular digestion contributed significantly to reductions in circulating bacteria during stage II (2–8 hr PI). Viable cells of the virulent P. aeruginosa P11-1 were trapped in nodules as efficiently as the less virulent 9027 during the first 30 min after injection into M. sexta. Bacteria of strain P11-1 were also phagocytosed by hemocytes during stage II, however, phagocytosed bacteria were observed less frequently in P11-1-treated insects and intracellular digestion of these bacteria was only rarely observed. The increased virulence of P11-1 in larvae of M. sexta may be due to less efficient phagocytosis by circulating hemocytes and to insensitivity of this strain to killing reactions in nodules and following phagocytosis.  相似文献   

1. Intersegmental interneurons (INs) that participate in the larval bending reflex and the pupal gin trap closure reflex were identified in the isolated ventral nerve cord of Manduca sexta. INs 305, 504, and 703 show qualitatively different responses in the pupa than in the larva to electrical stimulation of sensory neurons that are retained during the larval-pupal transition to serve both reflexes. Action potentials produced by current injected into the 3 interneurons excite motor neurons that are directly involved in the larval and pupal reflexes. The excitation of the motor neurons is not associated with EPSPs at a fixed latency following action potentials in the interneurons, and thus there do not seem to be direct synaptic connections between the interneurons and the motor neurons. 2. IN 305 (Fig. 2) has a lateral soma, processes in most of the dorsal neuropil ipsilateral to the soma, and a crossing neurite that gives rise to a single contralateral descending axon. IN 305 is excited by stimulation of the sensory nerve ipsilateral to its soma in the larva and the pupa. Stimulation of the sensory nerve contralateral to its soma produces an inhibitory response in the larva, but a mixed excitatory/inhibitory response to the identical stimulus in the pupa. 3. IN 504 (Fig. 3) has a lateral soma, processes throughout most of the neuropil ipsilateral to the soma, and a crossing neurite that bifurcates to give rise to a process extending to the caudal limit of the neuropil and an ascending axon. IN 504 is excited by stimulation of the sensory nerve ipsilateral to its soma in both larvae and pupae, while the response to stimulation of the sensory nerve contralateral to its soma is inhibitory in the larva but mixed (excitatory/inhibitory) in the pupa. 4. IN 703 has a large antero-lateral soma, a neurite that extends across to the contralateral side giving rise to processes located primarily dorsally in both ipsilateral and contralateral neuropils, and two axons that ascend and descend in the connectives contralateral to the soma (Fig. 4). IN 703 responds to stimulation of the sensory nerves on either side of the ganglion, but the form of the response changes during the larval-pupal transition. In the larva, the response consists of very phasic (0-2 spikes) excitation, but in the pupa there is a prolonged excitation that greatly outlasts the stimulus (Fig. 6).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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