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The binding characteristics and specificity of the rat hepatic ferritin receptor were investigated using ferritins prepared from rat liver, heart, spleen, kidney and serum, human liver and serum, guinea pig liver and horse spleen as well as ferritins enriched with respect to either H- or L-type subunit composition, prepared by chromatofocusing of rat liver ferritin on Mono-P or by reverse-phase chromatography of ferritin subunits on ProRPC 5/10. No significant difference was apparent in the binding of any of the tissue ferritins, or of ferritins of predominantly acidic or basic subunit composition. However, serum ferritin bound with a lower affinity. The effect of carbohydrate on the ferritin-receptor binding was examined by glycosidase treatment of tissue and serum ferritins. Tissue ferritin binding was unaffected, while serum ferritin binding affinity was increased to that of the tissue ferritins. Inhibition of ferritin binding by lactoferrin was not due to common carbohydrate moieties as previously suggested but was due to direct binding of lactoferrin to ferritin. Therefore, carbohydrate residues do not appear to facilitate receptor-ferritin binding, and sialic acid residues present on serum ferritin may in fact interfere with binding. The results indicate that the hepatic ferritin receptor acts preferentially to remove tissue ferritins from the circulation. The lower binding affinity of serum ferritin for the ferritin receptor explains its slower in vivo clearance relative to tissue ferritins.  相似文献   

Summary Haemosiderin has been isolated from siderosomes and ferritin from the cytosol of livers of rats iron-loaded by intraperitoneal injections of iron-dextran. Siderosomal haermosiderin, like ferritin, was shown by electron diffraction to contain iron mainly in the form of small particles of ferrihydrite (5Fe2O3 · 9H2O), with average particle diameter of 5.36±1.31 nm (SD), less than that of ferritin iron-cores (6.14±1.18 nm). Mössbauer spectra of both iron-storage complexes are also similar, except that the blocking temperature,T B, for haemosiderin (23 K) is lower than that of ferritin (35 K). These values are consistent with their differences in particle volumes assuming identical magnetic anisotropy constants. Measurements of P/Fe ratios by electron probe microanalysis showed the presence of phosphorus in rat liver haemosiderin, but much of it was lost on extensive dialysis. The presence of peptides reacting with anti-ferritin antisera and the similarities in the structures of their iron components are consistent with the view that rat liver haemosiderin arises by degradation of ferritin polypeptides, but its peptide pattern is different from that found in human-thalassaemia haemosiderin. The blocking temperature, 35 K, for rat liver ferritin is near to that reported, 40 K, for human-thalassaemia spleen ferritin. However, the haemosiderin isolated from this tissue, in contrast to that from rat liver, had aT B higher than that of ferritin. The iron availability of haemosiderins from rat liver and human-thalassaemic spleen to a hydroxypyridinone chelator also differed. That from rat liver was equal to or greater, and that from human spleen was markedly less, than the iron availability from either of the associated ferritins, which were equivalent. The differences in properties of the two types of haemosiderin may reflect their origins from primary or secondary iron overload and differences in the duration of the overload.  相似文献   

铁蛋白(Ferritin)是一种广泛存在于生物体中的笼状蛋白,由24个亚基自组装形成的蛋白质外壳和铁内核两部分组成,是维持机体铁代谢平衡的重要蛋白。最新发现,人血清铁蛋白含量的变化与某些疾病相关,特别是发现利用大肠杆菌重组表达、仿生合成的磁性人铁蛋白具有双功能特性,即识别肿瘤并使其可视化。此外,铁蛋白独特的结构及理化性质使其成为理想的纳米载体,用于构筑多功能肿瘤成像和药物输送的平台。本文重点介绍人铁蛋白的新功能及其在疾病诊断和肿瘤靶向治疗中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectroscopy has been used to study the hyperfine interactions in the iron cores of pharmaceutically important industrial and elaborated iron–dextran complexes (ferritin models) and human ferritin. Mössbauer spectra of frozen solutions and lyophilized samples of iron–dextran complexes at 87 K demonstrated magnetic, superparamagnetic and paramagnetic states of iron in various complexes. Mössbauer spectra of human ferritin in frozen solution and lyophilized form showed paramagnetic state of iron at 87 K. Small variations of Mössbauer hyperfine parameters were observed for different samples at 87 and 295 K, respectively, supposing the homogenous iron cores. The values of quadrupole splitting for iron–dextran complexes and ferritin in frozen solutions at 87 K varied from 0.639 to 0.744 mm/s while those of lyophilized samples at 87 K varied from 0.714 to 0.788 mm/s. The values of quadrupole splitting for iron–dextran complexes and ferritin in lyophilized form at 295 K varied from 0.687 to 0.741 mm/s. The values of hyperfine magnetic fields on the 57Fe nuclei in several iron–dextran complexes at 87 K varied from 231 to 485 kOe. These small variations of the hyperfine parameters were related to several types of the hydrous iron oxide microstructural modifications in the core and variations of the iron core size. The influence of lyophilization on the iron core structure was also assumed. In addition, Mössbauer spectra were evaluated in supposition of heterogeneous iron core in all samples.  相似文献   

Summary Phlebotomy of untreated and iron-loaded rats results in a significant decrease in total liver iron. In ironloaded rats a marked decrease in iron-containing particles is observed ultrastructurally in lysosomes and cytoplasm of hepatic sinusoidal cells but not in parenchymal cells. This remarkable phenomenon was further investigated in a morphometric study, based on element-specific (iron) distribution images made in situ in the parenchymal cell by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy. With the use of this technique it could be shown that in spite of phlebotomy the ferritin iron content of the iron-loaded liver parenchymal cell is not decreased.  相似文献   

Summary The livers of iron-loaded rats were fractionated and a cytosolic fraction, a lysosomal fraction, a siderosomal fraction and haemosiderin were obtained. All iron-containing compounds from these fractions were isolated and their morphology, Fe/P ratios, iron core diameter and peptide content were compared. The cytosolic fraction contained ferritin (CF) and a slower sedimenting, light ferritin (CLF). The lysosomal fraction also contained ferritin (LF) and a slower sedimenting light ferritin (LLF). The siderosomal fraction contained ferritin (SF), a faster sedimenting non-ferritin iron compound (SIC) and haemosiderin (HS). SIC and HS did not resemble ferritin as much as the other products did, but were found to be water-insoluble aggregates. The Fe/P ratios of CF and CLF were lower than the Fe/P ratios of LF and LLF and these in turn had lower Fe/P ratios than SF, SIC and HS. The iron core diameter of the cytosolic ferritin was increased after lysosomal uptake. The iron core diameters of the siderosomal products were smaller. CLF, CF, LF, LLF and SF contained one kind of subunit of approximately 20.5 kDa. SIC and HS contained other peptides in addition to the 20.5-kDa subunit. The results indicate that storage of ferritin molecules is not limited to the cytosolic compartment, but is also the case in the lysosomes. Extensive degradation of the ferritin molecule seems to be confined to the siderosomes.  相似文献   

The effect of iron on ferritin turnover in rat liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
125I-labelled angiotensin II (A II) specifically binds to solubilized receptors extracted from rat isolated glomeruli using CHAPS (3-[3-( cholamidopropyl ) dimethylammonio ]-1-propanesulfonate). The yield of solubilization of the binding sites was 3.3%. Equilibrium was reached after 15-20 min and specific binding represented 75% of total binding. Dissociation of the hormone-receptor complex after addition of an excess of A II was very slow in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+. [Sar1 Ala8] A II and [Sar1 Ile8] A II were more potent as competitive inhibitors of 125I-labelled A II than A II itself and its heptapeptide. These basic features of 125I-labelled A II binding to the extracted material were similar to those observed previously with untreated glomeruli.  相似文献   

Fourteen samples of human hippocampal tissue were resected during amygdalo-hippocampectomies performed on patients suffering from Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE). In addition, eight tissue samples from the hippocampus, cortex basalganglia, cerebellum and leptomeninges were resected from cadavers during routine autopsy and were not chemically fixed. All samples were preserved in liquid nitrogen and magnetic properties were measured at 77K and 273K. Measurements indicate that there are no systematic variations in magnetic particle concentrations or magnetic properties between MTLE patients and non-pathologic tissue from the cadavers. The presence of superparamagnetic particles can be inferred due to differences in the saturation remanence acquired at 77K and 273K. This is a further indication that biogenic magnetite and/or maghemite present in the human brain likely is not primarily associated with geomagnetic field sensing as it is known to occur in other organisms  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the biomechanical response of human brain tissue is necessary to investigate traumatic brain injury mechanisms. Published brain material property studies have been mostly performed under a specific type of loading, which is insufficient to develop accurate brain tissue constitutive equations. In addition, inconsistent or contradictory data in the literature made it impossible for computational model developers to create a single brain material model that can fit most, if not all, experimental results.  相似文献   

Activity of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (EC, one of the key gluconeogenic enzymes, was measured in human fetal brain and liver during development. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase was distributed throughout the different regions of the brain. In contrast to the partially purified enzyme from the brain, the liver enzyme was dependent on Mg2+ for maximal activity, EDTA, citrate, oleate and linoleate were stimulatory, whereas 5′-AMP inhibited the activity of the liver enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic study of normal bladder urothelium of elderly patients ranging in age from 61 to 82 years has shown the occurrence of unusually thin regions consisting of either one or two layers of undifferentiated cells interspersed between 3–4 cell layers thick regions. A morphometric study has confirmed the existence of a pattern of cytodifferentiation in cells of the thick region. The generally microvillous nature of the luminal surface is attributed to incompletely differentiated cells that have come to occupy the superficial layer. The lack of thickened and/or asymmetric membrane plaques in luminal plasma as well as the dearth of characteristic precursor vesicles in the cytoplasm are also explicable in terms of a failure of normal cell differentiation. It is suggested that the unusual features noted are consequences of tissue ageing rather than prognostic of cancer. There are indications that the aged urothelium may be prone to increased leakiness and the bladder tissues may therefore be at greater risk from urine-borne chemicals and carcinogens.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of four normal human spleens was investigated by electron microscopy. Unmyelinated nerve fibers accompanied the arterial vascular system up to the arterioles of the red pulp. Neither myelinated nerve fibers nor ganglion cells were seen in the splenic hilum or in the splenic tissue itself. The nerve fibers terminated against the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessels in a manner that is typical of the autonomic nervous system. The terminal axons contained small and large granular vesicles and thus were adrenergic nerve fibers. In contrast to the results of previous studies using silver impregnation methods innervation of the red or white pulp could not be demonstrated. The findings on human spleens agree with those on mammalian spleens obtained by other authors using ultrastructural and fluorescence histochemical methods.We are indebted to Prof. Dr. K. Unsicker for his help in discussing the results  相似文献   

A model heme complex, bis(3-aminopyrazole)tetraphenylporphinatoiron(III) chloride, [TPPFe (NH2PzH)2]Cl, for which the EPR g-values lead to a rhombicity V/Δ=1.2 if g zz is the largest g-value, have been investigated by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) and Mössbauer spectroscopies. The ESEEM studies focus on the proton sum frequency peaks at near twice the proton Larmor frequency. Analysis of the distant proton peak (mainly due to the pyrrole-H) at exactly twice the proton Larmor frequency shows conclusively that g zz is aligned along the normal to the porphyrin plane, and thus the electron configuration is (d xy )2(d xz ,d yz )3, with g zz >g yy >g xx . This system is thus another violation to Taylor's "proper axis system" rule. The near proton (the α-H and N-H of the axial ligands) peaks provide distance information for those protons from the metal. Magnetic Mössbauer studies of the same complex confirm the (d xy )2(d xz ,d yz )3 ground state and indicate that, as is the case for cytochrome P450cam, A xx is the largest magnitude A-value, and is negative in sign. Other low-spin iron(III) porphyrinates also have A xx of negative sign, but usually the magnitude is only about half that of A zz , which is always positive in sign.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the neural sheath, glial cells and nerve cells in the brain of adult male houseflies is described. The neural sheath is composed of neural lamella and perineurium. The neural lamella consists of an external lamina and collagen-like fibrils which are embedded in an amorphous matrix. The perineurial cells form a continuous layer around the brain. On their inner surface, perineurial cells form junctional complexes with glial cell processes. A cortical cellular layer composed of neurons and glial cells surrounds the centrally located neuropil. Three types of glial cells are identified. Glial cells differ in size and in relative development and distribution of organelles. Thin processes of glioplasm completely surround the cell bodies of the neurons. Five types of neurons are described. Most of the neurons are monopolar, a few are bipolar.Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

Siebers  H. H.  van der Kraan  A. M.  Donzel  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):697-700

Iron compounds of phosphorus form a large part of the phosphorus bound in sediments. Mössbauer spectroscopy is a technique that enables us to study, directly, chemical forms of iron in solid samples. Mössbauer spectroscopy allowed us to check, directly, the selectivity of the extraction scheme for soil phosphorus proposed by Chang &; Jackson (1957), but only as far as the iron compounds are concerned. It appears that selectivity of the extraction method leaves much to be desired.


Summary The ultrastructure and protein content of the five subfractions of the crude mitochondrial fraction from the brain stem of the 1-day old and adult rat was examined. The morphological composition of the subfractions after fixation in glutaraldehyde and osmiumtetroxide in the adult rat brain stem resembled that previously reported for the whole brain; synaptosomes sedimented in a sucrose gradient in subfractions C and D. In the 1-day old rat, mature synaptosomes were found in subfractions A, B, C and D; E contained mainly free mitochondria. 80–95% of the processes in the adult and 10–30% in the 1-day old rat contained synaptic vesicles which were of four types: (1) small agranular vesicles (2) large dense core vesicles (3) large agranular vesicles (4) coated vesicles. Pre- and postsynaptic membrane thickenings were demonstrated in many nerve-ending particles. In the subfractions of the 1-day old rat the protein content was one half and the distribution resembled that in the adult. Evidently nerve endings develop faster in the brain stem than in cortical areas; a serotoninor adrenergic origin of the early synaptosomes is suggested.This study was supported by a grant from the Paulo Foundation.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the adsorption of amino acids (Ala, Met, Gln, Cys, Asp, Lys, His) on clays (bentonite, kaolinite) was studied at different pH (3.00, 6.00, 8.00). The amino acids were dissolved in seawater, which contains the major elements. There were two main findings in this study. First, amino acids with a charged R group (Asp, Lys, His) and Cys were adsorbed on clays more than Ala, Met and Gln (uncharged R groups). However, 74% of the amino acids in the proteins of modern organisms have uncharged R groups. These results raise some questions about the role of minerals in providing a prebiotic concentration mechanism for amino acids. Several mechanisms are also discussed that could produce peptide with a greater proportion of amino acids with uncharged R groups. Second, Cys could play an important role in prebiotic chemistry besides participating in the structure of peptides/proteins. The FT-IR spectra showed that the adsorption of amino acids on the clays occurs through the amine group. However, the Cys/clay interaction occurs through the sulfhydryl and amine groups. X-ray diffractometry showed that pH affects the bentonite interlayer, and at pH 3.00 the expansion of Cys/bentonite was greater than that of the samples of ethylene glycol/bentonite saturated with Mg. The Mössbauer spectrum for the sample with absorbed Cys showed a large increase (~20%) in ferrous ions. This means that Cys was able to partially reduce iron present in bentonite. This result is similar to that which occurs with aconitase where the ferric ions are reduced to Fe 2.5.  相似文献   

Rubredoxins contain a mononuclear iron tetrahedrally coordinated by four cysteinyl sulfurs. We have studied the wild-type protein from Clostridium pasteurianum and two mutated forms, C9S and C42S, in the oxidized and reduced states, with Mössbauer, integer-spin EPR, and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopies. The Mössbauer spectra of the ferric C42S and C9S mutant forms yielded zero-field splittings, D=1.2?cm?1, that are about 40% smaller than the D-value of the wild-type protein. The 57Fe hyperfine coupling constants were found to be ca. 8% larger than those of the wild-type proteins. The present study also revealed that the ferric wild-type protein has δ=0.24±0.01?mm/s at 4.2?K rather than δ=0.32?mm/s as reported in the literature. The Mössbauer spectra of both dithionite-reduced mutant proteins revealed the presence of two ferrous forms, A and B. These forms have isomer shifts δ=0.79?mm/s at 4.2?K, consistent with tetrahedral Fe2+(Cys)3(O-R) coordination. The zero-field splittings of the two forms differ substantially; we found D=?7±1?cm?1, E/D=0.09 for form A and D=+6.2±1.3?cm?1, E/D=0.15 for form B. Form A exhibits a well-defined integer-spin EPR signal; from studies at X- and Q-band we obtained g z =2.08±0.01, which is the first measured g-value for any ferrous rubredoxin. It is known from X-ray crystallographic studies that ferric C42S rubredoxin is coordinated by a serine oxygen. We achieved 75% reduction of C42S rubredoxin by irradiating an oxidized sample at 77?K with synchrotron X-rays; the radiolytic reduction produced exclusively form A, suggesting that this form represents a serine-bound Fe2+ site. Studies in different buffers in the pH?6–9 range showed that the A:B ratios, but not the spectral parameters of A and B, are buffer dependent, but no systematic variation of the ratio of the two forms with pH was observed. The presence of glycerol (30–50% v/v) was found to favor the B form. Previous absorption and circular dichroism studies of reduced wild-type rubredoxin have suggested d-d bands at 7400, 6000, and 3700?cm?1. Our low-temperature MCD measurements place the two high-energy transitions at ca. 5900 and 6300?cm?1; a third d-d transition, if present, must occur with energy lower than 3300?cm?1. The mutant proteins have d-d transitions at slightly lower energy, namely 5730, 6100?cm?1 in form A and 5350, 6380?cm?1 in form B.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of amniotic and amniotic-plaque epithelia has been studied from normal term pregnancies. The columnar/cuboidal amniotic epithelial cells usually have apical or central nuclei, some free ribosomes, patches of granular endoplasmic reticulum, juxtanuclear Golgi complexes, rod-shaped mitochondria, lipid droplets and some glycogen granules. They have short, blunt microvilli which frequently branch and bathe in the amniotic fluid. The lateral plasma membranes enclose tortuous intercellular spaces which are always interrupted by variously folded processes and desmosomes. The epithelial cells rest on a basal lamina and exhibit highly folded basal processes. The amniotic epithelial cells are neither distinctly Golgi and fibrillar types nor light and dark in appearance.Amnion from near the umbilical cord contains many microscopic and several large plaques. Similar structures are not found on the reflected amnion. The microscopic plaques are whitish and translucent, whereas the large ones are opaque. The large plaques vary between 1–3 mm in diameter, and are over 15 cell layers thick. Each large plaque has a main central region and edges continuous with either the microscopic plaque or the simple amniotic epithelium. The main region shows four zones, namely, stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and stratum corneum. Such zones are not distinct at the edges. The fine structure of basal cells compares with the amniotic epithelial cells, but the cells of spinosum and granulosum layers possess variable amounts of tonofibrils, keratohyalin granules, free ribosomes and other cytoplasmic organelles and inclusions. The corneum cells are keratinized and are frequently separated by intercellular spaces. They slough into the amniotic cavity singly or as a sheet, and contribute towards the composition of the amniotic fluid. The plaques are of amniotic origin, and are not formed by adhesion of either squamous cells or fetal skin cells (masses of keratinized squames). The present observations suggest that the occurrence of amniotic plaques is normal. The presence of plaques may not be necessarily associated with fetal abnormality. However, increase in numbers of plaques may be caused by conditions of fluid imbalance. The homology and significance of plaques in eutherian mammals have been discussed.This research was supported by USPHS Grant AM-11376 and NIH Grant 69-2136.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophoretically purified57Fe-enriched monoferric and diferric human transferrins and selectively labeled complexes ([C-56Fe,N-57Fe]transferrin and [C-57Fe,N-56Fe]transferrin) were studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The data were recorded at 4.2 K over a wide range of applied magnetic fields (0.05–6 T) and were analyzed by a spin-Hamiltonian formalism. Characteristic hyperfine parameters were found and the obtained zero-field splitting parameters (D=0.25±0.05 cm–1 andE/D = 0.30 ± 0.02) agree with previous electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) findings. The weak-field spectra of the [N-57Fe]transferrin are slightly broader than those of the [C-57Fe]transferrin, indicating that the N-terminal iron site may be more heterogeneous. However, the absorption line positions and the relative intensities of the subspectra originating from the three Kramers doublets of each Fe3+ site are identical. Thus the electronic structures of the two iron sites can be described by the same set of spin- Hamiltonian parameters, indicating that the ligand environments for the two sites are the same, as suggested by the recent X-ray crystallographic studies. This suggestion is further supported by the observation that the strong-field spectra of the two monoferric transferrins are indistinguishable. The selectively labeled mixed-isotope transferrins exhibit spectra that are identical to those of the corresponding monoferric57Fe-enriched transferrins, implying that the occupation of one iron site has little or no effect on the immediate envirnoment of the other site, a finding that is not surprising since the two sites are separated by approximately 4.2 nm.  相似文献   

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