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In 13 Baikal seals Pusa sibirica (the body mass of 11–73 kg) on the empty stomach and at free swimming in a reservoir, gas exchange parameters were studied. In 5 of these individuals, the gas exchange was assessed in satiated and hungry animals. The numerical correlations are presented between the oxygen requirement of these both groups of animals and their body mass. The data obtained show that the basal metabolism of seals corresponds to that of terrestrial mammals and in the seals with the body mass of 40 kg and more, the temperature of the lake habitat is close to thermoneutral. The specific dynamic effect of food (fish) in the seals in the thermoneutral zone is 22–93%.  相似文献   

The sulci and gyri of the neocortex, as well as cyto-, synaptoarchitectonics and neuronal composition of the sensomotor (brain area) have been studied in the Baikal ringed seal. The structure of the sulci and gyri have been found to be similar to that in carnivores. The following specific features have been revealed in the brain of this endemic species: a thick layer I, presence of giant pyramidal cells in the layer III, large mitochondria in the presynaptic parts and dendrites. The results obtained are discussed concerning adaptation to semiaqueous way of life and to diving.  相似文献   

Petrov  E. A.  Kupchinsky  A. B.  Fialkov  V. A.  Badardinov  A. A. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(9):1704-1714
Biology Bulletin - The published information on the roles that summer hauling grounds play in the life cycle of the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica Gmelin 1788) is reviewed and summarized. In the Baikal...  相似文献   

Methods of light (Nissl, Golgi-Kopsch) and electron microscopy were used for studying the structural organization of the auditory portion of the cerebral cortex of Pusa sibirica. The auditory port of this kind of cortex is characterized by pyramidization of all the layers (layer IV included), thick layer I, two sublayers in layer III which is typical of other semiaquatic and aquatic mammals. Synaptoarchitechtonics of this part of the neocortex may be compared with that of other aquatic, semiaquatic and terrestrial mammals. The investigation of the state of neurons of the auditory portion of the cortex of Pusa sibirica during induced 18-min hypoxia has shown that the alterations in the neurons are of functional and reversible character. The axosomatic synapses remained most intact. The alterations in the auditory portion of the neo-cortex of Pusa sibirica evidences high level of adaptive reactions to hypoxia associated with the adaptation of these mammals to diving and fixed in the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Petrov  E. A.  Kupchinsky  A. B.  Fialkov  V. A.  Badardinov  A. A. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(9):1715-1728
Biology Bulletin - Based on the literature record, some forms of the behavior of the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica) are described, both on coastal hauling grounds and in their immediate vicinity. This...  相似文献   

都江堰地区三种壳斗科植物的种子库及其影响因素研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
于2000年9月~12月,在都江堰地区对原生林和次生林中3种优势壳斗科(Fagaceae)植物的种子雨和土壤种子库进行了研究,并提出基于种子雨和土壤种子库测定的种子虫蛀率、种子存活率、脊椎动物捕食率和种子发霉率的估计方法.结果表明①种子雨持续时间较长,3种壳斗科植物种子雨的高峰期在原生林和次生林中略有差异;②3种壳斗科植物的种子产量很低,种子雨散落的平均密度不大.在原生林,栓皮栎(Quercu.svariabilis)、抱树(Q serrata)和栲树(Castanopsis fargesu)种子下落的平均密度分别为2 3±3.85个/n2,6.5±17.43个/m2和1.9±5.21个/m2;而在次生林则分别为2.4±3 47个/m2,6.5±13.55个/m2和0 3±1.35个/m2;③土壤种子库中,栓皮栎在原生林中没有存留完好的种子,而在次生林的落叶层中存留有少量完好的种子(0 15±0.37个/m2); 树在原生林和次生林中都存留有少量完好的种子(分别为0.20±0.70个/m2和0.10±0.31个/m2)和少量萌发种子(分别为0.50±1.82个/m2和0.20±0 89个/m2);但在土壤中未发现有栲树的种子.绝大部分的种子存留在落叶层,而存留在0~2 cm和2~10 cm土层中的种子极少;④定量测定了发霉、虫蛀和脊椎动物捕食对2种壳斗科植物种子命运的影响,发现脊椎动物捕食是影响种子库的主要因子;虫蛀率虽增加种子的发霉率,但同时也减少脊椎动物捕食率;种子较大的栓皮栎种子的存活率低于种子较小的树种子的存活率.  相似文献   

The origin and genetic relationships of the Baikal seal, Phoca sibirica, were studied by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Using 17 different six-base recognition restriction endonucleases, we examined 98 Baikal seals, and two other related species, the ringed seal, P. hispida, (n=87), and the Caspian seal, P. caspica, (n=94). Analysis revealed the existence of 87 mtDNA haplotypes in the total of 279 specimens. The haplotypes of each species were divided into different clusters on a dendrogram obtained by UPGMA based on haplotype frequency and mtDNA base substitution. No common haplotypes were found among the species examined. The Baikal seal is much more closely related to the ringed seal than the Caspian seal. The amount of divergence suggested that an ancestor of the Baikal seal came down to the lake approximately 0.4 million years ago as was previously indicated by paleontological studies. The seals examined here showed lower variabilities.  相似文献   

The Cu(II) induced lysis of rabbit erythrocytes occurs in two phases. First there is a lag period of 60 min where few cells lyse, followed by a period of rapid lysis where most of the remaining cells undergo hemolysis. Lysis is effectively inhibited if the incubation is conducted in nitrogen or if the erythrocytes are pre-saturated with carbon monoxide. These results suggest that oxygenated hemoglobin is necessary for lysis. It has been reported that copper binds to oxyhemoglobin and releases superoxide ion. This additional oxidative stress can initiate lipid peroxidation which leads to cell hemolysis.  相似文献   

刘吉平  董春月  刘家福  郑凯俊 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3280-3291
以遥感影像为数据源,结合GIS技术,利用空间分析与统计方法对三江平原孤立湿地空间分布特征及影响因素进行定量分析。研究结果表明:孤立湿地的质心偏向西南,其椭圆的长轴方向为东北-西南方向,椭圆周长面积比大于全部湿地(沼泽湿地、河流湿地和湖泊湿地)椭圆周长面积比,分散性明显;孤立湿地的热点地区主要有3个,主要分布在受人为干扰影响较大的三江平原的中部、西北部和西南部;在自然因素影响下,孤立湿地于海拔高度51—54m、坡度1—3度、距离河流12—16km、河流阶地地貌部位处达到最大值;受人为因素的影响,孤立湿地主要分布在居民点、道路和保护区附近,与排水沟渠之间的关系是随着距离的增加,孤立湿地数量呈先增加后减少的趋势。三江平原孤立湿地空间分布是自然因素和人为因素综合作用的结果,人类活动对孤立湿地和非孤立湿地空间分布格局具有不同的影响,应加强对孤立湿地的保护。  相似文献   

Oxygen requirement for denitrification by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effects of dioxygen (O2) on the denitrification activity of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum MT-811 in fed-batch culture in a stirred jar fermentor were examined. The results revealed that fungal denitrifying activity requires a minimal amount of O2 for induction, which is repressed by excess O2. The optimal O2 supply differed between the denitrification substrates : 690 micromol O2 x h(-1) (g dry cell wt.)(-1) for nitrate (NO3-) and about 250 micromol O2 x h(-1) (g dry cell wt.)(-1) for nitrite (NO2-). The reduction of NO3- required more O2 than that of NO2- . With an optimal O2 supply, 80% and 52% of nitrogen atoms in NO3- and NO2-, respectively, were recovered as the denitrification product N2O. These features of F. oxysporum differ from those of bacterial denitrifiers that work exclusively under anoxic conditions. The denitrification activity of F. oxysporum MT-811 mutants with impaired NO3- assimilation was about double that of the wild-type strain, suggesting competition for the substrate between assimilatory and dissimilatory types of NO3- reduction. These results showed that denitrification by F. oxysporum has unique features, namely, a minimal O2 requirement and competition with assimilatory NO3-.  相似文献   

河南省冬小麦需水量的时空变化及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于河南省17个气象监测站点1961-2012年逐旬气象数据,采用FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith公式计算参考作物需水量,结合“全国灌溉试验资料数据库”中冬小麦生育期、作物系数等数据计算冬小麦生育期需水量,利用时间序列分析法和灰色关联分析法,分析河南省冬小麦需水量近51年来的时空分布特征、变化规律及其主要影响因素.结果表明: 1961-2011年,河南省冬小麦平均需水量在345~492 mm,卢氏站冬小麦平均需水量最低,孟津站最高.大部分站点1980-1989年冬小麦平均需水量最低,1961-1969年冬小麦平均需水量最高.17个站点中,新乡、栾川、开封、西峡、南阳、信阳、固始7站冬小麦需水量随年份呈上升趋势,其余10个站点需水量均呈下降趋势;豫北需水量高于豫南,豫西地区需水量跨度较大.河南省17站冬小麦生育期日平均高温、日平均低温均随年份呈上升趋势,生育期日平均风速、日平均相对湿度、日照时数基本呈下降趋势.河南省冬小麦生育期日平均高温、日照时数是影响冬小麦需水量的主要因素,日平均相对湿度对其影响最小.  相似文献   

The oxygen and nutritional requirements for acetylene reduction by Rhizobium japonicum and Rhizobium sp. in liquid culture are described. The optimal oxygen concentration was about 0.1% in the gas phase, which is lower than that of any other known aerobic nitrogen-fixing microorganism. these organisms are also unique in that nitrogenase synthesis is not repressed in the presence of ammonium chloride under certain cultural conditions, in contrast to other wild-type bacteria.  相似文献   

Singh S  Kumar A 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(2):1316-1328
Published data were used to develop an integrated spreadsheet-based model to estimate total water requirement for 12 biomass conversion pathways. The water requirement for crop production was attributed only to the grains in the estimates since agricultural residues are produced irrespective of their use for fuel or electricity. Corn stover- and wheat straw-based ethanol production pathways are water efficient, requiring only 0.3 l, whereas biopower production pathways (i.e. direct combustion and bio-oil production) require about 0.8-0.9 l of water per MJ. Wheat- and corn-based ethanol production pathways consume 77 and 108 l of water per MJ, respectively. Utilization of switchgrass for production of ethanol, biopower through the direct combustion, and pyrolysis consume 128, 187 and 229 l of water per MJ, respectively. Biodiesel production from canola seed consumes 124 l of water per MJ. Corn stover- and wheat straw-based conversion pathways are most water efficient.  相似文献   

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