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Capsulation of in vitro and in vivo grown Bacteroides species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By centrifugation on a four step Percoll density gradient cells of Bacteroides species could be separated according to the size of extracellular structure. The difference in size was visible by both light and electron microscopy. Two structures were observed on Bacteroides fragilis by electron microscopy, namely a fibrous network and an electron dense layer. An electron dense layer was visible on Bacteroides ovatus only when stained with ruthenium red. B. fragilis cells grown in the mouse peritoneal cavity did not produce a large fibrous network. An electron dense layer was observed on some cells in the presence of ruthenium red stain and cells possessing this layer were phagocytosed in vivo.  相似文献   

The rapid clonal multiplication of two species of South African Drosera is described. Levels of plumbagin, (5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) from in vivo and in vitro grown plants are compared to those present in Plumbago roots. P. auriculata Lam. roots contained more than twice as much plumbagin as in vivo grown D. capensis L. plants which in turn contained more than twice as much as comparable plants of D. natalensis Diels. It is concluded that the extraction of plumbagin from Drosera plants is not commercially feasible.  相似文献   

The composition of essential oils of Leutea glaucopruinosa (Rech.f.) Akhani & Salimian comb. nov., and Zeravschania (Boiss. & Hausskn.) Salimian & Akhani comb. nov. were analysed by GC-MS. 49 compounds are identified in the former and 33 compounds in the latter, comprising a total of 76 compounds in both species. Both species were originally described under Peucedanum, which are transferred in this paper into Leutea and Zeravschania, respectively. The chemical compounds of the essential oils show that there are only seven common compounds between two species. The major compounds of L. glaucopruinosa are mostly monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes, in which alpha-pinene (31.5%), sabinene (9.7%), beta-pinene (9.2%), exo-fenchyl acetate (4.5%) are dominant. In Z. pastinacifolia sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and phenylpropanoids dominate with beta-bisabolene (37.3%), 3,1-butyl-1,2-dimethoxy benzene (14.9%), 10,11-dimethylbicyclo[6.3.0]undec-(8)-en-9-one (12.9%), 4-t-butyl-1,2-dimethoxy benzene (6.8%), (E)-asarone (5.1%) and elemicine (4.1%) as major compounds.  相似文献   

The essential oils of the leaves of Eugenia acutata, Eugenia candolleana, Eugenia copacabanensis and Myrcia splendens (Myrtaceae) from Brazil’s southeastern Atlantic Forest were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC–MS. Oxygenated sesquiterpenes were predominant in E. copacabanensis (54.3%) and E. candolleana (50.9%) whilst hydrocarbon species predominated in E. acutata (83.4%) and M. splendens (94.5%). trans-Caryophyllene was the most abundant component in E. acutata. Isomers of guaiol and cadinol alcohols, followed by δ-elemene and viridiflorene, were the major components of the essential oil of the leaves of E. candolleana. Hydrocarbons and alcohols of the cadinane-type predominated in E. copacabanensis the most abundant being epi-cubenol (14%). M. splendens had 80% α-bisabolene in the leaf oil along with <5% β-farnesene. Additionally, E. copacabanensis exhibited 13.7% monoterpenes. Whereas the bisabolene-rich M. splendens oil is highly similar to that of other Myrcia species reported elsewhere, the Eugenia species oils corroborated the complex array and differing abundances of terpene classes within this genus. This study generated data which may provide further comprehension of the phylogenetic relationships between Myrtaceae genera and species.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate whether the blood of Pagothenia borchgrevinki , exhibits a Haldane effect, and whether activation of a Na+/H+ antiporter increases transport of intracellular protons and Bohr protons out of the erythrocytes resulting in inhibition of CO2 excretion in both P. borchgrevinki , and Dissostichus mawsoni. When carbon dioxide dissociation curves were determined from blood samples pooled from three fish under oxygenated and deoxygenated conditions a Haldane effect was observed. Using an in vitro , CO2 excretion assay, the rate of HCO3 dehydration was determined on blood and plasma equilibrated under an N2atmosphere then rapidly oxygenated with air in the presence of 10−5 M noradrenaline or acetazolamide (1004M). Whole blood and plasma from P. borchgrevinki , and D. mawsoni , were equilibrated with 0·5% CO2 in air and assayed in the presence of 10−5 M noradrenaline. Erythrocyte CO2 excretion rates were depressed significantly by noradrenaline in both species. The whole blood HCO3 dehydration rate was depressed significantly following rapid oxygenation in the presence of acetazolamide indicating that the pathway of CO2 excretion included activation of intracellular carbonic anhydrase and an adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

NTEZURUBANZA, L., SCHEFFER, J. J. C. & SVENDSEN, A. B., 1988. Composition of the essential oils of Ocimum urticifolium (Lamiaceae) chemotypes grown in Rwanda. Leaves and flowers of 48 specimen of Ocimum urticifolium (synonym: O. suave), Lamiaceae, were collected in different parts of Rwanda. The volatile components of each specimen were isolated by hydrodistillation under standardized conditions, and the 48 essential oils analysed by thin-layer chromatography. This preliminary analysis showed six different oil compositions. Thereafter, six oil samples were fractionated by liquid—solid chromatography. The fractions thus obtained, and all other oil samples were then analyzed by capillary gas chromatography. In this way 46 compounds were identified in the various oil samples. Eight components, which amounted to more than 10% in at least one oil sample, were used to characterize the oils. Twelve oil types were distinguished, three of which were dominated by one component only: eugenol, methyleugenol and transmethylisoeugenol respectively. The other types were more complex. In some parts of Rwanda almost one oil type seemed to occur, whereas in other areas a more heterogeneous collection of types was found. Eugenol was quantitatively most important in 31 of the 48 oil samples, in 22 of which this component amounted to more than 50%.  相似文献   

'Normal' and 'delayed implanting' mouse blastocysts were incubated in non-radioactive culture medium for various lengths of time (preincubation), and then placed in culture medium with (14-C)-glucose for 2 hr. The rate of embryonic CO-2 given off by the blastocysts. Normal embryos were unaffected by the length of preincubation. By contrast, 'delayed implantating' embryos had a low level of CO-2 production with short preincubations (i.e. less than 2 hr), but approached the normal range with longer preincubations (i.e. more than 8 hr) and thus, were 'activated ' in vitro. Incubation of the 'delayed implanting' embryos with actinomycin D prevented the expected increase in CO-2 production, indicating that synthesis of new RNA is necessary for their activation. Preincubation of normal and 'delayed implanting' blastocysts with oestradiol-17 beta and/ or progesterone had no effect on the level of CO-2 production, suggesting that the hormones do not directly stimulate or inhibit carbohydrate metabolism in the embryos.  相似文献   

M Ishaque 《Cytobios》1992,71(284):19-27
Oxidation of palmitate by Mycobacterium lepraemurium isolated from C3H mice lepromata (in vivo) and also grown on Ogawa egg-yolk medium (in vitro) was investigated. Palmitate was found to be oxidized, after a lag period of about 8 h, by both the in vivo and in vitro grown bacilli. Cell-free extracts prepared from in vivo and in vitro grown cells catalysed an active oxidation of palmitate after a lag period of 3-4 h. The amount of ATP increased, with the increase in time during oxidation of palmitate by the cell-free extracts. The generation of ATP was strongly inhibited by the inhibitors rotenone, antimycin A and cyanide as well as by the uncouplers 2,4-dinitrophenol and 2,6-dibromophenol. These results indicated that oxidation of palmitate by the in vivo and in vitro grown M. lepraemurium is mediated through the respiratory chain using oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor.  相似文献   

Isolation of RNA from mycobacteria is very difficult to perform, and the yields are generally very low. We describe an approach to isolate RNA from mycobacterial species which combines the disruption of mycobacterial cells by a silica/ceramic matrix in a reciprocal shaker with the ease and efficiency of subsequent RNA purification on spin columns with silica gel-based membranes. This method is rapid, easy to perform and yields high amounts of pure, intact total RNA. Due to its safety, this method is applicable even to group 3 biological hazard organisms like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. By combining a method for the isolation of phagosomal bacteria from infected primary macrophages with the novel RNA isolation technique, we are able to monitor gene expression during infection even in bacteria which are rather resistant to genetic manipulation, like Mycobacterium bovis.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of collecting and culturing hamster eight-cell embryos in media containing high levels of bicarbonate and/or CO2 on development in vitro. An approximate doubling in the percentage of embryos developing to the blastocyst stage was observed upon raising the concentration of CO2 in the gas phase from 5% to 10% CO2. Development to the blastocyst stage was not affected by the bicarbonate concentration (6-50 mM), nor by the pH of the medium (6.5-7.4). However, escape of embryos from their zonae pellucidae was pH-dependent (optimum pH 7.1-7.4). We hypothesized that the beneficial effect of high concentrations of CO2 on blastocyst development was due to the action of CO2 as a weak acid in regulating intracellular pH (pHi). To test this hypothesis, eight-cell embryos were cultured under 5% CO2 in media containing various concentrations of organic weak acids (lactic or acetic acids, or the non-metabolizable compound 2,4-dimethyloxazolidine-dione). Embryos cultured in standard medium (TALP) under 5% and 10% CO2 served as low and high controls, respectively. At optimum concentrations, all of the media containing weak acids supported embryo development significantly better than 5% CO2-equilibrated low control medium, and gave a response similar to that obtained with high control medium equilibrated in 10% CO2. These studies demonstrate that culture in a 10% CO2 environment has a marked stimulatory effect on in vitro development of hamster eight-cell embryos and suggest that this effect is due to maintenance of pHi.  相似文献   

Previous in vitro and in vivo animal studies showed that O(2) and CO(2) concentrations can affect virulence of pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. The objective of this work was to measure O(2) and CO(2) levels in the vaginal environment during tampon wear using newly available sensor technology. Measurements by two vaginal sensors showed a decrease in vaginal O(2) levels after tampon insertion. These decreases were independent of the type of tampons used and the time of measurement (mid-cycle or during menstruation). These results are not in agreement with a previous study that concluded that oxygenation of the vaginal environment during tampon use occurred via delivery of a bolus of O(2) during the insertion process. Our measurements of gas levels in menses showed the presence of both O(2) and CO(2) in menses. The tampons inserted into the vagina contained O(2) and CO(2) levels consistent with atmospheric conditions. Over time during tampon use, levels of O(2) in the tampon decreased and levels of CO(2) increased. Tampon absorbent capacity, menses loading, and wear time influenced the kinetics of these changes. Colonization with S. aureus had no effect on the gas profiles during menstruation. Taken collectively, these findings have important implications on the current understanding of gaseous changes in the vaginal environment during menstruation and the potential role(s) they may play in affecting bacterial virulence factor production.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification poses a range of threats to marine invertebrates; however, the potential effects of rising carbon dioxide (CO2) on marine invertebrate behaviour are largely unknown. Marine gastropod conch snails have a modified foot and operculum allowing them to leap backwards rapidly when faced with a predator, such as a venomous cone shell. Here, we show that projected near-future seawater CO2 levels (961 µatm) impair this escape behaviour during a predator–prey interaction. Elevated-CO2 halved the number of snails that jumped from the predator, increased their latency to jump and altered their escape trajectory. Physical ability to jump was not affected by elevated-CO2 indicating instead that decision-making was impaired. Antipredator behaviour was fully restored by treatment with gabazine, a GABA antagonist of some invertebrate nervous systems, indicating potential interference of neurotransmitter receptor function by elevated-CO2, as previously observed in marine fishes. Altered behaviour of marine invertebrates at projected future CO2 levels could have potentially far-reaching implications for marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Soybean oil and olive oil were investigated as continuous co-solvents for supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis. Without co-solvents, only 25.40 ± 0.79% efficiency was achieved with SC-CO2 extraction at 70 °C and 40 MPa at a continuous flow rate of 3 mL min−1 for 5 h. In the presence of soybean oil or olive oil as a co-solvent, the extraction efficiency was enhanced, with the most appropriate level of soybean oil in the solvent mixture being 10% by volume. At this concentration and the above extraction conditions, the highest extraction efficiency of 36.36 ± 0.79% was obtained for soybean oil, a 30% increase in extraction efficiency compared with SC-CO2 extraction without soybean oil, whereas the 10% olive oil increased the extraction efficiency further to 51.03 ± 1.08%, which was comparable to that obtained using ethanol as co-solvent.  相似文献   

Essential oils from three of the eleven endemic New Zealand species of Pseudopanax, P. arboreus, P. discolor and P. lessonii, were found to have a fairly uniform composition which was different from that of the oils of Raukaua species that were formerly classified in the Pseudopanax genus. Oils of the three Pseudopanax species all contained significant proportions of viridiflorol and a closely related unidentified hydroazulene alcohol in common. In addition, the oil of P. arboreus contained bicyclogermacrene, linalool and long chain hydrocarbons. The oil of P. discolor contained nerolidol in abundance (36.3%) together with linalool and epi-alpha-muurolol. The oil of P. lessonii contained a complex mixture of sesquiterpene alcohols including epi-alpha-muurolol and a mixture of long chain hydrocarbons. Nerolidol and linalool provided the oil of P. discolor with a pleasant floral aroma, but the yield of oil was very low (0.01%).  相似文献   

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