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高梁属中有重要的粮食作物和优良牧草,也有农业生产上的重要杂草。文章旨在进一步从分子水平阐明高梁属种间的系统进化关系,为有效利用种质资源进行分子育种改良作物品质提供理论依据,并明确检疫性杂草的分类地位。根据二色高粱(Sorghum bicolor)的Adh1全基因序列(GenBank登录号:AF050456)设计引物,扩增并测定黑高梁(S.almum)、假高梁(S.halepense)、丝克高粱(S.silk)和苏丹草(S.sudanense)共计8个植物材料约2000bp的Adh1基因部分序列,结合GenBank中其他24个Sorghum属的同源序列,以Cleistachne sorghoides的对应序列为外群,进行了高梁属的亲缘关系分析,用MP、ML和NJ法分别构建了分子进化树,得到了基本相同的拓扑结构。结果显示:(1)高梁属可明显分为三大支,一支是蒴柄高梁(Chaetosorghum)和异高梁(Heterosorghum)二个亚属,一支是优高梁亚属(Eusorghum),这两个分支包含2n=20、40,染色体较小的种类,另一分支包括拟高梁(Parasorghum)和有柄高梁(Stiposorghum)两个亚属,包含2n=10的种类和它们的多倍体近缘种,染色体相对较大;(2)S.almum的Adh1基因表现出明显的地理分化;(3)Parasorghum亚属的S.purpureosericeum和多色高粱(S.versicolor)、光高粱(S.nitidum)和S.leiocladum聚在一起,而该亚属中的S.matarankense、S.grande、S.timorense却与亚属Stiposorghum的种聚在一起,表现出更近的亲缘关系;(4)S.macrospermum和S.laxiflorum之间具有比其他高梁属种更近的亲缘关系。 相似文献
基于Adh1基因分析高粱属的系统进化关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高梁属中有重要的粮食作物和优良牧草, 也有农业生产上的重要杂草。文章旨在进一步从分子水平阐明高梁属种间的系统进化关系, 为有效利用种质资源进行分子育种改良作物品质提供理论依据, 并明确检疫性杂草的分类地位。根据二色高粱(Sorghum bicolor)的Adh1全基因序列(GenBank登录号: AF050456)设计引物, 扩增并测定黑高粱(S. almum)、假高粱(S. halepense)、丝克高粱(S. silk)和苏丹草(S. sudanense)共计8个植物材料约2 000 bp的Adh1基因部分序列, 结合GenBank中其他24个Sorghum属的同源序列, 以Cleistachne sorghoides的对应序列为外群, 进行了高梁属的亲缘关系分析, 用MP、ML和NJ法分别构建了分子进化树, 得到了基本相同的拓扑结构。结果显示: (1) 高梁属可明显分为三大支, 一支是蒴柄高梁(Chaetosorghum)和异高梁(Heterosorghum)二个亚属, 一支是优高梁亚属(Eusorghum), 这两个分支包含2n=20、40, 染色体较小的种类, 另一分支包括拟高梁 (Parasorghum)和有柄高梁(Stiposorghum)两个亚属, 包含2n=10的种类和它们的多倍体近缘种, 染色体相对较大; (2) S. almum的Adh1基因表现出明显的地理分化; (3) Parasorghum亚属的S. pur-pureosericeum和多色高粱(S. versicolor)、光高粱(S. nitidum)和S. leiocladum聚在一起, 而该亚属中的S. mata-rankense、S. grande、S. timorense却与亚属Stiposorghum的种聚在一起, 表现出更近的亲缘关系; (4) S. mac-rospermum和S. laxiflorum之间具有比其他高梁属种更近的亲缘关系。 相似文献
为探讨高粱属(Sorghum Moench)的系统发育关系,通过野外调查及查阅标本和文献资料,对高粱属植物的地理分布进行了整理和研究。高粱属植物约有29种,分布于全世界热带到温带地区,其中澳大利亚22种,亚洲15种,非洲9种,欧洲3种,地中海2种,美洲6种。中国有5种,分布在东北、西南到华南各省(区)。高粱属有5亚属,仅高粱亚属(subgen.Sorghum)延伸至新世界,其他亚属均分布在旧世界,高粱亚属覆盖非洲并扩散到全世界热带到温带地区;拟高粱亚属(subgen.Parasorghum)分布在非洲、亚洲、澳大利亚;有柄高粱亚属(subgen.Stiposorghum)主要分布在澳大利亚,个别种分布到亚洲;多毛高粱亚属(subgen.Chaetosorghum)分布在澳大利亚;异高粱亚属(subgen.Heterosorghum)分布在澳大利亚和亚洲。这表明澳大利亚东北部是高粱属的现代分布中心和多样化中心,非洲东北部和热带亚洲是否是高粱属的起源地尚需确证。 相似文献
用SSR分子标记研究大豆属种间亲缘进化关系 总被引:37,自引:2,他引:37
利用SSR标记技术对大豆属11个种37份材料的遗传多样性进行分析,不同位点在种间的等位基因数为6-29,平均生个位点15.9个等位基因,Soja亚属的等位基因数是Glycine亚属的71.5%,并且Glycine亚属种间指纹 谱的差异大于Soja亚属种间的指纹图谱,SSR等位基因的主成分分析结果表明,大豆属中的Glycine亚属和Soja亚属的分类界限是比较明确的,利用第一主成分和第二主成分可较明显地区分开Glycine 亚属的分类界限是比较明显的,利用第一主成分和第二主成分可较明显地区分开Glycine亚属和Soja亚属,通过UPGMA方法构建了大豆属11个种的遗传进化关系,Soja亚属中G.max,G.soja和G.gracilis3个种在系统分化树上界限是比较明显的,由此看来这3个种是独立存在的。 相似文献
对麝Moschus spp.的分子系统进化地位进行了再研究.结果 表明,不同的基因及序列长度、分析中不同的物种数目、不同的分析方法对研究结果产生明显影响.在用线粒体Cyt b、16S rRNA基因及二者的连接序列分别构建的NJ、MP树中,都支持麝与鹿有更近的亲缘关系.在使用γ干扰素核基因的编码序列构建的NJ树中,显示麝与鹿也有较近的亲缘关系;而MP树则暗示麝与牛科有更近的亲缘关系.当选用包括林麝在内的18个物种,使用线粒体基因组重链上12个蛋白编码基因的核苷酸串连序列构建系统发生树时,在NJ、MP、ML和BI树中都支持麝与鹿有更近的亲缘关系,与选用23个物种得到的支持麝为鹿科/牛科二者共同姐妹群的结果存在明显差异.这可能是因为麝科与鹿科和牛科的亲缘关系较近,分歧时间较短,其分子片段所累积的进化信息较少,而且不同的分子片段进化速率不一致等造成的.因此,要彻底解决麝在偶蹄目中的进化地位必须要找到更适合的分子标记. 相似文献
以念珠藻属(Nostoc)及其近缘类群hetR基因的51条序列为研究对象,对hetR基因的编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析和系统发育分析,并使用分支模型、位点模型和分支-位点模型进行该基因位点的适应性进化研究。系统发育分析结果显示,51条hetR基因蛋白序列可分为4个大分支。适应性进化分析结果表明,在3种进化模型中,大多数分支及藻株都没有检测到统计学上具有显著性的正选择位点,说明检测的位点大多处于负选择压力下。但在普通念珠藻(Nostoc commune,CHAB2802)中检测到正选择位点(126T),提示念珠藻属植物hetR基因发生了适应性改变。 相似文献
不同经济类型高粱的RAPD分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对四种不同经济类型高粱采用DNA随机扩增多态技术(RAPD)进行了比较研究。18种引物扩增后共得到54个RAPD标记,其中23个标记在进行4种高粱成对比较时呈多态。根据计算出的遗传距离值可以发现虽然不同种高粱之间差异虽然较小,但仍具有丰富的遗传多样性。 相似文献
Jackman TR Bauer AM Greenbaum E Glaw F Vences M 《Molecular phylogenetics and evolution》2008,46(1):74-81
We use approximately 3100bp of mitochondrial (ND2, ND4) and nuclear (RAG1, phosducin) DNA sequence data to recover phylogenetic relationships among 14 of the 16 recognized taxa of the lizard genus Paroedura as well as two undescribed forms. These geckos are endemic to Madagascar and the Comores and are popularly kept and bred by herpetoculturalists. The closest relative of Paroedura is another Indian Ocean leaf-toed gecko, Ebenavia. Both Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony strongly support the monophyly of two major clades within Paroedura that conflict with existing species group assignments based on scale characteristics. Our well-resolved tree elucidates a biogeographic pattern in which eastern Paroedura are most basal and western and south-western species form a monophyletic group. Our data demonstrate the phylogenetic utility of phosducin, a novel marker in squamate phylogenetics, at the intrageneric level. 相似文献
Agatsuma T Iwagami M Uni S Takaoka H Katsumi A Kimura E Bain O 《Parasitology international》2005,54(3):195-199
DNA sequences from a portion of the mitochondrial COI gene were used to clarify phylogenetic relationships among Japanese species in the genus Cercopithifilaria. Sequences were determined from seven Japanese species, five (C. shohoi, C. multicauda, C. minuta, C. tumidicervicata and C. bulboidea) from the serow (Capricornis crispus F. Bovidae) and two (C. longa and C. crassa) from the sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon F. Cervidae). No base substitutions were observed between C. bulboidea and C. longa, suggesting that recent host switching of a lineage of C. bulboidea between bovid and cervid hosts gave rise to C. longa. In phylogenetic trees inferred using a variety of methods, the morphologically ancestral type, C. bulboidea, appeared as a derived species. C. multicauda was found to be basal in the analyses. It seems therefore that C. multicauda is the most primitive out of the seven species. 相似文献
Parra-Olea G 《Molecular phylogenetics and evolution》2002,22(2):234-246
Pseudoeurycea, with 34 described species, is one of the most diversified groups of neotropical salamanders. I generated a phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships for Pseudoeurycea and related taxa, based on DNA sequences of 16S, Cyt b, and ND4 mitochondrial genes. The analyses include 27 species of Pseudoeurycea and samples from the monotypic Lineatriton, Ixalotriton, and Parvimolge. All phylogenetic analyses resulted in a paraphyletic Pseudoeurycea. Ixalotriton and Pseudoeurycea parva always form a monophyletic group. P. parva is transferred to Ixalotriton based on morphological and molecular grounds. The phylogenetic position of the newly defined Ixalotriton clade is uncertain since it is part of an unresolved basal polytomy. Parvimolge is closely related to Pseudoeurycea, and it is also part of the basal polytomy. Lineatriton, a highly specialized taxon, is deeply nested within Pseudoeurycea. In order to provide a taxonomic arrangement consistent with the monophyly of the different units that reflects both evolutionary history and morphological specialization, Pseudoeurycea should be split into several taxonomic units. 相似文献
M. Senda Y. Onodera T. Kinoshita T. Mikami 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1995,90(7-8):914-919
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for three mitochondrial genes, coxI, coxII and atpA, were used to determine mitochondrial (mt) DNA diversity in 21 accessions of the genus Beta representing wild and cultivated species. On the basis of distribution of the RFLP patterns these Beta genotypes were assigned into six distinct chondriome groups. A high degree of heterogeneity was found to exist between the mitochondrial genomes of the sugarbeet cultivar and the wild species of Procumbentes section. The polymorphic fragments from wild Beta species were cloned and subjected to fine mapping. We found that most of the RFLPs are due to sequence rearrangements rather than point mutations. Our data also suggest that the close linkage between coxII and coxI is taxonomically localized to an evolutionary lineage that led to Vulgares and Corollinae species but not to Procumbentes species. This linkage is most likely to have arisen via the mutation(s) that inserted the DNA segment containing coxI downstream of coxII in the common ancestor of Vulgares and Corollinae species. The results are discussed with regard to the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships of the Beta species. 相似文献
Molecular analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Myrmecophytic macaranga species (Euphorbiaceae) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Blattner FR Weising K Bänfer G Maschwitz U Fiala B 《Molecular phylogenetics and evolution》2001,19(3):331-344
Many species of the paleotropical pioneer tree genus Macaranga Thou. (Euphorbiaceae) live in association with ants. Various types of mutualistic interactions exist, ranging from the attraction of unspecific ant visitors to obligate myrmecophytism. In the latter, nesting space and food bodies are exchanged for protection by highly specific ant partners (mainly species of the myrmicine genus Crematogaster). As a first step toward elucidating the coevolution of ant-plant interactions in the Macaranga-Crematogaster system, we have initiated a molecular investigation of the plant partners' phylogeny. Nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences were analyzed for 73 accessions from 47 Macaranga species, representing 17 sections or informally described species groups. Three accessions from the putative sister taxon Mallotus Lour, were included as outgroups. Cladograms of the ITS data revealed Macaranga to be nested within Mallotus. ITS sequences are highly similar within section Pachystemon s.str., suggesting a relatively recent and rapid radiation of obligate myrmecophytes within this section. Forty-three accessions, mainly of ant-inhabited species, were additionally investigated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite-primed PCR (MP-PCR) techniques. Phenetic analysis of RAPD and MP-PCR banding profiles generally confirmed the ITS results. Best resolutions for individual clades were obtained when ITS and RAPD/MP-PCR data were combined into a single matrix and analyzed phenetically. The combined analysis suggests multiple (four) rather than a single evolutionary origin of myrmecophytism, at least one reversal from obligate myrmecophytism to nonmyrmecophytism, and one loss of mutualistic specifity. 相似文献
RAPD analysis was used to study the intraspecific variation and phylogenetic relationships of S-genome diploid Aegilops species regarded as potential donors of the B genome of cultivated wheat. In total, 21 DNA specimens from six S-genome diploid species were examined. On a dendrogram, Ae. speltoides and Ae. aucheri formed the most isolated cluster. Among the other species, Ae. searsii was the most distant while Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis were the closest species. The maximum difference between individual accessions within one species was approximately the same (0.18-0.22) in Ae. bicornis, Ae. longissima. Ae. sharonensis, and Ae. searsii. The difference between the clusters of questionable species Ae. speltoides and Ae. aucheri corresponded to the intraspecific level; the difference between closely related Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis corresponded to the interspecific level. The section Sitopsis of the genus Aegilops includes six diploid species containing the S genome, which is regarded as an ancestor of the B genome of cultivated wheat. The species of the section are thought to be closest to the genus Triticum. Note that the taxonomic status of some forms of the section Sitopsis is questionable. For instance, Ae. speltoides and Ae. aucheri are variously considered as individual species or as a single species, Ae. speltoides. The situation with Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis is similar. Thus, although the group includes only diploid species and is well studied morphologically, its phylogeny and taxonomy are still questionable. 相似文献
Polymorphism and phylogenetic relationships among species in the genus Oryza as determined by analysis of nuclear RFLPs 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Z. Y. Wang G. Second S. D. Tanksley 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1992,83(5):565-581
Summary Ninety-three accessions representing 21 species from the genus Oryza were examined for restriction fragment length polymorphism. The majority (78%) of the accessions, for which five individuals were tested, were found to be monomorphic. Most of the polymorphic accessions segregated for only one or two probes and appeared to be mixed pure lines. For most of the Oryza species tested, the majority of the genetic variation (83%) was found between accessions from different species with only 17% between accessions within species. Tetraploid species were found to have, on average, nearly 50% more alleles (unique fragments) per individual than diploid species reflecting the allopolyploid nature of their genomes.Classification of Oryza species based on RFLPs matches remarkably well previous classifications based on morphology, hybridization and isozymes. In the current study, four species complexes could be identified corresponding to those proposed by Vaughan (1989): the O. ridleyi complex, the O. meyeriana complex, the O. officinalis complex and the O. sativa complex. Within the O. sativa complex, accessions of O. rufipogon from Asia (including O. nivara) and perennial forms of O. rufipogon from Australia clustered together with accessions of cultivated rice O. sativa. Surprisingly, indica and japonica (the two major subspecies of cultivated rice) showed closer affinity with different accessions of wild O. Rufipogon than to each other, supporting a hypothesis of independent domestication events for these two types of rice. Australian annual wild rice O. meridionalis (previously classified as O. rufipogon) was clearly distinct from all other O. rufipogon accessions supporting its recent reclassification as O. meridionalis (Ng et al. 1981). Using genetic relatedness as a criterion, it was possible to identify the closest living diploid relatives of the currently known tetraploid rice species. Results from these analyses suggest that BBCC tetraploids (O. malampuzhaensis, O. punctata and O. minuta) are either of independent origins or have experienced introgression from sympatric C-genome diploid rice species. CCDD tetraploid species from America (O. latifolia, O. alta and O. grandiglumis) may be of ancient origin since they show a closer affinity to each other than to any known diploid species. Their closest living diploid relatives belong to C genome (O. eichingeri) and E genome (O. Australiensis) species. Comparisons among African, Australian and Asian rice species suggest that Oryza species in Africa and Australia are of polyphyletic origin and probably migrated to these regions at different times in the past.Finally, on a practical note, the majority of probes used in this study detected polymorphism between cultivated rice and its wild relatives. Hence, RFLP markers and maps based on such markers are likely to be very useful in monitoring and aiding introgression of genes from wild rice into modern cultivars. 相似文献
Molecular phylogenetic relationships of the deep-sea fish genus Coryphaenoides (Gadiformes: Macrouridae) based on mitochondrial DNA 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Morita T 《Molecular phylogenetics and evolution》1999,13(3):137-454
In order to characterize the phylogenetic relationship and deep-sea adaptation process of the deep-sea fish genus Coryphaenoides, the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial (mt) 12 S rRNA and COI gene sequences for seven Coryphaenoides species were analyzed. Our molecular phylogenetic tree shows a new arrangement of seven Coryphaenoides species, which form two distinct groups, abyssal and nonabyssal species, and differs from the results of previous taxonomic studies. Using the mutation rate of mitochondrial genes, the divergence time between abyssal and nonabyssal Coryphaenoides was found to be 3.2-7.6 million years ago. Our study suggests that hydraulic pressure plays an important role in the speciation process in the marine environment. 相似文献
DING Shaoxiong ZHUANG Xuan GUO Feng WANG Jun SU Yongquan ZHANG Qiyong LI Qifu 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2006,49(3)
The classification and evolutionary relationships are important issues in the study of the groupers. Cytochrome b gene fragment of twenty-eight grouper species within six genera of subfamily Epinephelinae was amplified using PCR techniques and the sequences were analyzed to derive the phylogenetic relationships of the groupers from the China Seas. Genetic information indexes, including Kimura-2 parameter genetic distance and Ts/Tv ratios, were generated by using a variety of biology softwares. With Niphon spinosus, Pagrus major and Pagrus auriga as the designated outgroups, phylogenetic trees, which invoke additional homologous sequences of other Epinephelus fishes from GenBank, were constructed based on the neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and minimum-evolution (ME) methods. Several conclusions were drawn from the DNA sequences analysis: (1) genus Plectropomus, which was early diverged, is the most primitive group in the subfamily Epinephelinae; (2) genus Variola is more closely related to genus Cephalopolis than the other four genera; (3) genus Cephalopolis is a monophyletic group and more primitive than genus Epinephelus; (4) Promicrops lanceolatus and Cromileptes altivelis should be included in genus Epinephelus; (5) there exist two sister groups in genus Epinephelus. 相似文献