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The title compound 1e, obtained by chemical synthesis, is an inhibitor of E. coli ribosomal peptidyltransferase. A 50% inhibition of peptidyltransferase-catalyzed N-Ac-Phe-puromycin formation at puromycin concentration 1 × 10?4 M with 70 S ribosome-poly U-N-Ac[14C-Phe-tRNA complex occurred at 5 × 10?4 M of 1e. In contrast, the parent compound 2′(3′)-O-L-phenylalanine-L-adenosine (1b) is a much weaker inhibitor causing only 5% inhibition at 1 × 10?3 M. Alkaline hydrolysis of compound 1e to cytidylyl-3′→5′-L-adenosine (1c) results in a greatly diminished inhibition which, however, exceeds that of 1b by a factor of two. The inhibition of peptidyltransferase with 1e can be reversed by puromycin. The latter effect levels off at 40% inhibition.  相似文献   

Positive selection procedures for mutants of Salmonella typhimurium lacking cyclic 3', 5'7-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase have been devised. The gene (cpd) coding for this enzyme has been located on the chromosome and shown to be 25% co-transducible with metC using phage P22. The mutants have been used to investigate the role of the enzyme in the control of genes whose expression is known to be dependent on cAMP. Significant alterations in the regulation of some but not others of these genes have been observed in these mutants. Mutants lacking the cAMP phosphodiesterase are more sensitive than their parents to a variety of antibiotics that appear to enter the cell through cAMP-dependent transport systems. They grow faster than the wild type on succinate-ammonia-salts, and glucose-proline-salts media and are inhibited by added cAMP on glucose, citrate, or glycerol-ammonia salts media whereas the wild type is unaffected. Neither the growth of Salmonella typhimurium on glycerol or citrate media nor the level of acid hexose phosphatase in the strain is affected by the loss of cAMP phosphodiesterase. In addition, the mutant strains are extremely sensitive to high levels of cAMP. Loss of the cAMP phosphodiesterase in strains unable to synthesize cAMP (adenyl cyclase negative) reduces by 10-fold the requirement for exogenous cAMP for expression of catabolite-sensitive phenotypes. These results suggest that through its control of cAMP levels in the cell the phosphodiesterase may be involved in the regulation of certain classes of catabolite-sensitive operaons and also in protecting the cell against high levels of cAMP.  相似文献   

cAMP-binding protein was isolated from the plaque agent and purified to the homogeneous state. Purification process included filtration of the initial preparation through the membrane able to transmit particles with mol. weight to 300,000 Da, chromatography on cellulose "DE-52" and biogel HTP. The protein homogeneity was confirmed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel and precipitation with commercial plague agglutinating serum. The protein with mol. weight of 180,000 Da consisted of two identical subunits (90,000 Da. each) which could dissociate with formation of monomers (mol. weight approximately 18,000 Da), Cu2+, Co2+, Mn2+ ions stimulated activity of cAMP-binding protein of a plague microbe while Fe3+, Ca2+, Zn2+ ions inhibited it by 30-70%. A monospecific rabbit serum to the homogeneous preparation of cAMP-binding protein was obtained. It helped finding the similar protein in the close relative bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis but not in Y. enterocolitica.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the presence of multiple cyclic AMP binding components in the plasma membrane and cytosol fractions of porcine renal cortex and medulla. N6-(Ethyl-2-diazomalonyl)-3',5'-adenosine monophosphate, a photoaffinity label for cyclic AMP binding sites, exhibits non-covalent binding characteristics similar to cyclic AMP in membrane and soluble fractions. Binding data for either compound to the plasma membrane fraction yields biphasic Scatchard plots while triphasic plots are obtained with the dialyzed cytosol. When covalently labeled fractions are separated on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the cyclic AMP photoaffinity label is found on 49 000 and 130 000 dalton components in each kidney fraction. DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration chromatography of the labeled cortical cytosol fraction establishes that the three components suggested by the binding data correspond to two 49 000 dalton species and a 130 000 component. The 49 000 species have higher affinities for cyclic AMP than the 130 000 component (Ka(1) = 2.0 . 10(9), Ka(2) = 1.7 . 10(8), Ka(3) = 1.0 . 10(7)). The 49 000 components are associated with protein kinase activity while the 130 000 component does not exhibit protein kinase, adenosine deaminase, or cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity. Immunologic results and effects of phosphorylation and cyclic GMP on cyclic AMP binding further suggest that the 49 000 components are regulatory subunits of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases. Cyclic AMP binding to the 130 000 component is markedly inhibited by adenosine and adenine nucleotides, but not cyclic GMP. Thus, this component may reflect an aspect of adenosine control or metabolism which may or may not be a cyclic AMP-related cellular function.  相似文献   

In experiments on unanesthetized non-immobilized rabbits, unit responses in the cortex and thalamus to the cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (cAMPh) were studied by means of microionophoresis. It was shown that cAMPh changes the pattern of background unit activity, increasing or decreasing the discharge frequency. cAMPh changes unit responses both to acetylcholine and noradrenaline. These data permit, to assume that cAMPh participates both in adrenergic and in acetylocholinergic mechanisms of excitation processing in brain neurones.  相似文献   

Ab initio quantum mechanical calculations were used to study the hydrolysis reaction H4P2O7 + H2O in equilibrium with 2H3PO4, as well as some molecular properties of the reactants and products. SCF calculations with several basis sets ranging from minimal to extended with polarization functions were used to look at the basis dependency of the reaction enthalpies and optimized geometries. Although the minimal basis sets yield erratic predictions of the enthalpy, when a more extended basis (3-21G*) was used for the geometry optimization, and the total energies of the reactants and products were computed with this and larger basis sets, we obtained more consistent predictions of the structural properties of the P-O-P bridge and of the heat of the hydrolysis reaction (delta E = -7.39 kcal/mol at the SCF/6-31G** level). A comparison is made with previous estimates performed with smaller basis sets and without taking into account the electron correlation effects, which are calculated in the present work. The inclusion of the zero point energy calculated using the harmonic approximation, and of the electronic correlation energy determined at the MBPT(2) level, raised the computed heat of the reaction to -3.83 kcal/mol, and when an estimate for the thermal energy was added, the value obtained was of -3.38 kcal/mol. In conclusion, we found that the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate should be exothermic in the gas phase. The implications of this result in relation to some recent theories about enzyme catalysis are discussed.  相似文献   

The net synthesis of cAMP by an adenine auxotroph of Escherichia coli was measured by assaying the incorporation of tritium from [3H]-adenine into cyclic [3H] AMP during exponential growth. Synthesis of cAMP ceased abruptly when glucose was added to cells growing in glycerol and then recovered to an intermediate rate of synthesis after 0.5–1.0 generation. Cyclic AMP appeared to be synthesized from a precursor pool that turned over more rapidly than total cellular ATP. The rates of cAMP synthesis measured by this technique are compatible with the cellular levels of cAMP previously measured in this strain(3).  相似文献   

M Pincus  L L Thi  R P Carty 《Biochemistry》1975,14(16):3653-3661
2'(3')-O-Bromoacetyluridine reacts rapidly and selectively with bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A at pH 5.5 and 25 degrees. Under conditions of high molar ratios of nucleoside derivative to enzyme, the only derivative is N-3-carboxymethylhistidine-12 ribonuclease A. The reaction occurs almost exclusively with the histidine-12 residue at the active site inactivation of the enzyme is accompanied by the stoichiometric disappearance of unmodified ribonuclease A and appearance of the product, N-3-carboxymethylhistidine-12 ribonuclease A. Kinetic studies indicate a mechanism involving saturation of the enzyme by the nucleoside derivative. The inhibitor constant, Kb, is 0.087 M and k3 is 35.1 times 10(-4) sec minus 1. The reaction of 2'(3')-O-bromoacetyluridine with the enzyme occurs at a rate approximately 3100 times greater than that corresponding to the reaction with L-histidine. The alkylation reaction is inhibited competitively by uridine with a Ki of 0.013 M. 2'(3')-O-Bromoacetyluridine inactivates ribonuclease A 4.5 times faster than bromoacetic acid and the specificity for alkylation of active-site histidine residues is different. 2'(3')-O-Bromoacetyluridine reacts 1000 times more rapidly with ribonuclease A than iodoacetamide. The contribution of nucleoside binding to the overall rate of alkylation is discussed.  相似文献   

A simple method has been developed for the preparation of 5'-32P-labeled 8-azidoadenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate (p8N3Ap) for use in photoaffinity labeling studies. Irradiation of a complex between p8N3Ap and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) with light of 300-350 nm led to the covalent attachment of the nucleotide to the enzyme. RNase A could also be labeled in the dark with prephotolyzed p8N3Ap. In either case, the nucleotide reacted with the same tryptic peptide, encompassing amino acids 67-85 of the protein. The site of labeling was determined to be either Thr-78 or Thr-82, both of which are close to or at the pyrimidine binding site of the enzyme. This result is consistent with recent nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray studies which indicate that 8-substituted adenine nucleotides interact with the pyrimidine binding site of RNase A.  相似文献   

Recently, 3',5'-pyrophosphate-linked 2'-deoxyribodinucleotides were shown to be >100-fold more effective inhibitors of RNase A superfamily enzymes than were the corresponding monophosphate-linked (i.e., standard) dinucleotides. Here, we have investigated two ribo analogues of these compounds, cytidine 3'-pyrophosphate (P'-->5') adenosine (CppA) and uridine 3'-pyrophosphate (P'-->5') adenosine (UppA), as potential substrates for RNase A and angiogenin. CppA and UppA are cleaved efficiently by RNase A, yielding as products 5'-AMP and cytidine or uridine cyclic 2',3'-phosphate. The k(cat)/K(m) values are only 4-fold smaller than for the standard dinucleotides CpA and UpA, and the K(m) values (10-16 microM) are lower than those reported for any earlier small substrates (e.g., 500-700 microM for CpA and UpA). The k(cat)/K(m) value for CppA with angiogenin is also only severalfold smaller than for CpA, but the effect of lengthening the internucleotide linkage on K(m) is more modest. Ribonucleotide 3',5'-pyrophosphate linkages were proposed previously to exist in nature as chemically labile intermediates in the pathway for the generation of cyclic 2',3'-phosphate termini in various RNAs. We demonstrate that in fact they are relatively stable (t(1/2) > 15 days for uncatalyzed degradation of UppA at pH 6 and 25 degrees C) and that cleavage in vivo is most likely enzymatic. Replacements of the RNase A catalytic residues His12 and His119 by alanine reduce activity toward UppA by approximately 10(5)-and 10(3.3)-fold, respectively. Thus, both residues play important roles. His12 probably acts as a base catalyst in cleavage of UppA (as with RNA). However, the major function of His119 in RNA cleavage, protonation of the 5'-O leaving group, is not required for UppA cleavage because the pK(a) of the leaving group is much lower than that for RNA substrates. A crystal structure of the complex of RNase A with 2'-deoxyuridine 3'-pyrophosphate (P'-->5') adenosine (dUppA), determined at 1.7 A resolution, together with models of the UppA complex based on this structure suggest that His119 contributes to UppA cleavage through a hydrogen bond with a nonbridging oxygen atom in the pyrophosphate and through pi-pi stacking with the six-membered ring of adenine.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin was found to induce high accumulations of cyclic AMP in the isolated choroid plexus of the rabbit and in the incubation medium. The accumulation showed a characteristic lag phase of at least 30 min and continued for at least 3 hours. Inactivated cholera toxin was unable to increase cyclic AMP levels. There was only a moderate effect of cholera toxin on cyclic AMP “low Km” phosphodiesterase activity in homogenates. The effect of cholera toxin on cyclic AMP levels confirms the existance of a potent cyclic AMP generating system in the choroid plexus which is activated also by β-adrenergic agonists, histamine and prostaglandin E1.  相似文献   

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