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Chlorophyllase was extracted from green cells of Chlorella protothecoidesby n-butanol treatment and purified 600-fold, as measured byenzyme activity in chlorophyll a hydrolysis, by ammonium sulfateprecipitation, chromatography on TEAE-cellulose column and gelfiltration with Sephadex G-200. At each purification step the following activities were compared:hydrolyses of chlorophyll a and methyl chlorophyllide a, methanolysisof chlorophyll a and transphythylation of methyl chlorophyllidea to chlorophyll a. The ratio of activities of chlorophyll a hydrolysis to chlorophylla methanolysis changed on purification and partial inactivationby heat, PCMB and phytol, as well as by varying the reactiontemperature, thus suggesting that the two reactions are notcatalyzed by a single enzyme. In contrast, the activity ratio of chlorophyll a methanolysisto transphytylation of methyl chlorophyllide a remained unaltered,indicating that these reactions can be forward and backwardreactions catalyzed by one enzyme. Results of kinetic studies also indicated that the chlorophyllaseof Chlorella protothecoides consists of at least two enzymes.One enzyme catalyzes chlorophyll a hydrolysis and the other,chlorophyll a methanolysis and the reverse reaction, transphytylationof methyl chlorophyllide a. (Received May 24, 1973; )  相似文献   

Light-induced formation of chlorophyll in "etiolated" cellsof Chlorella protothecoides was studied under various experimentalconditions, (i) Two different types of enhancing effect of lightwere demonstrated: a "long-term" effect lasting for many hoursafter a relatively short illumination of etiolated cells anda "short-term" effect disappearing in a few hours after illumination,(ii) Addition of ALA caused enhancement of chlorophyll synthesisin etiolated cells in darkness as well as in light; the ALA-enhancedrate of dark chlorophyll synthesis, however, was much lowerthan the rate in light without added ALA. ALA was replaceablewith succinic acid plus glycine in light, but not in the dark,for enhancement of chlorophyll formation, (iii) Adding glucose,fructose, galactose, glycerol or acetate—at concentrationsmuch lower than those previously shown to induce "bleaching"of green algal cells-caused a more or less marked suppressionof light-induced greening in etiolated cells, (iv) Added glucosealmost instantaneously and completely stopped chlorophyll synthesisin light as well as in darkness either with or without addedALA. On the basis of these and other results, a tentative schemeis presented for the enhancing effects of light and the suppressiveeffects of glucose on chlorophyll formation in algal cells. (Received April 1, 1970; )  相似文献   

Greening cells of Chlorella prolothecoides were assayed foractivity of the in vivo synthesis of ALA, which was markedlydeveloped during light-induced greening. Effects of CH on thesyntheses of ALA and chlorophyll were also examined. The resultsstrongly suggested that a labile enzyme is involved in ALA synthesis,and that continuous formation of the enzyme is required forthe greening of cells. However, the prompt suppression of chlorophyllsynthesis when CH was added to rapidly greening cells was foundto be attributable not to the blockage of ALA synthesis butto the suppression of some later process(es) in the course ofchlorophyll synthesis, under the conditions used. The valueof the Hill coefficient for the CH inhibition of chlorophyllsynthesis as well as the CH concentration which caused 50% inhibitionremained unaltered whether it was measured when the ALA synthesisactivity was greatly inhibited by CH or when the activity wasonly slightly suppressed. (Received November 11, 1974; )  相似文献   

Regreening of glucose-bleached cells of Chlorella protothecoidesis stimulated by light. Spectral effectiveness in the processshowed maxima around 370, 440 and 480 nm, suggesting a flavoproteinas primary photoreceptor. Action spectra of ALA synthesis provedto be similar to those of chlorophyll formation, indicatingthat light stimulation of greening in this alga is regulatedat the first step of chlorophyll biosynthesis. 1 Present address: Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received March 27, 1978; )  相似文献   

  1. 1. Subcellular fractions of Chlorella protothecoides were separatedby fractional centrifugation of the algal cell homogenate inmixtures of cyclohexane and CCl4. The base composition, meltingprofiles and IRC-50 column chromatographic patterns of DNA preparationsfrom the chloroplast and non-chloroplast fractions were examined.It was shown that the algal chloroplast contains at least oneDNA species which is different from the nuclear DNA.
  2. 2. RNApreparations from the subcellular fractions were subjectedtoMAK column chromatography, sucrose density gradient centrifugationand analysis for base composition. It was demonstrated thatthe chloroplast contains ribosomal RNA and soluble RNA. Twocomponents of the chloroplast ribosomal RNA were found to havethe same patterns as those of the E. coli ribosomal RNA in MAKcolumn chromatography and zone centrifugation. The major componentof the chloroplast ribosomal RNA was distinctly different fromthat of the non-chloroplastic (cytoplasmic) ribosomal RNA inall properties examined.
1This work was partly reported at the Symposium on Mitochondriaand Chloroplasts as Self-duplicating Units sponsored by theBotanical Society of Japan in August, 1966, and at the Symposiumon Biogenesis of Subcellular Particles, the 7th Internatl. Congressof Biochemistry, Tokyo, 1967.  相似文献   

The process of bleaching of Chlorella protothecoides inducedby the addition of glucose was strongly inhibited by cycloheximide,an inhibitor of protein synthesis, whereas it was suppressedonly weakly by chloramphenicol, puromycin and ethionine. Whencycloheximide was added simultaneously with glucose at the beginningof die bleaching experiment, no bleaching of algal cells occurredduring the subsequent incubation. When it was added after glucose,the bleaching of algal cells proceeded for a period of timeas actively as in the control, then gradually ceased. Cycloheximidewas found to suppress the uptake of glucose by algal cells,and to severely inhibit the assimilation of glucose into lipidswhen added at the beginning of the bleaching experiment. Theseinhibitory effects of cycloheximide are discussed in relationto the induction of "glucose-bleaching" in algal cells. (Received December 16, 1968; )  相似文献   

When chlorophyll a was incubated with a preparation of chlorophyllaseextracted with Triton X-100 from methanol-acetone powder ofChlorella protothecoides, the substrate was changed to chlorophyllidea, and subsequently to an atypical form of chlorophyllide a.The formation of an atypical form of chlorophyllide was notdetected in the reaction with chlorophyll b as substrate, norin the reaction with another preparation of chlorophyllase extractedfrom the algal cells. (Received August 18, 1969; )  相似文献   

Frozen and thawed cells, as well as sonicated cell preparationsof Chlorella protothecoides, were assayed for activity to synthesizeporphyrins from added ALA or PBG. Activity was very low in etiolatedcells, and markedly developed during the process of light-inducedgreening. The development of activity was strongly suppressedby glucose. Activity for the synthesis of URO(gen) from ALAwas initially developed, then the formation of COPRO(gen)-synthesizingactivity ensued. In glucose-suppressed cells as in cells incubatedin continuous darkness, URO was the main porphyrin producedand COPRO was virtually missing in the reaction products withadded ALA, indicating that development of activity for the conversionof URO(gen) to COPRO(gen) is greatly enhanced by light and isrepressed by added glucose. Suppressive effects of CP and CHon the development of porphyrin-synthesizing activity were alsostudied. From these and other results, a tentative scheme ispresented for the enhancing effects of light and the suppressiveeffects of glucose on the development of porphyrin-synthesizingactivity in etiolated algal cells, in correlation with the effectson other processes of chlorophyll biosynthesis. 1 Present address: National Food Research Institute, Ministryof Agriculture and Forestry, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135, Japan. (Received April 6, 1972; )  相似文献   

Some properties of chlorophyllase (chlorophyll-chlorophyllido-hydrolase,EC 3.1.1. 14) from Chlorella protothecoides are described. Themolecular weight estimated by sodium lauryl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis was 38,000, and the isoelectric point determinedby the isoelectric focusing technique was 4.5. The enzyme hada constant high activity over a wide pH range from 6.0 to 8.5,and was stable from pH 4.0 to 9.2. (Received May 12, 1979; )  相似文献   

The alteration of photosynthetic membrane proteins in relation to the disappearance of pigments during the heterotrophic growth of Chlorella protothecoides was investigated. Chlorophylls and certain polypeptides associated with the LHC II disappeared after 50 hr of heterotrophic growth but the 24 kDa apoprotein constituting LHC II was not affected. Immunological analysis indicated that the chlorophylls and the light harvesting complex proteins of the thylakoid membranes are not tightly coupled and the latter is retained in its native form irrespective of the presence or absence of the former. The circumstantial evidence that the other photosynthetic membrane polypeptides are degraded along with the pigments due to increased proteolytic activity in the rapidly dividing heterotrophic cells indicate that chlorophyll synthesis is not a pre-requisite for the synthesis of the LHC II apoprotein.  相似文献   

During the production of biodiesel, a significant amount of glycerol is generated which currently has little commercial value. A study on the growth and lipid production of Chlorella protothecoides using glycerol as the carbon source was performed to demonstrate the utility of recycling crude glycerol created during biodiesel production. Glycerol was examined as both the sole carbon source and in combination with glucose. Algae cultures grown on only glycerol in shake flasks showed a specific growth rate and final lipid yield of 0.1/h and 0.31 g lipid/g substrate, respectively. The values were similar to those observed on pure glucose, 0.096/h and 0.24 g lipid/g substrate. When the media contained a mixture of glycerol and glucose, simultaneous uptake of the two substrates was observed. Due to the difference in rates of lipid storage, lipid production was 0.077 g lipid/(l h) during growth on glycerol, while growth on glucose had a productivity of 0.096 g lipid/(l h). During growth on the 9:1 mixture of both glucose and glycerol, lipid productivity was 0.098 g lipid/(l h). In order to simulate the use of waste glycerol from biodiesel production the experiments were repeated and similar growth rates, yields, and lipid productivities were achieved. Therefore, we have demonstrated the promise for simultaneous high growth rates and lipid yields of C. protothecoides heterotrophically grown on mixtures of glycerol.  相似文献   

Both autotrophically and heterotrophically grown Chlorella protothecoides cells have been obtained in cell cultures. The content of liposoluble compounds in the cells of heterotrophic algae occupied 72% of the total cells in dry weight, which was more than 4 times as high as that in the autotrophic algal cells. There existed remarkbly different distribution patterns of the hydrocarbons in thesetwo kinds of cells. The hydrocarbons in autotrophic cells were characterised by the predominance of C17 normal alkanes, wheraes the heterotrophic cells were rich in normal alkanes of higher molecular weight or longer carbon chain with C25 as the dominant carbon. The structure of the compounds in benzene fraction is not quite clear, but the compounds in autotrophis sample may be related to the degeneration of the pigments. The compounds in heterotrophic sample probably come from lipid acids. The visible--ultraviolet absorption spectrum of the pigment compounds demonstrated the absorption peaks of the acetone extract from the autotrophic cells at 432.5, 451.5, 472.5 and 661.5 nm, reflecting the existence of chlorophyll and carotenoid, both with a rather high concentration. However, the acetone extract from the hetertrophic algal cells only showed absorption peaks at 427.4, 450.8 and 477.5 nm. The absorption peaks of the original green cells completely disappeared at 432.5 and 661.5 nm, reflecting the disappearance of chlorophyll in cells on the whole; the remaining absorption peaks only reflected the existence of carotenoid, but its concentration had already been greatly reduced. The resuls from comparative experiments were of essential significance on the study of physiological metabolism in heterotrophically grown C. protothecoides and on the exploration and application of the lipid compounds in this kind of algae.  相似文献   

The simultaneous recovery of cell division and chlorophyll synthesisin "giant", "bleached" cells of the Emerson strain of Chlorellavulgaris which occurs upon exposure to light has been investigatedusing the two inhibitors of protein synthesis, chloramphenicoland cycloheximide. With both antibiotics, it has been foundpossible, under suitable conditions, to separate cell divisionand chlorophyll synthesis. The best separation is obtained withthose chloramphenicol treatments which severely inhibit chlorophyllsynthesis and the development of a photosynthetic capacity butwithout affecting cell division. The separation achieved withcycloheximide is less clear-cut. The significance of these resultsis discussed with particular reference to the relationship betweenchloroplast development and other events occurring in the cytoplasm. (Received October 12, 1970; )  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of temperature andholding time on the pyrolyzate yields of Chlorella protothecoides, the microalgal cells weresubjected to pyrolysis at 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 °Cfor 5, 20, 60 and 120 min, separately. High oil yields above 40% dry weight cells wereobtained both at relatively low temperature (300 °C)with relatively long holding times (20–120min) and relatively high temperatures (400–500 °C)with relatively short holding times (5–20min). The maximum oil yield of 52.0% was achieved at500 °C for 5 min. The gas yield was generallyincreased with the increasing temperature and holdingtime. It could reach 63.3–76.0% at 600 °C.High pyrolytic rates of 72–87% were obtained at allexperiments except at 200 °C for 5–20 min or300 °C for 5 min. Thermogravimetric analysisindicated that the main thermal degradation of thismicroalga occurred at 200–520 °C. The resultsimply that C. protothecoides is a good candidatefor the production of renewable fuels by pyrolysis.  相似文献   

不同营养条件下原始小球藻对蒽的富集和降解研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
研究了自养与异养条件下原始小球藻对蒽的降解和富集能力 .结果表明 ,自养条件下 ,浓度为1 0mg·L-1的蒽有 48.18%被降解 ,其中 2 8.81%属于自然光降解 ,仅有 19.37%被原始小球藻降解 .而异养条件下的原始小球藻对浓度为 2 .5mg·L-1的蒽降解率达到 33.5 3%,说明异养原始小球藻不仅能耐受高浓度蒽 ,而且表现出比自养原始小球藻更强的蒽降解能力 .两种条件下 ,80 %以上残留的蒽都被富集到藻细胞中 .虽然自养条件下原始小球藻对蒽的生物富集系数达 90 6 4,远大于异养条件下的生物富集系数(1899) ,但异养条件下藻对蒽的绝对富集量 (2 0 2 .2 9μg)远远高于自养条件下的 6 9.6 87μg .  相似文献   

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