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Timed-pregnant monkeys were produced in a large nonhabituated colony of Saimiri sciureus of Bolivian origin. In a colony of 373 females and 40 males, 277 females (74%) were considered to be inseminated, based on microscopic observation of sperm and/or detection of a coagulum (plug) in the vagina. Forty-six full-term progeny were delivered. The mean gestational period was 152.5 days (SD = 3.9 days). For continuous cohabitation, the median time to insemination was five days, with 75% of inseminations occurring within eight days. Pregnancy evaluation (mouse bioassay) indicated a high level of resorptions within the first 50 days of gestation. This may help explain the low birth rates reported for other nonhaibuated colonies.  相似文献   

Seventeen squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), 11 nursery-reared and six mother-reared, were monitored to clarify the type and degree of deviant behaviors that result from rearing this species in the nursery. Two observation periods were used: the first when the subjects averaged 6.7 months of age, the second when they averaged 15.5 months. Thirteen activities involving variations of nonnutritive orality, stereotypic posturing, and agitated behaviors were seen in the nursery-reared subjects, but never in the mother-reared subjects. No consistent gender, subspecies, or age differences were evident. Squirrel monkeys, like chimpanzees and some Old World monkeys, do develop atypical self-directed behaviors when deprived of normal stimulation during early development.  相似文献   

Social organization and social behavior were examined in two subspecies of squirrel monkeys which differ markedly in the degree of sexual dimorphism. The Bolivian squirrel monkeys, the subspecies with greater sexual dimorphism, manifested a sexually segregated form of social organization, while the social organization of the Guyanese monkeys was sexually integrated. Dominance relationships were found to reflect these patterns of sexual segregation or integration; in the Bolivian social groups separate linear dominance hierarchies were established within each sex while the Guyanese monkeys established a single linear hierarchy which included both males and females. Relationships between males and females in the two subspecies appear to be regulated by two distinct mechanisms, dominance in the Guyanese monkeys and sexual segregation in the Bolivians.  相似文献   

Nineteen cases of clinical tetanus developed in Bolivian squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) which were housed in outdoor corrals with soil-based floors. The disease was initially characterized by stiffness in gait followed by extensor rigidity, trismus and opisthotonus. Eleven of the 19 monkeys (58%) had evidence of external wounds. The case fatality rate was 100%. Tetanus accounted for 12% of adult female and 19% of adult male mortalities in the colony. Immunization with tetanus toxoid was effective in reducing the incidence of tetanus.  相似文献   

The possibility of horizontal transmission of T. gondii was examined in squirrel monkeys. After three monkeys were inoculated perorally with 1.1-2.1 x 10(3) cysts of the T. gondii ME49, the animals were divided into two cages and maintained with one normal monkey for each cage as a cagemate. Two out of the three T. gondii-inoculated monkeys died, and the remaining one monkey was sacrificed in a moribund state one week after infection because of acute toxoplasmosis. Many T. gondii tachyzoites were recovered from broncho-alveolar lavages and were also found histopathologically in the lung, liver, spleen, kidney and lymph nodes and impression smears of tissues from the three T. gondii-inoculated monkeys by Giemsa staining. Anti-T. gondii antibody was examined by immunoblot assay in these animals, and the antibody to T. gondii major surface membrane protein (p30) could be detected after the start of experiment. Furthermore, a specific band of T. gondii NTPase gene was observed by PCR in the liver and lung of infected and cagemate monkeys, and the sequence of the second PCR products obtained from the cagemates, which were clinically normal but gave a positive result in immunoblotting assay, was exactly the same as the sequence of the NTPase gene of T. gondii ME49. These findings suggested that transmission of T. gondii from the infected monkeys to cagemates occurred easily, and since many T. gondii tachyzoites were recovered from the bronchoalveolar lavages of the three T. gondii-inoculated monkeys, we suggest that aerosol infection plays an important role for the enzootic toxoplasmosis in colonies of squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

The physiological and behavioral factors underlying the annual reproductive cycle of the squirrel monkey were evaluated under controlled laboratory conditions. Mating activity following the formation of two social groups served to synchronize the reproductive phases during the subsequent year of observation. Changes in male and female reproductive status were assessed during four designated phases: breeding, pregnancy, lactation and fatting. Behavioral and somatic changes in gonadectomized subjects, living in the social groups, were also evaluated. The variations in behavior and physiology across the year were considered in terms of factors constraining the timing of the natural reproductive pattern.  相似文献   

Vocalizations and behavior of a group of 6 squirrel monkeys, 2 males and 4 females, were recorded during the nonbreeding and breeding seasons. Behavioral and physical criteria were used to determine the presence of estrus. During the breeding season the types of vocalizations uttered by estrous females changed, and the adult male increased his rate of vocalizing. Err vocalizations by estrous females were associated with increased following and initiation of affiliative behavior with the adult male, and may have functioned to facilitate these interactions. Errs appeared to be related to changes in female reproductive state rather than to the behavior of others. The adult male increased vocalizations associated with sexual and aggressive behavior (squeals and cackles), primarily in response to the estrous females' persistent initiation of interactions with him. We concluded that certain vocalizations in Saimiri reflected changes in the reproductive state of males and females, and functioned to mediate changes in social bonding during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Abstract: This report documents asymptomatic infections of Mycobacterium kansasii in four of five tuberculin positive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus sciureus). The mycobacterial DNA amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from a bronchial lymph node had no affinity for the species specific probes of M. tuberculosis, M. avium, and M. intracellular, thus allowing the presumptive diagnosis of an atypical mycobacterial infection. Infection by Mycobacterium kansasii was confirmed by culture of bronchial lymph nodes from three monkeys. The source of the infection was never identified.  相似文献   

Median corpuscular fragility of erythrocytes does not differ significantly between fed and fasted Bolivian and Brazilian squirrel monkeys and are similar to values reported in humans and rhesus monkeys. This report further confirms that the fasting hyperbilirubinemia present only in Bolivian squirrel monkeys with a Gilbert-like syndrome is not due to an increased fragility of erythrocytes and should be classified as a nonhemolytic hyperbilirubinemia.  相似文献   

Vocalizations occurring during play bouts were studied in 2 pairs of young male squirrel monkeys. Two main call types, one having four variants, are described. Vocalization rate varied with the type of ongoing behavior and with play bout duration, an association considered to be indicative of motivation to play. Structural differences also varied with bout duration and longer bouts had longer and more complex calls. In addition to providing direct information about motivation, vocalizations may have a metacommunicative function in alerting adult group members (not play partners) to the presence of playful activity.  相似文献   

In a captive colony of Brazilian squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) a discrete birth season has been retained for 5 years although its duration increased from 3 months in 1972 to 6 months in 1976. The ages of breeder females in this colony ranged from 3 to 14 years, and within this range reproductive performance was not affected by age, although it was significantly better in feral than in colony-born females. The latter had a lower pregnancy rate and a higher incidence of neonatal and fetal deaths than did the feral monkeys. It is our belief that the reproductive and maternal capabilities of the colony-born females were adversely affected by the practice of removing neonates from their mothers at weaning and raising them with age-mates.  相似文献   

Subperiosteal cranial hematomas were observed in five female squirrel monkeys. The absence of trauma in the clinical history, the characteristic clinical changes, and the pathological lesions suggested that the animals were scorbutic. Analysis of feed which was soaked in water, or left on the ground for varying time periods at different temperatures, indicated that there was loss of ascorbic acid. During the manufacture of monkey feed, ascorbic acid is dusted on as a final process. The practice of soaking feed resulted in the "washing off" or the destruction of ascorbic acid. This disease outbreak emphasized the important of management practices in a primate colony.  相似文献   

1 adult male and 4 adult female squirrel monkeys were observed together as a group, isolated from all other monkeys. 3 of the 4 females were deafened for a previous experiment. Deafening, however, had no apparent, permanent effect on social behavior. Social dominance hierarchy was evaluated in a variety of situations. The results were compared with those of a similar set of observations on the females prior to the introduction of the male. Before the male was introduced, the dyadic interactions involving food stealing, body grasping, and sexual behaviors were indicative of a female linear rank order. After the male was introduced, the rank order among the females generally remained intact, with the male becoming the highest ranking member in the group. The noteworthy exception to the stability involved the highest ranking female, whose position in the hierarchy was threatened. Heterosexual interactions predominated. Homosexual behavior was also observed, although appreciably reduced in frequency as compared to the all-female group situation. A similar rank order hierarchy was observed in a second group of squirrel monkeys comprised of 1 adult male and 4 adult females. None of these monkeys was deaf.  相似文献   

Observations of food-storing in caged squirrel monkeys are described. Frequencies of storage and attempted retrievals increased with the introduction of novel objects. The type of storage site, its location and defense, all indicate hiding of food or favored objects to avoid stealing attempts rather than food or object play behavior.  相似文献   

The tendency for agonistic interaction to increase the probability of friendly interaction between social partners has been demonstrated across a range of Old World primates. While research on such post-conflict behavior proceeds into an hypothesis-testing phase, new comparative information must accumulate to provide full phylogenetic perspective on primate social behavior. Data from New World and prosimian primates are yet extremely limited. We studied captive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) via post-conflict (PC) and matched control (MC) observations and analyzed results using both the PC-MC and time-rule methods. Former opponents maintaining affiliative relationships soon engaged in friendly interaction following large proportions of agonistic interactions, whereas non-affiliated individuals, including virtually all male-female pairs, reconciled conflicts rarely. Close-proximity approaching and huddling contact constituted the principal modes of post-conflict amicability. Agonistic interactions of relatively high intensity were most likely to be reconciled and most likely to be reconciled via physical contact. High vulnerability of Saimiri to predation may have favored this species' strong inclination to reconcile soon after agonistic interaction. Research on free-living populations of this and other primate species is needed to illuminate similarities and differences across taxa.  相似文献   

Splenectomised Saimiri sciureus squirrel monkeys are being used increasingly as an experimental host for human malarial studies, notably for the assessment of candidate vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage infection. Recently, we have reported that colony-reared S. sciureus monkeys are asymptomatic carriers of Haemobartonella sp. and that patent Haemobartonella infection, activated following splenectomy, may interfere with the course of P. falciparum parasitaemia in these animals. For several years, splenectomised S. sciureus monkeys were routinely submitted to oxytetracycline therapy before their use in malarial studies in order to prevent a possible spontaneous Heamobartonella infection. However, we report here that such antibiotic therapy is often ineffective and that neoarsphenamine chemotherapy may be considered as an alternative to cure both latent and patent haemobartonellosis in S. sciureus monkeys.  相似文献   

Observations of six female squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus, indicate that the appearance of the external genitalia is hormone-dependent. Estradiol benzoate induced opening of the vagina, swelling of the labia, enlargement of urethral papilla, and copious discharge of thick white vaginal secretion in ovariectomized females.  相似文献   

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