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Q X Hua  M A Weiss 《Biochemistry》1990,29(46):10545-10555
2D 1H NMR studies are presented of des-pentapeptide-insulin, an analogue of human insulin lacking the C-terminal five residues of the B chain. Removal of these residues, which are not required for function, is shown to reduce conformational broadening previously described in the spectrum of intact insulin [Weiss et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 9855-9873]. This difference presumably reflects more rapid internal motions in the fragment, which lead to more complete averaging of chemical shifts on the NMR time scale. Sequential 1H NMR assignment and preliminary structural analysis demonstrate retention in solution of the three alpha-helices observed in the crystal state and the relative orientation of the receptor-binding surfaces. These studies provide a foundation for determining the solution structure of insulin.  相似文献   

Q X Hua  S E Shoelson  M A Weiss 《Biochemistry》1992,31(47):11940-11951
Insulin's mechanism of receptor binding is not well understood despite extensive study by mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography. Of particular interest are "anomalous" analogues whose bioactivities are not readily rationalized by crystal structures. Here the structure and dynamics of one such analogue (GlyB24-insulin) are investigated by circular dichroism (CD) and isotope-aided 2D-NMR spectroscopy. The mutant insulin retains near-native receptor-binding affinity despite a nonconservative substitution (PheB24-->Gly) in the receptor-binding surface. Relative to native insulin, GlyB24-insulin exhibits reduced dimerization; the monomer (the active species) exhibits partial loss of ordered structure, as indicated by CD studies and motional narrowing of selected 1H-NMR resonance. 2D-NMR studies demonstrate that the B-chain beta-turn (residues B20-23) and beta-strand (residues B24-B28) are destabilized; essentially native alpha-helical secondary structure (residues A3-A8, A13-A18, and B9-B19) is otherwise maintained. 13C-Isotope-edited NOESY studies demonstrate that long-range contacts observed between the B-chain beta-strand and the alpha-helical core in native insulin are absent in the mutant. Implications for the mechanism of insulin's interaction with its receptor are discussed.  相似文献   

High-throughput functional protein NMR studies, like protein interactions or dynamics, require an automated approach for the assignment of the protein backbone. With the availability of a growing number of protein 3D structures, a new class of automated approaches, called structure-based assignment, has been developed quite recently. Structure-based approaches use primarily NMR input data that are not based on J-coupling and for which connections between residues are not limited by through bonds magnetization transfer efficiency. We present here a robust structure-based assignment approach using mainly H N H N NOEs networks, as well as 1 H15 N residual dipolar couplings and chemical shifts. The NOEnet complete search algorithm is robust against assignment errors, even for sparse input data. Instead of a unique and partly erroneous assignment solution, an optimal assignment ensemble with an accuracy equal or near to 100% is given by NOEnet. We show that even low precision assignment ensembles give enough information for functional studies, like modeling of protein-complexes. Finally, the combination of NOEnet with a low number of ambiguous J-coupling sequential connectivities yields a high precision assignment ensemble. NOEnet will be available under: .  相似文献   

We have recently presented band-selective homonuclear cross-polarization (BSH-CP) as an efficient method for CO–CA transfer in deuterated as well as protonated solid proteins. Here we show how the BSH-CP CO–CA transfer block can be incorporated in a set of three-dimensional (3D) solid-state NMR (ssNMR) pulse schemes tailored for resonance assignment of proteins at high static magnetic fields and moderate magic-angle spinning rates. Due to the achieved excellent transfer efficiency of 33 % for BSH-CP, a complete set of 3D spectra needed for unambiguous resonance assignment could be rapidly recorded within 1 week for the model protein ubiquitin. Thus we expect that BSH-CP could replace the typically used CO–CA transfer schemes in well-established 3D ssNMR approaches for resonance assignment of solid biomolecules.  相似文献   

A nearly complete sequential resonance assignment is a key factor leading to successful protein structure determination via NMR spectroscopy. Assuming the availability of a set of NMR spectral peak lists, most of the existing assignment algorithms first use the differences between chemical shift values for common nuclei across multiple spectra to provide the evidence that some pairs of peaks should be assigned to sequentially adjacent amino acid residues in the target protein. They then use these connectivities as constraints to produce a sequential assignment. At various levels of success, these algorithms typically generate a large number of potential connectivity constraints, and it grows exponentially as the quality of spectral data decreases. A key observation used in our sequential assignment program, CISA, is that chemical shift residual signature information can be used to improve the connectivity determination, and thus to dramatically decrease the number of predicted connectivity constraints. Fewer connectivity constraints lead to less ambiguities in the sequential assignment. Extensive simulation studies on several large test datasets demonstrated that CISA is efficient and effective, compared to three most recently proposed sequential resonance assignment programs RANDOM, PACES, and MARS.  相似文献   

In NMR protein structure determination, after the resonance peaks have been identified and chemical shifts from peaks across multiple spectra have been grouped into spin systems, associating these spin systems to their host residues is the key toward the success of structural information extraction and thus the key to the success of the structure calculation. To achieve accurate enough structure calculation, a near complete and accurate assignment is a prerequisite. There are two pieces of information that can be used into the assignment, one of which is the adjacency information among the spin systems and the other is the signature information of the spin systems. The signature information reflects the fact that, generally speaking, for one type of amino acid residing in a specific local structural environment, the chemical shifts for the atoms inside the amino acid fall into some very narrow distinct ranges. In most of the existing work, normal distributions are assumed with means and standard deviations statistically collected from the available data. In this paper, we followed a simple yet effective histogram-based way to estimate for every spin system the probability that its host is a certain type of amino acid residing in a certain type of secondary structure. We used two combinations of chemical shifts to demonstrate the effectiveness of this type of histogram-based scoring schemes.  相似文献   

The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of Ca2+-saturated porcine calbindin D9k (78 amino acids, Mr 8800) has been assigned. Greater than 98% of the 1H resonances, including spin systems for each amino acid residue, have been identified by using an approach that integrates data from a wide range of two-dimensional scalar correlated NMR experiments [Chazin, Rance, & Wright (1988) J. Mol. Biol. 202, 603-626]. Due to the limited quantity of sample and conformational heterogeneity of the protein, two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) experiments also played an essential role in the identification of spin systems. On the basis of the pattern of scalar connectivities, 43 of the 78 spin systems could be directly assigned to the appropriate residue type. This provided an ample basis for obtaining the sequence-specific resonance assignments. The elements of secondary structure are identified from sequential and medium-range NOEs, values of 3JNH alpha, and the location of slowly exchanging backbone amide protons. Four well-defined helices and a mini beta-sheet between the two calcium binding loops are present in solution. These elements of secondary structure and a few key long-range NOEs provided sufficient information to define the global fold of the protein in solution. Generally good agreement is found between the crystal structure of the minor A form of bovine calbindin D9k and the solution structure of intact porcine calbindin D9k. The only significant difference is a short one-turn helix in the loop between helices II and III in the bovine crystal structure, which is clearly absent in the porcine solution structure.  相似文献   

In order to establish the conditions required for the observation of monomeric insulin in solution, a series of proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of insulin in a variety of solvents was undertaken. Optimal spectra were recorded in trifluoroethanol- water mixtures in a 1:2 ratio. Using the sequential assignment approach the proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of insulin was then assigned. Aspects of the structure of monomeric insulin in solution have been determined using the observed NOE cross peaks and slow exchange protons.  相似文献   

Subtilin, a 32-amino acid peptide with potent antimicrobial activity, has been isolated from Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633. The chemical structure has been confirmed by the unambiguous sequence-specific assignment of its 1H NMR spectrum. Detailed NMR analysis revealed that subtilin is a rather flexible molecule; the only observed conformational contraints were those imposed by the cyclic structures created by the lanthionine and 3-methyllanthionine residues. These results suggest that in aqueous solution subtilin and the homologous peptide nisin have similar conformations.  相似文献   

The quality of protein structures determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is contingent on the number and quality of experimentally-derived resonance assignments, distance and angular restraints. Two key features of protein NMR data have posed challenges for the routine and automated structure determination of small to medium sized proteins; (1) spectral resolution – especially of crowded nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra, and (2) the reliance on a continuous network of weak scalar couplings as part of most common assignment protocols. In order to facilitate NMR structure determination, we developed a semi-automated strategy that utilizes non-uniform sampling (NUS) and multidimensional decomposition (MDD) for optimal data collection and processing of selected, high resolution multidimensional NMR experiments, combined it with an ABACUS protocol for sequential and side chain resonance assignments, and streamlined this procedure to execute structure and refinement calculations in CYANA and CNS, respectively. Two graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were developed to facilitate efficient analysis and compilation of the data and to guide automated structure determination. This integrated method was implemented and refined on over 30 high quality structures of proteins ranging from 5.5 to 16.5 kDa in size.  相似文献   

The aromatic 1H NMR resonances of the insulin monomer are assigned at 500 MHz by comparative studies of chemically modified and genetically altered variants, including a mutant insulin (PheB25----Leu) associated with diabetes mellitus. The two histidines, three phenylalanines, and four tyrosines are observed to be in distinct local environments; their assignment provides sensitive markers for studies of tertiary structure, protein dynamics, and protein folding. The environments of the tyrosine residues have also been investigated by photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) and analyzed in relation to packing constraints in the crystal structures of insulin. Dimerization involving specific B-chain interactions is observed with increasing protein concentration and is shown to depend on temperature, pH, and solvent composition. In the monomer large variations are observed in the line widths of amide resonances, suggesting intermediate exchange among conformational substates; such substates may relate to conformational changes observed in different crystal states and proposed to occur in the hormone-receptor complex. Additional evidence for multiple conformations in solution is provided by comparative studies of an insulin analogue containing a peptide bond between residues B29 and A1 (mini-proinsulin). This analogue forms dimers and higher-order oligomers under conditions in which native insulin is monomeric, suggesting that the B29-A1 peptide bond stabilizes a conformational substate favorable for dimerization. Such stabilization is not observed in corresponding studies of native proinsulin, in which a 35-residue connecting peptide joins residues B30 and A1; this extended tether is presumably too flexible to constrain the conformation of the B-chain. The differences between proinsulin and mini-proinsulin suggest a structural mechanism for the observation that the fully reduced B29-A1 analogue folds more efficiently than proinsulin to form the correct pattern of disulfide bonds. These results are discussed in relation to molecular mechanics calculations of insulin based on the available crystal structures.  相似文献   

Solid-state NMR is an emerging structure determination technique for crystalline and non-crystalline protein assemblies, e.g., amyloids. Resonance assignment constitutes the first and often very time-consuming step to a structure. We present ssFLYA, a generally applicable algorithm for automatic assignment of protein solid-state NMR spectra. Application to microcrystals of ubiquitin and the Ure2 prion C-terminal domain, as well as amyloids of HET-s(218–289) and α-synuclein yielded 88–97 % correctness for the backbone and side-chain assignments that are classified as self-consistent by the algorithm, and 77–90 % correctness if also assignments classified as tentative by the algorithm are included.  相似文献   

We have developed a tool for computer-assisted assignments of protein NMR spectra from triple resonance data. The program is designed to resemble established manual assignment procedures as closely as possible. IBIS exports its results in XEASY format. Thus, using IBIS the operator has continuous visual and accounting control over the progress of the assignment procedure. IBIS achieves complete assignments for those residues that exhibit sequential triple resonance connectivities within a few hours or days.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) heteronuclear NMR techniques have been used to make sequential 1H and 15N resonance assignments for most of the residues of Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), a monomeric protein of molecular mass 18,300 Da. A uniformly 15N-labeled sample of the protein was prepared and its complex with methotrexate (MTX) studied by 3D 15N/1H nuclear Overhauser-heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (NOESY-HMQC), Hartmann-Hahn-heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HOHAHA-HMQC), and HMQC-NOESY-HMQC experiments. These experiments overcame most of the spectral overlap problems caused by chemical shift degeneracies in 2D spectra and allowed the 1H-1H through-space and through-bond connectivities to be identified unambiguously, leading to the resonance assignments. The novel HMQC-NOESY-HMQC experiment allows NOE cross peaks to be detected between NH protons even when their 1H chemical shifts are degenerate as long as the amide 15N chemical shifts are nondegenerate. The 3D experiments, in combination with conventional 2D NOESY, COSY, and HOHAHA experiments on unlabelled and selectively deuterated DHFR, provide backbone assignments for 146 of the 162 residues and side-chain assignments for 104 residues of the protein. Data from the NOE-based experiments and identification of the slowly exchanging amide protons provide detailed information about the secondary structure of the binary complex of the protein with methotrexate. Sequential NHi-NHi+1 NOEs define four regions with helical structure. Two of these regions, residues 44-49 and 79-89, correspond to within one amino acid to helices C and E in the crystal structure of the DHFR.methotrexate.NADPH complex [Bolin et al. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 13650-13662], while the NMR-determined helix formed by residues 26-35 is about one turn shorter at the N-terminus than helix B in the crystal structure, which spans residues 23-34. Similarly, the NMR-determined helical region comprising residues 102-110 is somewhat offset from the crystal structure's helix F, which encompasses residues 97-107. Regions of beta-sheet structure were characterized in the binary complex by strong alpha CHi-NHi+1 NOEs and by slowly exchanging amide protons. In addition, several long-range NOEs were identified linking together these stretches to form a beta-sheet. These elements align perfectly with corresponding elements in the crystal structure of the DHFR.methotrexate.NADPH complex, which contains an eight-stranded beta-sheet, indicating that the main body of the beta-sheet is preserved in the binary complex in solution.  相似文献   

Insulin provides an important model for the application of genetic engineering to rational protein design and has been well characterized in the crystal state. However, self-association of insulin in solution has precluded complementary 2D NMR study under physiological conditions. We demonstrate here that such limitations may be circumvented by the use of a monomeric analogue that contains three amino acid substitutions on the protein surface (HisB10----Asp, ProB28----Lys, and LysB29----Pro); this analogue (designated DKP-insulin) retains native receptor-binding potency. Comparative 1H NMR studies of native human insulin and a series of three related analogues--(i) the singly substituted analogue [HisB10----Asp], (ii) the doubly substituted analogue [ProB28----Lys; LysB29----Pro], and (iii) DKP-insulin--demonstrate progressive reduction in concentration-dependent line-broadening in accord with the results of analytical ultracentrifugation. Extensive nonlocal interactions are observed in the NOESY spectrum of DKP-insulin, indicating that this analogue adopts a compact and stably folded structure as a monomer in overall accord with crystal models. Site-specific 2H and 13C isotopic labels are introduced by semisynthesis as probes for the structure and dynamics of the receptor-binding surface. These studies confirm and extend under physiological conditions the results of a previous 2D NMR analysis of native insulin in 20% acetic acid [Hua, Q. X., & Weiss, M. A. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 5505-5515]. Implications for the role of protein flexibility in receptor recognition are discussed with application to the design of novel insulin analogues.  相似文献   

ZFY, a sex-related Zn-finger protein encoded by the human Y chromosome, is distinguished from the general class of Zn-finger proteins by the presence of a two-finger repeat. Whereas odd-numbered domains and linkers fit a general consensus, even-numbered domains and linkers exhibit systematic differences. Because this alternation may have fundamental implications for the mechanism of protein-DNA recognition, we have undertaken biochemical and structural studies of fragments of ZFY. We describe here the solution structure of a representative nonconsensus (even-numbered) Zn finger based on 2D NMR studies of a 30-residue peptide. Structural modeling by distance geometry and simulated annealing (DG/SA) demonstrates that this peptide folds as a miniglobular domain containing a C-terminal beta--hairpin and N-terminal alpha-helix (beta beta alpha motif). These features are similar to (but not identical with) those previously described in consensus-type Zn fingers (derived from ADR1 and Xfin); the similarities suggest that even and odd ZFY domains bind DNA by a common mechanism. A model of the protein-DNA complex (designated the "jumping-linker" model) is presented and discussed in terms of the ZFY two-finger repeat. In this model every other linker is proposed to cross the minor groove by means of a putative finger/linker submotif HX4HX3-hydrophobic residue-X3. Analogous use of a hydrophobic residue in a linker that spans the minor groove has recently been described in crystallographic and 3D NMR studies of homeodomain-DNA complexes. The proposed model of ZFY is supported in part by the hydroxyl radical footprint of the TFIIIA-DNA complex [Churchill, M.E.A., Tullius, T.D., & Klug, A. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 5528-5532].  相似文献   

The two histidines of the insulin monomer play a vital role in the organization of insulin into insulin hexamers. The B10 histidines bind to zinc to form two-zinc insulin hexamer, and both the B5 and B10 histidines are implicated in the formation of four-zinc insulin hexamer. These two histidines are both accessible to solvent in the dimeric form of insulin, the predominant species present at pH 2–3. In the present work we report the first 500-MHz1H NMR studies of insulin. At this frequency all four proton resonances from the two histidines of each equivalent monomer are resolved. The resonances are assigned to the C(2)- and C(4)-imidazole protons of B5 His and B10 His employing Carr-Purcell pulse sequences to detect singlets and to observe approximateT 2 relaxation times. Zinc-free bovine insulin at pH 2.9 was examined at temperatures up to 60°C in acetate buffer and in urea of varying concentrations. The environments of B5 His in molecule I and molecule II of the dimer must be the same, with the same being true for B10 His, since a total of only four sharp resonances are seen. Our assignments for the two C(2) protons are consistent with those determined from recent studies of human (B5 Ala) insulin.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani cofilin displays low sequence similarity to other mammalian cofilins and also possesses characteristic activity of its own. Determination of its solution structure would facilitate understanding of the molecular mechanism of actin dynamics regulation in this disease causing pathogen.  相似文献   

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