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The gene for the A chain of ricin toxin was fused to a beta-galactosidase marker cistron via a DNA sequence encoding a short collagen linker, and the tripartite fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli. Site-specific mutagenesis was used to change glutamic acid residue 177 to aspartic acid or alanine. When the mutant proteins were expressed, purified, and tested quantitatively for enzymatic activity, the carboxylate function at position 177 was found not to be absolutely essential for ricin toxin A-chain catalysis.  相似文献   

Ricin A chain was radioactively labeled using reductive alkylation, lactoperoxidase catalyzed iodination, and reaction with iodoacetamide or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The inhibition of cell-free rat liver protein synthesis by the modified A chains and the ribosome binding characteristics of each of the labeled derivatives was examined. [3H] NEM was found to quantitatively react with the A chain sulfhydryl group normally involved in a disulfide bond with the B chain in intact ricin. Labeling the protein with [3H] NEM had no effect on the in vitro inhibition of protein synthesis by the A chain. [3H] NEM-labeled A chain binds to rat liver ribosomes in a manner which is dependent on the concentrations of NaCl and Mg2+. At optimal Mg2+ concentration (5.5 mM), A chain binding to ribosomes is saturable and fully reversible either by dilution of the reaction mixture or by addition of unlabeled A chain. At 5.5 mM Mg2+, A chain was found to bind to a single site on rat liver ribosomes with a dissociation constant of 6.2 X 10?8 M. [3H] NEM-labeled A chain did not bind to isolated 40S ribosomal subunits and bound to 60S ribosomal subunits with a 1 : 1 molar stoichiometry and a dissociation constant of 2.2 X 10?7 M. The relationship between ribosome binding and A chain inhibition of eucaryotic protein synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Two monoclonal antibodies against ricin toxin A chain (RTA) have been examined for their effects on the blood survival and biodistribution of RTA and recombinant ricin A chain in mice. When admixed with the toxins at 1:1 molar ratios prior to intravenous injection, the antibodies prolonged blood survival and whole-body retention of both species of RTA, and this was due essentially to reduced renal clearance of the toxins. Immune complexes were identified by gel filtration chromatography and immune precipitation with anti-IgG antiserum in mixtures prior to injection and in the serum of mice injected with the mixtures. An irrelevant monoclonal antibody showed no complex formation, and no effect on biodistribution. These studies have shown that immune complexes formed between monoclonal antibodies and protein antigens of molecular mass up to at least 30 kDa survive in the circulation, rather than being cleared by the reticuloendothelial system. Such antibodies could be used to modulate the biodistribution of toxic molecules such as ribosome-inhibiting proteins like RTA. This might be exploited therapeutically, for example in the construction of bispecific antibodies against ribosomal inhibiting proteins and tumour-associated antigens.  相似文献   

The role of the high mannose carbohydrate chains in the mechanism of action of ricin toxin was investigated. Ricin is taken up by two routes in macrophages, by binding to cell surface mannose receptors, or by binding of the ricin galactose receptor to cell surface glycoproteins. Removal of carbohydrate from ricin by periodate oxidation led to a large loss in toxicity via both routes of uptake by an effect on the B chain not due to a loss of galactose binding affinity. These data suggest that the carbohydrate chains of ricin B chain may be required for full toxicity. The pathway of uptake of ricin by the macrophage mannose receptor was found to differ in several respects from uptake via the galactose-specific pathway. Analysis of intoxication of macrophages by ricin in the presence of ammonium chloride suggested that mannose receptor bound ligand passes through acidic vesicles prior to translocation, unlike galactose bound ligand. Intoxication by ricin via galactose-specific uptake was potentiated by swainsonine but not by castanospermine, suggesting that ricin may be attacked by an endogenous mannosidase within the cell, and that ricin passes through either a lysosomal or a Golgi compartment prior to translocation.  相似文献   

Interaction of glutamate decarboxylase with its adequate substrate and some quasi-substrates was studied by spectrokinetic, quantum-chemical and some other approaches. It was shown that in the course of decarboxylation an abortive transamination of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate leading to the enzyme inactivation does occur. Identification of intermediate coenzyme-substrate complexes allowed to formulate a model of enzymatic decarboxylation taking into account both the main and abortive reactions. The analysis of electronic structure of the intermediates revealed some of the factors determining the functional specificity of the reaction under study.  相似文献   

Expression of ricin A chain and ricin A chain-KDEL in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ricin and its A chains can be used to conjugate with monoclonal antibodies to prepare immunotoxins. Ricin A chain (RTA) and its modification RTA-KDEL (ER-retrieval signal) were expressed with the pKK223.3 system in Escherichia coli under control of a tac promoter. The recombinant proteins can be purified by one-step affinity chromatography on a column of Blue-Sepharose 6B. The toxicities of RTA and its mutant RTA-KDEL were evaluated by the MTT assay in HeLa, MCF, and ECV-304 cells following fluid-phase endocytosis. RTA-KDEL was somewhat more cytotoxic than RTA itself in the different cell lines. The results suggest that rRTA-KDEL may be useful for the synthesis of more potent immunotoxins.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast transformants containing integrated copies of a galactose-regulated, ricin toxin A chain (RTA) expression plasmid were constructed and used in an attempt to isolate RTA-resistant yeast mutants. Analysis of RNA from mutant strains demonstrated that approximately half contained ribosomes that had been partially modified by RTA, although all the strains analysed transcribed full-length RTA RNA. The mutant strains could have mutations in yeast genes giving rise to RTA-resistant ribosomes or they could contain alterations within the RTA-encoding DNA causing production of mutant toxin. Ribosomes isolated from mutant strains were shown to be susceptible to RTA modification in vitro suggesting that the strains contain alterations in RTA. This paper describes the detailed analysis of one mutant strain which has a point mutation that changes serine 203 to asparagine in RTA protein. Although serine 203 lies outside the proposed active site of RTA its alteration leads to the production of RTA protein with a greatly reduced level of ribosome modifying activity. This decrease in activity apparently allows yeast cells to survive expression of RTA as only a proportion of the ribosomes become modified. We demonstrate that the mutant RTA preferentially modifies 26S rRNA in free 60S subunits and has lower catalytic activity compared with native RTA when produced in Escherichia coli. Such mutations provide a valuable means of identifying residues important in RTA catalysis and of further understanding the precise mechanism of action of RTA.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that Arg177 is involved in MnII binding at the MnII binding site of manganese peroxidase isozyme 1 (MnP1) of Phanerochaete chrysosporium by examining two mutants: R177A and R177K. We now report on additional mutants: R177D, R177E, R177N, and R177Q. These new mutant enzymes were produced by homologous expression in P. chrysosporium and were purified to homogeneity. The molecular mass and the UV/visible spectra of the ferric and oxidized intermediates of the mutant enzymes were similar to those of the wild-type enzyme, suggesting proper folding, heme insertion, and preservation of the heme environment. However, steady-state and transient-state kinetic analyses demonstrate significantly altered characteristics of MnII oxidation by these new mutant enzymes. Increased dissociation constants (Kd) and apparent Km values for MnII suggest that these mutations at Arg177 decrease binding of MnII to the enzyme. These lowered binding efficiencies, as observed with the R177A and R177K mutants, suggest that the salt-bridge between Arg177 and the MnII binding ligand Glu35 is disrupted in these new mutants. Decreased kcat values for MnII oxidation, decreased second-order rate constants for compound I reduction (k2app), and decreased first-order rate constants for compound II reduction (k3) indicate that these new mutations also decrease the electron-transfer rate. This decrease in rate constants for compounds I and II reduction was not observed in our previous study on the R177A and R177K mutations. The lower rate constants suggest that, even with high MnII concentrations, the MnII binding geometries may be altered in the MnII binding site of these new mutants. These new results, combined with the results from our previous study, clearly indicate a role for Arg177 in promoting efficient MnII binding and oxidation by MnP.  相似文献   

The arginine deiminase system was found to function in protecting bacterial cells against the damaging effects of acid environments. For example, as little as 2.9 mM arginine added to acidified suspensions of Streptococcus sanguis at a pH of 4.0 resulted in ammonia production and protection against killing. The arginine deiminase system was found to have unusual acid tolerance in a variety of lactic acid bacteria. For example, for Streptococcus rattus FA-1, the pH at which arginolysis was reduced to 10% of the maximum was between 2.1 and 2.6, or more than 1 full pH unit below the minimum for glycolysis (pH 3.7), and more than 2 units below the minimum for growth in complex medium (pH 4.7). The acid tolerance of the arginine deiminase system appeared to be primarily molecular and to depend on the tolerance of individual enzymes rather than on the membrane physiology of the bacteria; pH profiles for the activities of arginine deiminase, ornithine carbamoyltransferase, and carbamate kinase in permeabilized cells showed that the enzymes were active at pHs of 3.1 or somewhat lower. Overall, it appeared that ammonia could be produced from arginine at low pH values, even by cells with damaged membranes, and that the ammonia could then protect the cells against acid damage until the environmental pH value rose sufficiently to allow for the reestablishment of a difference in pH (delta pH) across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Proline satisfies by a narrow margin the criterion for dietary essentially for the chick. It is estimated that the chick may synthesize 80-90% of the total proline needed for growth. Although the metabolism of arginine, ornithine and glutamic acid is expected to give rise to proline, dietary supplements to these amino acids are relatively ineffective in reducing the proline requirement of chicks. Studies of the efficacy of dietary ornithine for growth, and tracer studies using L-(5-3H)arginine indicate that the conversion of ornithine to proline in vivo is limited, and the amount of proline synthesized from arginine is but a small fraction of that needed for growth. The limiting processes in proline synthesis from glutamic acid and ornithine are not known. In Escherichia coli, where the biosynthetic pathway from glutamate to proline has been elucidated, a glutamate kinase, NADP-dependent delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid (P5C) dehydrogenase and P5C reductase catalyze proline synthesis. P5C reductase is present in the soluble fraction of chicken liver and kidney. An NADP-dependent P5C dehydrogenase activity has also been observed in this fraction of liver. Further studies are required to assess the importance of these enzymes in proline biosynthesis and to determine the limiting process in proline formation in the chicken.  相似文献   

Structure of recombinant ricin A chain at 2.3 A.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The plant cytotoxin ricin is a heterodimer with a cell surface binding (B) chain and an enzymatically active A chain (RTA) known to act as a specific N-glycosidase. RTA must be separated from B chain to attack rRNA. The X-ray structure of ricin has been solved recently; here we report the structure of the isolated A chain expressed from a clone in Escherichia coli. This structure of wild-type rRTA has and will continue to serve as the parent compound for difference Fouriers used to assess the structure of site-directed mutants designed to analyze the mechanism of this medically and commercially important toxin. The structure of the recombinant protein, rRTA, is virtually identical to that seen previously for A chain in the heterodimeric toxin. Some minor conformational changes due to interactions with B chain and to crystal packing differences are described. Perhaps the most significant difference is the presence in rRTA of an additional active site water. This molecule is positioned to act as the ultimate nucleophile in the depurination reaction mechanism proposed by Monzingo and Robertus (1992, J. Mol. Biol. 227, 1136-1145).  相似文献   

The arginine deiminase system was found to function in protecting bacterial cells against the damaging effects of acid environments. For example, as little as 2.9 mM arginine added to acidified suspensions of Streptococcus sanguis at a pH of 4.0 resulted in ammonia production and protection against killing. The arginine deiminase system was found to have unusual acid tolerance in a variety of lactic acid bacteria. For example, for Streptococcus rattus FA-1, the pH at which arginolysis was reduced to 10% of the maximum was between 2.1 and 2.6, or more than 1 full pH unit below the minimum for glycolysis (pH 3.7), and more than 2 units below the minimum for growth in complex medium (pH 4.7). The acid tolerance of the arginine deiminase system appeared to be primarily molecular and to depend on the tolerance of individual enzymes rather than on the membrane physiology of the bacteria; pH profiles for the activities of arginine deiminase, ornithine carbamoyltransferase, and carbamate kinase in permeabilized cells showed that the enzymes were active at pHs of 3.1 or somewhat lower. Overall, it appeared that ammonia could be produced from arginine at low pH values, even by cells with damaged membranes, and that the ammonia could then protect the cells against acid damage until the environmental pH value rose sufficiently to allow for the reestablishment of a difference in pH (delta pH) across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

A sensitive test system for toxin-treated ribosomes was worked out by treating rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes with abrin A-chain, ricin A-chain or ricinus agglutinin A-chain, adding neutralizing amounts of specific antitoxins and testing for polyphenylalanine-synthesizing activity in a system where the concentration of elongation factors and ribosomes were varied. The strongest inhibition was obtained in the presence of low concentrations of elongation factor (EF-2). The activity of the ribosomes decreased with time of incubation with the toxin A-chains. Addition of anti-toxins stopped further inactivation. In systems containing untreated and toxin-treated ribosomes the ability to polymerize phenylalanine was proportional to the concentration of untreated ribosomes. There was a linear relationship between toxin A-chain concentration and the number of ribosomes inactivated per minute. The inactivation rate increased with temperature, and the estimated activation energy was 10.6 kcal (44.3 kJ). Linewaver-Burk plots of the data obtained by incubating various ribosome concentrations with toxins indicated a molecular activity of about 1500 ribosomes/minute for abrin and ricin A-chains and 100 ribosomes/minute for ricinus agglutinin A-chain. The apparent Michaelis constant was 0.1-0.2 muM for all three A-chains. The activity of the A-chains in the intact cell is discussed.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling experiments with diphtheria toxin fragment A have implicated glutamic acid 148 as a constituent of the NAD binding site. To evaluate the role of this residue in ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2, we replaced it with aspartic acid by in vitro mutagenesis of a toxin gene fragment cloned in Escherichia coli. Fragment A containing aspartic acid at position 148 had less than 0.6% the ADP-ribosylation activity of wild-type fragment A. The mutation produced no change in sensitivity of fragment A to trypsin and little, if any, reduction in affinity of fragment A for NAD. These results indicate that glutamic acid 148 is essential for the ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2 and are consistent with other data suggesting that this residue may be at or near the catalytic center of the toxin.  相似文献   

Ricin toxin is a glycoprotein which catalytically inactivates eukaryotic ribosomes by depurination of a single adenosine residue from the 28S ribosomal RNA. The enzymatic activity is present in the A chain of the toxin molecule, whereas the B chain contains two binding sites for galactose. Since it is highly potent in inhibiting protein synthesis, the A chain is used to prepare cytotoxic conjugates effective against tumor cells. Such chimeric proteins are highly selective and have a wide range of clinical applications. Extensive preclinical studies on these conjugates require large amounts of purified A chain. Native ricin A chain is heterogeneous, since plants produce a number of isoforms of ricin toxin. Purified, native preparations often contain two types of ricin A chain which differ in the extent of glycosylation. By cloning and expressing the gene of A chain, one could obtain homogeneous toxin molecules devoid of carbohydrates. In addition, structural changes in the toxin polypeptide could be introduced by in vitro mutagenesis, which can improve the pharmacological properties and antitumor activity. Earlier methods of expression strategies using Escherichia coli have yielded only moderate levels of expression. In the present study, the coding region of ricin A chain was cloned into pET3b, a high-level expression vector under the control of the T7 promoter. Recombinant ricin A chain produced by this construct has an additional 14 amino acid residues at the NH2 terminus. Subsequently, a NdeI site was created at the 5' end of the gene by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. The modified fragment was then introduced into pET3b vector to produce toxin polypeptide identical to the native sequence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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