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The influence of hetero-association on the precipitation of proteins by poly(ethylene glycol) was investigated by comparing the precipitation of binary mixtures to that of the individual proteins. Pronounced enhancement of precipitation was observed for several mixtures, with maximum effect at low ionic strength at a pH between the pI's. Measurements of sedimentation velocity and/or fluorescence polarization of dansyl-labeled components revealed that conditions fostering precipitation of a given mixture also enhanced the formation of soluble hetero-complexes in the absence of poly(ethylene glycol). Conversely, enhanced precipitation was not observed under conditions where complexes were shown to be absent. Poly(ethylene glycol) does not appear to influence such interactions and thus can be used to detect the presence of hetero-complexes in a binary mixture whose precipitation curve is shifted relative to those of its components.  相似文献   

Affinity precipitation of proteins uses polymers capable of reversible soluble-insoluble transitions in response to small environmental changes (temperature, pH or solvent composition). Here we describe protocols for (i) the synthesis of responsive polymers with specific affinity to target proteins and (ii) the purification of proteins using these polymers. The purification is based on precipitation of the affinity complex between the protein and the polymer, which is induced by environmental changes. This separation strategy is simpler and more cost effective than conventional affinity column chromatography. Specifically, we describe the synthesis of thermoresponsive 1-vinylimidazole:N-isopropylacrylamide copolymers. The whole procedure takes 2-3 h when applied to purification of recombinant His-tag proteins or proteins with natural metal binding groups by means of metal chelate affinity precipitation. Optimization of the polymer composition and the type of chelating ions allows for target protein yields of 80% and higher.  相似文献   

A novel technique for affinity precipitation has been developed in which multimeric target proteins are precipitated as a result of network formation by polymer-conjugated ligands (polyligands). A polyligand precipitant for avidin was synthesized by conjugation of biotin to a polyacrylamide-based backbone. The effects of mixing conditions, ligand substitution frequency, and molecular weight on affinity precipitation were examined using the biotin-PAAm precipitant. Biotin was replaced by iminobiotin to study the effect of the ligand-protein dissociation constant o affinity precipitation. The iminobiotin-PAAm precipitant was also used to examine the reversibility of the precipitation and recovery of the target protein after precipitation. (c) 1993 Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We show that DNA molecules of differing molecular mass are separable by selective precipitation with polyethylene glycol (PEG+.. Higher molecular mass DNA precipitates at lower PEG concentrations than lower molecular mass DNA. Double-stranded DNA can be fractionated at least in the range of 3 times 10-7 to 1 times 10-5 daltons. The effects on PEG concentration, sodium chloride concentration, DNA concentration, pH, divalent ions, precipitation time, and centrifugal force have been determined. These studies show PEG precipitation offers a size fractionation method for DNA which is convenient, of high capacity, and applicable over a wide range of conditions. However, resolution is not high and separation of two species approaches 100% only if they differ in molecular mass by at least a factor of two.  相似文献   

Recovery of rapeseed proteins from defatted canola meal by precipitation was investigated. The ability of different precipitating agents, such as sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), ammonium sulphate, and isoelectric precipitation using HCl, were evaluated based on the yield and mean size of protein aggregates. Almost 94% of dissolved protein was precipitated in the presence of 2.7M ammonium sulphate, while the largest mean protein particle size (32 mum) was obtained in the presence of HMP at pH 3.3.  相似文献   

PEGs for protein precipitation are usually classified by molecular weight. The higher molecular weight precipitants are more efficient but result in higher viscosity. Following empirical evidence that the precipitation efficiency is more comprehensively characterized by PEG hydrodynamic radius (rh,PEG) than molecular weight, this paper proposes a model to explicate the significance of rh,PEG. A general expression was formulated to characterize the PEG effect exclusively by rh,PEG. The coefficients of a linearized form were then fitted using empirical solubility data. The result is a simple numerical relation that models the efficiency of general-shaped PEG precipitants as a function of rh,PEG and protein hydrodynamic radius (rh,prot). This equation also explains the effects of environmental conditions and PEG branching. While predictions by the proposed correlation agree reasonably well with independent solubility data, its simplicity gives rise to potential quantitative deviations when involving small proteins, large proteins and protein mixtures. Nonetheless, the model offers a new insight into the precipitation mechanism by clarifying the significance of rh,PEG. This in turn helps to refine the selection criterion for PEG precipitants.  相似文献   

The capture of recombinant antibodies from cell culture broth is the first critical step of downstream processing. We were able to develop a precipitation‐based method for the capture and purification of monoclonal antibodies based on divalent cations, namely ZnCl2. Traditional precipitation processes have to deal with high dilution factors especially for resolubilization and higher viscosity due to the use of PEG as precipitation or co‐precipitation agent. By the use of the crosslinking nature of divalent cations without the use of PEG, we kept viscosity from the supernatant and resolubilization dilution factors very low. This is especially beneficial for the solid–liquid separation for the harvest and wash of the precipitate in continuous mode. For this harvest and wash, we used tangential flow filtration that benefits a lot from low viscosity solutions, which minimizes the membrane fouling. With this precipitation based on ZnCl2, we were able to implement a very lean and efficient process. We demonstrated precipitation studies with three different antibodies, Adalimumab, Trastuzumab, and Denosumab, and a continuous capture case study using tangential flow filtration for precipitate recovery. In this study, we achieved yields of 70%.  相似文献   

Qi XM  Yao SJ  Guan YX 《Biotechnology progress》2004,20(4):1176-1182
A novel isoelectric precipitation of proteins in a pressurized carbon dioxide-water-ethanol system was developed where carbon dioxide was used as a volatile acid. The pH-pressure curves of the system with the absence and presence of proteins were investigated. By introducing the pressurized carbon dioxide to a solution containing protein, the pH value in the solution was decreased to the isoelectric region of the model protein BSA. Addition of ethanol could lower the buffer capacity of the protein, which made the precipitation concentration of protein go beyond the limits in a system without ethanol and well exploited the application field of the technique. In addition, ethanol in solution played the role of aiding precipitation in the process. Another model protein, hen egg white lysozyme, was also studied but could not be precipitated in the above system. All of these phenomena prove that isoelectric precipitation is the key point in the pressurized carbon dioxide-water-ethanol system.  相似文献   

The feature of elastin-like proteins (ELPs) to reversibly precipitate above their transition temperature was exploited as a general method for the purification of histidine (His)-tagged proteins. The principle of the single-step metal-affinity method is based on coordinated ligand-bridging between the modified ELPs and the target proteins. ELPs with repeating sequences of [(VPGVG)(2)(VPGKG)(VPGVG)(2)](21) were synthesized and the free amino groups on the lysine residues were modified by reacting with imidazole-2-carboxyaldehyde to incorporate the metal-binding ligands into the ELP bio- polymers. Biopolymers charged with Ni(2+) were able to interact with a His tag on the target proteins based on metal coordination chemistry. Purifications of two His-tagged enzymes, beta-D-galactosidase and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, were used to demonstrate the utility of this general method and over 85% recovery was observed in both cases. The bound enzymes were easily released by addition of either EDTA or imidazole. The recovered ELPs were reused four times with no observable decrease in the purification performance.  相似文献   

The precipitation of crude beef liver catalase at 4°C by the lower alcohols could be correlated in a manner analogous to that used for salting out precipitations with ammonium sulfate. At high alcohol concentrations, however, the analogy breaks down since denaturation effects must betaken into account Depending upon the concentration of the alcohol and temperature, the denaturation transition may be either thermally induced or solvent induced. When the precipitated enzyme was redissolved in buffer, not all forms could refold spontaneously to a catalytically active conformation. The data on the precipitation yields of catalase correlated well with denaturation diagrams previously developed. Thus, a quantitative basis could be established to relate the sensitive performance of the technique to the experimental conditions. A further correlation between the amino-acid composition of the enzyme and the optimal concentration of alcohol required for precipitation may provide a guide for the extension of this work to other systems.  相似文献   

Summary Much more tannic acid or pin oak tannin is required to precipitate the abundant leaf protein, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPC), from Manduca sexta gut fluid adjusted to pH 6.5 than is required to precipitate this protein from an aqueous buffer at the same pH. This finding demonstrates that some characteristic of M. sexta gut fluid, in addition to its basicity, counteracts the potential of tannins to precipitate ingested proteins. Gut fluid of M. sexta has a surface tension of 36–39 dynes/cm, indicating the presence of surfactants. Lysolecithin and linoleoylglycine, surfactants known to be present in insect gut fluids, also interfere with the precipitation of RuBPC by tannins at pH 6.5. It is concluded that detergency is a widespread property of insect gut fluids that counteracts the potential of tannins to precipitate die ary proteins, and it is argued that there is no longer any justification for continuing to refer to tannins as digestibility-reducing-substances. Finding that there has been no formidable barrier to the evolution of mechanisms that counter a generalized antidigestive action by tannins is difficult to reconcile with the idea that reduced digestibility is an evolved anti-herbivore adaptation of apparent plants.  相似文献   

Metal affinity precipitation of proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Proteins containing multiple surface-accessible histidine residues can be precipitated using small quantities of bis-copper chelates. The chelates serve to crosslink the proteins, presumably via the accessible histidines, leading to the formation of large, insoluble complexes. When excess copper chelate is used to carry out the precipitation, the resulting precipitate has a stoichiometry of 1:1 copper:accessible histidine. The precipitation is analogous to antibody-antigen precipitin reactions and can be described qualitatively using simple equilibrium theory developed for those systems. Human hemoglobin contains a large number of surface histidines and is efficiently precipitated by the copper salt CuSO4 as well as by bis-copper chelates. Sperm whale myoglobin contains many fewer surface histidines and is precipitated only by the bis-chelates. The effects of the number of accessible histidines on the protein, the chain length separating the two chelates, and the pH on the precipitation reaction have been investigated.  相似文献   

A recoverable and thermoresponsive polymer‐protein bioconjugate is synthesized and employed in the purification of protein with free sulfhydryl groups. Initiator with disulphide was modified on the cysteine residue of the target protein. Poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide) exhibiting a lower critical solution temperature was grown from the protein. The resulting protein–polymer conjugate was successfully thermoprecipitated and separated from other proteins. The approach was demonstrated with bovine serum albumin with the recycling yield of 76.4%. Enzyme activity test with papain verified the reversible polymer modification protected protein under extreme environments without affecting the functionality of the protein. This study implies the favorable potential of chemo‐selective enriching and purification of proteins.  相似文献   

The modification of proteinase inhibitor ovomucoid from duck eggs white by poly-N,N-diethylacrylamide having a low critical solution temperature (LCST) have been studied. Modification of free amino groups of lysine and N-terminal residue of ovomucoid is resulted in a significant decrease in the activity of the inhibitor toward trypsin and small decrease in the activity toward α-chymotrypsin. At heating of the solution of modified ovomucoid above the LCST transformation of the antitryptic centers of ovomucoid in antichymotryptic centers was observed. It was shown that this phenomenon is due to the hydrophobization the lysine residues localized in the reactive centers of the inhibitor while maintaining the structure of the "linkage loops". Therefore the α-chymotrypsine molecules began to interact with these residues, mistaking them for the residues of hydrophobic amino acids of antichymotryptic centers.  相似文献   

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