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Endoglucanase Z from the phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia chrysanthemi (strain 3937) was purified by affinity chromatography on microcrystalline cellulose Avicel PH101. A kinetic characterization using p-nitrophenyl beta-D-cellobioside and p-nitrophenyl beta-D-lactosde as substrates was conducted: endoglucanase Z exhibited Km values of 3 mM and 7.5 mM and Vm values of 129 and 40 nmol.min-1.mg-1 towards p-nitrophenyl beta-D-cellobioside (kcat = 0.1 s-1) and p-nitrophenyl beta-D-lactoside (kcat = 0.03 s-1), respectively). The hydrolysis of cellotetraitol by endoglucanase Z was followed by HPLC and 1H NMR. Results show that cellobiitol and beta-cellobiose are initially formed, demonstrating that the enzyme is acting by a molecular mechanism retaining the anomeric configuration. This suggests the involvement of a glycosyl-enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   

The structure of a citrate siderophore named achromobactin isolated from the culture medium of Erwinia chrysanthemi was elucidated by spectroscopic methods and chemical degradation.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequencing of the celZ gene encoding the extracellular endoglucanase Z of Erwinia chrysanthemi indicated the presence of an open reading frame encoding 428 amino acids. The mature protein appeared to be extended by a signal peptide of 43 amino acids; this sequence is unusually long and positively charged (+5). It was shown to function as a signal peptide by fusing it to a truncated phoA gene encoding Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase. Comparison of the encoded sequence with those of the endoglucanases of Bacillus subtilis and alkalophilic Bacillus revealed the existence of a region of extensive homology occurring in all three proteins at about the same distance from the NH2-terminal end. These regions may be involved in substrate binding and/or catalytic sites.  相似文献   

SufA is a component of the recently discovered suf operon, which has been shown to play an important function in bacteria during iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis and resistance to oxidative stress. The SufA protein from Erwinia chrysanthemi, a Gram-negative plant pathogen, has been purified to homogeneity and characterized. It is a homodimer with the ability to assemble rather labile [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] clusters as shown by M?ssbauer spectroscopy. These clusters can be transferred to apoproteins such as ferredoxin or biotin synthase during a reaction that is not inhibited by bathophenanthroline, an iron chelator. Cluster assembly in these proteins is much more efficient when iron and sulfur are provided by holoSufA than by free iron sulfate and sodium sulfide. We propose the function of SufA is that of a scaffold protein for [Fe-S] cluster assembly and compare it to IscA, a member of the isc operon also involved in cluster biosynthesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Mechanistic and physiological implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   

Erwinia chrysanthemi, a phytopathogenic bacterium, produces a protease inhibitor which is a low-molecular-weight, heat-stable protein. In addition to its action on the three E. chrysanthemi extracellular proteases A, B and C, it also strongly inhibits the 50 kD extracellular protease of Serratia marcescens. Its structural gene (inh) was subcloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, in which it encodes an active inhibitor which was purified. The nucleotide sequence of the inh gene shows an open reading frame of 114 condons. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified inhibitor was also determined. It indicated the existence of an amino-terminal signal peptide absent from the mature protein. The inhibitor is entirely periplasmic in E. chrysanthemi and partially periplasmic in E. coli.  相似文献   

Growth of Erwinia chrysanthemi in media of elevated osmolarity can be achieved by the uptake and accumulation of various osmoprotectants. This study deals with the cloning and sequencing of the ousA gene-encoded osmoprotectant uptake system A from E. chrysanthemi 3937. OusA belongs to the superfamily of solute ion cotransporters. This osmotically inducible system allows the uptake of glycine betaine, proline, ectoine, and pipecolic acid and presents strong similarities in nucleotide sequence and protein function with the proline/betaine porter of Escherichia coli encoded by proP. The control of ousA expression is clearly different from that of proP. It is induced by osmotic strength and repressed by osmoprotectants. Its expression in E. coli is controlled by H-NS and is rpoS dependent in the exponential phase but unaffected by the stationary phase.  相似文献   

Erwinia chrysanthemi spp. are gram-negative bacterial phytopathogens causing soft rots in a number of plants. The structure of the extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) produced by the E. chrysanthemi strain A350, which is a lacZ- mutant of the wild type strain 3937, pathogenic to Saintpaulia, has been determined using a combination of chemical and physical techniques including methylation analysis, low-pressure gel-filtration and anion-exchange chromatography, high-pH anion-exchange chromatography, partial acid hydrolysis, mass spectrometry and 1- and 2D NMR spectroscopy. In contrast to the structures of the EPS reported for other strains of E. chrysanthemi, the EPS from strain A350 contains D-GalA, together with L-Rhap and D-Galp in a 1:4:1 ratio. Evidence is presented for the following hexasaccharide repeat unit: [structure: see text] All the Erwinia chrysanthemi spp. studied to date have been analyzed by ribotyping and collated into families, which are consistent with the related structures of their EPS.  相似文献   

A beta-1,4-xylan hydrolase (xylanase A) produced by Erwinia chrysanthemi D1 isolated from corn was analyzed with respect to its secondary structure and enzymatic function. The pH and temperature optima for the enzyme were found to be pH 6.0 and 35 degrees C, with a secondary structure under those conditions that consists of approximately 10 to 15% alpha-helices. The enzyme was still active at temperatures higher than 40 degrees C and at pHs of up to 9.0. The loss of enzymatic activity at temperatures above 45 degrees C was accompanied by significant loss of secondary structure. The enzyme was most active on xylan substrates with low ratios of xylose to 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid and appears to require two 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid residues for substrate recognition and/or cleavage of a beta-1,4-xylosidic bond. The enzyme hydrolyzed sweetgum xylan, generating products with a 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid-substituted xylose residue one position from the nonreducing terminus of the oligoxyloside product. No internal cleavages of the xylan backbone between substituted xylose residues were observed, giving the enzyme a unique mode of action in the hydrolysis compared to all other xylanases that have been described. Given the size of the oligoxyloside products generated by the enzyme during depolymerization of xylan substrates, the function of the enzyme may be to render substrate available for other depolymerizing enzymes instead of producing oligoxylosides for cellular metabolism and may serve to produce elicitors during the initiation of the infectious process.  相似文献   

β-1,4-Galactan is a major component of the ramified regions of pectin. Analysis of the genome of the plant pathogenic bacteria Erwinia chrysanthemi revealed the presence of a cluster of eight genes encoding proteins potentially involved in galactan utilization. The predicted transport system would comprise a specific porin GanL and an ABC transporter made of four proteins, GanFGK2. Degradation of galactans would be catalyzed by the periplasmic 1,4-β-endogalactanase GanA, which released oligogalactans from trimer to hexamer. After their transport through the inner membrane, oligogalactans would be degraded into galactose by the cytoplasmic 1,4-β-exogalactanase GanB. Mutants affected for the porin or endogalactanase were unable to grow on galactans, but they grew on galactose and on a mixture of galactotriose, galactotetraose, galactopentaose, and galactohexaose. Mutants affected for the periplasmic galactan binding protein, the transporter ATPase, or the exogalactanase were only able to grow on galactose. Thus, the phenotypes of these mutants confirmed the functionality of the gan locus in transport and catabolism of galactans. These mutations did not affect the virulence of E. chrysanthemi on chicory leaves, potato tubers, or Saintpaulia ionantha, suggesting an accessory role of galactan utilization in the bacterial pathogeny.  相似文献   

Abstract A 3.4 kb fragment of Erwinia chrysanthemi EC16 DNA capable of complementing galacturonic acid uptake mutants ( exuT ) was identified and cloned into a multicopy vector. In E. chrysanthemi B374 exuT mutants, the cloned DNA provided for growth of the mutant strains on galacturonic acid by complementing the galacturonic acid uptake defect. Alkaline phosphatase ( phoA ) gene fusions with the cloned DNA suggested that most of the cloned DNA was necessary for complementation of exuT mutant strains. Using anti-alkaline phosphatase antibody, a hybrid ExuT-PhoA protein was localized to the membrane fraction of the bacterium.  相似文献   

We report the initial characterization of the osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) of Erwinia chrysanthemi. OPGs are intrinsic components of the bacterial envelope necessary to the pathogenicity of this phytopathogenic enterobacterium (F. Page, S. Altabe, N. Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat, J.-M. Lacroix, J. Robert-Baudouy and J.-P. Bohin, J. Bacteriol. 183:0000-0000, 2001 [companion in this issue]). OPGs were isolated by trichloracetic acid treatment and gel permeation chromatography. The synthesis of these compounds appeared to be osmoregulated, since lower amounts of OPGs were produced when bacteria were grown in media of higher osmolarities. However, a large fraction of these OPGs were recovered in the culture medium. Then, these compounds were characterized by compositional analysis, high-performance anion-exchange chromatography, matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry, and (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. OPGs produced by E. chrysanthemi are very heterogeneous at the level of both backbone structure and substitution of these structures. The degree of polymerization of the glucose units ranges from 5 to 12. The structures are branched, with a linear backbone consisting of beta-1,2-linked glucose units to which a variable number of branches, composed of one glucose residue, are attached by beta-1,6 linkages in a random way. This glucan backbone may be substituted by O-acetyl and O-succinyl ester-linked residues.  相似文献   

The recA gene of Erwinia chrysanthemi ENA49 has been cloned in vivo in Escherichia coli K12, recA13 cells using the plasmid pULB113. On the basis or DNA repair and recombination deficiencies complementation, of restoration of the inducible "SOS"-response functions the functional identity of the cloned gene with the recA gene was concluded. The recA gene was localized in the 18th min region of the chromosomal genetical map of Erwinia chrysanthemi ENA49 between the genes proA and pheA.  相似文献   

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