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李祎  赵雯婷  李丹  陶现明  熊子义  刘京  张微  刘海渤  季安全  唐鲲  刘凡  李彩霞 《遗传》2018,40(11):1024-1032
外异蛋白受体基因(ectodysplasin A receptor,EDAR)是调控外胚层发育的重要基因。其关键错义突变EDARV370A的衍生等位基因370A在东亚和美洲原住民中具有很高的频率,但在非洲和欧洲罕见,该突变造成这些人群许多外胚层发育衍生表型的差异,包括东亚人特有的较直且厚的头发、较多的外泌汗腺、女性较小的乳房及铲形门齿等。目前,EDARV370A与同为外胚层衍生表型的人类头面部及耳部形态特征的关联尚不十分明确。本研究在715例新疆维吾尔族亚欧混合人群中,进行了EDARV370A与一系列系统的面部形态特征及耳朵形态表型的关联分析,以期更全面系统地理解EDARV370A对面部和耳朵形态的影响。研究表型包括利用本课题组近期发表的对三维面部照片自动化面部地标点标记方法获得的136个面部定量表型、1个下巴类型的定序分类表型以及6个耳朵形态的定序分类表型。研究发现EDARV370A与8个面部形态的定量表型、下巴类型以及3个耳朵形态定序分类表型显著相关(多重检验校正后P<0.05)。本研究结果进一步明确了EDARV370A的遗传多效性及其在亚欧混合人群中对面部和耳朵形态的影响。  相似文献   

Hair straightness/curliness is a highly heritable trait amongst human populations. Previous studies have reported European specific genetic variants influencing hair straightness, but those in East Asians remain unknown. One promising candidate is a derived coding variant of the ectodysplasin A receptor (EDAR), EDARV370A (370A), associated with several phenotypic changes of epidermal appendages. One of the strongest signals of natural selection in human genomes, 370A, has risen to high prevalence in East Asian and Native American populations, whilst being almost absent in Europeans and Africans. This striking frequency distribution and the pleiotropic nature of 370A led us to pursue if hair straightness, another epidermal appendage-related phenotype, is affected by this variant. By studying 1,718 individuals from four distinctive East Asian populations (Han, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Li), we found a significant association between 370A and the straight hair type in the Han (p = 2.90 × 10?6), Tibetan (p = 3.07 × 10?2), and Mongolian (p = 1.03 × 10?5) populations. Combining all the samples, the association is even stronger (p = 5.18 × 10?10). The effect of 370A on hair straightness is additive, with an odds ratio of 2.05. The results indicate very different biological mechanisms of straight hair in Europe and Asia, and also present a more comprehensive picture of the phenotypic consequences of 370A, providing important clues into the potential adaptive forces shaping the evolution of this extraordinary genetic variant.  相似文献   

研究维吾尔人利用植物的传统知识和经验,在社会经济发展和资源保护等方面具有潜在的应用价值。胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)和灰叶胡杨(P.pruinosa Schrenk)是新疆沙漠生态系统的主要植物类群,研究采用关键人物访谈法,对胡杨和灰叶胡杨在新疆尉犁县维吾尔族民间的植物文化进行了研究。结果表明:胡杨和灰叶胡杨的胡杨碱白色结晶体在治疗胃胀、咽喉肿痛、胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡及消化不良等方面有作用;胡杨碱黑色结晶体用于治疗腰疼、腿疼,有消肿及止痛等疗效;胡杨碱加工后作洗发膏和洗衣粉使用;胡杨水不仅治疗神经衰弱,有延缓衰老、降低高血压及高血脂的功效,还能降低心脏病发病率;胡杨和灰叶胡杨枝叶具有治疗家畜胃胀和肌胃腐烂病的作用。当地罗布人利用胡杨树来建设沙漠生态园及控制土壤沙漠化。研究初步揭示了两种胡杨植物与维吾尔人的植物文化体系,维吾尔族植物传统知识的研究,将对我国民族植物学的发展及多样性产生影响。  相似文献   

种植密度对北疆复播大豆光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以大豆品种‘黑河43’为材料,于2012和2013年连续2年进行5种不同种植密度——37.5(A)、45.0(B)、52.5(C)、60.0(D)和67.5万株·hm-2(E)的田间复播试验,研究滴灌条件下密度对大豆功能叶叶绿素值(SPAD)、叶面积指数(LAI)、比叶面积(SLA)、大豆光合特性及产量构成因素的影响。结果显示:(1)密度对复播大豆苗期叶片SPAD值影响较小,苗期之后处理间差异显著,且整个生育期SPAD值均随着密度的增加而增大。(2)LAI在2年试验中均随着密度的增加而增大,均在鼓粒期左右达到峰值,处理E在2012年和2013年的最大值分别为6.24和5.56,较同期最低的处理A分别显著提高18.41%和36.17%;SLA随着密度的增加而增大,且在生长发育前期和后期处理间差异明显,中期差异相对较小。(3)叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)及气孔导度(Gs)均随着密度的增加而先增后降,且均以C处理最高,Pn、Gs在结荚期达到极值,而Tr在开花期最大;胞间CO2浓度(Ci)随着密度的增加呈现出先降后增的趋势,2012年和2013年均以C处理最低,分别为185.70和179.61μmol·mol-1。(4)各处理2年的籽粒产量均以中等密度的C处理达最高,2012年和2013年分别为3 205.0和3 142.53kg·hm-2,并分别比同年的其余处理显著高出1.42%~14.26%和1.08%~27.65%。研究表明,适宜密度的复播大豆不仅有较高的叶绿素含量,有利于群体对光能的利用,同时具有适宜的叶面积指数而不致植株郁闭,有效保证了群体内部与外界的气体交换,提高了光合速率和籽粒产量。  相似文献   

The evolution of the teeth in hominins is characterized by, among other characters, major changes in root morphology. However, little is known of the evolution from a plesiomorphic, ape‐like root morphology to the crown hominin morphology. Here we present a study of the root morphology of the Miocene Chadian hominin Sahelanthropus tchadensis and its comparison to other hominins. The morphology of the whole lower dentition (I1–M3) was investigated and described. The comparison with the species Ardipithecus kaddaba and Ardipithecus ramidus indicates a global homogeneity of root morphology in early hominins. This morphology, characterized notably by a reduction of the size and number of the roots of premolars, is a composite between an ape‐like morphology and the later hominin morphology. Trends for root evolution in hominins are proposed, including the transition from a basal hominoid to extant Homo sapiens. This study also illustrates the low association between the evolution of tooth root morphology and the evolution of crowns in hominins. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:116–123, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Suaeda physophora was distributed on the saline soil with a salt contents 3.0%~ 6.0% in the surface layer (0420 cm underground). The plant height was 45~60 cm and the average length of the one-year twig was 12 cm. The succulent leave was strip shaped. The well developed lateral roots was distributed in the deeper soil (EOb 60 cra) with decreased salt contents and increased water content. The multiregression model for individual plant's aboveground biomass was: Y = 312. 00 + 3.44X1 + 4. 85X2 - 2.16X3 (Xl, length; X2, width: X3, height). The contents of Na, S and K in leave of S. physophora were very high. That of Na was 91255 μg · g-1. The element contents varied in the different parts of plant. K, Na, Mg, S and P contents were the highest respectively in the leaf and ear of flower, but they were the lowest in the old twig. Total salt content of water extracts from tender twig and leaf was 23.17%, being more than in ear of flower and old twig. The element and salt contents varied in different seasons of plant growth. The S. physophora community was a formation on the succulent halophytic dwarf sub-shrub desert. Nine associations were recorded at this area. The coverage of community was 6 % ~25 %.  相似文献   

The three species of vampire bats (Phyllostomidae: Desmodontinae), Desmodus rotundus, Diaemus youngi, and Diphylla ecaudata, are the only mammals that obtain all nutrition from vertebrate blood (sanguinivory). Because of the unique challenges of this dietary niche, vampire bats possess a suite of behavioral, physiological, and morphological specializations. Morphological specializations include a dentition characterized by small, bladelike, non‐occlusive cheek teeth, large canines, and extremely large, procumbent, sickle‐shaped upper central incisors. The tips of these incisors rest in cuplike pits in the mandible behind the lower incisors (mandibular pits). Here, we use microCT scanning and high‐resolution radiography to describe the morphology of the mandible and anterior dentition in vampire bats, focusing on the relationship between symphyseal fusion, mandibular pit size, incisor size, and procumbency. In Desmodus and Diaemus, highly procumbent upper incisors are associated with relatively small mandibular pits, an unfused mandibular symphysis with substantial bony interdigitations linking the dentaries, and a diastema between the lower central incisors that helps to facilitate the lapping of blood from a wound. In Diphylla, less procumbent upper incisors are associated with relatively large mandibular pits, a completely fused mandibular symphysis, and a continuous lower toothrow lacking a central diastema. We hypothesize that symphyseal morphology and the presence or absence of the diastema are associated with the angle of upper incisor procumbency and mandibular pit development, and that spatial constraints influence the morphology of the symphysis. Finally, this morphological variation suggests that Diphylla utilizes a different feeding strategy as compared to Desmodus and Diaemus, possibly resulting from the functional demands of specialization on avian, rather than mammalian, blood. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

鸟鹏颖  时磊 《四川动物》2022,41(1):42-51
趾长比是指动物不同趾长的比值,常被认为是早期雄激素或雌激素暴露的标记物之一.本文通过测量新疆敏麻蜥Eremias arguta 3个地理种群的雌雄成体各趾长并计算趾长比,探究不同地理种群趾长及趾长比的两性差异.结果表明,伊犁地区雄性后肢的第2趾显著大于雌性(P<0.05);富蕴县雄性前肢、后肢的第2、3、4、5趾长均显...  相似文献   

近17年新疆干旱时空分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静  张运  汪明秀  王芳  汤志  何好 《生态学报》2020,40(3):1077-1088
新疆是我国西北区重要的粮食和商品棉生产基地,受地理环境的影响,干旱频发,给社会经济及农业生产造成了巨大的损失。基于MODIS遥感数据和气象数据,估算温度植被干旱指数(Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index, TVDI),分析新疆2000—2016年干旱的年际、年内时空变化特征及其与气象因子的关系,结果表明:1)TVDI可以有效地描述新疆的干旱状况,适用于对该地区进行干旱监测;2)2000—2016年间新疆TVDI空间分布具有较强的地域分异性,呈现为天山山脉以北及昆仑山脉地区较湿润,塔里木盆地地区较干旱,新疆TVDI多年均值为0.751,整体上处于中旱状态。年内TVDI季节空间分布差异显著,不同季节的干旱程度大小为:夏季>春季>秋季>冬季;3)新疆各地州TVDI年内月变化整体上呈现为先增加后降低的趋势,最小值在1月(0.267),最大值在6月(0.930),在14个地州中,伊犁哈萨克、阿勒泰和博尔塔拉多年间基本处于无旱状态;4)17年间不同土地利用类型干旱程度表现为林地<草地<建筑用地<耕地,干旱类型转移的主要特点为无...  相似文献   

新疆特有种植物区系及生态学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经调查新疆特有植物约有 2 6 8种 ,隶属 38科 119属。由于新疆特有种贫乏 ,其分布多集中于新疆主要山系。因此 ,应把它们作为生物多样性保护的关键种和敏感区倍加关注。多年生植物在新疆特有植物中占多数 ,显示了物种形成的年轻成分 ,这与新疆的气候环境比较严酷有一定的关系。也反映了新疆地区远离中国特有中心的特点。从一个侧面也反映了新疆地质历史和区系发展历史的特点 ,研究植物的特有现象 ,可为深入了解新疆植物区系的性质、特点、起源及演变规律提供资料。  相似文献   

The convergent suite of morphological traits characterizing the mammalian sabertooth ecomorphology is well documented, including modifications of the dental and osteological portions of the masticatory apparatus from a less‐specialized carnivore condition. Equally important is how those specialized adult morphologies developed through ontogeny because previous studies have shown that growing such specialized craniodental traits may require evolutionary modification of growth patterns and tooth replacement mechanisms. Despite the understanding of convergent morphological specialization in adult sabertooth carnivores, the possibility of a convergent ontogenetic trajectory toward those adult morphologies has not been rigorously examined. The present study examines numerous previously undescribed juvenile nimravid specimens. The results provide insights about nimravid ontogeny and show, for the first time, that the nimravid sabertooth lineage included species in which the permanent upper canine erupted within a lingual concavity of the deciduous upper canine until it reached comparable crown height beyond the alveolar border. Furthermore, this investigation assesses the juvenile morphology and upper canine replacement of felid and barbourofelid sabertooth taxa. The results provide evidence of convergence in deciduous upper canine morphology of three sabertooth carnivore lineages (i.e., nimravid, felid, and barbourofelid), as well as preliminary evidence of convergence in the upper canine replacement process. It might be beneficial for studies of extreme morphological specialization to simultaneously consider convergence in adult morphologies and how morphologies change through ontogeny.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00465.x A cross‐sectional analysis of the prevalence of dental anxiety and its relation to the oral health‐related quality of life in patients with dental treatment needs at a university clinic in Switzerland Objectives: The aim of this observational, cross‐sectional study was to analyse the relationship between dental anxiety (DA) and health‐related quality of life aspects associated with oral conditions of a population with dental treatment needs in Switzerland. Methods: The measurements of DA were collected by means of two questionnaires, the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) and a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Oral health‐related quality of life (OHRQoL) was assessed with the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP). The sample included 223 patients enrolled at a university clinic which specialises in oral prosthetic rehabilitation and temporomandibular disorders. Of them, 78.9% were at or above the age of 50. Results: No gender or age dependencies were observed. A comparison of answers regarding OHRQoL and DA revealed a significant interdependence (p = 0.0118); highly anxious patients were 3.55 times more likely to suffer from poor quality of life compared with less anxious ones. Conclusion: This cross‐sectional study of mostly elderly patients seeking dental treatment in Switzerland found that increased DA was associated with an impaired OHRQoL. The average DA was slightly higher than the results of other industrialised countries and the average OHRQoL was reduced.  相似文献   

新疆梅衣属地衣生态地理特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据多年的实地调查资料和相关研究资料,对新疆梅衣属(Parmelia Ach.)地衣的种类及分布区、区系特征和垂直分布特征进行了初步研究。结果表明,分布在新疆的梅衣属地衣共有6种,分别为破裂梅衣(Parmelia erumpens Kurok.)、稀生梅衣(P.meiophora Nyl.)、脐梅衣[P.omphalodes(L.)Ach.]、石梅衣[P.saxatilis(L.)Ach.]、槽梅衣(P.sulcata Tayl.)和亚广开梅衣(P.fertilis Muell.),主要分布在新疆的天山和阿勒泰山。根据对环境的适应特征和选择性,将新疆梅衣属地衣的地理分布区类型划分为:1)环低北极及北方种,包括石梅衣和脐梅衣2种;2)环北方种,包括槽梅衣和稀生梅衣2种;3)温带亚洲种,包括亚广开梅衣和稀生梅衣2种。研究结果还显示,分布在阿勒泰山和天山的梅衣属种类的垂直分布有明显差异。  相似文献   

新疆鸟类环志与回收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马鸣  Pau J.LEADER  Geoff J.CAREY  Barry WILLIAMS 《动物学研究》2002,23(2):105-105,106,112,135
2001年8月与14-26日在新疆阿勒泰,吐鲁番的8个环志地点进行了秋际鸟类环志工作。环志鸟类233只,约33种,多以莺亚科(Sylviinae)和鸫亚科(Turdinae)的种类为主。其中的新疆歌鸲(Luscinia sp.)等17种鸟类均属于中国首次环志种类,占环志种数的53%。  相似文献   

目的定量研究维吾尔族新发2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者和糖耐量正常(NGT)人群肠道中乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus genus)和多形拟杆菌(Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron)的相对水平。方法严格按照纳入标准、排除标准收集维吾尔族新发T2DM患者96例,NGT 98例。提取所有研究对象的粪便细菌总DNA后,采用16SrDNA基因实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time PCR)对乳杆菌属和多形拟杆菌的水平进行定量检测;运用Pearson相关性分析乳杆菌属与研究对象的BMI、腰围、臀围、收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)、空腹血糖(FBG)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)的相关性。结果 16SrDNA基因Real-time PCR结果显示:(1)与新疆维吾尔族NGT组相比,乳杆菌属水平在新发T2DM中较低,差异有统计学意义(t=8.557,P=0.000)。但是多形拟杆菌在两组差异无统计学意义(t=0.524,P=0.601);(2)新疆维吾尔族上述人群肠道中乳杆菌属水平与FBG呈负相关(r=-0.334,P=0.000),腰围呈负相关(r=-0.170,P=0.018),TC呈负相关(r=-0.178,P=0.013),TG呈负相关(r=-0.157,P=0.030),收缩压呈负相关(r=-0.255,P=0.000)。结论 Lactobacillus genus水平在肠道中降低可能与2型糖尿病的发病,血糖和血脂代谢有关,其机制需进一步研究探讨。  相似文献   

采用样地法对新疆托木尔峰国家级自然保护区岩面生地衣群落的种类组成进行调查和统计,并以各种类的盖度为指标、应用双向指示种分析( TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析( DCA)对岩面生地衣群落进行数量分类;采用S?rensen相似性系数分析各群丛的物种相似性;此外,应用典范对应分析( CCA)探讨了岩面生地衣种类分布与环境因子间的关系。结果表明:该保护区岩面生地衣群落共包含58种地衣,隶属于6目18科35属;优势科有5个,包含的属、种数量分别占该保护区岩面生地衣属、种总数的42.86%和62.07%。依据TWINSPAN和DCA分析结果并结合生境特征,可将该保护区岩面生地衣群落划分为5个群丛:群丛 A,包氏微孢衣+双缘衣群丛( Assoc. Acarospora bohlinii+Diploschistes scruposus);群丛 B,油黄茶渍+亚白平茶渍+柔扁枝衣群丛( Assoc. Candelariella oleifera+Aspicilia subalbicans+Evernia divaricata);群丛C ,斑纹网衣+旱梅衣+淡肤根石耳群丛( Assoc. Lecidea tessellata+Parmelia vegans+Umbilicaria verginis);群丛D,丽石黄衣+白泡鳞衣群丛( Assoc. Xanthoria elegans+Toninia candida);群丛E,皮果衣+硬袋衣群丛( Assoc. Dermatocarpon miniatum+Hypogymnia austerodes)。相似性分析结果表明:群丛A与群丛B、群丛C与群丛D间的物种相似性较高,相似性系数分别为0.615和0.733;群丛B与群丛C间的物种相似性次之,相似性系数为0.363;其他群丛间的物种相似性均较低。 CCA分析结果显示:该保护区岩面生地衣群落的物种分布受到海拔、光照强度、岩面pH值和相对湿度的影响。  相似文献   

新疆中天山野生种子植物区系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张高  海鹰  曾雅娟 《西北植物学报》2011,31(12):2532-2538
基于野外调查,采集植物标本以及对相关文献资料进行整理,构建中天山野生种子植物名录,在此基础上对该地区野生种子植物区系进行分析.结果表明:(1)中天山地区共有野生种子植物81科453属1 567种;(2)优势科有菊科、禾本科、豆科、十字花科、唇形科、毛茛科等17科,表征科有石竹科、莎草科、百合科、茜草科、龙胆科、禾本科、蓼科等7科;(3)区系地理成分以温带分布型为主,其中科级水平上,温带分布型所属科共有36科,占到总科数(不含世界广布科)的76.60%.属级水平上,温带性质分布型的属有377属,占总属数的94.96%.同时该地区植物物种与地中海、中亚、西亚交流相对较多,与东亚交流很少.  相似文献   

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