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An aggregation receptor from the siliceous sponge Geodia cydonium has been isolated and purified in an almost pure form. It sediments at about 2-6s, has a buoyant density of 1-51 g/ml in CsCl and elutes from Sephadex G-50 at a Ve/V0 value of 1-311. Chemical analysis revealed that the receptor consists of 81% neutral carbohydrate and 7-5% protein. The activity of the receptor is rapidly destroyed by Na-periodate. The receptor is released from the cell surface after removal of Ca2+ from the medium or after incubation of the cells with trypsin. The depleted cells can be charged again with isolated receptor molecules. The binding of the receptor molecules on the cell surface is prevented in the presence of trypsin. For optimal binding, physiological salt concentrations with respect to NaCl (540 mM NaCl) and Ca2+ ions are necessary. The receptor whose isolation is described in this report, is involved in secondary aggregation processes, which are initiated by a soluble aggregation factor. The primary aggregation of the cells is not influenced by the receptor. Time-course studies with receptor-depleted cells revealed that new aggregation receptor molecules are formed during the aggregation process. By competition experiments it could be shown that high concentrations of soluble aggregation receptor molecules inhibit secondary aggregation. The soluble receptor molecules can complete with surface-bound receptor molecules only if these are not linked with the aggregation factor.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) were raised against the aggregation factor (AF) from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium. Two clones were identified that secrete McAbs against the cell binding protein of the AF complex. Fab fragments of McAbs: 5D2-D11 completely abolished the activity of the AF to form secondary aggregates from single cells. The McAbs were determined to react with the AF in vitro; this interaction was prevented by addition of the aggregation receptor, isolated and purified from the same species. After dissociation of the AF by sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoethanol, followed by electrophoretical fractionation, a 47-kD protein was identified by immunoblotting which interacted with the McAbs: 5D2-D11. During this dissociation procedure, the sunburst structure of the AF was destroyed. In a second approach, the 47-kD protein was isolated by immunoprecipitation; 12 molecules of this protein species were calculated to be associated with the intact AF particle. The 47-kD AF fragment bound to dissociated Geodia cells with a high affinity (Ka of 7 X 10(8) M-1) even in the absence of Ca++ ions; the number of binding sites was approximately 4 X 10(6)/cell. This interaction was prevented by addition of the aggregation receptor to the 47-kD protein in the homologous cell system. Moreover, it was established that this binding occurs species-specifically. The 47-kD fragment of the AF was localized only extracellularly by indirect immunofluorescence staining in cryostat slices. These data suggest that the 47-kD protein is the cell binding molecule of the AF from Geodia.  相似文献   

When cells of Saccharomyces fragilis are subjected to osmotic shock, they release a limited amount of inorganic polyphosphate into the medium, which represents about 10% of the total cellular content. The osmotic shock procedure causes no substantial membrane damage, as judged from the unimpaired cell viability, limited K+ leakage and low percentage of stained cells. It is therefore suggested that this polyphosphate fraction is localized outside the plasma membrane. The released polyphosphate fraction differs from the remaining cellular polyphosphates in two respects: the mean chain length of the shock-sensitive fraction is significantly higher than that of the total cellular polyphosphates and its metabolic turnover rate, subsequent to pulsing with [32P]orthophosphate is much lower compared to the rest of the cellular polyphosphate. Incubation of intact cells with the anion exchange resin Dowex AG 1-X4 results in the release of high molecular weight polyphosphates. These results suggest that the osmotic shock-sensitive polyphosphate fraction has specific characteristics in both its cellular localization and metabolism.  相似文献   

A protein that inhibits hemocyte aggregation has been isolated from hemolymph of Manduca sexta larvae and named hemocyte aggregation inhibitor protein (HAIP). HAIP has a Mr = 50,000, pI = 8.5, and contains 7% carbohydrate. It is present at 230 ± 20 μg/ml in hemolymph of day 3 fifth instar larvae. Antibodies to HAIP do not cross-react with M. sexta hemolin, which is similar in size and charge and also inhibits hemocyte aggregation. HAIP and hemolin have some similarity in amino acid composition and NH2-terminal sequence, but are different in overall secondary structure, as determined by CD spectroscopy. The concentration of HAIP in hemolymph is not affected by injection of larvae with bacteria. A protein of approximately 50,000 daltons that reacts with antibody to M. sexta HAIP is present in hemolymph of Bombyx mori, Heliothis zea, and Galleria mellonella. Although the function of HAIP in vivo is not yet clear, it may have a role in modulating adhesion of hemocytes during defensive responses. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two extracellular matrix cell surface proteins which bind the proteoglycan-like aggregation factor from the marine sponge Microciona prolifera (MAF) and which may function as physiological receptors for MAF were identified and characterized for the first time. By probing nitrocellulose blots of nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate gels containing whole sponge cell protein with iodinated MAF, a 210- and a 68-kDa protein, which have native molecular masses of approximately 200-400 and 70 kDa, were identified. MAF binding to blots is species-specific. It is also sensitive to reduction and is completely abolished by pretreatment of live cells with proteases, as was cellular aggregation, indicating that the 210- and 68-kDa proteins may be located on the cell surface. The additional observations that the 68 kDa is an endoglycosidase F-sensitive glycoprotein and that antisera against whole sponge cells or membranes can immunoprecipitate the 210 kDa when prebound to intact cells are consistent with a cell surface location. Both proteins can be isolated from sponge cell membranes and from the sponge skeleton (insoluble extracellular matrix), but the 210-kDa MAF-binding protein can also be found in the soluble extracellular matrix (buffer washes of cells and skeleton) as well. A third MAF-binding protein of molecular mass 95 kDa was also found in the sponge extracellular matrix but rarely on cells. Both of the cell-associated 210- and 68-kDa proteins are nonintegral membrane proteins, based on Triton X-114 phase separation, flotation of liposomes containing sponge membrane lysates, and their extraction from membranes by buffer washes. Both proteins bind MAF affinity resins, indicating that they each exhibit a moderate affinity for MAF under native conditions. They can also be separated from each other and from the bulk of the protein in an octylpolyoxyethylene extract of membranes by fast protein liquid chromatography Mono Q anion exchange chromatography, as assessed by native dot blot and denaturing Western blot assays. Although neither protein bound to heparin, gelatin, hexosamine, or uronic acid-Sepharose resins, their affinity for an invertebrate proteoglycan, their roles in sponge cell adhesion, and their peripheral membrane protein natures suggest that they may represent early invertebrate analogs of cell-associated vertebrate extracellular matrix adhesion proteins, such as fibronectin or vitronectin, or else an entirely novel set of cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

We used affinity chromatography to isolate a specific laminin-binding protein from murine fibrosarcoma cells. These cells bind exogenous laminin to their surface with high affinity (Kd = 2 X 10(-9)M for laminin) with approximately 5 X 10(4) sites per cell. Laminin affinity chromatography of [35S]methionine-labeled cell extracts produced two distinct proteins. One was identified as Type IV (basement membrane) collagen based on its migration pattern on SDS gels and bacterial collagenase sensitivity. The other protein, which migrates as a single band or closely spaced doublet on reduced SDS gels, has a reduced molecular weight of 69,000. Using a nitrocellulose filter disk assay, we found that the latter protein specifically bound 125I-laminin with the same high affinity (Kd = 2 X 10(-9)M for laminin) as did intact fibrosarcoma cells. By iodinating intact cells, we demonstrated that this laminin-binding protein is on the cell surface. We conclude that this protein with reduced molecular weight of 69,000 is a subunit or component of a larger cell surface receptor protein for laminin in this fibrosarcoma model. This laminin receptor may mediate the interaction of the cell with its extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - In this paper we construct and analyze a model of cell receptor aggregation. Experiments have shown that receptors in an aggregated state have greatly reduced...  相似文献   

An inhibitor of neovascularization from the conditioned media of scapular chondrocytes established and maintained in serum-free culture has been isolated and characterized. To determine whether this chondrocyte-derived inhibitor (ChDI) was capable of inhibiting neovascularization in vivo, this protein was assayed in the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay. ChDI was a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis in vivo (4 micrograms = 87% avascular zones). This inhibitor is also an inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor-stimulated capillary endothelial cell (EC) proliferation and migration, as well as being an inhibitor of mammalian collagenase. ChDI significantly suppressed capillary EC proliferation in a dose-dependent, reversible manner with an IC50 (the inhibitory concentration at which 50% inhibition is achieved) of 2.025 micrograms/ml. Inhibition by ChDI of growth factor-stimulated capillary EC migration was also observed using a modified Boyden chamber assay (IC50 = 255 ng/ml). SDS-PAGE analysis followed by silver staining of ChDI purified to apparent homogeneity revealed a single band having an M(r) of 35,550. Gel elution experiments demonstrated that only protein eluting at this molecular weight was anti-angiogenic. These studies are the first demonstration that chondrocytes in culture can produce a highly enriched, potent inhibitor of neovascularization which also inhibits collagenase.  相似文献   

The presence of a gonadotropin receptor binding inhibitor in pooled porcine follicular fluid has been demonstrated. Porcine follicular fluid fractionation on DE-32 at near neutral pH, followed by a cation exchange chromatography on SPC-50 and Cibacron blue affinity chromatography, yielded a partially purified gonadotropin receptor binding inhibitor (GI-4). The partially purified GI binding inhibitor inhibited the binding of both 125I labelled hFSH and hCG to rat ovarian receptor preparation. SDS electrophoresis of radioiodinated partially purified GI followed by autoradiography made it possible to identify the binding component as a protein of molecular weight of 80,000. Subjecting 125I labelled GI-4 to chromatography on Sephadex G-100 helped obtain a homogeneous material, GI-5. The 125I labelled GI-5 exhibited in its binding to ovarian membrane preparations characteristics typical of a ligand-receptor interaction such as saturability, sensitivity to reaction conditions as time, ligand and receptor concentrations and finally displaceability by unlabelled inhibitor as well as FSH and hCG in a dose dependent manner. This material could bind ovarian receptors for both FSH and LH, its binding being inhibited by added FSH or hCG in a dose dependent manner.  相似文献   

Single cells of the marine sponge Geodia cydonium aggregate species-specifically in the presence of a soluble aggregation factor to form large cell clumps. A lectin isolated from the same sponge species does not cause agglutination of Geodia cells but agglutinates only cells from heterologous species (e.g. Tethya lyncurium, Hemimycale columella, Pellina semitubulosa, Cacospongia scalaris, Verongia aerophoba). The process of agglutination is independent of divalent cations (they do not affect the agglutination process at concentrations up to 50 mM), occurs at 2°C, causes a reduction in the viability of the cells and results in an inhibition of programmed syntheses. The observed differences between the properties of cell agglutination (effect of a lectin in a heterologous system) and cell aggregation (effect of an aggregation factor in the homologous system) is discussed. Cell aggregation is dependent upon the presence of an aggregation factor, the presence of cations and an incubation temperature 2̃0°C; cell aggregation results in a stimulation of programmed syntheses. Cell agglutination requires a heterologous macromolecule (e.g. lectin), it is independent of divalent cations and causes inhibition of programmed syntheses in the cells.  相似文献   

Aggregation factors, purified from 14 sponges which belong to the classes Tetraxonida and Cornacuspongia, were visualized electron microscopically. Two types of basic structural forms were detected; first, circular structures from the species Ancorina cerebrum, Mycale massa, Hemimycale columella, Crella rosea, Clathria coralloides, Axinella cannabina, Pellina semitubulosa, Ircinia muscarum, Hippospongia communis, Verongia aerophoba and second, rod-like structures from Tethya lyncurium, Tedania anhelans, Hymeniacidon sanguinea, Dysidea tupha. In most of the cases the structures carry side chains.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor is isolated from the plasma membrane of chicken embryo red cell by affinity chromatography on transferrin-Sepharose 4B matrix. The molecular weight of the protein is approximately 58,000. The purified antibody to this protein is capable of agglutinating chicken embryo red cells, and the purified Fab fragments derived from this antibody are capable of inhibiting the antibody-induced agglutination, as well as the complement-induced hemolysis of chicken embryo red cells. The Fab fragments also inhibit the transferrin-mediated uptake of iron by chicken embryo red cells.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of factor XIIa has been purified to homogeneity from bovine plasma. The purification steps included precipitation of contaminating proteins with polyethylene glycol and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, Affi-Gel blue, and immobilized wheat germ lectin. The apparent molecular weight of the XIIa inhibitor (called INH1) was 85,000, reduced, and 92,000, nonreduced, by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The extinction coefficient (E0.1%(280)) of INH1 is 1.3, and the protein contains 17.7% carbohydrate. Purified antibody to INH1 raised in either rabbits or chickens formed a precipitin line of identity with purified INH1 and a component of bovine plasma, but there was no reaction with purified human inhibitors or with any component of human plasma. INH1 inhibits bovine and human XIIa, bovine and human C1-esterase, and human kallikrein, but does not inhibit bovine kallikrein, bovine trypsin, human plasmin, or human thrombin. This activity is similar to that of C1-inhibitor but different from antithrombin III, alpha 2-antiplasmin, or alpha 1-protease inhibitor. INH1 at a physiological concentration (0.47 microM) causes rapid inactivation of XIIa. The two molecules react in a 1:1 stoichiometry with a second-order rate constant of 1.23 X 10(6) M-1 min-1.  相似文献   

1. An inhibitor of cytoplasmic guanine deaminase of rat liver was isolated from liver ;heavy mitochondrial' fraction after freezing and thawing and treatment with Triton X-100. 2. Submitochondrial fractionation revealed that the inhibitor was localized in the outer-membrane fraction. 3. The method of purification of inhibitor, involving precipitation with (NH(4))(2)SO(4) and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, its precipitability by trichloroacetic acid and the pattern of absorption in the u.v. indicated that the inhibitor was a protein. In confirmation, tryptic digestion of the isolated material resulted in destruction of the inhibitor activity. The inhibitor was stable to acid, but labile to heat. 4. The isolated inhibitor required phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) for activity. Phosphatidylcholine also partially protected the inhibitor against heat inactivation. 5. When detergent treatment was omitted, the inhibitor activity of frozen mitochondria was precipitated by (NH(4))(2)SO(4) in a fully active form without supplementation with phosphatidylcholine, indicating that Triton X-100 ruptured the linkage between inhibitor and lipid. 6. A reconstituted sample of inhibitor-phosphatidylcholine complex was precipitated in a fully active form by dialysis against 2-mercaptoethanol, but treatment of the precipitate with NaCl yielded an extract which was inactive unless supplemented with fresh phosphatidylcholine. 7. We interpret the results as evidence that the inhibitor was present in vivo as a lipoprotein and that once the complex was dissociated by the action of detergent and the protein precipitated, there was an absolute need for exogenous phosphatidylcholine for its activity. The manner in which inhibitor associated with the outer membrane of rat liver mitochondria might regulate the activity of the enzyme in the supernatant has been suggested.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the surface proteins of cultured normal rat kidney (NRK) cells and virus-transfromed NRK cells subjected to iron deprivation. Such a treatment specifically induces two transformation-sensitive plasma membrane-associated glycoproteins with a subunit molecular wegiht of 160,000 (160 K) and 130,000 (130 K) daltons in NRK cells. In these cells the 160 K glycoprotein is readily available to lactoperoxidase-mediated iodination, and the 130 K is apparently inaccessible to iodination. Major differences were revealed when iodinated membrane proteins of normal and virus-transformed cells subjected to iron deprivation were compared. In Kirsten sarcoma virus-transformed NRK cells the 160 K glycoprotein was weakly labeled. In two clones of simian virus 40-transformed NRK cells the 160 K glycoprotein was weakly labeled or not at all. The 130 K glycoprotein was inaccessible to iodination in all the virus-transformed cell lines. The 160 K and 130 K glycoproteins were isolated form plasma membranes of NRK cells using preparative SDS gel electrophoresis. Antibodies generated against these glycoproteins stained the external surfaces of NRK cells and induced antigen redistribution. Evidence presented suggests that 160 K and 130 K are plasma membrane-associated procollagen molecules. A possible interaction of these proteins with transferrin is also described. The data suggest that these proteins may have an important role in the sequence of events leading to transformation.  相似文献   

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