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Résumé Des contacts étroits s'établissent d'abord entre la granulosa et la membrane plasmique de l'ovocyte. L'aire pellucide les sépare ensuite. L'ovocyte émet de nombreuses microvillosités digitiformes et des processus intenses de micropinocytose se produisent au niveau des invaginations ovocytaires. Des granules provenant de la thèque externe, passent dans les espaces intercellulaires de la granulosa, se répandent dans l'aire pellucide et envahissent les invaginations de l'ovocyte. Des vésicules tapissées, différenciées à partir de la membrane plasmique de ces invaginations, captent des granules et s'isolent dans le cytoplasme; elles perdent leur revêtement externe et donnent naissance à des sphères vitellines corticales. Le rôle attribué jusqu'alors aux cellules piriformes n'est pas confirmé. Le grand développement de l'appareil de Golgi dans ces cellules peut indiquer une fonction sécrétoire qui serait à l'origine du matériel amorphe périovocytaire.
Ultrastructural aspects of the relationships between follicular layers and oocyte from the formation of the follicle to the beginning of vitellogenesis in the lizard Lacerta vivipara Jacquin
Summary First the granulosa cells establish close contact with the plasma membrane of the oocyte. Then, the zona pellucida separates them. The oocyte acquires numerous microvillosities, and an intensely active micropinocytosis is observed in the ovocytic invaginations. Granules originating in the theca externa pass through the intercellular spaces of the granulosa and invade the zona pellucida and the invaginations of the oocyte. At the level of these invaginations, coated vesicles incorporate granules and form granular vesicles without coating. These granular vesicles are transformed into cortical vitelline spheres. The nutritive function, generally assigned to the pyriform cells, is not confirmed in this study. The great development of the Golgi apparatus in these cells suggests a secretory function. Perhaps the pyriform cells secrete the amorphous component of the periovocytic space.
Avec la collaboration technique de Madame M. Hubert.  相似文献   

Résumé La granulosa s'épaissit, sans apport extérieur de cellules, par division mitotique de petites cellules folliculaires. Les cellules piriformes proviennent de la transformation de certaines petites cellules, mais elles présentent de nombreuses ressemblances morphologiques et cytologiques avec de jeunes ovocytes. A l'exception de ces similitudes aucun autre argument ne permet actuellement d'attribuer une nature germinale initiale aux cellules piriformes. Le nucléole de ces cellules montre quelques particularités et une séparation nette entre ses constituants fibrillaire et granulaire. Le rôle physiologique des cellules piriformes reste à préciser, mais elles ne possèdent pas de canal et leur appareil de Golgi très développé n'a pas de rapport avec la production des granules incorporés par l'ovocyte. La dégénérescence de nombreuses cellules piriformes, dont certains aspects ultrastructuraux sont décrits, est une des causes de la réduction de la granulosa.
Histological and ultrastructural study of the granulosa during certain developmental stages of the ovarian follicle of a lizard, Lacerta vivipara Jacquin
Summary The granulosa thickens by mitotic division of the small follicle cells, without any external contribution. The pyriform cells arise from the transformation of certain small cells and show many morphological and cytological similarities with young oocytes. In spite of this resemblance, there is no proof for the germinal nature of the pyriform cells. The nucleolus of these cells shows certain peculiarities, and a clear separation of fibrillar and granular components. The physiological significance of the pyriform cells remains to be determined, but they have no duct and their large Golgi apparatus has no relationship with the granules incorporated by the oocyte. The degeneration of many pyriform cells is one of the reasons for the reduction of the granulosa. Some ultrastructural features of this degenerative process are described.
Avec la collaboration technique de Mme M. Hubert.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a complex phenomenon affected by multiple factors. Among the factors that influence dispersal in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara), poor maternal body condition and stress are known to decrease dispersal propensity of juveniles. But the effect of individual factors on dispersal could change when several of them act concurrently or at different developmental stages. Prenatal factors can affect clutch and/or juvenile characteristics that later affect dispersal. Postnatal influences are mainly exerted on juvenile dispersal behavior. We investigated the role of body condition and stress on dispersal at a prenatal and a postnatal stage. Stress was mimicked by experimentally increasing corticosterone levels in pregnant females and recently born juveniles. We considered (1). the influence of maternal body condition and prenatal corticosterone treatment on clutch, juvenile characteristics and on dispersal behavior and (2). the influence of juvenile body condition and postnatal corticosterone treatment on juvenile dispersal behavior. There was an interaction between maternal condition and prenatal corticosterone treatment on juvenile dispersal. Dispersal decreased with maternal corticosterone increase only in juveniles from the more corpulent females, while it increased with juvenile body condition. Good maternal body condition affected clutch and juvenile characteristics favoring dispersal, while elevation of corticosterone level (stress) exerted the opposite effect. Juvenile body condition favored dispersal, while there was no effect of postnatal corticosterone treatment on juvenile dispersal propensity.  相似文献   

In order to study how polyploidy affects life history patterns in animals, we have examined sympatric diploid and polyploid brine shrimp (Artemia parthenogenetica) from China, Italy and Spain under laboratory conditions. At optimal temperature and salinity (25°C and 90 ppt), diploids from the three populations had much higher intrinsic rates of increase, higher fecundity, faster developmental rates, and larger brood sizes than their sympatric polyploids. The Chinese and Italian populations were selected for further analysis to determine the life history responses of diploids and polyploids to temperature and salinity changes. Under intermediate and high salinities, Chinese and Italian polyploids produced most of their offspring as dormant cysts while their sympatric diploids produced most of their offspring as nauplii. This relationship is reversed in the Spanish diploid-polyploid complex. For the Chinese population at 25° C, pentaploid clones had higher developmental rates than diploid clones at 35 ppt; at 90 ppt, diploid clones had higher developmental rates than the pentaploids. Italian diploids and tetraploids had different responses to variation in both temperature (25° C and 31° C) and salinity (30 ppt and 180 ppt). Our results demonstrate that relative fitness of the two cytotypes is a function of environmental conditions and that sympatric diploids and polyploids respond differently to environmental changes. Chinese and Italian polyploids are expected to have lower fitness than their sympatric diploids when the physical environment is not stressful and when intraspecific competition is important. However, polyploids may have advantages over sympatric diploids in stressful habitats or when they encounter short-term lethal temperatures. These results suggest that polyploid Artemia have evolved a suite of life-history characteristics adapting them to environments that contrast to those of their sympatric diploids.  相似文献   

胎生蜥蜴的捕食行为及其食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵文阁  董丙君  刘鹏  刘志涛 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1520-1523
通过直接观察和胃容物分析对胎生蜥蜴(lacerta vivipara)的捕食行为和食性进行了研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴的捕食过程包括觅食、攻击前行为、攻击行为、猎物处死、吞食、食后清洁共6个主要步骤。在6~10月间,胎生蜥蜴的食谱中以昆虫和蜘蛛最多;不同月份的食物种类和数量不同;食物中以个体长为1~10mm食物数量频率最高;食物组成与生活环境中的无脊椎动物种类有极显著的相关。雌、雄体的食物生态位重叠度较高,而幼体和成体的食物生态位重叠度较低。  相似文献   

Résumé Les gonocytes primaires sont relativement pauvres en polysomes et l'ergastoplasme granulaire est très réduit. Le reticulum endoplasmique de type lisse se développe au cours du développement embryonnaire. L'appareil de Golgi est bien représenté et localisé au niveau de la calotte juxtanucléaire mitochondriale. Les liposomes cytoplasmiques sont très nombreux.Cette étude précise la structure du nucléole «annulaire» et de la «masse paranucléolaire» observés en microscopic photonique. Des modifications nucléolaires sont constatées au cours du développement embryonnaire. Certains aspects ultrastructuraux sont vraisemblablement en rapport avec le déplacement autonome des gonocytes. La signification physiologique du nucléole «annulaire» et de la «masse paranucléolaire» est envisagée.
Ultrastructural study on the primordial germ cells during embryonic development of Lacerta vivipara Jacquin
Summary The primordial germ cells of Lacerta vivipara have relatively few free polysomes and little ergastoplasm. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum increases during embryonic development. The Golgi apparatus is well developed and lies close to the mitochondrial juxtanuclear cap. This study shows the ultrastructure of the ring-shaped nucleoli and the masse paranucléolaire. Modifications in nucleolar structure are observed during embryonic development. Some ultrastructural features are probably related to the ameboid movement of the primordial germ cells. The physiological meaning of the ring-shaped nucleoli and the masse paranucléolaire is considered.
Avec la collaboration technique de Mme. M. Hubert.  相似文献   

Fasolo  A.  Franzoni  M. F. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,230(2):387-400
Summary An analysis of the preoptic area of the lizard, Lacerta sicula R., with the use of the Golgi method revealed that: 1)in principle, the dendritic pattern of its neurons is relatively simple; 2) the supraoptic nucleus contains large- to medium-sized bipolar or multipolar neurons together with small, usually multipolar nerve cells; 3) the preoptic periventricular gray and the paraventricular nucleus exhibit a varied neuronal typology, including large multipolar or bipolar elements, abundant CSF-contacting neurons, and some tufted elements; and 4) the lateral regions display some conspicuous multipolar neurons.With a financial contribution from Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione  相似文献   

Summary The posterior (caudal) hypothalamus of the lizard, Lacerta sicula R. was investigated by means of Golgi methods. The periventricular grey is formed mainly by isodendritic bipolar and multipolar neurons, while in the lateral hypothalamus a more stellate form of neuronal elements is encountered. CSF-contacting neurons are restricted to the tuberal area and to the paraventricular organ. In the latter area they are highly differentiated and endowed with laterally branched processes. The overall pattern of the lizard hypothalamus (organization of neuropil, lateral nuclei, appearance of cell clusters, morphology of the neuronal elements) represents an intermediate stage in the phylogenetic development of the hypothalamus, being more advanced than the amphibian stage.  相似文献   

David A. Pyke 《Oecologia》1990,82(4):537-543
Summary Demographic characteristics associated with the maintenance and growth of populations, such as seed dynamics, seedling emergence, survival, and tiller dynamics were examined for two tussock grasses, the native Agropyron spicatum and the introduced Agropyron desertorum in a 30-month field study. The introduced grass was aerially sown onto a native grassland site. Seed production of the introduced grass was greater than the native grass in both above- and below-average precipitation years. Seeds of A. spicatum were dispersed when they mature, while A. desertorum retained some seeds in inflorescences, and dispersed them slowly throughout the year. This seed retention allowed some seeds of the introduced grass to escape peak periods of seed predation during the summer and allowed seeds to be deposited constantly into the seed bank. Carryover of seeds in the seed bank beyond one year occurred in the introduced grass but not in the native species. For both species, seedling emergence occurred in both autumn or spring. Survival rates for A. desertorum were higher than A. spicatum when seedlings emerged between November and March. Survival rates of cohorts emerging before November favored A. spicatum whereas survival rates did not differ between species for cohorts emerging after March. Individuals of both species emerging after April were unable to survive the summer drought. Demographic factors associated with seeds of A. desertorum seemed to favor the maintenance and spread of this introduced grass into native stands formerly dominated by A. spicatum.  相似文献   

Food limitation and demography of a migratory antelope,the white-eared kob   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J. M. Fryxell 《Oecologia》1987,72(1):83-91
Summary Although it is commonly presumed that many populations of large-herbivores are limited by food availability, supporting evidence is scarce. This hypothesis was investigated in a population of over 800,000 white-eared kob in the Boma National Park region of the southern Sudan. Food availability, body condition, and mortality rates of adults and calves were measured during the dry seasons of 1982 and 1983. Sampled age distributions from both the live population and carcasses were used to calculate age-specific rates of mortality. In 1982, food supplies during the dry season were augmented by substantial rainfall, which produced regrowth of grass in areas that ordinarily had little green forage. As a result, fat reserves declined little, and rates of adult mortality showed no increasing trend. Total adult mortality was 5%. In 1983, there was no rainfall during the dry season and food intake was insufficient to meet the estimated energy requirements of kob. As a result, fat reserves declined and adult mortality rates increased fourfold. Total adult mortality was 10% (equivalent to the recruitment rate of yearling into the population). Calf mortality during the dry season was similar in both years (50%), based on field estimates of mortality rates and calf/female ratios. Lactation throughout the dry season possibly provided a buffer for calves against variations in food availability. The age structure of the live population in 1983 suggests that a drought in 1980 reduced kob numbers by 40%. These results suggest that adult survival is influenced strongly by the availability of food during the dry season. However, the duration of the dry season also plays an important role. During the dry season, declining fat reserves make an increasing proportion of the population vulnerable to mortality. As a result, even moderate droughts may lead to substantial changes in population numbers.  相似文献   

Mats Olsson  Richard Shine 《Oecologia》1996,105(2):175-178
Most data on determinants of reproductive success (RS) and reproductive tactics are correlational in nature, and hence cannot be used to infer causation. Consistent patterns-such as an increase in RS with age, as seen in many types of organisms-may result from diverse underlying mechanisms. Ontogenetic increases in RS in mammals and birds may be due largely to direct effects of age (via learning, etc.) but our analyses show that apparently analogous ontogenetic shifts in reproductive tactics and increases in RS in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) are actually due to ontogenetic changes in body size. When size effects are removed, age exerts very little effect on either reproductive behaviour or RS in either sex. In many taxa, both age and body size may exert important effects on reproductive biology, and disentangling these effects should be a focus of further research.  相似文献   

摘要:2007年和2008年的5月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件观察法,对模拟生境中胎生蜥蝎(Lacerta vivipara)的交配行为进行了详细的研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴交配行为的基本模式为:①追逐;②咬腹;③环抱;④交媾;⑤分离。其中各交配行为持续时间占总交配时间的百分比分别为:追逐占2. 35%,咬腹占0.51%...  相似文献   

The European common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) is widely distributed throughout Eurasia and is one of the few Palaearctic reptiles occurring above the Arctic Circle. We investigated the cold-hardiness of L. vivipara from France which routinely encounter subzero temperatures within their shallow hibernation burrows. In the laboratory, cold-acclimated lizards exposed to subfreezing temperatures as low as -3.5°C could remain unfrozen (supercooled) for at least 3 weeks so long as their microenvironment was dry. In contrast, specimens cooled in contact with ambient ice crystals began to freeze within several hours. However, such susceptibility to inoculative freezing was not necessarily deleterious since L. vivipara readily tolerated the freezing of its tissues, with body surface temperatures as low as -3.0°C during trials lasting up to 3 days. Freezing survival was promoted by relatively low post-nucleation cooling rates (0.1°C·h-1) and apparently was associated with an accumulation of the putative cryoprotectant, glucose. The cold-hardiness strategy of L. vivipara may depend on both supercooling and freeze tolerance capacities, since this combination would afford the greatest likelihood of surviving winter in its dynamic thermal and hydric microenvironment.Abbreviations bm body mass - SVL snout-vent length - Tb body surface temperature - T c crystallization temperature  相似文献   

Summary Lacerta viridis maintained under natural photoperiodic conditions show daily and seasonal changes in metabolic rates and body temperature (T b) as well as seasonal differences in sensitivity to temperature change. At all times of the year lizards have a daily fluctuation in oxygen consumption, with higher metabolic rates during the light phase of the day when tested at a constant ambient temperature (T a) of 30°C. Rhythmicity of metabolic rate persists under constant darkness, but there is a decrease in the amplitude of the rhythm.Oxygen consumption measured at various Tas shows significant seasonal differences at T as above 20°C. Expressed as the Arrhenius activation energy, metabolic sensitivity of Lacerta viridis shows temperature dependence in autumn, which changes to metabolic temperature independence in spring at T as above 20°C. The results indicate a synergic relationship between changing photoperiod and body temperature selection, resulting in seasonal metabolic adjustment and seasonal adaptation.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - LD long day (16 h light) - SD short day (8 h light) - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature  相似文献   

This study tests whether variability in a life history trait such as emergence time has ecological and evolutionary significance in seasonal environments due to their relationship with fitness components. The population dynamics of nine different cohorts of seedlings emergence were analyzed in a natural population of the annual herb Tagetes micrantha Cav. (Asteraceae). Temporal variation in seedling emergence was related to the pattern of precipitation, while spatial variation could be related to topographical heterogeneity. Plants that emerged at the beginning of the season (early germination) had lower probabilities of survivorship than those that emerged at the end of the season (late germination). In contrast, plants that emerged early had, on average, higher fecundity than those that emerged late. The net result of these contrasting patterns of survival and fecundity constitute a life history trade-off in T. micrantha.  相似文献   

In spite of the importance of chemoreception in intraspecific communication of lizards, only a few studies have examined chemical composition of secretions of lizards. The secretion of the femoral glands of adult male lizards Lacerta vivipara contains a relatively low number (18) of lipophilic compounds in comparison with other related lacertid lizards. These compounds were identified on the basis of mass spectra, obtained by GC-MS. Chemicals included ten steroids (mainly cholesterol) and four carboxylic acids between n-C12 and n-C18, and minor components such as squalene, α-tocopherol, and two waxy esters, which may contribute to avoid oxidation of other lipophilic components in the fairly humid environments occupied by this lizard. Secretions of adult males from oviparous and viviparous populations did not differ in the numbers and quality of chemical compounds, but there were some differences in the relative proportion of some compounds. Males from oviparous populations had lower proportions of hexadecanoic acid and cholestan-3-one, and higher proportions of squalene than viviparous males. These differences might be explained by either small genetic differences between types or due to different microclimatic conditions in the original populations.  相似文献   

Edge and central populations can show great differences regarding their genetic variation and thereby also in their probability of extinction. This fact might be of great importance for the conservation strategies of endangered species. In this study we examine the level of microsatellite variability within three threatened edge populations of the green lizard subspecies Lacerta viridis viridis (Laur.) in Brandenburg (Germany) and compare the observed variation to other edge and central populations within the northern species range. We demonstrate that the northernmost edge populations contain less genetic variation in comparison to the central population. However, there were no observable significant differences to the other edge population included in this study. Surprisingly, we observed a high genetic differentiation in a small geographical range between the three endangered populations in Brandenburg, which can be explained by processes like fragmentation, isolation, genetic drift and small individual numbers within these populations. We also detected unique genetic variants (alleles), which only occurred in these populations, despite a low overall genetic variation. This study demonstrates the potential of fast evolving markers assessing the genetic status of endangered populations with a high resolution. It also illustrates the need for a comparative analysis of different regions within the species range, achieving a more exact interpretation of the genetic variation in endangered populations. This will aid future management decisions in the conservation of genetic diversity in threatened species.  相似文献   

Cytochrome a 1 c 1 was highly purified from Nitrobacter agilis. The cytochrome contained heme a and heme c of equimolar amount, and its reduced form showed absorption peaks at 587, 550, 521, 434 and 416 nm. Molecular weight per heme a of the cytochrome was estimated to be approx. 100,000–130,000 from the amino acid composition. A similar value was obtained by determining the protein content per heme a. The cytochrome molecule was composed of three subunits with molecular weights of 55,000, 29,000 and 19,000, respectively. The 29 kd subunit had heme c.Hemes a and c of cytochrome a 1 c 1 were reduced on addition of nitrite, and the reduced cytochrome was hardly autoxidizable. Exogenously added horse heart cytochrome c was reduced by nitrite in the presence of cytochrome a 1 c 1; K m values of cytochrome a 1 c 1 for nitrite and N. agilis cytochrome c were 0.5 mM and and 6 M, respectively. V max was 1.7 mol ferricytochrome c reduced/min·mol of cytochrome a 1 c 1 The pH optimum of the reaction was about 8. The nitrite-cytochrome c reduction catalyzed by cytochrome a 1 c 1 was 61% and 88% inhibited by 44M azide and cyanide, respectively. In the presence of 4.4 mM nitrate, the reaction was 89% inhibited. The nitrite-cytochrome c reduction catalysed by cytochrome a 1 c 1 was 2.5-fold stimulated by 4.5 mM manganous chloride. An activating factor which was present in the crude enzyme preparation stimulated the reaction by 2.8-fold, and presence of both the factor and manganous ion activated the reaction by 7-fold.Cytochrome a 1 c 1 showed also cytochrome c-nitrate reductase activity. The pH optimum of the reaction was about 6. The nitrate reductase activity was also stimulated by manganous ions and the activating factor.  相似文献   

Summary We examined demographic effects of familiarity and relatedness in the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber) in four 0.5-ha enclosures in Central Finland. In two enclosures were mature voles which had overwintered together and some of their mature off-spring (hereafter referred to as Friends), and in the other two individuals of the same species captured from different localities near the study area (Strangers). The experiment lasted from June to September. The populations of Friends reached densities twice as high as those of Strangers with a significantly higher rate of recruitment and survival of the young. This may have been due to mutual familiarity decreasing antagonism towards the juveniles. The conflicting results obtained from studies of Clethrionomys and Microtus are discussed. We believe that these genera represent behavioural adaptations to different habitats and ways of life. Most behavioural population regulation hypotheses are based on studies of Microtus. We conclude that these results should be applied with great caution to other rodent genera.  相似文献   

断尾对胎生蜥蜴运动能力和选择体温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尾自切是蜥蜴为了降低被捕食危险而采取的一种反捕食适应策略,但断尾可导致体重减轻、热量收支平衡改变,并影响蜥蜴的运动能力和体温调节.为检验断尾对蜥蜴运动能力和选择体温的影响,于2006年5月选取黑龙江省小兴安岭地区的一个胎生蜥蜴种群进行实验.结果表明:在30 ℃和24℃两个实验温度下,断尾后胎生蜥蜴的运动能力均明显下降,表现在停顿次数增多、最大可持续距离和最大疾跑速度减少等方面;断尾、温度和性别对胎生蜥蝎运动能力的影响在一定程度上是相互独立的,断尾是影响胎生蜥蜴运动能力的主要因素;断尾对胎生蜥蝎的选择体温没有显著影响.  相似文献   

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