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Two experiments were conducted to study the relationship of blood plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) concentrations with NH3, urea nitrogen, K, Mg, P, Ca, and Na concentrations in fluid of preovulatory follicles (experiment 1) and the relationships of PUN concentration and stage of estrus cycle with ammonia and urea nitrogen concentrations in uterine fluids (experiment 2) in early lactation dairy cows. Mean PUN levels were used to distribute cows into two groups: cows with PUN>or=20 mg/dl (HPUN), and cows with PUN<20 mg/dl (LPUN). In experiment 1, blood and follicular fluids from preovulatory follicles of 38 early lactation dairy cows were collected on the day of estrus (day 0) 4h after feed was offered. Follicular fluid NH3 was higher (P<0.01) in HPUN cows (339.0 micromol/L+/-72.2) compared to LPUN cows (93.9 micromol/L+/-13.1). Follicular fluid urea N was higher (P<0.001) in HPUN cows (22.4 mg/dl+/-0.4) compared to LPUN cows (17.0 mg/dl+/-0.3). PUN and follicular fluid urea N were correlated (r2=0.86) within cows. In experiment 2, blood and uterine fluids were collected from 30 cows on day 0 and on day 7. Uterine fluid NH3 was higher (P=0.05) in HPUN cows (1562 micromol/L+/-202) than in LPUN cows (1082 micromol/L+/-202) on day 7, but not on day 0. Uterine fluid urea N was higher (P<0.001) in HPUN cows than in LPUN cows on day 0 (26.9 mg/dl+/-1.3 and 20.4 mg/dl+/-0.7) and day 7 (26.5 mg/dl+/-1.1 and 21.4 mg/dl+/-1.1). There was a correlation (r2=0.17) between PUN and uterine fluid urea N within cows. The results of this study indicate that high PUN concentrations were associated with elevated NH3 and urea N concentrations in the preovulatory follicular fluids on the day of estrus and in the uterine fluid during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle in early lactation dairy cows. Elevated NH3 or urea N concentrations in the reproductive fluids may contribute to reproductive inefficiency in dairy cows with elevated plasma urea nitrogen due to embryo toxicity.  相似文献   



Improving digestive efficiency is a major goal in poultry production, to reduce production costs, make possible the use of alternative feedstuffs and decrease the volume of manure produced. Since measuring digestive efficiency is difficult, identifying molecular markers associated with genes controlling this trait would be a valuable tool for selection. Detection of QTL (quantitative trait loci) was undertaken on 820 meat-type chickens in a F2 cross between D- and D+ lines divergently selected on low or high AMEn (apparent metabolizable energy value of diet corrected to 0 nitrogen balance) measured at three weeks in animals fed a low-quality diet. Birds were measured for 13 traits characterizing digestive efficiency (AMEn, coefficients of digestive utilization of starch, lipids, proteins and dry matter (CDUS, CDUL, CDUP, CDUDM)), anatomy of the digestive tract (relative weights of the proventriculus, gizzard and intestine and proventriculus plus gizzard (RPW, RGW, RIW, RPGW), relative length and density of the intestine (RIL, ID), ratio of proventriculus and gizzard to intestine weight (PG/I); and body weight at 23 days of age. Animals were genotyped for 6000 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) distributed on 28 autosomes, the Z chromosome and one unassigned linkage group.


Nine QTL for digestive efficiency traits, 11 QTL for anatomy-related traits and two QTL for body weight at 23 days of age were detected. On chromosome 20, two significant QTL at the genome level co-localized for CDUS and CDUDM, i.e. two traits that are highly correlated genetically. Moreover, on chromosome 16, chromosome-wide QTL for AMEn, CDUS, CDUDM and CDUP, on chromosomes 23 and 26, chromosome-wide QTL for CDUS, on chromosomes 16 and 26, co-localized QTL for digestive efficiency and the ratio of intestine length to body weight and on chromosome 27 a chromosome-wide QTL for CDUDM were identified.


This study identified several regions of the chicken genome involved in the control of digestive efficiency. Further studies are necessary to identify the underlying genes and to validate these in commercial populations and breeding environments.  相似文献   

Chronic high-protein consumption leads to increased concentrations of NH(4)(+)/NH(3) in the colon lumen. We asked whether this increase has consequences on colonic epithelial cell metabolism. Rats were fed isocaloric diets containing 20 (P20) or 58% (P58) casein as the protein source for 7 days. NH(4)(+)/NH(3) concentration in the colonic lumen and in the colonic vein blood as well as ammonia metabolism by isolated surface colonic epithelial cells was determined. After 2 days of consumption of the P58 diet, marked increases of luminal and colonic vein blood NH(4)(+)/NH(3) concentrations were recorded when compared with the values obtained in the P20 group. Colonocytes recovered from the P58 group were characterized at that time and thereafter by an increased capacity for l-ornithine and urea production through arginase (P < 0.05). l-Ornithine was mostly used in the presence of NH(4)Cl for the synthesis of the metabolic end product l-citrulline. After 7 days of the P58 diet consumption, however, the ammonia metabolism into l-citrulline was found lower (P < 0.01) when compared with the values measured in the colonocytes recovered from the P20 group despite any decrease in the related enzymatic activities (i.e., carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I and ornithine carbamoyl transferase). This decrease was found to coincide with a return of blood NH(4)(+)/NH(3) concentration in colonic portal blood to values close to the one recorded in the P20 group. In response to increased NH(4)(+)/NH(3) concentration in the colon, the increased capacity of the colonocytes to synthesize l-ornithine is likely to correspond to an elevated l-ornithine requirement for the elimination of excessive blood ammonia in the liver urea cycle. Moreover, in the presence of NH(4)Cl, colonocytes diminished their synthesis capacity of l-citrulline from l-ornithine, allowing a lower cellular utilization of this latter amino acid. These results are discussed in relationship with an adaptative process that would be related to both interorgan metabolism and to the role of the colonic epithelium as a first line of defense toward luminal NH(4)(+)/NH(3) concentrations.  相似文献   

Two nitrogen balance experiments in a 4 × 4 Latin square design were conducted to compare leaves of Grewia oppositifolia and Ziziphus mauritiana containing condensed tannins (CT) 0.08 g and 34.7 g per kg DM, respectively as supplement on feed intake, nutrients digestibility and nitrogen (N) retention in adult wethers and to examine the benefits of adding urea to Z. mauritiana leaves containing higher level of CT on N utilization in the animals. In experiment 1, the basal diet of oat hay was fed to sheep either un-supplemented or supplemented with 320 g dried leaves of Z. mauritiana or 320 g dried leaves of G. oppositifolia or 160 g dried leaves each of Z. mauritiana and G. oppositifolia. In vivo dry matter (DM) digestibility was not different among the four diets while N digestibility remained significantly lower (P<0.05) in Z. mauritiana supplemented diets. Daily intake of oat hay reduced (P<0.05) and that of total diet DM increased (P<0.001) with feeding of the leave supplements. Mean N retention on control diet was 4.39 g/d and increased to 7.51 g/d with inclusion of G. oppositifolia leaves but did not change with the other two supplements. In experiment 2, a basal diet of sorghum hay was fed ad libitum without any supplement (control diet) and the other three diets were supplemented with 320 g dried leaves of Z. mauritiana with no urea, 5 g urea/d or 10 g urea/d. Daily intake (g/d) of sorghum hay or total DM intake did not respond to inclusion of urea in the diets. Supplementation of Z. mauritiana with or without urea did not affect digestibility of DM, organic matter and acid detergent fiber. Nitrogen retention increased (P<0.05) from 0.57 g/d on control diet to 3.72 g/d with supplementation of Z. mauritiana leaves. Addition of urea 5 g/d did not further increase the N retention (4.78 g/d) but was significantly increased to 7.16 g/d in response to 10 g urea/d in the diet. It was concluded that response to urea feeding in the presence of tannin rich Z. mauritiana leaves was dose-dependant and that feeding 10 g urea/d increased the capacity of sheep to consume more feed and retain more N in the body.  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to study 15N and amino-nitrogen (AN) portal absorption in the growing pig after ingestion of uniformly (0.2509 APE) labelled 15N milk (M), yogurt ingested just after manufacturing (Y0), yogurt stored for 21 d at 4 degrees C (Y21) and heat-treated yogurt (HY). The highest porto-arterial differences (PAD) in 15N and AN were found in the period between 30 min and 90 min after ingestion. The absorption of nitrogen from M and HY mainly occurred during the 0-120 min time period (about 70% for M and 67% for HY). For Y0 and Y21, a larger displayed absorption period over the 0-240 min time period was observed. Y0 and Y21 presented a quite similar portal absorption profile. The 15N absorption rate was close to 80% for each studied milk product, suggesting that under our experimental conditions, dairy products (M, Y0, Y21 and HY) deliver nearly the same amounts of nitrogen to the organism. AN absorption rates were around 78% with a higher variability between the milk products. These results also indicate that most of the proteins were absorbed within the 240 min postprandial period.  相似文献   

It has been found that the state of protective functions of the digestive tract change during postnatal period. The biosynthesis and secretion of glycoproteins of mucus layer which is the main protective structure of digestive tract depend on the hormonal background and the nutrition conditions. The biosynthesis stages and secretion glycoproteins result in sexual maturity and in conditions of definitive nutrition. Opposite to that, the antiradical activity of adherent mucous layer decreases with age. The allocation of the studied components of adherent mucous layer in the stomach and in the intestine is determined.  相似文献   

Energy digestibility in the growing pig increases with BW increase and may differ between breeds of pigs or between lines selected on criteria other than digestion. However, little is known about the variability in energy digestibility within a line or a breed of pigs, especially when fibrous diets are fed. For this purpose, 20 Large White castrated male growing pigs originating from four boars (five per boar), and three to four sows per boar, were fed a high dietary fibre (DF) diet (18% NDF) and measured over 10 consecutive weeks (30 to 95 kg BW range) for their apparent faecal energy, nitrogen and organic matter digestibility. Each week, faeces were totally collected over 5 days and the feed dry matter intake over the same days was recorded. All digestibility coefficients increased regularly (P < 0.001) over the experimental periods or with BW increase (+0.6 point/10 kg BW increase for energy); this rate of increase was not affected by boar origin (no interaction; P > 0.05). The digestibility coefficients were affected by boar origin (P < 0.005 for energy), with about 2 points for energy between the extremes (81.7% v. 79.5%), and there was no marked interaction between boar origin and period. These preliminary results suggest the possibility of selecting growing pigs for an increased digestive efficiency when fed high DF diets.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to study the endogenous contribution of the exocrine pancreatic and biliary secretions to the total endogenous nitrogen production in the pig. Three growing Large White pigs weighing 45 +/- 2.5 kg were fitted with permanent fistulae in the pancreatic duct, the bile duct and the duodenum. They were adapted to a semi-synthetic casein diet for 14 d before surgery. In a 7-d post-operative period and an 8-d experimental period, they were fed the same diet. Secretion rates were recorded, total nitrogen and TCA (trichloroacetic acid) insoluble nitrogen were determined in representative pancreatic juice and bile samples. Daily pancreatic juice and bile flow rates were very similar: 1,850 and 1,820 ml, respectively. The amount of endogenous total nitrogen secreted in the intestinal lumen was 3.6 g per day: 1.9 g N through pancreatic secretion and 1.7 g N through bile secretion. Pancreatic nitrogen increased after meal intake, whilst the kinetics of nitrogen production in the bile were not affected. Throughout the experiment, the mean percentage of TCA insoluble nitrogen was 78.1% in pancreatic juice and 72.3% in bile.  相似文献   

The presence of the fermentable sugar d-mannitol in the diet improves nitrogen (N) utilization in rabbits. To clarify the mechanism by which d-mannitol improves N utilization, we studied the effect of d-mannitol on the fate of blood urea N in growing rabbits. Growing rabbits received a control diet or a diet containing d-mannitol, which were formulated by adding 80 g/kg glucose or d-mannitol to timothy hay. After 9 days of feeding of the experimental diets, 15N-urea was administrated intravenously under anesthesia 1 h before slaughter. The blood urea level (concentration of both urea N (43.6% of the control group (CG), P < 0.05) and 15N (95% of the CG, P < 0.05) in blood serum) was reduced in the mannitol group. The concentration and amount of N, and 15N atom % excess in the contents of the cecum and colon were higher (P < 0.05) in the rabbits fed the mannitol diet than in rabbits fed the control diet, especially in the cecum. The consumption of mannitol caused bacterial proliferation in the cecum characterized by marked short-chain fatty acid production (165% of the CG, P < 0.05), decreased cecal ammonia N (73% of the CG, P < 0.05) and elevated cecal bacterial N (150% of the CG, P < 0.05). On the other hand, addition of d-mannitol to the diet decreased N (80% of the CG, P < 0.05) and 15N (77% of the CG, P < 0.05) excretion in the urine. These results indicate that d-mannitol increases the transfer of blood urea N to the large intestine, where it is used for bacterial N synthesis.  相似文献   

Eight cyprinids with four different feeding habits fall into two distinct groups according to morphological adaptations of the intestine: (i) carnivorous and omnivorous cyprinids with large gut diameter and large mucosal surface which decreases from the foregut to the hindgut; (ii) benthivorous and phytoplanktivorous cyprinids with small gut diameter and small mucosal surface which is more or less uniformly built along the intestine, although relative gut length may vary considerably (1.45–6.10). Although the intestine of phytoplanktivorous cyprinids is extremely elongated, it appears less adapted for processing a refractory diet than that of cichlids with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

Expression of the aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channel was systematically studied in the digestive tract of the guinea pig using Western blot and immunofluorescence techniques. The results showed that AQP4 was expressed widely in different segments of the guinea pig digestive tract. AQP4-immunoreactivity was confined to parietal cells in the stomach, and absorptive and glandular epithelial cells of small and large intestine. AQP4 protein was also expressed by enteric glial cells of submucosal and myenteric ganglia and primary nerve trunks. AQP4 was expressed by both type I and type II enteric gliocytes, but not by type III or type IV enteric gliocytes, indicating that enteric gliocytes have a heterogeneous distribution in the gut wall. In addition, different patterns of AQP4 expression in the enteric nervous system of human, guinea pig, rat and mouse colon mucosa were identified: in rat and mouse AQP4 was localised to a small subpopulation of neurons; in the guinea pig AQP4 was localised to enteric glial cells; and in the human colon mucosa, AQP4 was also detected mainly in the glial cells. It has been speculated that AQP4 may be involved in water transport in the gastrointestinal tract. Its role in enteric neurons and glia is unknown, but, by analogy with the brain, AQP4 may be involved in the formation and resolution of edema.  相似文献   

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