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Seasonal patterns of food storing in the Jay Garrulus glandarius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N. S. CLAYTON  R. MELLOR  A. JACKSON 《Ibis》1996,138(2):250-255
This study investigated seasonal patterns in food consumption and food storage in six captive Jays Garrulus glandarius. In the first experiment, seasonal changes in food-storing intensity were tested by presenting acorns (oak seeds, Quercus spp.) in spring, summer and autumn. There were no significant differences between the seasons in the amount of food eaten. However, significantly more food was taken and stored in the autumn than in the spring and summer months. In the spring and summer, the acorns were stored between the doorframes, on the ledges of the aviaries and under the bark of branches. In the autumn, Jays also began to hoard underneath the plastic sheeting covering the hard-board flooring by ripping the polythene to create a hidden cache site. The length of time over which the stored food was left before retrieval increased from summer to autumn. Food storing also occurred in spring and summer but was short term. The second experiment tested whether or not there were seasonal changes in food preference by presenting birds with acorns, peanuts and mealworms in the summer and autumn. More peanuts were eaten, taken and stored in the autumn than in the summer, and, as in the first experiment, significantly more acorns were taken and stored in the autumn. In the autumn, only a few mealworms were eaten before the birds stored acorns and peanuts, whereas in the summer, birds tended to eat most of the mealworms before they began to store. As in the first experiment, items tended to be buried in the ground in the autumn and left for longer periods before retrieval. These results are discussed in relation to the demand that each food type places on the Jay's time.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1525-1532
Two experiments were conducted on eastern woodrats to determine whether the preference for food items gathered for their caches and the sequence of use of items in the cache varied with perishability. In the first experiment, woodrats were given either 2 kg each of two non-perishable items, laboratory chow and bur oak acorns (which they used more than chow), or 2 kg each of preferred, but perishable, grapes and the non-perishable chow. As hypothesized, the woodrats both ate and stored acorns when they were paired with chow (there would be no advantage to either eating or storing the less-used chow). In contrast, when given grapes and chow, the woodrats continued to eat grapes but stored primarily chow. That is, the utility of the items appeared to change depending on whether they were to be eaten or stored. In the second experiment, woodrats were given excess amounts of chow or grapes that were 2, 4, 6 and 8 days old. They ingested chow in the proportions available, as the chow did not spoil with age. However, the consumed grapes in proportions significantly different from those available. It was anticipated that they would eat the oldes grapes first and store the freshest grapes, but neither this pattern nor any other was obvious in ralation to the age of the grapes. The results suggest that woodrats discriminate between food items based on their perishability, and vary their decisions about what to ingest and store accordingly.  相似文献   

Food caching animals depend on their caches at times of low food availability. Because stored food is susceptible to being stolen or degraded, many species employ cache protection strategies such as ceasing caching in the presence of others or avoiding storing perishable items for long periods. Several species frequently recover their caches and recache, which may reduce pilferage or degradation of cached items. We studied the food handling decisions of Florida scrub‐jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) after cache recovery to determine the roles that social and ecological environments play in post‐recovery decisions. Instead of reducing recaching in the presence of others, recovering jays flew away from the recovery site, allowing them to eat or recache a recovered item regardless of the social context. Microhabitat type and soil moisture of the recovery sites had a significant influence on whether recoveries were eaten or recached; most items that were recached had been recovered from bare sand sites or sites with low soil moisture. Taken together, our results suggest that food store management of Florida scrub‐jays are unaffected by the social context, but are strongly affected by the habitat conditions that influence the quality of caches.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that exposure to food marketing influences dietary preferences among youth. Few studies exploring this association, however, have focused on the retail food store environment where families negotiate the influence of food and beverage marketing on purchasing practices. Consequently, we sought to examine: (i) the extent to which foods marketed on the internet and television to youth are also available and marketed in retail food stores, and (ii) whether differences exist in the marketing practices across store types and by neighborhood racial composition. In 2008, a cross-sectional survey of 118 food stores was conducted in four Midwestern cities in the United States. Results showed that 82% of stores assessed carried items commonly marketed to youth via television or the internet. The items most likely to have some type of marketing technique were noncarbonated drinks (97.7%), fruit and cereal bars (76.9%), and soda (62.2%). Grocery stores were significantly more likely than convenience stores to have marketing for breads and pastries (34.6% vs. 17.9%), breakfast cereals (52.0% vs. 22.9%), cookies and crackers (54.2% vs. 25.3%), dairy (70.8% vs. 42.7%), and ice cream (23.8% vs. 9.8%). Stores located in black neighborhoods were significantly more likely to have marketing, in comparison to white neighborhoods, for breads and pastries (35.7% vs. 17.1%), breakfast cereals (44.4% vs. 25.0%), and cookies and crackers (48.1% vs. 26.3%). Our results highlight the importance of examining food marketing techniques in the retail food store environment, where visual cues from television and the internet may be reinforced.  相似文献   

We investigated sex differences in how Burmese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea) used stone tools to open shelled food items along the shores of two islands in Laemson National Park, Thailand. Over a 2-week period in December 2009, we collected scan and focal samples on macaques when they were visible along the shores and mangroves. We found females used stones more often while feeding and used smaller tools than males. Females also processed sessile oysters more than males, whereas males processed unattached foods more than females. It was unclear which sex was overall more proficient at stone tool use, but males did perform significantly better at opening unattached food items with large pounding stones. Females also struck food items more times during tool-use bouts and at a faster rate, but no significant difference was found in average tool-use bout duration. Males processed foods slightly faster within a tool-use bout, but we were unable to detect a significant difference in the rate of food processing while foraging with tools. In summary females chipped open sessile oysters with an axing technique more than males, while males used larger stones to pound open unattached shelled food more often than females. Despite using pounding more than females, males also regularly utilized the axing technique on sessile oysters. Our results are the first assessment of sex differences in macaque stone tool use, providing a basis for comparison with tool use in other primates, and to nonfunctional forms of stone use in other macaques.  相似文献   

General mechanisms underlying the distribution and fitness of synanthropic predators in human-influenced landscapes remain unclear. Under the consumer resource-matching hypothesis, synanthropes are expected to distribute themselves among habitats according to resource availability, such that densities are greater in human-subsidized habitats, but mean individual fitness is equal among habitats because of negative density dependence. However, “under-matching” to human food resources can occur, because dominant individuals exclude subordinates from subsidized habitats and realize relatively high fitness. We integrated physiological, behavioral, and demographic information to test resource-matching hypotheses in Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri), a synanthropic nest predator, to understand how behavior and social systems can influence how synanthropes respond to food subsidies. Jays consumed more human foods at subsidized (park campground) sites than jays at unsubsidized (interior forest) sites based on stable isotope analyses. Jays that occurred at higher densities were in better body condition (based on feather growth bars and lipid analyses), and had greater reproductive output at subsidized than unsubsidized sites. Jays with breeding territories in subsidized sites maintained relatively small home ranges that overlapped with multiple conspecifics, and exhibited a social system where dominant individuals typically won contests over food. Thus, jays appeared to be under-matched to prevalent resource subsidies despite high densities and behaviors expected to lead to resource matching. Our results also indicate that local resource subsidies within protected areas can result in source habitats for synanthropes, potentially impacting sensitive species over broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

Animals that store food items in scattered sites must decide how to distribute their caches in space. Our theoretical approach is based on the assumption that such animals disperse their caches in a manner that maximizes the long-term rate of storage of recoverable (surviving) food items in the habitat. We investigate the cache-spacing behavior of theoretical scatter hoarders that encounter food sources differing in the energetic content of the items they contain. We then describe a field experiment in which gray jays (Perisoreus canadensis) were presented with both small- and large-item food sources. The jays compensated for source type by spacing larger-item caches more widely, a compensation that would tend to yield a high rate of storage of recoverable food energy over the long term and throughout the territory. Previous models do not adequately account for the observed patterns of cache dispersion.  相似文献   

Selection and transport of objects to use as tools at a distant site are considered to reflect planning. Ancestral humans transported tools and tool-making materials as well as food items. Wild chimpanzees also transport selected hammer tools and nuts to anvil sites. To date, we had no other examples of selection and transport of stone tools among wild nonhuman primates. Wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus) in Boa Vista (Piauí, Brazil) routinely crack open palm nuts and other physically well-protected foods on level surfaces (anvils) using stones (hammers) as percussive tools. Here we present indirect evidence, obtained by a transect census, that stones suitable for use as hammers are rare (study 1) and behavioral evidence of hammer transport by twelve capuchins (study 2). To crack palm nuts, adults transported heavier and harder stones than to crack other less resistant food items. These findings show that wild capuchin monkeys selectively transport stones of appropriate size and hardness to use as hammers, thus exhibiting, like chimpanzees and humans, planning in tool-use activities.  相似文献   

路纪琪  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(3):209-214
许多动物都能够贮藏食物以应对一定时期的食物短缺。岩松鼠是中国特有的一种啮齿动物,主要分布于华北山地和丘陵地区,对于其食物贮藏行为还了解不多。我们在北京东灵山地区建立了半自然围栏,在围栏一角设置一木质巢箱供其休息,在围栏中心设一食盘(给食处),就岩松鼠对核桃(已预先标记)的贮藏特征进行了观察。每只受试动物在实验开始前6 h断食,于13∶ 00 左右,随机选择1 只岩松鼠,将其放入围栏中适应2 ~ 3 h。随后,在给食处放置20 枚已标记的核桃。于第二天同一时间进入围栏,检查并记录岩松鼠对核桃的处理情况,将埋藏、取食和剩余的核桃全部移出,另置20 枚新的核桃,继续实验。第三天,重复上述检查和记录,将岩松鼠及被其处理的核桃全部移出,清理巢箱、整理围栏。随后放入第二只岩松鼠,重复上述实验过程,如遇恶劣气候,则实验顺延,直至实验结束。结果表明:岩松鼠兼具集中贮藏和分散贮藏两种食物贮藏方式,并且分散方式是其主要的食物贮藏方式;岩松鼠在围栏中选择一定的位置贮藏食物;文中还讨论了可能影响岩松鼠食物贮藏的因素。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   We evaluated the hypothesis that social group size in Mexican Jays ( Aphelocoma ultramarina ) varies with habitat structure. We counted the social group size of Mexican Jays over a range of elevations and forest types in a single mountain range in northern Mexico (Sierra El Carmen, Coahuila). Group size increased significantly with elevation, in contrast to a population of Mexican Jays in Arizona that showed no such trend in another study. Among the vegetation variables measured, those relating to size of pines and oaks were especially important in explaining variation in group size. Because acorns and pine nuts are a major part of the diet of Mexican Jays, sites with larger oaks and pines may produce larger nut crops and support larger groups of jays. Elevation did not significantly explain variance in group size after taking vegetation into account. We compared group size and habitat variation across different parts of the geographic range of Mexican Jays. Our analysis indicates that variation of social group size in Mexican Jays is influenced by habitat quality at both local and geographic scales. Detailed studies on habitat structure and demographics of this population are needed to further clarify aspects of habitat quality important to these jays, and the mechanisms by which variation in social structure is maintained.  相似文献   

We investigated the motivational control of caching behaviour in scrub jays using a two-stage procedure to examine the effects of prefeeding and/or precaching (stage 1) on subsequent caching behaviour (stage 2). Experiment 1 demonstrated that both prefeeding and precaching reduced the subsequent caching of both edible (peanuts) and inedible (stones) items. The reduction in caching was greatest when the items available for storing were the same in the two stages. This item specificity was confirmed in experiment 2 using two food types, peanuts and dog food kibbles. The final experiment demonstrated that the effect of prefeeding on subsequent caching can also be food specific, in that birds that received food in a powdered form that they could eat, but not cache in stage 1, showed a reduction in subsequent caching in stage 2 only when the food type was the same in the two stages. These results suggest that caching behaviour is controlled by both the feeding system and an independent caching system, and that this control is mediated by the incentive value of the specific items rather than by a general motivational state. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees have been the traditional referential models for investigating human evolution and stone tool use by hominins. We enlarge this comparative scenario by describing normative use of hammer stones and anvils in two wild groups of bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) over one year. We found that most of the individuals habitually use stones and anvils to crack nuts and other encased food items. Further, we found that in adults (1) males use stone tools more frequently than females, (2) males crack high resistance nuts more frequently than females, (3) efficiency at opening a food by percussive tool use varies according to the resistance of the encased food, (4) heavier individuals are more efficient at cracking high resistant nuts than smaller individuals, and (5) to crack open encased foods, both sexes select hammer stones on the basis of material and weight. These findings confirm and extend previous experimental evidence concerning tool selectivity in wild capuchin monkeys ( [Visalberghi et?al., 2009b] and [Fragaszy et?al., 2010b]).Male capuchins use tools more frequently than females and body mass is the best predictor of efficiency, but the sexes do not differ in terms of efficiency. We argue that the contrasting pattern of sex differences in capuchins compared with chimpanzees, in which females use tools more frequently and more skillfully than males, may have arisen from the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size of the two species, which is larger in capuchins than in chimpanzees. Our findings show the importance of taking sex and body mass into account as separate variables to assess their role in tool use.  相似文献   

The dietary habits and feeding rates of wild and stocked brown trout were compared for populations in a number of Irish lakes. Wild trout and stocked fish, which had been present in a fishery for 12 months or longer, tend to feed on the same dietary items at similar rates. Stocked fish in their immediate post-planting period (1–14 days) ate less than both the wild trout and established planted fish. In some instances recently stocked fish appear to have a preference for surface food items. They also consumed stones and detritic material. Data indicate that stocked fish adopted a natural diet in less than 5 months. Results are discussed in relation to angling crops of wild and stocked fish and the comparative success of autumn and spring plantings of salmonids.  相似文献   

Through 17 years and from a sample of 7,790 faecal pellets and 26,346 prey items, we studied the diet of the Balearic lizard Podarcis lilfordi in Aire Island (Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain). We analysed the diet in terms of prey frequencies, as well as by their volume and biomass contributions. The diet of the Balearic lizard was extremely variable through the years, months and areas under study. The dominance of small clumped prey, particularly ants, was confirmed. However, the main contribution by volume corresponded to beetles, with a relevant role for Diplopoda and terrestrial Isopoda during some months and at particular areas of the island. Several prey items were probably captured at the base of shrubs, under stones or inside rock crevices. Therefore, our estimations of electivity would only be reliable for epigeal and flying prey. The capacity of the Balearic lizard to include marine subsidies in its diet, such as coastal crustaceans, is noteworthy. Also, its consumption of carrion from carcasses of gulls and rabbits and leftovers from human visitors is remarkable. Juvenile conspecifics can also be a sporadic food resource, especially during the second half of summer, whereas the consumption of vegetal matter is constant for each whole year. The shifts of vegetal exploitation among areas of the island and months take place according to availability of different plant species at each area or during a given period. Thus, lizards are able to conduct a thorough monitoring of plant phenology, exploiting a large variety of plant species. Omnivory does not imply the indiscriminate inclusion of any edible food in its diet. Rather, the inclusion of several food items means the adoption of a wide range of foraging behaviours adapted to the exploitation of each food resource.  相似文献   



Research on urban food environments emphasizes limited access to healthy food, with fewer large supermarkets and higher food prices. Many residents of Hartford, Connecticut, which is often considered a food desert, buy most of their food from small and medium-sized grocery stores. We examined the food environment in greater Hartford, comparing stores in Hartford to those in the surrounding suburbs, and by store size (small, medium, and large).


We surveyed all small (over 1,000 ft2), medium, and large-sized supermarkets within a 2-mile radius of Hartford (36 total stores). We measured the distance to stores, availability, price and quality of a market basket of 25 items, and rated each store on internal and external appearance. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for mapping distance to the stores and variation of food availability, quality, and appearance.


Contrary to common literature, no significant differences were found in food availability and price between Hartford and suburban stores. However, produce quality, internal, and external store appearance were significantly lower in Hartford compared to suburban stores (all p<0.05). Medium-sized stores had significantly lower prices than small or large supermarkets (p<0.05). Large stores had better scores for internal (p<0.05), external, and produce quality (p<0.01). Most Hartford residents live within 0.5 to 1 mile distance to a grocery store.


Classifying urban areas with few large supermarkets as ‘food deserts’ may overlook the availability of healthy foods and low prices that exist within small and medium-sized groceries common in inner cities. Improving produce quality and store appearance can potentially impact the food purchasing decisions of low-income residents in Hartford.  相似文献   

Human modification of habitats can reduce reproductive success by providing novel cues to which birds may respond with behaviors that are actually maladaptive in those environments. Ad libitum human‐provided foods may provide the perception that urban habitats are food‐rich even as natural food availability decreases. Similarly, human activity may increase the perception that predation risk is high even as natural predators may decrease in abundance. In response, birds may reduce parental care with a subsequent cost to successful reproduction. Florida Scrub‐Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) in suburban areas have lower nest success during the nestling period than do wildland jays, possibly the result of such maladaptive responses, but maybe because of ecological differences with wildlands. We manipulated adult perception of predation risk and the availability of nestling foods in suburban and wildland areas to determine if these factors influenced parental care and nestling begging, and if the behavioral responses of adults influence nest survival during the nestling stage. Experimentally increasing perception of predation risk reduced parental care by both suburban and wildland females, but did not influence care by males. Increasing food availability, but not predation risk, had little influence on parental care, but resulted in decreased nestling begging rates and an increase in the frequency (pitch) of begging calls in both habitats. However, neither parental care nor food availability influenced nest survival during the nestling stage. Instead, the presence of helpers was the most important variable in nest survival analyses, suggesting that habitat‐specific differences in nest survival during the nestling stage were not simply the result of maladaptive parental behavior or shortage of nestling food resources in the suburban habitat. The lack of helpers combined with ecological differences, such as the abundance of nest predators, may be why fewer nests of Florida Scrub‐Jays survive during this stage in suburban areas.  相似文献   

While sensory processes are tuned to particular features, such as an object''s specific location, color or orientation, visual working memory (vWM) is assumed to store information using representations, which generalize over a feature dimension. Additionally, current vWM models presume that different features or objects are stored independently. On the other hand, configurational effects, when observed, are supposed to mainly reflect encoding strategies. We show that the location of the target, relative to the display center and boundaries, and overall memory load influenced recall precision, indicating that, like sensory processes, capacity limited vWM resources are spatially tuned. When recalling one of three memory items the target distance from the display center was overestimated, similar to the error when only one item was memorized, but its distance from the memory items'' average position was underestimated, showing that not only individual memory items'' position, but also the global configuration of the memory array may be stored. Finally, presenting the non-target items at recall, consequently providing landmarks and configurational information, improved precision and accuracy of target recall. Similarly, when the non-target items were translated at recall, relative to their position in the initial display, a parallel displacement of the recalled target was observed. These findings suggest that fine-grained spatial information in vWM is represented in local maps whose resolution varies with distance from landmarks, such as the display center, while coarse representations are used to store the memory array configuration. Both these representations are updated at the time of recall.  相似文献   

Many animals, including shrikes (Laniidae), are known to store food. This behaviour ensures food availability during inclement weather, for rearing nestlings or signalling territory quality. Unlike most other shrike species, which accumulate food before breeding, Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio store food in larders, mainly during the nestling and fledgling periods. If this is an adaptive behaviour, variation in this behaviour should affect either or both the number and condition of nestlings, which may benefit from such larders. We assessed the haematological condition of Red-backed Shrike nestlings in east-central Poland in 2021 using a suite of blood parameters relating to sites where shrikes did or did not store food. Haemoglobin concentrations were positively correlated with larders, being significantly higher in nestlings of pairs that stored prey compared with those whose parents did not do so. White blood cell counts were lower in nestlings whose parents kept larders. Red blood cell counts and glucose concentrations in nestlings were not related to whether parents had larders. Food storage probably ensures a more constant access to food, which results in a superior haematological condition in nestlings.  相似文献   

Marsh tits store several hundred food items per day, in separate locations within their territory, and recover most items within 24 h. Experiments in the laboratory determined that marsh tits return accurately to the sites of stored sunflower seeds 3 h and 24 h after storage. The proportion of returns exceeded chance encounter and initial preferences for those sites. The lack of interocular transfer in birds for some visual tasks provided a test for the hypothesis that memory is used to relocate stored food. After storing food with one eye covered, marsh tits did not return to storage sites when using only the ‘naive’ eye, but did so when using only the eye uncovered during storage. It seems likely that recovery of stored food by marsh tits and other birds occurs by memory of storage sites, not by chance encounter during foraging.  相似文献   

The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna‐like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piauí, Brazil), though, exhibit a seemingly broader toolkit, using wooden sticks as probes, and employing stone tools for a variety of purposes. Over the course of 701.5 hr of visual contact of two wild capuchin groups we recorded 677 tool use episodes. Five hundred and seventeen of these involved the use of stones, and 160 involved the use of sticks (or other plant parts) as probes to access water, arthropods, or the contents of insects' nests. Stones were mostly used as “hammers”—not only to open fruit or seeds, or smash other food items, but also to break dead wood, conglomerate rock, or cement in search of arthropods, to dislodge bigger stones, and to pulverize embedded quartz pebbles (licking, sniffing, or rubbing the body with the powder produced). Stones also were used in a “hammer‐like” fashion to loosen the soil for digging out roots and arthropods, and sometimes as “hoes” to pull the loosened soil. In a few cases, we observed the re‐utilization of stone tools for different purposes (N=3), or the combined use of two tools—stones and sticks (N=4) or two stones (N=5), as sequential or associative tools. On three occasions, the monkeys used smaller stones to loosen bigger quartz pebbles embedded in conglomerate rock, which were subsequently used as tools. These could be considered the first reports of secondary tool use by wild capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 71:242–251, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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