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In the thymus, spleen and bone marrow of adult guinea pigs, 14--30-week human fetuses, and the peripheral blood of sterile men there were found cells capable of forming the rosettes with homo- or heterologous spermatozoa (RFC). Development of autoimmune orchitis after the trauma of the rat testis or after the guinea pig immunization with the testicular homogenate mixed with complete Freund's adjuvant caused the appearance of RFC with spermatozoa in the thymus and the spleen of rats, and an increase of their number in the lymphoid organs of guinea pigs. Such treatment did not influence the quantity of sheep-cell rosettes in the lymphoid organs of rats and guinea pigs. A possibility of using the detected capacity of animal and human lymphocytes to form spontaneous and immune rosettes with the spermatozoa to test the degree of lympocyte differentiation and their sensitisation to the spermatozoa antigens after the spermatogenesis distrubances of the autoimmune nature is discussed.  相似文献   

Cat thymocytes, bone marrow cells, and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) formed rosettes with guinea pig (GP) and gerbil (G) erythrocytes (E). In PBL from adult cats the frequency of rosettes was 27% with GPE and GE, while an average of 33% bone marrow cells formed rosettes with GPE and only 4% with GE. Thymocytes from kittens showed a high percentage of rosettes with both GPE and GE (35 to 81%), with the frequency of each type varying with the thymus tested. Fluorescein isothiocyanate labeling of one of the erythrocyte species revealed these cells to be rosetting with different nucleated cells; i.e., a low percentage (3-5%) of the rosettes formed with PBL and bone marrow had both labeled and unlabeled erythrocytes. In contrast, "mixed" rosettes were observed with a significant number of thymocytes, averaging 33% of thymocytes from six animals. A further distinction between the GE- and GPE-rosetting cells was revealed by a monoclonal antibody which blocked GE rosette formation without interfering with the binding of GPE to PBL and thymocytes. PBL could be depleted of either GPE- or GE-rosetting cells, with retention of IgG+ cells and cells capable of rosetting with the second erythrocyte species in the nonrosetting fractions. Stimulation of the latter nonrosetting fractions with pokeweed mitogen for induction of Ig synthesis revealed a T-lymphocyte specificity of the GE- and GPE-rosetting cells. PBL depleted of GE-rosetting cells yielded an increased Ig production, two- to threefold above the control; in contrast, depletion of GPE-rosetting cells from PBL resulted in a failure of the remaining cells to respond. These results suggest that T-suppressor cells of the cat are contained in the GE-rosetting fraction and T-helper cells are rosetted with GPE.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, GPT-1, was prepared by fusion of the splenic cells of mice immunized with guinea pig thymocytes with a mouse myeloma cell line. GPT-1 completely inhibited spontaneous rosette formation of T cells with papain-treated rabbit erythrocytes. GPT-1 reacted with 90% of thymocytes, 70% of peripheral blood lymphocytes, and 45% of splenic lymphocytes, but not with B cells. These results indicate that GPT-1 has pan-T reactivity. The antibody specifically bound to a single polypeptide chain with a molecular size of 50-65 kD. The surface density of the antigen was higher on thymocytes than on peripheral T cells, suggesting that the antigen is a certain differentiation antigen on T cells. Phytohemagglutinin-activated T cells expressed more antigen molecules than resting T cells. In addition, GPT-1 suppressed the proliferation of T cells induced by the mitogen, indicating that GPT-1 recognizes a T cell-specific surface antigen which is associated with T cell activation. Based on these results, it was concluded that GPT-1 reacts with a guinea pig T cell surface antigen which is similar to the E-receptor protein on human T cells (CD2 molecule).  相似文献   

Electron micrsocopic investigation of the thymus of normal guinea pigs of both sexes, approximately 3 months of age, have shown that the organ contains at least two types of non-lymphoid cells: epithelial reticulum cells and so-called interdigitating cells. The latter have been observed in the inner part of the cortex and are morphologically characterized by an irregularly shaped or kidney-shaped nucleus, many tubulovesicular cytoplasmic structures accumulated mostly within the cytocentre as well as by finger-like protrusions of the cytoplasm. These interdigitating cells are in close contant with neighbouring lymphocytes with partly destroyed pycnotic nucleus.  相似文献   

Rosette formation of guinea pig thymocytes (Th) and thymus-derived peripheral blood lymphocytes (TBL) was tested under different experimental conditions. Up to 93% of Th and 38% of TBL showed an affinity to rabbit red blood cells (RRBC). Treatment with metabolic inhibitors like sodium azide and sodium cyanide or freezing and thawing nearly abolished rosette formation by TBL but was ineffective with respect to Th. Heating the cells destroyed rosette-forming capacity of both cell types. These results indicate that spontaneous rosette formation with RRBC by Th does not require the live cell.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of mouse spleen and thymus cells form spontaneous rosettes with syngeneic and allogeneic erythrocytes. Rosette formation is independent of the metabolic state of the cell: Inhibitors of ATP formation (NaCN, NaN3) and of cell motility (cytochalasin B, colchicine, vinblastine) have little or no effect. Erythrocytes can be bound by living or dead lymphocytes. The stability of rosettes against high temperature and shearing forces is weaker than that of immune rosettes. The increase or decrease of electrostatic repulsion between cells will enhance or reduce rosette formation. Membrane proteins are involved in cell-to-cell contacts, since several proteases destroy relevant structures on the cell surfaces of lymphocytes, erythrocytes, or both.  相似文献   

1. Alkaline phosphatase (orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase (alkaline optimum), EC in guinea pig thymus was extracted optimally in 10 mM Tris - HCl buffer at pH 8.0 containing 5 g/l Triton X-100. 2. alpha-Glycerophosphate, beta-glycerophosphate and phenolphthalein monophosphate were hydrolyzed by thymus extract with a pH optimum at 9.8-10.0, whereas p-nitrophenylphosphate and alpha-naphthylphosphate were hydrolyzed with pH optima at 10.7-10.8 and beta-naphthylphosphate at pH 11.2. P-Nitrophenylphosphate and phenolphthalein monophosphate proved to be the most suitable substrates. 3. Alkaline phosphatase was effectively inhibited by EDTA, Zn2+, histidine and urea therefore resembling the inhibition characteristics of alkaline phosphatase in the placenta and kidney, but not that in the liver and intestine, which differed markedly. 4. DEAE-cellulose chromatography and polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis revealed three enzyme peaks which did not differ in their substrate specificities and modifier characteristics. 5. Polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis of thymus, serum, placenta, kidney, liver, bone and intestine revealed no alkaline phosphatase bands definitely unique to thymus.  相似文献   

The interaction of reaginic antibody with specific antigen was studied by the rosette formation of peritoneal rat mast cells. The mast cells were obtained from actively sensitized rats or were passively sensitized in vitro. Rosette formation was of a higher degree with mast cells of actively sensitized rats; in this case 58% of the cells showed a strong rosette-forming effect (blinding more than 5 SRBC). No rosette formation was detected in 18% of the cells. With passively sensitized rat mast cells, rosette formation was 45% and 22%, respectively. Rosette formation of both actively and passively sensitized mast cells could be inhibited by disodium chromoglycate (DSCG); the inhibitory effect of 20 micrograms and 200 micrograms of the drug was the same, and neither dose caused a full inhibition. It is suggested that the linkage of specific antigen to the surface of sensitized mast cells can be inhibited by DSCG in vivo.  相似文献   

A new method of detecting the C3b receptor is reported. A particular merit of this method is that anti-RBC rabbit antiserum is not required. Rosettes were formed with human B lymphocytes, B lymphoblasts and granulocytes, using sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) sensitized with fresh human serum (FHS). T lymphocytes and T lymphoblasts did not form rosettes. The percentage of cells forming rosettes with this method approximated the percentage of rosettes formed with EACm. However, FHS coated SRBC did not react with most cells of B cell type chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), whereas EACm rosette formations showed a definite reaction. On the other hand, 34--58% of cells of chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) bound with the indicator red cells. SRBC sensitized with fresh rabbit or guinea pig serum formed rosettes with PBL, tonsil cells, B lymphoblasts and granulocytes. Complement and IgM antibody were required for this reaction, as in EAC rosette formation.  相似文献   

An assay is described for assessing the potency of thymic extracts by the capacity of guinea pig spleen lymphocytes to form rosettes with rabbit red blood cells. Its sensitivity and reproducibility have been evaluated by statistical analysis of the data obtained testing different batches of the calf thymus extract TP-1.  相似文献   

High proportions of thymocytes from many rat strains participate in rosette formation (RF) with guinea pig erythrocytes only in the presence of non-heated fetal calf serum. Adult Lewis rat spleens, lymph nodes, peripheral blood and bone marrow contain very few cells capable of participating in RF. Adult levels of cells participating in RF are present in Lewis rat thymus from the perinatal period onward. Essentially, no cells participating in RF are found in the spleens or bone marrow of Lewis rats during the perinatal period. Thymocytes participating in RF are sensitive to high doses of cortisone and low doses of irradiation in vivo. After sublethal irradiation, thymuses are rapidly repopulated by cells participating in RF. After lethal irradiation followed by bone marrow transplantation, thymuses are repopulated by donor cells that can participate in RF. Of interest, a moderate proportion of thymocytes from many mouse strains also can participate in RF. This subpopulation of murine thymocytes are highly cortisone sensitive.  相似文献   

Gao J  Sui JF  Zhu ZR  Chen PH  Wu YM 《生理学报》2005,57(2):181-187
实验采用细胞外玻璃微电极采集豚鼠海马神经元放电信号,并将信号转化为峰峰间期(interspike interval,ISI)以研究麻醉和清醒状态海马锥体细胞自发放电线性和非线性特点。实验建立了豚鼠海马锥体细胞与中间神经元电生理鉴别标准;麻醉和清醒状态下豚鼠海马CA1和CA3区锥体细胞自发放电频率、时程、复杂度等无显著区别;麻醉组豚鼠海马锥体细胞ISI序列的复杂度小于清醒组,锥体细胞分型和ISI变异度等表现不同。实验表明,麻醉和清醒状态下豚鼠海马锥体细胞自发放电呈不同线性和非线性特征。传统和非线性研究手段的结合,可能较全面地反映海马锥体细胞自发放电特性。  相似文献   

It was found that carnosine, like metiamide, an H-2 antagonist of histamine, is capable of inhibiting the histamine caused suppression of T rosette-formation by guinea-pig blood and spleen lymphocytes. The other histidine derivatives, imidazole lactate, imidazole pyruvate and N-acetyl histidine did not exhibit such properties. The data obtained allow classifying carnosine with H-2-histamine blockers and serve as one of the explanations of the mechanism of its antiallergic action.  相似文献   

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