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Six novel families of interspersed repetitive elements have been detected in the available human DNA sequences using computer-assisted analyses. The estimated total number of elements in the reported six families is over 17,000. Sequences representative for each family range from approximately 150 to 650 base pairs (bp) in length and are predominantly (A + T)-rich. Sequences from four families contain stretches of patchy complementarity up to 45 bp long. Member of one of the families is likely be directly involved in a multigene deletion on chromosome 14. Two of the six sequence families are homologous to 'low reiteration frequency sequences' from monkey cells, detected first in defective variants of simian virus 40. Like Alu and L1 families, the newly discovered families are probably composed of pseudogenes derived from functional genes.  相似文献   

Cloned repetitive sequences from the S. purpuratus genome a few hundred to approximately 1000 nucleotides long were used to investigate the characteristics of individual repetitive sequence families. They were terminally labeled by the kinase procedure and reacted with sheared S. purpuratus DNA. Repetition frequencies were measured for 26 individual families and were found to vary from a few to several thousand copies per genome. Estimates of sequence divergence were made for 18 cloned repeat families by measuring thermal stability of the heteroduplexes formed between the genomic DNA and the cloned fragments, compared with that of the renatured cloned fragments. The difference was <4°C for three of the 18 families, and <10°C for 13 of the 18 families. These 13 repetitive sequence families lack any detectable highly divergent sequence relatives, and the results reported are shown not to change when the renaturation criterion is lowered below 55°C in 0.18 M Na+. Five of the 18 cloned families displayed greater sequence divergence. The average sequence divergence of the total short repetitive sequence fraction of S. purpuratus DNA was found to match closely the average of the divergences of the cloned repeat sequences.  相似文献   

H Nojima  H Sokabe 《FEBS letters》1986,207(2):227-230
We report here a new type of peculiar repetitive sequence, A15T(TC)9T12, which was detected at 750 base pairs (bp) upstream of a rat calmodulin processed pseudogene by DNA sequencing of cloned DNA fragments. This sequence element could possibly form a cruciform structure with a 12-AT-pair stem, exposing (CT)9 sequences as a loop. S1 nuclease protection experiments failed to identify this element as a cruciform structure but instead detected an alternating purine pyrimidine tract at 50 bp downstream of this element. Total genomic Southern blotting showed that the rat genome contains only a few of these elements.  相似文献   

A middle repetitive sequence NPR18 was isolated from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia nuclear genome [8]. Sequences homologous to the repeat are dispersed through genomes of several Nicotiana species. compute-assisted data analysis of NPR18 primary sequence reveals several features attributed to mobile genetic elements: an AT content higher than average for nuclear DNA of genus Nicotiana plants; a number of direct and inverted repeats. Some of the repeats displayed homology to the terminal and subterminal repeats of Ac/Ds-like plant elements.  相似文献   

Three repetitive sequence families from the sea urchin genome were studied, each defined by homology with a specific cloned probe one to a few hundred nucleotides long. Recombinant λ-sea urchin DNA libraries were screened with these probes, and individual recombinants were selected that include genomic members of these families. Restriction mapping, gel blot, and kinetic analyses were carried out to determine the organization of each repeat family. Sequence elements belonging to the first of the three repeat families were found to be embedded in longer repeat sequences. These repeat sequences frequently occur in small clusters. Members of the second repeat family are also found in a long repetitive sequence environment, but these repeats usually occur singly in any given region of the DNA. The sequences of the third repeat are only 200 to 300 nucleotides long, and are generally terminated by single copy DNA, though a few examples were found associated with other repeats. These three repeat sequence families constitute sets of homologous sequence elements that relate distant regions of the DNA.  相似文献   

A repetitive DNA sequence was isolated from a Dictyostelium discoideum genomic plasmid library of BglII-digested DNA ligated to the BamHI site in pBR322. This clone, called pBS582, hybridized to a large number of phage lambda Dictyostelium genomic clones. Southern blot analysis indicated that pBS582 DNA hybridized to many differently sized genomic DNA fragments generated by digestion with Eco RI, AvaI, or HindIII. Restriction maps of pBS582 and five genomic clones showed that the flanking regions of each of the genomic clones were different. These findings indicate that the sequence specific to pBS582 is scattered throughout the Dictyostelium genome and is reiterated approximately 100 times in the haploid genome. Northern blot analysis revealed that RNA which hybridized to pBS582 DNA was present during all stages of growth and development and did not seem to be developmentally regulated. Southern blot analysis of DNAs from other slime molds (D. giganteum, D. purpureum, and Polysphondylium violaceum) were performed to determine whether the pBS582 sequence was present in other species of slime molds. Hybridization of pBS582 was observed to DNA from the two Dictyostelium species but not to Polysphondylium. It may thus be possible to use hybridization of specific sequences as a biochemical tool to study the relatedness of different slime mold species and their molecular taxonomy.  相似文献   

The repeated sequences situated in 5'- and 3'-flanking regions of the bovine growth hormone gene were cloned and characterized. It was shown that they are related to a described before PstI-family of bovine repeats with a frequency of repetition about 10(5). PstI-repeats are found only in genomes of sheep and goats subfamily (Carpinae) and not found in DNA of other analysed vertebrate species. Repeats of this family are situated in the genome as a number of dispersed clusters, they have conservative structure and are alike by the frequency of repetition in the DNA of all organisms that contain them. The presence of sequences homologous to PstI-repeats are shown in bovine pituitary poly(A)+ cytoplasmic RNA by means of North-hybridization.  相似文献   

The structural genes closely linked to the particular middle repetitive sequence (MRS) expressed in liver nuclei were cloned from the mouse genomic library. From one-fourth of 3,200 MRS-containing clones, 21 clones were obtained as mRNA coding sequence-linked MRS clones. From examination of the structural organization and specificity of expression of the MRS and the mRNA coding sequence, it was concluded that expressions of the MRS and the structural genes closely linked to the MRS are independently regulated.  相似文献   

Semple CA  Evans KL  Porteous DJ 《Genome biology》2001,2(3):comment2003.1-comment20035
Once thought to be impossible or a waste of resources, the initial high-volume stages of sequencing the human genome have been completed.  相似文献   

Accurate detection of protein families allows assignment of protein function and the analysis of functional diversity in complete genomes. Recently, we presented a novel algorithm called TribeMCL for the detection of protein families that is both accurate and efficient. This method allows family analysis to be carried out on a very large scale. Using TribeMCL, we have generated a resource called TRIBES that contains protein family information, comprising annotations, protein sequence alignments and phylogenetic distributions describing 311 257 proteins from 83 completely sequenced genomes. The analysis of at least 60 934 detected protein families reveals that, with the essential families excluded, paralogy levels are similar between prokaryotes, irrespective of genome size. The number of essential families is estimated to be between 366 and 426. We also show that the currently known space of protein families is scale free and discuss the implications of this distribution. In addition, we show that smaller families are often formed by shorter proteins and discuss the reasons for this intriguing pattern. Finally, we analyse the functional diversity of protein families in entire genome sequences. The TRIBES protein family resource is accessible at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/research/cgg/tribes/.  相似文献   

A unique repetitive DNA sequence in the Myxococcus xanthus genome.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We found a novel type of repetitive DNA sequence in the Myxococcus xanthus genome. The first repetitive sequence is located in the spacer region between the ops and tps genes. We cloned five other repetitive sequences using the first repetitive sequence as a probe and determined their nucleotide sequences. Comparison of these sequences revealed that the repetitive sequences consist of a 87-bp core sequence and that some clones share additional homology on their flanking regions.  相似文献   

As a result of recent genome sequencing projects as well as detailed biochemical, molecular genetic and physiological experimentation on representative transport proteins, we have come to realize that all organisms possess an extensive but limited array of transport protein types that allow the uptake of nutrients and excretion of toxic substances. These proteins fall into phylogenetic families that presumably reflect their evolutionary histories. Some of these families are restricted to a single phylogenetic group of organisms and may have arisen recently in evolutionary time while others are found ubiquitously and may be ancient. In this study we conduct systematic phylogenetic analyses of 26 families of transport systems that either had not been characterized previously or were in need of updating. Among the families analyzed are some that are bacterial-specific, others that are eukaryotic-specific, and others that are ubiquitous. They can function by either a channel-type or a carrier-type mechanism, and in the latter case, they are frequently energized by coupling solute transport to the flux of an ion down its electrochemical gradient. We tabulate the currently sequenced members of the 26 families analyzed, describe the properties of these families, and present partial multiple alignments, signature sequences and phylogenetic trees for them all.  相似文献   

Studies of a novel repetitive sequence family in the genome of mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new middle repetitive sequence is described in the mouse genome. It has been revealed with a recombinant clone isolated from a Mus musculus BamHI gene library constructed in pBR322 and containing an insertion of 1.73 kb. When digests of genomic DNA were subjected to Southern blot hybridization, using the 1.73-kb insert as probe, we obtained a light smear and discrete bands, indicating a dispersion in the mouse genome of this sequence. This 1.73-kb sequence seems to be a part of a greater repetitive sequence at least 6 kb in length. The sizes of the bands hybridizing with the 1.73-kb insert are similar when compared between different laboratory strains but differ remarkably between the two species M. musculus and Mus caroli. We have shown also a great variation in the copy number of the sequence studied between these two species. When rat DNA is probed with the 1.73-kb insert, no hybridization is observed. Subcloning of the 1.73-kb sequence in three fragments has pointed out that the reiteration was not homogeneous along the 1.73-kb sequence. The 1.73-kb clone was sequenced and compared with other interspersed repetitive sequences, previously described in the rodent genome, and no homology was found.  相似文献   

Tristem M 《Journal of virology》2000,74(8):3715-3730
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) were first identified almost 20 years ago, and since then numerous families have been described. It has, however, been difficult to obtain a good estimate of both the total number of independently derived families and their relationship to each other as well as to other members of the family Retroviridae. In this study, I used sequence data derived from over 150 novel HERVs, obtained from the Human Genome Mapping Project database, and a variety of recently identified nonhuman retroviruses to classify the HERVs into 22 independently acquired families. Of these, 17 families were loosely assigned to the class I HERVs, 3 to the class II HERVs and 2 to the class III HERVs. Many of these families have been identified previously, but six are described here for the first time and another four, for which only partial sequence information was previously available, were further characterized. Members of each of the 10 families are defective, and calculation of their integration dates suggested that most of them are likely to have been present within the human lineage since it diverged from the Old World monkeys more than 25 million years ago.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel repetitive sequence pTaq10 was isolated from theTaq I digest of the genomic DNA of the pseudocerealChenopodium quinoa. Sequence analysis indicated that this 286-bp monomer is not homologous to any known retroelement sequence. FISH and Southern blot analysis showed that this sequence is characterized by an interspersed genomic organization. After FISH, hybridization signals were observed as small dots spread throughout all of the chromosomes. pTaq hybridization signals were excluded from 45S rRNA gene loci, but they partly overlapped with 5S rDNA loci. pTaq10 is not a species-specific sequence, as it was also detected inC. berlandieri.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats are predominantly found in most organisms. They play a major role in studies of genetic diversity, and are useful as diagnostic markers for many diseases. The simple sequence repeats database (SSRD) for the human genome was created for easy access to such repeats, for analysis, and to be used to understand their biological significance. The data includes the abundance and distribution of SSRs in the coding and non-coding regions of the genome, as well as their association with the UTRs of genes. The exact locations of repeats with respect to genomic regions (such as UTRs, exons, introns or intergenic regions) and their association with STS markers are also highlighted. The resource will facilitate repeat sequence analysis in the human genome and the understanding of the functional and evolutionary significance of simple sequence repeats. SSRD is available through two websites, http://www.ccmb.res.in/ssr and http://www.ingenovis.com/ssr.  相似文献   

A new tandemly repetitive sequence family, having the 170 bp basic repeat characteristic of alphoid sequences, has been identified in the human genome. Its organization in the whole genome and on chromosome 21 is different from that of any of the previously described alphoid families. Members of this new family are unusually heterogeneous in sequence, and there are a number of variant sequence classes. Some of the variant classes exist in separate genomic domains, and even on a single chromosome the members of such a class are not significantly intermixed with members of another class.  相似文献   

By means of restriction enzymes analysis and molecular hybridization, the distribution of repeated DNA families has been studied in the different DNA components into which the human genome can be fractionated by density gradient techniques. Three classes of DNA molecules have been analyzed: i) an homogeneous DNA component (satellite-like sequences; Q = 1.696 g/cm3, 3% of total DNA, AT repeated), ii) AT rich (Q = 1.698 g/cm3, 30% of total DNA, AT main-band) and GC rich (Q = 1.708 g/cm3, 6% of total DNA, GC main-band) DNA components. By this approach we have observed that Sau3A digestion of GC main-band gives rise to two bands of 75bp and 150bp, absent or under-represented in both AT rich DNA components. A preliminary characterization of these DNA fragments suggests that they contain one or more families of repeated sequences which fail to hybridize to EcoRI, HindIII and AluI families of repeats. In addition, we have observed that EcoRI sequences (alpha-RI DNA) are under-represented in GC main-band and show the same clustered organization in both AT rich DNA components.  相似文献   

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