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免疫进化算法(IEA)是基于遗传算法(GA)的一种“加强局部搜索,兼顾全局搜索”的进化算法。利用免疫进化算法(IEA)对鹤望兰叶面积指数(IAI)进行模拟,平均相对误差为3.44%,取得满意的结果,对鹤望兰栽培管理有一定的实际意义。免疫进化算法用于鹤望兰叶面积指数模拟简便、易行,为鹤望兰叶面积指数模拟模型的建立及参数优化开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

鹤望兰开花结果特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鹤望兰在亚热带厦门地区引种露地栽培,观察结果表明,实生苗始花期为4年生,全年开花,夏、秋季为盛花期,冬季产花量少。每枝花序均可产生多个果实,每个果实有种子10粒以上,果实成熟期80~140d。并观测了株高生长与种子发芽特性  相似文献   

鹤望兰催芽与幼苗生长习性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用95%H2SO4浸鹤望兰种子3-5min,能有效地除去种皮表层蜡质,疏松种皮,不损伤种子,缩短萌芽时间,1N NaOH处理效果次之。95%乙醇洗脱无明显效果。幼苗移栽前适当处理能有效地掐御病害,提高幼苗成活率。栽培基质以透水保湿多肥的酸性土最好。  相似文献   

柑桔类属芸香科柑桔亚科,是我国南方栽培面积最大、产量最高的水果作物。柑桔不仅果实营养丰富,而且其树、叶、花、果都具较高的观赏价值,正所谓“一年好景君须记,最是橙黄桔绿时”。我国将柑桔盆栽用于观赏的历史悠久。17世纪陈淏子写的《花镜》中总结了金桔盆栽的经验。但古代柑桔盆栽仅限于金桔、代  相似文献   

采用L9(3^4)正交实验设计,研究了温室盆栽和田间栽培条件下,不同氮、磷、钾施用水平对曼地亚红豆杉‘Hicksii’(Taxus media‘Hicksii’)生长及紫杉醇含量的影响。结果表明,不同的氮、磷、钾施用水平对曼地亚红豆杉‘Hicksii’盆栽苗和田间栽培苗的生长量、枝叶产量和紫杉醇含量有显著影响,影响效应从大至小依次为氮、磷、钾。根据生长综合指标确定最有利于曼地亚红豆杉幼苗生长的氮、磷、钾施用量分别为400、66和200mg·L^-1;最有利于紫杉醇积累的氮、磷、钾施用量分别为200、66和133mg·L^-1。此外,曼地亚红豆杉‘Hicksii’田间栽培苗的生长量、枝叶产量和紫杉醇含量显著高于盆栽苗。  相似文献   

用95%H2SO4浸鹤望兰种子(1:10体积比混合)3-5min,能有效地除去种皮表层蜡质,疏松种皮,不损伤种子,缩短萌芽时间。1N NaOH处理效果次之。95%乙醇洗脱无明显效果。幼苗移栽前适当处理(代森锌700倍+0.02mg/LNAA浸泡1h)能有效地抵御病害,提高幼苗成活率。栽培基质以透水保湿多肥的酸性土最好。此外,遮阳(60%~80%)是幼苗安全越夏的重要条件。  相似文献   

拟南芥(Arabulopsis thaliana L.Heych.)是进行高等植物遗传学基础理论研究的好材料。它的植物体小至可在试管中栽培,生活史短,种籽数量多,栽培条件简单,染色体数目少(2n=10),突变类型多。与著名的遗传学实验材料果蝇一样受到人们重视。拟南芥种子寿命长,在干燥状态下保存5年最低发芽率仍可达20%。不需像果蝇那样常年保种,适于教学科研用。拟南芥的栽培技术 1.栽培通常用种籽繁殖,进行盆栽或试管栽培。盆栽时,一般用稍酸性的土壤,预先用火烧烤或用蒸汽消毒,防止其它植物混入。对于营养需求,可以用市售的草花用  相似文献   

福建漳州是我国出口创汇植物盆栽榕树Ficus microcarpa的重要生产基地,近些年来炭疽病发生严重。为明确该病的病原菌种类,本文从福建漳州盆栽榕树栽培基地采集炭疽病病叶,通过对病原菌的分离、纯化和培养,致病性测定及rDNA-ITS和actin(肌动蛋白)基因序列分析,证明该病菌为盘长孢状刺盘孢菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides。这是盘长孢状刺盘孢菌所致盆栽榕树炭疽病在国内的首次报道。  相似文献   

李荣 《生命世界》2002,(5):34-34
桂花是喜强光,好温暖,忌积水,怕煤烟的植物。盆栽桂花不开花,大致有以下几种原因: 一是冬季养护不当:冬季桂花入室后,应放在低温处使其休眠,次年才能茁壮生长,花繁叶茂。如室温较高,桂花得不到充分休眠,提前抽芽展叶,枝条细弱,消耗大量养分,春季出室后,遇干  相似文献   

赵斌  付乃峰  向言词  田代科 《广西植物》2017,37(9):1153-1160
秋海棠是世界著名的观赏植物,不同种类和品种对栽培基质、光照、温度和湿度等生长环境条件的要求不同。‘宁明银’秋海棠是最近培育出的新品种,具有很高的观赏价值和市场潜力,但其栽培适宜条件还不清楚。为了摸索该品种的最佳栽培基质和光照条件,该研究利用四种光强(遮光45%、60%、75%、90%)和四种无土栽培基质(泥炭∶珍珠岩=1∶1;泥炭∶珍珠岩∶松树皮=1∶1∶1;腐叶土∶珍珠岩∶松树皮=1∶1∶1;玉米秆∶珍珠岩∶松树皮=1∶1∶1)在上海辰山植物园栽培大棚中开展盆栽试验,比较分析‘宁明银’秋海棠的生长表现。结果表明:在遮光45%条件下,腐叶土、珍珠岩、松树皮同等比例混合的栽培基质中,‘宁明银’秋海棠的叶片数、最大叶面积、地上部分鲜重与干重、地下部分干重均表现出最大值,且该条件下植株的相对含水量和根冠比最小,相对叶绿素含量也最高。因此,盆栽‘宁明银’秋海棠的最佳无土栽培条件为腐叶土、珍珠岩、松树皮等比例混合栽培基质和45%遮光,利用此条件可指导‘宁明银’秋海棠的商品化盆栽生产。  相似文献   

水文连通性的定量评估是当前研究的热点和难点。本研究以欧盟联合研究中心发布的全球30 m分辨率逐月地表水遥感数据集为数据源,利用地统计学连通性、最大连通距离和季节性连通水体面积3个指标,定量评估了平水年的不同月份(2016年5—10月)、不同水文年(丰水年1998年、平水年2016年、枯水年2002年)的9月、不同方向(西-东、北-南)上莫莫格国家级自然保护区地表水文连通性。结果表明: 1)研究区平水年西-东方向的地统计学连通性优于北-南方向,8月和7月的地统计学连通性优于其他各月;各水文年西-东方向的地统计学连通性优劣次序为丰水年>枯水年>平水年,北-南方向的地统计学连通性优劣次序为丰水年>平水年>枯水年;平水年西-东方向6、7、9和10月的最大连通距离均集中在25.26 km,北-南方向最大连通距离则更为集中,所有月份均为10 km;平水年和枯水年的最大连通距离较为接近,但均远小于丰水年的相应值;2)研究区平水年月亮湖水库与嫩江之间、鹅头泡与其邻近湖泊之间频繁地发生季节性连通,其余绝大多数湖泊则始终保持孤立;不同水文年研究区的水文连通格局具有明显差异:丰水年形成了两个巨型连通体,平水年部分湖泊之间发生周期性连通,枯水年所有湖泊之间保持孤立;3)农田退水的承泄区鹅头泡连通体的地表水面积在春、夏、秋3个补水季节均发生了明显扩增。本研究从不同角度量化了多水源补给的莫莫格国家级自然保护区地表水文连通性,研究结果可为湿地保护修复和流域水资源综合管控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

PaJaMas in Paris     
This is a personal reminiscence of what happened in one year, nearly 50 years ago, when I spent a sabbatical year at The Pasteur Institute in Paris. The year was fascinating, for I met and worked with Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob, a collaboration that culminated in the famous PaJaMa experiment.  相似文献   

刘洋  侯占山  赵爽  齐国辉  张雪梅  郭素萍 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5331-5339
为了探究太行山片麻岩山区造地后坡面植被的演变规律,以太行山片麻岩山区不同治理年限的坡面为研究对象,研究了坡面的植被状况与土壤理化性状。结果表明:随着治理年限的增加,坡面植被覆盖度、地上生物量和植物种类均显著增加,分别由第2年的18.00%、67.52 g/m~2、10种增加到了第7年的92.67%、379.91 g/m~2、19种。随治理年限的增加,坡面土壤的理化性质得到改善,土壤容重由第2年的1.40 g/cm~3降低到了第7年的1.29 g/cm~3,土壤有机质含量由第2年的4.91 g/kg增加到了第7年的7.18 g/kg;土壤总孔隙度、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾含量分别由第2年的47.15%、0.17 g/kg、16.10 mg/kg、26.58 mg/kg增加到了第6年的51.60%、0.61 g/kg、62.18 mg/kg、57.40 mg/kg,在第7年又分别降低为51.42%、0.50 g/kg、37.80 mg/kg、30.90 mg/kg。坡面植被多样性与土壤多项理化性状表现为显著相关。随着治理年限延长,造地后的坡面土壤的理化性质发生改变,土壤有效养分增多,持水能力增强,植被覆盖度与植物种类均显著增加,植物多样性稳步提高,生态环境得到有效改善。  相似文献   

The year‐to‐year variability of total length and abundance of young cod Gadus morhua in the littoral zone of the Norwegian Skagerrak coast was dominant over spatial variability. The 0 year group cod was slightly larger in exposed areas than in protected areas. Contrary to expectations, the 0 year group cod was less abundant in the protected inner parts of the fjords. Although the natural variability was very large, exposed areas (the skerries) seemed to be the better area for the 0 year group cod, while for the 1 year group cod, no differences in abundance or growth could be identified indicating that they had adopted a mature pattern of movement, utilizing the entire fjord for feeding. Available habitat data indicated that the availability of shelter was a potential cause for the distributional pattern.  相似文献   

四川西部蝇类物候的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
冯炎 《生态学杂志》1996,15(6):26-35
四川西部蝇类物候的研究冯炎(四川省雅安地区卫生防疫站,625000)StudiesofPhenologyofCalytrataeFliesinWesternSichuan,China.FengYan(HygienicandAntiepidemic...  相似文献   

For three years the population size, rates of growth, standing stock, production and yield of all year classes of salmon and trout within three sections of a stream in Scotland were studied. Total salmon production as fresh weight per m2 was 6.5 g in 1966, 10.6 g in 1967 and 11.1 g in 1968, and total trout production was 10.3g in 1966, 12.3 g in 1967 and 7.7g in 1968. Fish of 0+ and 1+ year old provided usually more than 90% of the total annual salmon production and 80 % of the annual trout production. Yield of salmon smolts (about 9 cm or longer after 2 years growth) per m2 was 0.10 in 1966, 0.22 in 1967 and 0.15 in 1968. The smolt yield by weight was 29 % of the production of the 1966 year class of salmon and 16% of the 1967 year class. Numbers of trout of 9 cm or longer produced in the same time were higher and their weight was 60% of the total production of the 1966 year class and 32% of the 1967 year class.  相似文献   

选取封闭和开放5年同海拔的黄山杜鹃样树,调查了5年标准枝和受损枝每年的新梢生长量,研究开放期间受损枝受损情况和封闭期间受损枝恢复情况。结果表明,开放期间受损枝条新梢生长量逐年降低,开放第5年受损枝条新梢生长量只有标准枝的39%,开放第4年生长率下降最多。开放期间黄山杜鹃受损枝条的新梢生长量与开放年数的关系符合指数模型。封闭期间受损枝条新梢生长量逐年上升,封闭第5年受损枝条新梢生长量达到标准枝的86%,封闭第4年生长率上升最多。封闭期间黄山杜鹃的新梢生长量与封闭年数的关系为幂函数模型。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in a set of experimental ponds changed significantly during the second year of their existence. This is an important factor in pesticide registration testing using this type of facility. One year has been established as sufficient time to develop a complete community but this has never been tested. Comparison of the community at the end of year 1 to the community at the end of year 2 showed no significant differences for community summary measures (total density, taxa richness, diversity, Bray-Curtis similarity index); however, some individual taxa densities were significantly lower at the end of year 2. Physicochemical parameters measured indicated that the ponds were oligotrophic. Submerged macrophytes colonized and became established in most of the ponds during year 2. With the exception of a few noninsect taxa, the experimental pond communities appeared similar to mature communities in shallow lentic environments. Additionally, the seasonal changes observed in the pond communities followed expected patterns.  相似文献   

Understanding the trade-off between current reproductive effort, future survival and future breeding attempts is crucial for demographic analyses and life history studies. We investigated this trade-off in a population of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) marked individually with transponders using multistate capture-recapture models. This colonial seabird species has a low annual proportion of non-breeders (13%), despite a breeding cycle which lasts over 1 year. To draw inferences about the consequences of non-breeding, we tested for an effect of reproductive activity on survival and on the probability of subsequent breeding. We found that birds non-breeding in year t show the same survival rate as breeders (two-states analysis: breeding and non-breeding). However, breeders had a lower probability of breeding again the following year. This negative phenotypic correlation suggests the existence of reproductive costs affecting future breeding probability, but it might also be strengthened by late arrival for courtship in year t. A three-state analysis including breeding success revealed that failed breeders in year t have a lower probability to reproduce successfully in year t + 1 than non-breeders in year t, providing some evidence for the existence of reproductive costs. Moreover, successful breeders showed higher survival probability. This positive phenotypic correlation between current reproduction and subsequent survival supports the hypothesis of an heterogeneity in individual quality. Males breeding in year t had a lower probability to breed again in year t + 1 than females, suggesting higher reproductive costs for this sex. Such additional costs might be due to higher male parental investment in the final phase of chick-rearing, which also delays the arrival of males in year t + 1, and decreases their breeding probability. Our study is the first to explore the breeding biology and the demography of penguins without the disturbance of flipper-bands.  相似文献   

This work examines N use by switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). A study was conducted on two well-established ‘Cave-in-Rock’ switchgrass stands in Blacksburg (37° 11′ N, 80° 25′ W) and Orange (38° 13′ N, 78° 07′ W) Virginia, USA. Plots were fertilized in 2001 (year 1) with 0, 90, 180, or 270 kg N per hectare. No additional N was applied in 2002 (year 2) and 2003 (year 3), and biomass was harvested in July and November for years 2 and 3 (but only in November of year 1). Root and soil samples were collected in May, July, September, and November each year and analyzed for N. Nitrogen fertilization did not increase yields in 2001 (year 1), but it did provide residual benefits in 2002 (year 2) and 2003 (year 3). Root-N levels at 15 cm depth increased with fertilization, fluctuated seasonally between roots and shoots, and root-N was reduced over the course of the study. With two harvests per year, about 100 kg N hectare per year were removed in biomass, even in plots with no N added—suggesting N already present in the soils (at 15 cm depth) contributed to yields; but the soil mineral-N pools were reduced by the end of year 3. Nitrogen-use efficiency, apparent N recovery, and partial factor productivity were reduced with higher N applications. The data support the notion that biomass production can be achieved with minimal N inputs, but stands must be managed to maintain that N reserve over the long term. There is also a need to quantify the N pool to depths greater than 15 cm in other agro-ecoregions.  相似文献   

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