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Lactococcus lactis phage infections are costly for the dairy industry because they can slow down the fermentation process and adversely impact product safety and quality. Although many strategies have been developed to better control phage populations, new virulent phages continue to emerge. Thus, it is beneficial to develop an efficient method for the routine identification of new phages within a dairy plant to rapidly adapt antiphage tactics. Here, we present a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for the characterization of the 936-like phages, the most prevalent phage group infecting L. lactis strains worldwide. The proposed MLST system targets the internal portion of five highly conserved genomic sequences belonging to the packaging, morphogenesis, and lysis modules. Our MLST scheme was used to analyze 100 phages with different restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns isolated from 11 different countries between 1971 and 2010. PCR products were obtained for all the phages analyzed, and sequence analysis highlighted the high discriminatory power of the MLST system, detecting 93 different sequence types. A conserved locus within the lys gene (coding for endolysin) was the most discriminative, with 65 distinct alleles. The locus within the mcp gene (major capsid protein) was the most conserved (54 distinct alleles). Phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated sequences exhibited a strong concordance of the clusters with the phage host range, indicating the clonal evolution of these phages. A public database has been set up for the proposed MLST system, and it can be accessed at http://pubmlst.org/bacteriophages/.  相似文献   

A phage-resistant mutant with a defect in a membrane component required for phage infections in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis C2 was transformed with a chromosomal library of the wild-type, phage-sensitive strain. Of the 4,200 transformants screened for phage sensitivity, three were positively identified as phage sensitive. A cause-and-effect relationship between the cloned chromosomal fragments and the phage-sensitive phenotype was established on the basis of the following two criteria: (i) the frequency of loss of the cloned fragments in the absence of antibiotic selection pressure correlated with the frequency of loss of phage sensitivity; and (ii) phage sensitivity was transferred to 100% of recipient, phage-resistant cells transformed with the cloned fragment. The cloned chromosomal DNA from the three independent isolates was physically mapped with restriction endonucleases. The sizes of the cloned fragments were 9.6, 11.8, and 9.5 kb. Each fragment contained an identical stretch of DNA common to all three, which was 9.4 kb. The gene that conferred phage sensitivity was localized by subcloning to a 4.5-kb region. Further subcloning indicated that a single EcoRI site within the 4.5-kb region must lie within the gene or its promoter. The required 4.5-kb region was sequenced and found to code for one partial and two complete open reading frames. The gene required for complementation was functionally mapped by Tn5 mutagenesis and localized to one of the two complete open reading frames, which was designated pip (an acronym for phage infection protein). pip is 2,703 bases in length. Potential promoters start 206 and 212 bases upstream of the open reading frame. A ribosome binding site and a seven-base spacer precede the GTG (Val) translation initiation codon. The amino acid sequence deduced from the gene has 901 residues and an M(r) of 99,426. Hydropathy analysis revealed four to six potential membrane-spanning regions, one near the amino terminus and the others at the extreme carboxyl terminus. The amino terminus has characteristics of a signal sequence. The putative protein would have a 650-residue, central polar domain.  相似文献   

The fifth phage resistance factor from the prototype phage-insensitive strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ME2 has been characterized and sequenced. The genetic determinant for Prf (phage resistance five) was subcloned from the conjugative plasmid pTN20, which also encodes a restriction and modification system. Typical of other abortive resistance mechanisms, Prf reduces the efficiency of plaquing to 10(-2) to 10(-3) and decreases the plaque size and burst size of the small isometric-headed phage p2 in L. lactis subsp. lactis LM0230. However, normal-size plaques occurred at a frequency of 10(-4) and contained mutant phages that were resistant to Prf, even after repeated propagation through a sensitive host. Prf does not prevent phage adsorption or promote restriction and modification activities, but 90% of Prf+ cells infected with phage p2 die. Thus, phage infections in Prf+ cells are aborted. Prf is effective in both L. lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains against several small isometric-headed phages but not against prolate-headed phages. The Prf determinant was localized by Tn5 mutagenesis and subcloning. DNA sequencing identified a 1,056-nucleotide structural gene designated abiC. Prf+ expression was obtained when abiC was subcloned into the lactococcal expression vector pMG36e. abiC is distinct from two other lactococcal abortive phage resistance genes, abiA (Hsp+, from L. lactis subsp. lactis ME2) and abi416 (Abi+, from L. lactis subsp. lactis IL416). Unlike abiA, the action of abiC does not appear to affect DNA replication. Thus, abiC represents a second abortive system found in ME2 that acts at a different point of the phage lytic cycle.  相似文献   

A functional pyc gene was isolated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis C2 and was found to complement a Pyc defect in L. lactis KB4. The deduced lactococcal Pyc protein was highly homologous to Pyc sequences of other bacteria. The pyc gene was also detected in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and L. lactis subsp. lactis bv. diacetylactis strains.  相似文献   

The plasmid-encoded citrate determinant of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis var. diacetylactis NCDO176 was cloned and functionally expressed in a Cit- Escherichia coli K-12 strain. From deletion derivative analysis, a 3.4-kilobase region was identified which encodes the ability to transport citrate. Analysis of proteins encoded by the cloned fragment in a T7 expression system revealed a 32,000-dalton protein band, which correlated with the ability of cells to transport citrate. Energy-dependent [1,5-14C]citrate transport was found with membrane vesicles prepared from E. coli cells harboring the citrate permease-expressing plasmid. The gene encoding citrate transport activity, citP, was located on the cloned fragment by introducing a site-specific mutation that abolished citrate transport and resulted in a truncated form of the 32,000-dalton expression product. The nucleotide sequence for a 2.2-kilobase fragment that includes the citP gene contained an open reading frame of 1,325 base pairs coding for a very hydrophobic protein of 442 amino acids, which shows no sequence homology with known citrate carriers.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage asccphi28 infects dairy fermentation strains of Lactococcus lactis. This report describes characterization of asccphi28 and its full genome sequence. Phage asccphi28 has a prolate head, whiskers, and a short tail (C2 morphotype). This morphology and DNA hybridization to L. lactis phage P369 DNA showed that asccphi28 belongs to the P034 phage species, a group rarely encountered in the dairy industry. The burst size of asccphi28 was found to be 121 +/- 18 PFU per infected bacterial cell after a latent period of 44 min. The linear genome (18,762 bp) contains 28 possible open reading frames (ORFs) comprising 90% of the total genome. The ORFs are arranged bidirectionally in recognizable functional modules. The genome contains 577 bp inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and putatively eight promoters and four terminators. The presence of ITRs, a phage-encoded DNA polymerase, and a terminal protein that binds to the DNA, along with BLAST and morphology data, show that asccphi28 more closely resembles streptococcal phage Cp-1 and the phi29-like phages that infect Bacillus subtilis than it resembles common lactococcal phages. The sequence of this phage is the first published sequence of a P034 species phage genome.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage sk1 is a small isometric-headed lytic phage belonging to the 936 species. It infects Lactococcus lactis , a commonly used dairy starter organism. Nucleotide sequence data analysis indicated that the sk1 genome is 28 451 nucleotides long and contains 54 open reading frames (ORFs) of 30 or more codons, interspersed with three large intergenic regions. The nucleotide sequence of several of the sk1 ORFs demonstrated significant levels of identity to genes (many encoding proteins of unknown function) in other lactococcal phages of both small isometric-headed and prolate-headed morphotype. Based on this identity and predicted peptide structures, sk1 genes for the terminase, major structural protein and DNA polymerase have been putatively identified. Genes encoding holin and lysin were also identified, subcloned into an Escherichia coli expression vector, and their function demonstrated in vivo . The sk1 origin of replication was located by identifying sk1 DNA fragments able to support the maintenance in L. lactis of a plasmid lacking a functional Gram-positive ori . The minimal fragment conferring replication origin function contained a number of direct repeats and 179 codons of ORF47. Although no similarity between phage sk1 and coliphage λ at the nucleotide or amino acid sequence level was observed, an alignment of the sk1 late region ORFs with the λ structural and packaging genes revealed a striking correspondence in both ORF length and isoelectric point of the ORF product. It is proposed that this correspondence is indicative of a strong conservation in gene order within these otherwise unrelated isometric-headed phages that can be used to predict the functions of the sk1 gene products.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis nprE gene lacking its own promoter sequence was inserted in the lactococcal expression vector pMG36e. Upon introduction of the recombinant plasmid into Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain MG1363, neutral protease activity could be visualized by the appearance of large clearing zones around colonies grown on milk agar plates. By measuring the activities of the neutral protease and the intracellular enzyme lactate dehydrogenase in culture supernatants and cell fractions, it was demonstrated that the neutral protease was actively secreted into the growth medium. This was corroborated by using the Western blot (immunoblot) technique, which showed the presence of the mature form of the neutral protease in the culture supernatant. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that the B. subtilis neutral protease gene was expressed in L. lactis and that the gene product was secreted into the growth medium and was apparently correctly processed to produced a biologically active protein. The secretion of this particular enzyme may be helpful in achieving accelerated cheese ripening.  相似文献   

The 6.5 kb HindIII DNA fragment of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris H2 plasmid pDI21 was cloned into Escherichia coli POP13 with NM1149, and also directly into Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 4125 using a newly-constructed broad host-range vector pFX1. Proteinase was experessed in both transformed organisms. The proteinase resembles a PI type since it preferentially degraded -casein. The restriction map of the 6.5 kb proteinase gene fragment has minor differences from those of published plamid proteinase genes. High-efficiency electroporation with pFX1 provides a direct approach for gene cloning in lactococci.Abbreviations cfu colony forming units - HEPES N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N-[2-ethanesulphonic acid] Dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Drews on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

We have previously isolated a putative promoter from the Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis chromosome. We now report the sequence of the promoter fragment and its extension in the 5'-direction. The region contains several open-reading frames which correspond to ribosomal protein L15, SecY, adenylate kinase, initiation factor 1 and ribosomal proteins B and S13. The order of the genes, rplO (L15), secY, adk, infA, rpmJ (B) and rpsM (S13), is similar to that in the spc and alpha operon region of Bacillus subtilis, with the exception of the map gene, coding for methionine amino peptidase, which is located between adk and infA in B. subtilis. The putative promoter is located between adk and infA.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis nprE gene lacking its own promoter sequence was inserted in the lactococcal expression vector pMG36e. Upon introduction of the recombinant plasmid into Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain MG1363, neutral protease activity could be visualized by the appearance of large clearing zones around colonies grown on milk agar plates. By measuring the activities of the neutral protease and the intracellular enzyme lactate dehydrogenase in culture supernatants and cell fractions, it was demonstrated that the neutral protease was actively secreted into the growth medium. This was corroborated by using the Western blot (immunoblot) technique, which showed the presence of the mature form of the neutral protease in the culture supernatant. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that the B. subtilis neutral protease gene was expressed in L. lactis and that the gene product was secreted into the growth medium and was apparently correctly processed to produced a biologically active protein. The secretion of this particular enzyme may be helpful in achieving accelerated cheese ripening.  相似文献   

The citrate plasmid (Cit+ plasmid) from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis was cloned into the EcoRI site of plasmid pUC18. This recombinant plasmid enabled Escherichia coli K-12 to transport and utilize citrate as a source of energy, indicating expression of the citrate permease from L. lactis biovar diacetylactis. The citrate permease was under the control of the lac promoter of pUC18. Genetic expression of the Cit+ plasmid in maxicells revealed that the plasmid encoded two polypeptides of 47 and 32 kilodaltons, determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A 3.6-kb plasmid, designated pND324, was isolated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis LL57-1. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of three open reading frames, rep324, orfX1 and orfX2, which are flanked by two non-coding regions, ori324 and cisE. The minimal replication region of pND324 consists of ori324 and rep324, which is closely related to the lactococcal θ-type replicons of the pWV02/pCI305 family. pND324 was stable at both 30 °C and 37 °C, whereas derivatives that lack cisE were highly unstable at 37 °C, indicating that cisE is essential for thermostability. Sequences that are similar to orfX1 are commonly present in the lactococcal θ-type plasmids. The orfX2 product is homologous to TrfA, a 43-kDa protein of the E. coli theta-type plasmid RK2 required for replication and maintenance. Plasmid deletion and stability analyses showed that orfX2 is involved in the thermostability of pND324. Based on the minimal replication region of pND324, an integrative cloning vector, designated pND421, was constructed. In L. lactis LM0230, cells that carried pND421 integrated into its host chromosomal DNA could be recovered readily following incubation at 37 °C for 40 generations. The integrated plasmid was totally stable for at least 100 generations without selection at 30 °C. Received: 30 April 1999 / Received revision: 1 July 1999 / Accepted: 5 July 1999  相似文献   

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