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The spliceosome assembly pathway in mammalian extracts.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
A mammalian splicing commitment complex was functionally defined by using a template commitment assay. This complex was partially purified and shown to be a required intermediate for complex A formation. The productive formation of this commitment complex required both splice sites and the polypyrimidine tract. U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) was the only spliceosomal U snRNP required for this formation. A protein factor, very likely U2AF, is probably involved in the formation of the splicing commitment complex. From the kinetics of appearance of complex A and complex B, it was previously postulated that complex A represents a functional intermediate in spliceosome assembly. Complex A was partially purified and shown to be a required intermediate for complex B (spliceosome) formation. Thus, a spliceosome pathway is for the first time supported by direct biochemical evidence: RNA+U1 snRNP+?U2 auxiliary factor+?Y----CC+U2 snRNP+Z----A+U4/6,5 snRNPs+ beta----B.  相似文献   

DNA excision repair in mammalian cell extracts.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The many genetic complementation groups of DNA excision-repair defective mammalian cells indicate the considerable complexity of the excision repair process. The cloning of several repair genes is taking the field a step closer to mechanistic studies of the actions and interactions of repair proteins. Early biochemical studies of mammalian DNA repair in vitro are now at hand. Repair synthesis in damaged DNA can be monitored by following the incorporation of radiolabelled nucleotides. Synthesis is carried out by mammalian cell extracts and is defective in extracts from cell lines derived from individuals with the excision-repair disorder xeroderma pigmentosum. Biochemical complementation of the defective extracts can be used to purify repair proteins. Repair of damage caused by agents including ultraviolet irradiation, psoralens, and platinating compounds has been observed. Neutralising antibodies against the human single-stranded DNA binding protein (HSSB) have demonstrated a requirement for this protein in DNA excision repair as well as in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Double strand break rejoining by mammalian mitochondrial extracts.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
DNA end-joining was measured by incubating linearized plasmid DNA with mitochondrial protein extracts. A spectrum of end-joined molecules ranging from re-circularized monomer to dimer and higher molecular weight forms was observed. The DNA end-joining reaction required ATP and Mg2+, and was inhibited by sodium chloride. Both cohesive- and blunt-ended DNA molecules were end-joined, although the former were more efficient substrates. Molecular analysis of rejoined molecules revealed that >95% of the linearized DNA were precisely end-joined. The few imprecisely end-joined molecules recovered, sustained deletions that spanned direct repeat sequences. The deletions observed are strikingly similar to those present in mitochondrial genomes of patients with Kearns-Sayre or Pearson syndromes, certain ophthalmic myopathies and the aged. These results suggest that mammalian mitochondria possess a DNA double strand break repair activity similar to that seen in the nucleus, and that this repair pathway may play a role in the generation of mitochondrial DNA deletions associated with a number of human pathologies.  相似文献   

Recombinant (r)HMfB (archaealhistone B fromMethanothermusfervidus) formed complexes with increasing stability with DNA molecules increasing in length from 52 to 100 bp, but not with a 39 bp molecule. By using125I-labeled rHMfB-YY (an rHMfB variant with I31Y and M35Y replacements) and32P-labeled 100 bp DNA, these complexes, designated archaeal nucleosomes, have been shown to contain an archaeal histone tetramer. Consistent with DNA bending and wrapping, addition of DNA ligase to archaeal nucleosomes assembled with 88 and 128 bp DNAs resulted in covalently-closed monomeric circular DNAs which, following histone removal, were positively supercoiled based on their electrophoretic mobilities in the presence of ethidium bromide before and after relaxation by calf thymus topoisomerase I. Ligase addition to mixtures of rHMfB with 53 or 30 bp DNA molecules also resulted in circular DNAs but these were circular dimers and trimers. These short DNA molecules apparently had to be ligated into longer linear multimers for assembly into archaeal nucleosomes and ligation into circles. rHMfB assembled into archaeal nucleosomes at lower histone to DNA ratios with the supercoiled, circular ligation product than with the original 88 bp linear version of this molecule. Archaeal histones are most similar to the globular histone fold region of eukaryal histone H4, and the results reported are consistent with archaeal nucleosomes resembling the structure formed by eukaryal histone (H3+H4)2tetramers.  相似文献   

Protein-free DNA in a cytosolic extract supplemented with SV40 large T-antigen (T-Ag), is assembled into chromatin structure when nuclear extract is added. This assembly was monitored by topoisomer formation, micrococcal nuclease digestion and psoralen crosslinking of the DNA. Plasmids containing SV40 sequences (ori- and ori+) were assembled into chromatin with similar efficiencies whether T-Ag was present or not. Approximately 50-80% of the number of nucleosomes in vivo could be assembled in vitro; however, the kinetics of assembly differed on replicated and unreplicated molecules. In replicative intermediates, nucleosomes were observed on both the pre-replicated and post-replicated portions. We conclude that the extent of nucleosome assembly in mammalian cell extracts is not dependent upon DNA replication, in contrast to previous suggestions. However, the highly sensitive psoralen assay revealed that DNA replication appears to facilitate precise folding of DNA in the nucleosome.  相似文献   

An efficient method for producing the covalent closure of oligonucleotides on complementary templates by the action of BrCN was developed. A rational design of linear precursor oligonucleotides was studied, and the effect of factors such as oligonucleotide concentration and oligomer-template length ratio was evaluated. The efficiency of circularization was shown to correlate well with the secondary structure of the precursor oligomer (as predicted by a simple computer analysis), hairpin-like structures bearing free termini clearly favouring the circularization reaction. A novel idea, consisting of the incorporation of non-nucleotide insertions in the precursor oligomer (namely, 1,2-dideoxy-D-ribofuranose residues), may render this method universal and highly effective. An original set of assays was developed to confirm the circular structure of the covalently closed oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian nuclear transfer   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With the exception of lymphocytes, the various cell types in a higher multicellular organism have basically an identical genotype but are functionally and morphologically different. This is due to tissue-specific, temporal, and spatial gene expression patterns which are controlled by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Successful cloning of mammals by transfer of nuclei from differentiated tissues into enucleated oocytes demonstrates that these genetic and epigenetic programs can be largely reversed and that cellular totipotency can be restored. Although these experiments indicate an enormous plasticity of nuclei from differentiated tissues, somatic cloning is a rather inefficient and unpredictable process, and a plethora of anomalies have been described in cloned embryos, fetuses, and offspring. Accumulating evidence indicates that incomplete or inappropriate epigenetic reprogramming of donor nuclei is likely to be the primary cause of failures in nuclear transfer. In this review, we discuss the roles of various epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, imprinting, X chromosome inactivation, telomere maintenance, and epigenetic inheritance in normal embryonic development and in the observed abnormalities in clones from different species. Nuclear transfer represents an invaluable tool to experimentally address fundamental questions related to epigenetic reprogramming. Understanding the dynamics and mechanisms underlying epigenetic control will help us solve problems inherent in nuclear transfer technology and enable many applications, including the modulation of cellular plasticity for human cell therapies.  相似文献   

J Garai  J H Clark 《Steroids》1992,57(5):248-256
Nuclear extracts from the uteri of estradiol-implanted rats contain a tyrosinase-like enzyme that has three activities: monophenolase or cresolase, diphenolase or catecholase, and estrogen binding. When [3H]estradiol was used as a substrate, 3H2O was released from the A ring in the presence of copper and ascorbic acid. The optimal concentrations of these cofactors for the cresolase activity were established. The cresolase activity was lost on attempts at further purification. Estradiol binding was observed in conjunction with the enzymatic activity and was dependent on the presence of ascorbic acid and copper. The most potent inhibitors of 3H2O release from [3H]estradiol were those with a dihydroxyphenol moiety. The reaction was also sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents. These features of the enzyme are distinctive from other oxidases capable of attacking the aromatic ring of estrogens.  相似文献   

Replication of polyoma DNA in nuclear extracts and nucleoprotein complexes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Viral nucleoprotein complexes containing radioactive form l DNA or replicative intermediates were extracted from nuclei isolated from polyoma-infected 3T6 fibroblasts, pulse labelled with [3H]thymidine. Such extracts incorporated labelled dGTP into viral DNA, similar to intact isolated nuclei, but at a decreased rate and for shorter periods. The two kinds of nucleoprotein complexes containing form l DNA or replicative intermediates were separated and purified. Each complex retained some capacity to incorporate labelled dGTP and this reaction was stimulated by ATP. The new DNA consisted mainly of short strands hydrogen-bonded to the template. With replicative intermediate complexes incorporation occurred at random into different parts of the viral DNA, while form l complexes incorporated dGTP preferentially into a region around the origin of replication. A crude preparation of T-antigen stimulated the incorporation. The amount of synthesis was low and it was not possible to decide with certainty whether some of the incorporation observed with form 1 complexes represented initiation of new rounds of replication or whether it represented elongation of early replicative intermediates.  相似文献   

Lomax ME  Cunniffe S  O'Neill P 《Biochemistry》2004,43(34):11017-11026
Ionizing radiation induces clustered DNA damage sites which have been shown to challenge the repair mechanism(s) of the cell. Evidence demonstrating that base excision repair is compromised during the repair of an abasic (AP) site present within a clustered damage site is presented. Simple bistranded clustered damage sites, comprised of either an AP-site and 8-oxoG or two AP-sites, one or five bases 3' or 5' to each other, were synthesized in oligonucleotides, and repair was carried out in xrs5 nuclear extracts. The rate of repair of an AP-site when present opposite 8-oxoG is reduced by up to 2-fold relative to that when an AP-site is present as an isolated lesion. The mechanism of repair of the AP-site shows asymmetry, depending on its position relative to 8-oxoG on the opposite strand. The AP-site is rejoined by short-patch base excision repair when the lesions are 5' to each other, whereas when the lesions are 3' to one another, rejoining of the AP-site occurs by both long-patch and short-patch repair processes. The major stalling of repair occurs at the DNA ligase step. 8-OxoG and an AP-site present within a cluster are processed sequentially, limiting the formation of double-strand breaks to <4%. In contrast, when two AP-sites are contained within the clustered DNA damage site, both AP-sites are incised simultaneously, giving rise to double-strand breaks. This study provides new insight into understanding the processes that lead to the biological consequences of radiation-induced DNA damage and ultimately tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

We have developed a high efficiency system in which mammalian extracts join DNA double-strand breaks with non-complementary termini. This system has been used to obtain a large number of junction sequences from a range of different break-end combinations, allowing the elucidation of the joining mechanisms. Using an extract of calf thymus it was found that the major mechanism of joining was by blunt-end ligation following removal or fill-in of the single-stranded bases. However, some break-end combinations were joined through an efficient mechanism using short repeat sequences and we have succeeded in separating this mechanism from blunt-end joining by the biochemical fractionation of extracts. Characterization of activities and sequence data in an extensively purified fraction that will join ends by the repeat mechanism led to a model where joining is initiated by 3' strand invasion followed by pairing to short repeat sequences close to the break site. Thus the joining of double-strand breaks by mammalian extracts is achieved by several mechanisms and this system will allow the purification of the factors involved in each by the judicial choice of the non-complementary ends used in the assay.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of double-strand breaks on homologous recombination between two plasmids in human cells and in nuclear extracts prepared from human and rodent cells. Two pSV2neo plasmids containing nonreverting, nonoverlapping deletions were cotransfected into cells or incubated with cell extracts. Generation of intact neo genes was monitored by the ability of the DNA to confer G418r to cells or Neor to bacteria. We show that double-strand breaks at the sites of the deletions enhanced recombination frequency, whereas breaks outside the neo gene had no effect. Examination of the plasmids obtained from experiments involving the cell extracts revealed that gene conversion events play an important role in the generation of plasmids containing intact neo genes. Studies with plasmids carrying multiple polymorphic genetic markers revealed that markers located within 1,000 base pairs could be readily coconverted. The frequency of coconversion decreased with increasing distance between the markers. The plasmids we constructed along with the in vitro system should permit a detailed analysis of homologous recombinational events mediated by mammalian enzymes.  相似文献   

哺乳动物细胞核移植的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就供体细胞周期阶段和细胞类型对胚胎发育的效果,成熟促进因子对DNA合成的影响,核质关系的协调等核移植理论进行了综述,并简述了核移植技术的应用状况,指出了核移植动物仍存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

The kinetics of entry of [3H]adenosine into ATP, cellular RNA, and nuclear RNA of mouse L cells were determined and analyzed. A molar accumulation curve for RNA was estimated from the specific radioactivities of RNA and ATP; this curve was resolved graphically into stable and unstable components. The stability of the unstable component (mostly heterogeneous nuclear RNA) was estimated by applying first-order decay analysis. Heterogeneous, nuclear RNA decays with an apparently uniform half-life of 23 minutes, considerably greater than some previous estimates. It is synthesized at an instantaneous rate of 5.4 × 10?2 pg/cell per minute and reaches a steady-state level of 1.8 pg/cell in the nucleus, or 7% of the total cellular RNA. Only about 2% of the heterogeneous RNA synthesized in L cells enters polysomes as messenger RNA. The implications of these values are discussed with reference to similarly determined values for sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

Earlier amino acid alignments of mature beta-caseins showed that the human protein was shifted in alignment relative to other species, with amino acid deletions in the N-terminal region and others inserted in the C-terminal region. Our alignment, based on cDNA sequences and their translation products, has shown that the amino acid deletions correspond exactly to exon 3 in the other species. Cloning and sequencing of a segment of the human beta-casein gene between exons 2 and 4 revealed the presence of an intact exon 3 sequence in the gene. An interruption of the polypyrimidine tract adjacent to the 5' end of exon 3 sequence may account for the omission of the exon from human beta-casein mRNA.  相似文献   

An optimized method for analysis of free amino acids using a modified lithium-citrate buffer system with a Hitachi L-8800 amino acid analyzer is described. It demonstrates clear advantages over the sodium-citrate buffer system commonly used for the analysis of protein hydrolysates. A sample pretreatment technique for amino acid analysis of brain extracts is also discussed. The focus has been placed on the possibility of quantitative determination of the reduced form of glutathione (GSH) with simultaneous analysis of all other amino acids in brain extracts. The method was validated and calibration coefficient (K GSH) was determined. Examples of chromatographic separation of free amino acids in extracts derived from different parts of the brain are presented.  相似文献   

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