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Assembly of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ at or near the cytoplasmic membrane is one of the earliest steps in division of bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Exactly what constitutes the site at which FtsZ acts is less clear. To investigate the influence of the membrane phospholipids on FtsZ localization and assembly, we have elaborated with the Langmuir technique a two-lipid monolayer made of dilauryl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DLPE) and dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DPPG). This monolayer comprised stable condensed domains in an expanded continuous phase. In the presence of GTP, FtsZ assembly disrupts the condensed domains within 5 min. After several hours, with or without GTP, FtsZ assembled into large aggregates at the domain interface. We suggest that the GTP-induced polymerization of FtsZ is coupled to the association of FtsZ protofilaments with domain interfaces. 相似文献
In this review we describe proteins and supermolecular structures which take part in the division of bacterial cells. FtsZ, a eukaryotic tubulin homolog is a key cell division protein in most prokaryotes. FtsZ, as well as tubulin, is capable of binding and hydrolyzing GTP. The division of a bacterial cell begins with the forming of a so-called divisome. The basis of such a divisome is a contractile ring (Z ring) which encircles the cell about midcell. The Z-ring consists of a bundle of laterally bound protofilaments formed in result of FtsZ polymerization. Z-ring is rigidly bounded to the cytosolic side of the inner membrane with the participation of FtsA, ZipA, FtsW and many other divisome cell division proteins. The ring directs the process of cytokinesis transmitting constriction power to the membrane. The primary structures of the prokaryotic FtsZ family members significantly differ from eukaryotic tubulins except for the sites of GTP binding. There is a high degree of structural homology between these proteins in the region. FtsZ is one of the most conserved proteins in prokaryotes. However, ftsZ genes have not been found in several species of microorganisms with completely sequenced genomes. They include two species of mycoplasmas (Ureaplasma parvum and Mycoplasma mobile), Prostecobacter dejongeii, 10 species of chlamydia and 5 species of archaea. Consequently, these organisms divide without FtsZ participation. The genomes of U. parvum and M. mobile have many open reading frames which encode proteins with unknown functions. A comparison of the primary structures of these hypothetical proteins did not identify any known cell division proteins. We hypothesize that the process of cell division in these organisms should involve proteins similar to FtsZ in function and homologous to FtsZ or other cell division proteins in structure. 相似文献
Translin and Trax are components of an RNA binding complex initially detected in extracts of brain and testes. Although other tissues appear to contain much lower or negligible levels of the Translin/Trax gel-shift complex, we found, unexpectedly, that several of these peripheral tissues express Translin and Trax proteins at levels comparable to those present in brain. In this study, we demonstrate that the paradoxically low levels of the Translin/Trax complex in kidney and other peripheral tissues are due to masking of these sites by endogenous RNA. Thus, these findings indicate that the Translin/Trax complex is involved in RNA processing in a broader range of tissues than previously recognized. 相似文献
Santra MK Beuria TK Banerjee A Panda D 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2004,279(25):25959-25965
The assembly of FtsZ plays a major role in bacterial cell division, and it is thought that the assembly dynamics of FtsZ is a finely regulated process. Here, we show that ruthenium red is able to modulate FtsZ assembly in vitro. In contrast to the inhibitory effects of ruthenium red on microtubule polymerization, we found that a substoichiometric concentration of ruthenium red strongly increased the light-scattering signal of FtsZ assembly. Further, sedimentable polymer mass was increased by 1.5- and 2-fold in the presence of 2 and 10 microm ruthenium red, respectively. In addition, ruthenium red strongly reduced the GTPase activity and prevented dilution-induced disassembly of FtsZ polymers. Electron microscopic analysis showed that 4-10 microm of ruthenium red produced thick bundles of FtsZ polymers. The significant increase in the light-scattering signal and pelletable polymer mass in the presence of ruthenium red seemed to be due to the bundling of FtsZ protofilaments into larger polymers rather than the actual increase in the level of polymeric FtsZ. Furthermore, ruthenium red was found to copolymerize with FtsZ, and the copolymerization of substoichiometric amounts of ruthenium red with FtsZ polymers promoted cooperative assembly of FtsZ that produced large bundles. Calcium inhibited the binding of ruthenium red to FtsZ. However, a concentration of calcium 1000-fold higher than that of ruthenium red was required to produce similar effects on FtsZ assembly. Ruthenium red strongly modulated FtsZ polymerization, suggesting the presence of an important regulatory site on FtsZ and suggesting that a natural ligand, which mimics the action of ruthenium red, may regulate the assembly of FtsZ in bacteria. 相似文献
Kuchibhatla A Bellare J Panda D 《International journal of biological macromolecules》2011,49(4):737-741
The assembly of FtsZ plays an important role in bacterial cell division. Lipids in the bacterial cell membrane have been suggested to play a role in directing the site of FtsZ assembly. Using lipid monolayer and bilayer (liposome) systems, we directly examined the effects of cationic lipids on FtsZ assembly. We found that cationic lipids enhanced the assembly of FtsZ in association with an increase in the GTPase activity of FtsZ. The system consisting of lipid monolayer and bilayer (liposome) may mimic the bacterial membrane and therefore, the data might indicate the influence of bacterial membrane on the assembly of FtsZ protofilaments. 相似文献
Berberine is a plant alkaloid that is widely used as an anti-infective in traditional medicine. Escherichia coli exposed to berberine form filaments, suggesting an antibacterial mechanism that involves inhibition of cell division. Berberine is a DNA ligand and may induce filamentation through induction of the SOS response. Also, there is biochemical evidence for berberine inhibition of the cell division protein FtsZ. Here we aimed to assess possible berberine mechanism(s) of action in growing bacteria using genetics tools.Methodology/Principal Findings
First, we tested whether berberine inhibits bacterial growth through DNA damage and induction of the SOS response. The SOS response induced by berberine was much lower compared to that induced by mitomycin C in an SOS response reporter strain. Also, cell filamentation was observed in an SOS-negative E. coli strain. To test whether berberine inhibits FtsZ, we assessed its effects on formation of the cell division Z-rings, and observed a dramatic reduction in Z-rings in the presence of berberine. We next used two different strategies for RNA silencing of ftsZ and both resulted in sensitisation of bacteria to berberine, visible as a drop in the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Furthermore, Fractional Inhibitory Concentration Indices (FICIs) showed a high level of synergy between ftsZ silencing and berberine treatment (FICI values of 0.23 and 0.25 for peptide nucleic acid- and expressed antisense RNA-based silencing of ftsZ, respectively). Finally, over-expression of ftsZ led to a mild rescue effect in berberine-treated cells.Conclusions
The results argue against DNA binding as the primary mechanism of action of berberine and support the hypothesis that its antibacterial properties are due to inhibition of the cell division protein FtsZ. In addition, the genetic approach used here provides a means to rapidly test the activity of other putative FtsZ inhibitors. 相似文献7.
In this review we have tried to describe proteins and supermolecular structures which take part in the division of bacterial cell. The principal cell division protein of the most of prokaryotes is FtsZ, a homologue of eukaryotic tubulin. FtsZ just as tubulin is capable to bind and hydrolyze GTP. The division of bacterial cell begins with forming of so called divisome. The basis of such divisome is a contractile ring (Z ring); the ring encircles the cell about midcell. Z ring consists of a bundle of laterally bound protofilaments, which have been formed as a result of FtsZ polymerization. Z ring is rigidly bounded to cytozolic side of inner membrane with participation of FtsA, ZipA, FtsW and many other cell division proteins of divisome. The ring directs the process of cytokinesis transmitting power of constriction to membrane. Primary structures of members of the family of prokaryotic FtsZs differ from eukaryotic tubulines significantly except the region, where the site of GTP binding is placed. There is high degree of homology between structures of these proteins in the region. FtsZ is one of the most conservative proteins in prokaryotes, but ftsZ genes have not been found in completely sequenced genomes of several species of microorganisms. There are 2 species of mycoplasmas (Ureaplasma parvum and Mycoplasma mobile), Prostecobacter dejongeii, 10 species of chlamydia and 5 species of archaea among them. So these organisms divide without FtsZ. There are many open reading frames which encode proteins with unknown functions in genomes of U. parvum and M. mobile. The comparison of primary structures of these hypothetical proteins with structures of cell division proteins did not allow researchers to find similar proteins among them. We suppose that the process of cell division of these organisms should recruit proteins with function similar to FtsZ and having homologous with FtsZ or other cell division proteins spatial structures. 相似文献
Mitochondrial fission requires the division of both the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. Dynamin-related proteins operate in division of the outer membrane of probably all mitochondria, and also that of chloroplasts--organelles that have a bacterial origin like mitochondria. How the inner mitochondrial membrane divides is less well established. Homologues of the major bacterial division protein, FtsZ, are known to reside inside mitochondria of the chromophyte alga Mallomonas, a red alga, and the slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, where these proteins are likely to act in division of the organelle. Mitochondrial FtsZ is, however, absent from the genomes of higher eukaryotes (animals, fungi, and plants), even though FtsZs are known to be essential for the division of probably all chloroplasts. To begin to understand why higher eukaryotes have lost mitochondrial FtsZ, we have sampled various diverse protists to determine which groups have retained the gene. Database searches and degenerate PCR uncovered genes for likely mitochondrial FtsZs from the glaucocystophyte Cyanophora paradoxa, the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, two haptophyte algae, and two diatoms--one being Thalassiosira pseudonana, the draft genome of which is now available. From Thalassiosira we also identified two chloroplast FtsZs, one of which appears to be undergoing a C-terminal shortening that may be common to many organellar FtsZs. Our data indicate that many protists still employ the FtsZ-based ancestral mitochondrial division mechanism, and that mitochondrial FtsZ has been lost numerous times in the evolution of eukaryotes. 相似文献
Rivas G López A Mingorance J Ferrándiz MJ Zorrilla S Minton AP Vicente M Andreu JM 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2000,275(16):11740-11749
The bacterial cell division protein FtsZ from Escherichia coli has been purified with a new calcium precipitation method. The protein contains one GDP and one Mg(2+) bound, it shows GTPase activity, and requires GTP and Mg(2+) to polymerize into long thin filaments at pH 6.5. FtsZ, with moderate ionic strength and low Mg(2+) concentrations, at pH 7.5, is a compact and globular monomer. Mg(2+) induces FtsZ self-association into oligomers, which has been studied by sedimentation equilibrium over a wide range of Mg(2+) and FtsZ concentrations. The oligomer formation mechanism is best described as an indefinite self-association, with binding of an additional Mg(2+) for each FtsZ monomer added to the growing oligomer, and a slight gradual decrease of the affinity of addition of a protomer with increasing oligomer size. The sedimentation velocity of FtsZ oligomer populations is compatible with a linear single-stranded arrangement of FtsZ monomers and a spacing of 4 nm. It is proposed that these FtsZ oligomers and the polymers formed under assembly conditions share a similar axial interaction between monomers (like in the case of tubulin, the eukaryotic homolog of FtsZ). Similar mechanisms may apply to FtsZ assembly in vivo, but additional factors, such as macromolecular crowding, nucleoid occlusion, or specific interactions with other cellular components active in septation have to be invoked to explain FtsZ assembly into a division ring. 相似文献
Bacterial FtsZ assembles and constricts after chromosomal segregation in the course of cell division. Here we examined the localization of FtsZ in multinucleated swarmer cells of Proteus mirabilis by immunostaining. FtsZ was found to localize to the point of karyomitosis in swarmer cells of P. mirabilis, which is equivalent to filamentous mutants of Escherichia coli defective in the ftsI or ftsQ genes that are involved in later steps of cell division. Thus our findings suggest that the appearance of swarmer cells results from cellular functions immediately after FtsZ assembly. 相似文献
Huecas S Schaffner-Barbero C García W Yébenes H Palacios JM Díaz JF Menéndez M Andreu JM 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2007,282(52):37515-37528
Prokaryotic cell division protein FtsZ, an assembling GTPase, directs the formation of the septosome between daughter cells. FtsZ is an attractive target for the development of new antibiotics. Assembly dynamics of FtsZ is regulated by the binding, hydrolysis, and exchange of GTP. We have determined the energetics of nucleotide binding to model apoFtsZ from Methanococcus jannaschii and studied the kinetics of 2'/3'-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl) (mant)-nucleotide binding and dissociation from FtsZ polymers, employing calorimetric, fluorescence, and stopped-flow methods. FtsZ binds GTP and GDP with K(b) values ranging from 20 to 300 microm(-1) under various conditions. GTP.Mg(2+) and GDP.Mg(2+) bind with slightly reduced affinity. Bound GTP and the coordinated Mg(2+) ion play a minor structural role in FtsZ monomers, but Mg(2+)-assisted GTP hydrolysis triggers polymer disassembly. Mant-GTP binds and dissociates quickly from FtsZ monomers, with approximately 10-fold lower affinity than GTP. Mant-GTP displacement measured by fluorescence anisotropy provides a method to test the binding of any competing molecules to the FtsZ nucleotide site. Mant-GTP is very slowly hydrolyzed and remains exchangeable in FtsZ polymers, but it becomes kinetically stabilized, with a 30-fold slower k(+) and approximately 500-fold slower k(-) than in monomers. The mant-GTP dissociation rate from FtsZ polymers is comparable with the GTP hydrolysis turnover and with the reported subunit turnover in Escherichia coli FtsZ polymers. Although FtsZ polymers can exchange nucleotide, unlike its eukaryotic structural homologue tubulin, GDP dissociation may be slow enough for polymer disassembly to take place first, resulting in FtsZ polymers cycling with GTP hydrolysis similarly to microtubules. 相似文献
I. E. Vishnyakov S. N. Borchsenius Yu. I. Basovskii S. A. Levitskii V. N. Lazarev E. S. Snigirevskaya Ya. Yu. Komissarchik 《Cell and Tissue Biology》2009,3(3):254-262
The localization of FtsZ protein in M. hominis cells was studied by immunoelectron microscopy with polyclonal antibodies to this protein. Cell polymorphism typical for mycoplasmas was seen on electron microscopic pictures. Among the diversity of cell shapes, we distinguished dumbbell-shaped dividing cells and cells connected with each other by membrane tubules (former constrictions). The label was predominantly observed in the constriction area of dividing M. hominis cells and on thin membrane tubules. A septum and the gold labeling of this structure have not been described before in mycoplasma cells. For the first time, in some rounded and oval cells, colloidal gold particles labeled the entire plasma membrane, probably marking a submembranous contractile ring (Z ring). These observations confirm the implication of FtsZ protein in M. hominis cytokinesis. In some cells, the spiral-like distribution of gold particles was observed. Most likely, FtsZ protofilaments in M. hominis cells form spiral structures similar to Z spirals in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Their presence in mycoplasma cells may be considered to be an important argument in favor of Z ring assembly through the reorganization of Z spirals. FtsZ as a bacterial cytoskeleton protein binding with membrane directly or through intermediates may be engaged in maintenance of M. hominis cell shape. 相似文献
The essential bacterial cell division protein FtsZ (filamentation temperature-sensitive protein Z) is a distant homologue to the eukaryotic cytoskeletal protein tubulin. We have examined the GTP hydrolytic activity of Escherichia coli FtsZ using a real-time fluorescence assay that monitors phosphate production. The GTPase activity shows a dramatic, nonlinear dependence on FtsZ concentration, with activity only observed at enzyme concentrations greater than 1 microM. At 5 microM FtsZ, we have determined a K(m) of 82 microM GTP and a V(max) of 490 nmol of P(i) min(-1) (mg of protein)(-1). Hydrolysis of GTP requires Mg(2+) and other divalent cations substitute only poorly for this requirement. We have compared the concentration dependence of FtsZ GTPase activity with the oligomeric state by use of analytical ultracentrifugation and chemical cross-linking. Equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation experiments show that FtsZ exists as 68% dimer and 13% trimer at 2 microM total protein concentration. Chemical cross-linking of FtsZ also shows that monomer, dimer, trimer, and tetramer species are present at higher (>2 microM) FtsZ concentrations. However, as shown by analytical centrifugation, GDP-bound FtsZ is significantly shifted to the monomeric state, which suggests that GTP hydrolysis regulates polymer destabilization. We also monitored the effect of nucleotide and metal ion on the secondary structure of FtsZ; nucleotide yielded no evidence of structural changes in FtsZ, but both Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) had significant effects on secondary structure. Taken together, our results support the hypothesis that Mg(2+)-dependent GTP hydrolysis by FtsZ requires oligomerization of FtsZ. On the basis of these results and structural comparisons with the alpha-beta tubulin dimer, GTP is likely hydrolyzed in a shared active site formed between two monomer subunits. 相似文献
The assembly dynamics of FtsZ, a prokaryotic homolog of tubulin, are important for their role in bacterial cytokinesis. Here we used isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to measure the heat of FtsZ self-association under various conditions. The measurements were designed to test whether FtsZ protofilaments are assembled by an isodesmic (linear aggregates in which each bond has an identical equilibrium constant) or a cooperative (aggregates only become stable after forming a oligomeric nucleus) assembly process. The isodesmic model can fit the assembly in GDP closely but cannot fit the assembly in GTP. FtsZ-GTP without Mg(2+) exhibits an apparent critical concentration, which is indicative of cooperative assembly, near 2.9 microm. With 2.5 mm Mg(2+) (which allows FtsZ to hydrolyze GTP) the critical concentration is reduced 10-fold to approximately 0.31 microm. Both with and without Mg(2+) there is no evidence for assembly below the critical concentration, but there is an abrupt transition to full assembly above. The ITC data are highly suggestive of a cooperative assembly, although this is difficult to reconcile with the 1-subunit-thick protofilaments observed by electron microscopy. 相似文献
The identity of protease(s), which would degrade bacterial cell division protein FtsZ in vivo, remains unknown. However, we had earlier demonstrated that Escherichia coli metalloprotease FtsH degrades E. coli cell division protein FtsZ in an ATP- and Zn(2+)-dependent manner in vitro. In this study, we examined FtsH protease-mediated degradation of FtsZ in vitro in detail using seven different deletion mutants of FtsZ as the substrates, which lack different extents of specific regions at the N- or C-terminus. FtsH protease assay in vitro on these mutants revealed that FtsH could degrade all the seven deletion mutants irrespective of the deletions or the extent of deletions at the N- or C-terminus. These observations indicated that neither the N-terminus nor the C-terminus was required for the degradation of FtsZ, like already known in the case of the FtsH substrate sigma(32) protein. The recombinant clones expressing full-length FtsZ protein and FtsZ deletion mutant proteins would be useful in investigating the possibility of FtsZ as a potential in vivo substrate for FtsH in ftsH-null cells carrying ftsH suppressor function and ectopically expressed FtsH protease. 相似文献
Using environment-sensitive fluorescence of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid, polarization of fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate-labeled FtsZ, and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy, the chemical unfolding of FtsZ was found to proceed through two steps. The first step of the urea-induced unfolding produced an intermediate, which then unfolded at higher concentrations of urea. The intermediate state contains native-like secondary structure and much less tertiary structure compared with the native state. It is distinct from the native state as well as from the unfolded state. Similar to urea-induced unfolding of FtsZ, thermal unfolding of FtsZ also occurs in two steps. The midpoints for the first and second thermal unfolding transitions were found to be 38 +/- 4 and 77 +/- 5 degrees C, respectively. Further, the functional properties of FtsZ are extremely sensitive to urea, guanidium chloride, and sodium dodecyl sulfate. For example, 50% inhibition of the FtsZ assembly and GTP hydrolysis occurred at 0.1 and 0.2 m of urea, respectively. FtsZ lost its functional properties before any significant perturbation in the secondary or tertiary structure was detected by using several fluorescence techniques and far UV-CD indicating preferential local unfolding of the functional region(s). In addition, the unfolded FtsZ regains its ability to polymerize fully upon removal of urea. The data taken together suggest that FtsZ unfolds reversibly through a multistep process, and local responses that inhibit functional properties precede the global transition of FtsZ to the unfolded state. 相似文献
The ever increasing problem of antibiotic resistance necessitates a search for new drug molecules that would target novel proteins in the prokaryotic system. FtsZ is one such target protein involved in the bacterial cell division machinery. In this study, we have shown that berberine, a natural plant alkaloid, targets Escherichia coli FtsZ, inhibits the assembly kinetics of the Z-ring, and perturbs cytokinesis. It also destabilizes FtsZ protofilaments and inhibits the FtsZ GTPase activity. Saturation transfer difference NMR spectroscopy of the FtsZ-berberine complex revealed that the dimethoxy groups, isoquinoline nucleus, and benzodioxolo ring of berberine are intimately involved in the interaction with FtsZ. Berberine perturbs the Z-ring morphology by disturbing its typical midcell localization and reduces the frequency of Z-rings per unit cell length to half. Berberine binds FtsZ with high affinity ( K D approximately 0.023 microM) and displaces bis-ANS, suggesting that it may bind FtsZ in a hydrophobic pocket. Isothermal titration calorimetry suggests that the FtsZ-berberine interaction occurs spontaneously and is enthalpy/entropy-driven. In silico molecular modeling suggests that the rearrangement of the side chains of the hydrophobic residues in the GTP binding pocket may facilitate the binding of the berberine to FtsZ and lead to inhibition of the association between FtsZ monomers. Together, these results clearly indicate the inhibitory role of berberine on the assembly function of FtsZ, establishing it as a novel FtsZ inhibitor that halts the first stage in bacterial cell division. 相似文献
Srinivasan R Rajeswari H Bhatt BN Indi S Ajitkumar P 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2007,357(1):38-43
Factors contributing to the stability of bacterial cell division protein FtsZ remain unknown. In order to identify FtsZ-stabilizing factor(s), we exploited FtsH protease-based in vitro FtsZ degradation assay system. Whole cell lysate from an ftsH-null strain of Escherichia coli inhibited degradation of FtsZ by FtsH in vitro. However, activated charcoal-treated lysate did not inhibit degradation. The loss of ability of the activated charcoal-treated lysate to inhibit degradation of FtsZ was restored when it was replenished with GTP, but not when replenished with other NTPs or dNTPs. The lysate did not protect either FtsZ deletion mutants, which do not bind GTP, or FtsH substrates, sigma(32) and cI-108 proteins, against FtsH. GDP and GTPgammaS also stabilized FtsZ against FtsH. Neither GTP nor GDP inhibited proteolytic activity of FtsH per se. These observations demonstrate that binding of GTP/GDP ligands is responsible for the proteolytic stability of FtsZ against FtsH. 相似文献
S100B is a small, dimeric EF-hand calcium-binding protein abundant in vertebrates. Upon calcium binding, S100B undergoes a conformational change allowing it to interact with a variety of target proteins, including the cytoskeletal proteins tubulin and glial fibrillary acidic protein. In both cases, S100B promotes the in vitro disassembly of these proteins in a calcium-sensitive manner. Despite this, there is little in vivo evidence for the interaction of proteins such as tubulin with S100B. To probe these interactions, we studied the expression of human S100B in Escherichia coli and its interaction with the prokaryotic ancestor of tubulin, FtsZ, the major protein involved in bacterial division. Expression of S100B protein in E. coli results in little change in FtsZ protein levels, causes a filamenting bacterial phenotype characteristic of FtsZ inhibition, and leads to missed rounds of cell division. Further, S100B localizes to positions similar to those of FtsZ in bacterial filaments: the small foci at the poles, the mid-cell positions, and between the nucleoids at regular intervals. Calcium-dependent physical interaction between S100B and FtsZ was demonstrated in vitro by affinity chromatography, and this interaction was severely inhibited by the competitor peptide TRTK-12. Together these results indicate that S100B interacts with the tubulin homologue FtsZ in vivo, modulating its activity in bacterial cell division. This approach will present an important step for the study of S100 protein interactions in vivo. 相似文献