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本文根据GenBank 中巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)的PGA基因序列设计了上下游引物,通过PCR扩增出巨大芽孢杆菌1.1741中的PGA基因。将该基因连接到T7lac启动子控制下的表达载体pYES2(amp+,ura+)上,构建了重组质粒pYES2-PGA。用LiAc/SSDNA/PEG方法将其转化进酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)H158中表达,在不需要苯乙酸诱导的重组菌株发酵液中检测到了青霉素酰化酶活性,最高酶活达到0.75 U/ml。将该PGA基因测序结果与GenBank中巨大芽孢杆菌L04471.1、U07682.1和Z37542三株的PGA基因序列比对,表现出很高的同源性,分别达到97.1%、99.8% 和99.8%。  相似文献   

王国正  吴群  徐岩 《微生物学通报》2015,42(12):2407-2416
【目的】高级醇是白酒微量香气成分中的重要组成部分,但是高级醇含量过高会对酒的品质产生不利影响,而白酒中的高级醇主要是在酒精发酵过程由酵母产生的,因此酿酒酵母高级醇合成相关蛋白的研究对于控制高级醇产生具有重要意义。【方法】以诱变得到的低产高级醇酿酒酵母菌株ARTP5和原始酿酒酵母菌株CF4为研究对象,比较两株酵母的胞内蛋白组差异,寻找高级醇合成相关蛋白。【结果】与原始菌株CF4相比,诱变菌株ARTP5高级醇产量降低了20%,有45个胞内蛋白表达量差异2倍以上,通过MALDITOF-MS质谱鉴定出29个,主要包括碳源和能量代谢、胁迫反应过程、蛋白翻译和折叠过程、氨基酸代谢和高级醇代谢等途径的蛋白,其中ARTP5菌株表达上调的支链氨基酸代谢合成途径的ILV5蛋白和表达下调的高级醇合成途径中的ADH1蛋白与诱变菌株ARTP5高级醇降低具有一定相关性。【结论】与高级醇合成具有一定相关性蛋白的发现对于酿酒酵母酒精发酵过程高级醇的合成机制的解析以及白酒酿造过程高级醇产量的控制有重要意义。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母类丙酮酸脱羧酶基因缺失对高级醇生成量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝欣  肖冬光  张翠英 《微生物学报》2010,50(8):1030-1035
【目的】通过构建酿酒酵母类丙酮酸脱羧酶基因(YDL080C)缺失的工程菌株,研究该基因对酿酒酵母浓醪发酵产高级醇特别是异戊醇的影响。【方法】以酿酒酵母工业菌株AY-15的单倍体a-8或α-22的基因组DNA为模板,PCR分别扩增YDL080C上下游非编码区片段YA和YB;以pUG6质粒为模板,PCR扩增KanMX抗性基因片段。分别将YA、YB和KanMX片段连入pUC19载体,构建重组质粒pUC-YABK;并以其为模板,PCR扩增YA-KanMX-YB重组盒,分别电转化单倍体a-8和α-22。将转化子和亲本分别进行酒精浓醪发酵,发酵结束后测定其发酵性能和高级醇的生成量。【结果】筛选获得了YDL080C基因缺失突变株。酒精发酵后发酵性能和高级醇测定结果显示,转化子的异戊醇及总高级醇生成量与对应的单倍体亲本相比没有明显变化,但酒精度分别比亲本提高了0.6(%,v/v)和0.4(%,v/v)。【结论】YDL080C基因缺失对降低酿酒酵母发酵产高级醇特别是异戊醇没有明显作用,但会使酒精度有所提高。  相似文献   

外源基因元件和模块在底盘细胞中发挥特定功能是合成生物学研究的基本过程,而外源元件和模块在基因组中的位置对其功能的实现具有显著影响。为了系统、全面地表征酿酒酵母基因组位置效应对外源基因的表达影响,以绿色荧光蛋白为报告基因,通过双交换同源重组方法,对酿酒酵母单基因敲除库进行高通量转化,构建酿酒酵母基因组单位点荧光标记菌株库。结合流式细胞术和高通量测序技术对单位点荧光标记库菌株进行分析,构建高表达位点库和低表达位点库,共发现促进绿色荧光蛋白表达的位点428个,抑制绿色荧光蛋白表达的位点444个。通过分析高、低表达位点在酵母染色体上的分布,从全基因组尺度上对酿酒酵母基因组整合位置对基因表达的影响进行表征。本研究可为酿酒酵母基因组位置效应的分布规律和产生机理研究提供重要参考,对外源蛋白工业生产和合成生物学中的基因表达精细调控也具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

We have constructed cDNA microarrays for soybean (Glycine maxL. Merrill), containing approximately 4,100 Unigene ESTs derived from axenic roots, to evaluate their application and utility for functional genomics of organ differentiation in legumes. We assessed microarray technology by conducting studies to evaluate the accuracy of microarray data and have found them to be both reliable and reproducible in repeat hybridisations. Several ESTs showed high levels (50 fold) of differential expression in either root or shoot tissue of soybean. A small number of physiologically interesting, and differentially expressed sequences found by microarray analysis were verified by both quantitative real-time RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis. There was a linear correlation (r2 = 0.99, over 5 orders of magnitude) between microarray and quantitative real-time RT-PCR data. Microarray analysis of soybean has enormous potential not only for the discovery of new genes involved in tissue differentiation and function, but also to study the expression of previously characterised genes, gene networks and gene interactions in wild-type, mutant or transgenic plants.  相似文献   

A multispecies-based taxonomic microarray targeting coding sequences of diverged orthologous genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces paradoxus, Saccharomyces mikatae, Saccharomyces bayanus, Saccharomyces kudriavzevii, Naumovia castellii, Lachancea kluyveri and Candida glabrata was designed to allow identification of isolates of these species and their interspecies hybrids. Analysis of isolates of several Saccharomyces species and interspecies hybrids demonstrated the ability of the microarray to differentiate these yeasts on the basis of their specific hybridization patterns. Subsequent analysis of 183 supposed S. cerevisiae isolates of various ecological and geographical backgrounds revealed one misclassified S. bayanus or Saccharomyces uvarum isolate and four aneuploid interspecies hybrids, one between S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus and three between S. cerevisiae and S. kudriavzevii . Furthermore, this microarray design allowed the detection of multiple introgressed S. paradoxus DNA fragments in the genomes of three different S. cerevisiae isolates. These results show the power of multispecies-based microarrays as taxonomic tools for the identification of species and interspecies hybrids, and their ability to provide a more detailed characterization of interspecies hybrids and recombinants.  相似文献   

应用cDNA微阵列技术筛选大鼠脊髓损伤修复相关基因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xiao L  Ma ZL  Li X  Lin QX  Que HP  Liu SJ 《生理学报》2005,57(6):705-713
脊髓损伤是一类常见的、高致残率的中枢神经系统疾病,由于多种复杂因素影响其损伤后的修复过程,损伤脊髓的再生能力非常有限。本研究采用cDNA微阵列技术筛选大鼠脊髓损伤后出现的差异表达基因。实验组动物在T8-T9进行脊髓全横断手术,对照组动物只打开椎板;4.5d后取脊髓进行RNA提取并在反转录过程中进行Cy3/Cy5标记,然后与预制的、带有4041条特异性探针的芯片进行杂交。Cy5/Cy3信号比值≥2.0视为脊髓损伤后出现差异表达的基因。通过筛选,我们得到了65个上调表达基因(21个已知基因,30个已知EST和14个未知基因)和79个下调基因(20个已知基因,42个已知EST和17个未知基因)。进一步通过半定量RT-PCR对其中的5个上调已知基因(Timpl,Tagln,Vim,Fc gamma receptor,Ctss)和三个下调已知基因(stearyl-CoA desaturase,F2,Ensa)的表达情况进行了验证,结果显示与芯片结果一致。这些基因可能在脊髓损伤后的修复过程中起一定的作用,对其深入研究将有助于揭示脊髓损伤修复的分子机制。  相似文献   

为解析骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)自发恶性转化的遗传学基础, 探讨其临床可用性和安全性。采用密度梯度离心法和贴壁筛选法分离大鼠MSCs, 流式细胞仪分析细胞同源性, 体外培养6个月后获得自发恶性转化的MSCs。应用基因芯片分析自发恶性转化的MSCs中差异表达的基因,进一步采用实时定量RT-PCR验证芯片分析结果。MSCs发生自发恶性转化后, 有44条差异表达基因, 其中21条基因表达上调, 23条基因表达下调。经实时定量RT-PCR检测差异表达基因结果与芯片分析结果一致。Wnt、SHH、Notch、TGFb/BMPs等信号转导通路上的若干基因在MSCs自发恶性转化中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

cDNA芯片阳性对照的制备及在芯片敏感性分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA芯片是一种高通量基因表达谱分析技术,在生理病理条件下细胞基因表达谱分析,新基因发现和功能研究等方面具有广阔应用前景。CDNA芯片阳性对照的选取以及CDNA芯片检测敏感性是芯片成功应用的关键问题之一。以在系统发育上与人类基因同源性小的荧火虫荧光素酶基因材料,制备了用于人类和其他动物基因表达谱CDNA芯片的通用型阳性对照探针和相应的mRNA参照物,经反转录对mRNA参照物进行Cy3荧光标记并与DNA芯片杂交后发现,mRNA参照物能特异性地与荧光酶基因cDNA片断杂交,而与人β-肌动蛋白基因,人G3PDH基因以及λDNA/HINDⅢ无杂交反应。把mRNA参照物以不同比例加入HepG2总RNA中,以反转录荧光标记后与CDNA芯片杂交,结果发现当总RNA中的MRNA含量为1/10^4稀释(即mRNA分子个数约为10^8个)时,CDNA芯片基本检测不出mRNA标记产物的杂交信号。而且,cDNA芯片检测的信号强度与芯片上固定的探针浓度密切相关,当探针浓度为2g/L时,杂交信号最强,随着探针浓度下降芯片的杂交信号趋于减弱。CDNA芯片通用型阳性参照物的制备以及应用于CDNA芯片检测敏感性研究为CDNA芯片应用于人和其他动物基因表达谱高通量分析和新基因功能研究提供了技术基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

Hierarchical Bayes models for cDNA microarray gene expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA microarrays are used in many contexts to compare mRNA levels between samples of cells. Microarray experiments typically give us expression measurements on 1000-20 000 genes, but with few replicates for each gene. Traditional methods using means and standard deviations to detect differential expression are not satisfactory in this context. A handful of alternative statistics have been developed, including several empirical Bayes methods. In the present paper we present two full hierarchical Bayes models for detecting gene expression, of which one (D) describes our microarray data very well. We also compare the full Bayes and empirical Bayes approaches with respect to model assumptions, false discovery rates and computer running time. The proposed models are compared to existing empirical Bayes models in a simulation study and for a set of data (Yuen et al., 2002), where 27 genes have been categorized by quantitative real-time PCR. It turns out that the existing empirical Bayes methods have at least as good performance as the full Bayes ones.  相似文献   

We have performed a comprehensive analysis of the expression profiles in 25 adult and 4 fetal human tissues by means of a cDNA microarray consisting of 23,040 human genes. This study revealed a number of genes that were expressed specifically in each of those tissues. Among the 29 tissues examined, 4,080 genes were highly expressed (at least a five-fold expression ratio) in one or only a few tissues and 1,163 of those were expressed exclusively (more than a ten-fold higher expression ratio) in a particular tissue. Expression of some of the genes in the latter category was confirmed by northern analysis. A hierarchical clustering analysis of gene-expression profiles in nerve tissues (adult brain, fetal brain, and spinal cord), lymphoid tissues (bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph node), muscle tissues (heart and skeletal muscle), or adipose tissues (mesenteric adipose and mammary gland) identified a set of genes that were commonly expressed among related tissues. These data should provide useful information for medical research, especially for efforts to identify tissue-specific molecules as potential targets of novel drugs to treat human diseases.  相似文献   

The acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line CCRF-CEM is sensitive to Ara-C and undergoes apoptosis. In contrast, the chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cell line K562 is highly resistant to Ara-C, which causes the cells to differentiate into erythrocytes before undergoing apoptosis. We used cDNA microarrays to monitor the alterations in gene expression in these two cell lines under conditions leading to apoptosis or differentiation. Ara-C-treated CCRF-CEM cells were characterized by a cluster of down-regulated chaperone genes, whereas Ara-C-treated K562 cells were characterized by a cluster of up-regulated hemoglobin genes. In K562 cells, Ara-C treatment induced significant down-regulation of the asparagine synthetase gene, which is involved in resistance to L-asparaginase. Sequential treatment with Ara-C and L-asparaginase had a synergistic effect on the inhibition of K562 cell growth, and combination therapy with these two anticancer agents may prove effective in the treatment of CML, which cannot be cured by either drug alone.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae是代谢工程中最重要的宿主之一,先进的基因编辑技术已经被广泛应用于酿酒酵母细胞工厂的设计和构建.随着基因编辑技术的飞速发展,早期基于重组酶和同源重组的基因编辑技术逐渐被新型基因编辑系统所替代.文中对酿酒酵母基因编辑技术的原理和应用进行了总结,包括经典的酿酒酵母基因编...  相似文献   

The PCR-based gene disruption strategy originally devised by Baudin et al. is widely used for gene targeting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An advantage of this strategy is its simplicity in making targeting constructs. The efficiencies of the targeted disruption are highly variable from locus to locus, however, and often very low. In this report, a method for improving the gene deletion efficiency is described.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae autoselection strains with mutations in the ura3, fur1, and urid-k genes have been obtained through a sequential isolation procedure. This autoselection system is an extension of one described by Loison et al. The mutations effectively block both the pyrimidine biosynthetic and salvage pathways and in combination are lethal to the host. Therefore, a plasmidencoded URA3 gene is essential for cell viability regardless of the growth conditions, and complex (traditionally nonselective) media can be employed without the risk of plasmid loss. The effects of medium enrichment on growth and cloned gene product synthesis were examined in batch culture for two autoselection strains. The plasmid gene product beta-galactosidase was under the control of the yeast GAL1 promoter, and two methods of induction were employed; one strain was induced via temperature shift while the other was induced by galactose addition. Three nutrient media were investigated: a lean selective medium (SD), a richer semidefined medium (SDC), and a rich complex medium (YPD). The results demonstrated the improvements in cloned gene productivity possible when the growth medium is enriched, with up to 10-fold increases in beta-galactosidase productivity observed. Plasmid instability and mutation reversion were not problems for the autoselection strains, even in uracil-containing medium. Short-term plasmid stabilities were approximately 90% in all three media tested. During continuous culture of the autoselection temperature-sensitive strain, long-term plasmid stability was excellent and beta-galactosidase expression remained high after more than 25 residence times under inducing conditions. In contrast, both beta-galactosidase specific activity and plasmid stability decreased linearly with time for an analogous nonautoselection strain. The introduced fur1 and uridk mutations were very stable; after more than 50 generations of growth in complex medium, stability values of 99-100% were measured. (c) 1993 Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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