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The brush-tailed porcupine (Atherurus africanus) is a hystricomorph rodent, which frequents the forests of West and Central Africa. With an average weight of 3 kg, it is a favourite source of meat for urban and rural populations of Gabon, Nigeria, Cameroon or Congo. Hunted in large quantities, its price is often higher than that of other game or domestic animals. Although its current productivity in captivity is limited to a single young per birth and two to three births per year per female, this species could be a good candidate for minilivestock programmes in African forest areas if its current reproductive potential in captivity could be improved. Further research should be encouraged on its biology and reproduction since the current level of hunting for this species is probably not sustainable. Captive breeding programmes could play a role in assessing a better knowledge of the species' biology, and in reducing the effects of intensive hunting in areas where this activi ty is no longer sustainable.  相似文献   

Pleistocene porcupine remains from China allocated toAtherurus sp.,Atherurus cf.macrourus andTrichys cf.fasciculata, and from Vietnam toAtherurus macrourus have been studied. These fossils have been compared with the type material of the PleistoceneA. karnuliensis Lydekker, 1886 from India and with the extant speciesA. macrourus (Linnaeus, 1758) andTrichys fasciculata (Shaw, 1801). As a result, all fossil specimens studied are allocated toA. karnuliensis.  相似文献   

2012年8月至2013年7月,采用红外相机技术对广西弄岗国家级自然保护区15 hm^2森林动态监测样地及其周边区域内的帚尾豪猪(Atherurus macrourus)进行观察,采用活动强度指数分析其活动节律和时间分配,探讨月相和环境因子对其活动节律和时间分配的影响。结果表明,不同时间段内帚尾豪猪的活动强度存在极显著差异(t=4. 666,df=23,P=0. 001),活动峰值出现在20:00~21:00和05:00~06:00;夜间主要以移动(63. 2%)和觅食(23. 6%)为主。帚尾豪猪各月份间的时间分配存在极显著差异(t=8. 581,df=11,P=0. 001),旱、雨季间的时间分配存在显著差异(Z=-2. 166,P=0. 03)。各月相间帚尾豪猪出现的频次存在显著差异(χ~2=5. 00,df=1,P=0. 025),以新月期和满月期活动最为频繁,上弦月活动最少。相关性分析表明,活动强度指数与月降雨量、月最高温度及最低温度(R^2=0. 440,R^2=0. 435,R^2=0. 457)都存在显著的负相关,帚尾豪猪最适的活动温区为10℃~26℃。本研究初步掌握了帚尾豪猪在弄岗保护区的活动节律和时间分配,有助于后期理解栖息地和气候变化对其活动的影响。  相似文献   

The reproduction of any fish species may be influenced by environmental factors, knowledge of which is required for an adequate control of the reproductive process to improve culture practices. Thus, the reproduction of a wild population of bullseye puffer, Sphoeroides annulatus (Jenyns, 1842), and the influence of temperature, photoperiod, lunar cycle and tide level were analyzed. Ovarian ripeness is asynchronous, and the ovary may ripen again at least once following spawning. Testes also display an asynchronous ripeness, but once sexual maturity is attained, spermatozoa are continually produced and released. The reproduction is highly seasonal, with an intense spawning period during the spring‐summer, when the sea surface temperature is 22.5–30.9°C and a 11–14 h photoperiod. The observations suggest that the timing of spawning is synchronized by a semi‐lunar cycle together with the rise of the average tide level. Size at first maturation was similar for females (28.2 cm TL) and males (28.6 cm TL). However, some specimens may start their gonad maturation when are as small as 19 cm TL.  相似文献   

Oestrous rats scent-mark conspicuous objects and the ground significantly more than they do when they are in dioestrus. The scent-marking behaviour leaves a conspicuous trail of urine and sebaceous secretion. It is suggested that the increased marking at oestrus is functional in attracting males, although the causal factors for it are at present unknown.  相似文献   

Interactions between male and female hamsters were recorded on each day of the oestrous cycle in terms of proximity (approaching, leaving and following by each member of the pair). Time spent sniffing the partner was also recorded. Measures were extracted which related to the females' stimulus value to the male (attractivity) and to the females' initiation and maintenance of proximity to the male (proceptivity). Both were found to change not only at oestrus but throughout the three dioestrous days of the cycle. Although the concepts of attractivity and proceptivity were originally introduced in relation to the oestrous female (Beach 1976) their extension to the dioestrous period may lead to a better understanding of the social and sexual factors underlying the interaction.  相似文献   

As an integral part of the development of an artificial insemination programme in the captive koala, female reproductive physiology and behaviour were studied. The oestrous cycle in non-mated and mated koalas was characterized by means of behavioural oestrus, morphology of external genitalia and changes in the peripheral plasma concentrations of oestradiol and progestogen. The mean (+/- SEM) duration of the non-mated oestrous cycle and duration of oestrus in 12 koalas was 32.9 +/- 1.1 (n = 22) and 10.3 +/- 0.9 (n = 24) days, respectively. Although the commencement of oestrous behaviour was associated with increasing or high concentrations of oestradiol, there were no consistent changes in the morphology or appearance of the clitoris, pericloacal region, pouch or mammary teats that could be used to characterize the non-mated cycle. As progestogen concentrations remained at basal values throughout the interoestrous period, non-mated cycles were considered non-luteal and presumed anovulatory. After mating of the 12 koalas, six females gave birth with a mean (+/- SEM) gestation of 34.8 +/- 0.3 days, whereas the remaining six non-parturient females returned to oestrus 49.5 +/- 1. 0 days later. After mating, oestrous behaviour ceased and the progestogen profile showed a significant increase in both pregnant and non-parturient females, indicating that a luteal phase had been induced by the physical act of mating. Progestogen concentrations throughout the luteal phase of the pregnant females were significantly higher than those of non-parturient females. Parturition was associated with a decreasing concentration of progestogen, which was increased above that of basal concentrations until 7 days post partum.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone concentrations were recorded during one breeding season in 19 lesser mouse lemur females living in different social conditions. The oestrous cycle length and the progesterone profile mainly depended on the social environment of the female. For totally isolated females, the oestrous cycle lasted 38 +/- 5.7 days and included a 25-30-days spontaneous luteal phase with a progesterone peak about 100 ng/ml between the 20th and 25th days after oestrus, and a prolonged preovulatory period of 10-15 days which could be considered equivalent to the follicular phase of a menstrual cycle. When females were able to communicate through olfactory, visual and auditory signals, the oestrous cycle was significantly lengthened (53.7 +/- 5.9 days). When females had tactile contacts, the oestrous cycle was further lengthened (62.7 +/- 0.8 days). This lengthening of the oestrous cycle was related to an extension of the luteal phase associated with a decrease in progesterone concentrations during this period. In females maintained with one male (paired) or with males and females (heterosexually grouped), large individual variations were shown in cycle lengths or in progesterone concentrations. In these females, cycle lengths and progesterone concentrations were inversely correlated to plasma cortisol concentrations.  相似文献   

Two new species of yellow-shouldered bats Sturnira Gray, 1842 (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) from Central America and western South America are described using molecular and morphological data. The two new species, which occur in Costa Rica and Panama and in western Ecuador, were previously confused with S. ludovici, and S. lilium and S. luisi, respectively. Sturnira now includes 22 described species, making it the most speciose genus in the Neotropical family Phyllostomidae.  相似文献   

Progesterone, oestradiol-17 beta and LH were measured in plasma from 6 non-pregnant, captive, female muskoxen during the 1984 and 1985 breeding seasons. Jugular blood samples were taken on an alternating 3/4-day schedule in 1984 and daily or at 4-h intervals over oestrus, via indwelling jugular cannulae, for 6 weeks in 1985. Oestrous cycle length was 19.6 +/- 0.96 (s.d.) days (n = 19) and did not vary between the first and subsequent cycles of the season. Progesterone was lowest at oestrus (less than or equal to 0.1 ng/ml), began to rise on Days 4-5, peaked on Days 10-12 (mean = 2.6 ng/ml) and returned to baseline 2-5 days before the next oestrus. A small rise in progesterone before the first cycle of the breeding season was observed on 7 of 12 occasions. Oestradiol-17 beta was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) 1-4 days before, or coincident with, oestrus. The average duration of the LH peak was 24.6 h (n = 7) and coincided with observations of behavioural oestrus. In one animal behavioural oestrus and an LH peak preceded a small progesterone rise at the beginning of the breeding season. The temporal relationship of these three hormones during the muskox oestrous cycle is very similar to that seen in domestic ruminants.  相似文献   

Data on age and length at sexual maturity, calving interval, lactation period, and ovulation and pregnancy rates were analysed from 84 female striped dolphin collected during the Mediterranean morbillivirus epizootic. Age was determined by counting growth layer groups in tooth dentine, and reproductive status was determined by the macroscopic examination of the ovaries and the uterus. Age at sexual maturity (ASM) was estimated using two different methods; giving average estimates of 12 and 12.3 years. The average length at sexual maturity was 187 cm and the calving interval was four years. The annual pregnancy rate (APR) was calculated using two different criteria. In the first, only females that were pregnant at the time of death, as evidenced by the presence of a foetus, were incorporated in the calculations. This method gave an estimate of 8.9% as the apparent pregnancy rate of the dolphins killed by the epizootic. The second method incorporated in the calculations females that were pregnant at the time of death and females that had young corpus albicans in the ovaries and a distended uterus. This method is considered to reflect the true pregnancy rate of the population and gave an estimate of 25%. Estimates of ovulation rate (0.401) and lactation period (16 months) were considered to be potentially affected by the disease and, therefore, biased. These estimates reflect a peculiar situation of the diseased dolphins but are useful for comparative purposes. Estimates of ASM and APR, parameters which are not likely to be affected by the disease, differed markedly from those of other Stenella populations and could indicate a density-dependent response, possibly reflecting food limitations.  相似文献   

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