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The buccinator myomucosal island pedicle flap is a useful means of introducing relatively large amounts of vascularized mucosa into the oral cavity. Using cadaver dissections and clinical cases, the anatomy and clinical relevance of this tissue are defined. Emphasis is placed on the technical caveats and pitfalls of the procedure.  相似文献   

Zhao Z  Li S  Yan Y  Li Y  Yang M  Li D  Mu L  Huang W  Liu Y  Zai H  Jin J 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1999,103(5):1355-1360
A study was made of the facial regions of 10 fresh cadavers. The vascular anatomy of the perinasal region and the septum consistently confirmed the existence of a nasal alar basal artery and a nasal alar basal nerve to the septum. A new septal chondromucosal flap, supplied by the nasal alar basal artery and nerve, is proposed in this article. The composite flap can be used safely to restore partial or entire tarsoconjunctival defects of the upper or lower eyelid or combined defects of the upper and lower eyelid.  相似文献   

Fibular osteoseptocutaneous flap: anatomic study and clinical application   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The vascularized fibular graft has been expanded to an osteoseptocutaneous flap by including a cutaneous flap on the lateral aspect of the lower leg. The cutaneous flap can serve not only for postoperative monitoring of the grafted fibula, but also as extra skin coverage to replace substantial skin defects or prevent tight closure of the wound. From anatomic studies of 20 cadaver legs and 15 clinical cases, it has been possible to demonstrate adequate circulation to the skin of the lateral aspect of the lower leg from the septocutaneous branches of the peroneal artery alone. This finding has allowed the development of a new concept and technique to elevate the fibula as an osteoseptocutaneous flap for reconstruction which provides the following advantages: Elevation of the fibular osteoseptocutaneous unit is easy and fast. The cutaneous flap of the fibular osteoseptocutaneous unit can slide almost freely while attached to the paper-thin posterior crural septum without being tethered by a bulky muscle cuff, facilitating the setting of the fibular osteocutaneous flap when the bone and skin are widely separated. Intraoperatively, in a situation in which it is necessary to change from originally selected recipient vessels to ones more suitable, the thin posterior crural septum can be folded around the fibula allowing more flexibility in choice of recipient vessels. The fibular osteoseptocutaneous flap meets the criteria outlined for composite tissue reconstruction of defects of the extremities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

K Liu  Z Li  Y Lin  Y Cao 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1990,86(2):312-6; discussion 317-8
Based on anatomic, dye injection, and angiography observations since 1984, 72 patients with tissue defects of the foot (due to injury or surgery) have been reconstructed using a reverse-flow posterior tibial artery island flap. In the 72 patients, etiology has included extensive crushing (40 patients), burn scars (10 patients), and tissue loss following tumor or chronic ulcer resection (22 patients). Only two flaps developed necrosis. The survival rate was 97.2 percent, including seven cases of distal marginal necrosis. This procedure, therefore, offers a useful alternative in the repair and reconstruction of extensive tissue defects in the foot, whether caused by accidental injury or surgery.  相似文献   

The anterior tibial artery flap: anatomic study and clinical application   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Satisfactory replacement of skin defects over the lower leg remains a difficult problem. Various forms of coverage, including, local rotation flaps, muscle flaps, and fascial and free flaps, have their specific indications and inherent disadvantages. In this work, a new axial skin flap based on perforating vessels in the territory of the anterior tibial artery is described. A series of 50 lower leg dissections was carried out in 25 fresh cadavers after latex injection into the femoral artery. Detailed studies of the cutaneous distribution of the anterior tibial artery showed that three main arteries perfuse the anterior lateral portion of the lower leg. The superior lateral peroneal artery and the inferior lateral peroneal artery interseptal cutaneous perforators arise at an average of 25.6 and 17.2 cm from the lateral malleolus, respectively. The superior lateral peroneal artery was present in 100 percent of the specimens, whereas the inferior lateral peroneal artery was present in 70 percent of the specimens. In their course, they give several muscular branches to the peroneus longus and brevis prior to perforating the fascia and arborizing in the subcutaneous tissues of the anterolateral portion of the leg. The average external diameter was 1.6 cm for the superior and 1.4 cm for the inferior lateral peroneal artery. The superficial peroneal nerve accessory artery is the third artery which contributes to the skin of the lower leg. It arises from the superior lateral peroneal artery in 30 percent of cases, from the inferior lateral peroneal artery in 40 percent, and from both in 30 percent. The artery runs along with the superficial peroneal nerve and gives several cutaneous perforators along its descending course. Several cutaneous axial flaps can be fashioned around this anatomy. The operative technique along with demonstrative clinical cases is presented followed by pertinent discussion.  相似文献   

The distally based anterolateral thigh flap has been used for coverage of soft-tissue defects of the knee and upper third of the leg. This flap is based on the septocutaneous or musculocutaneous perforators derived from the lateral circumflex femoral system. The purpose of this study was to examine the results of anatomical variations of the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and the retrograde blood pressure of the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery so that the surgical technique for raising and transferring a distally based anterolateral thigh flap to the knee region could be improved. The authors have actually used this flap in three cases. In 11 thighs of six cadavers, the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery had a rather consistent connection with the lateral superior genicular artery or profunda femoral artery in the knee region. The pivot point, located at the distal portion of the vastus lateralis muscle, ranges from 3 to 10 cm above the knee. In their three cases, the maximal flap size was 7.0 x 16.0 cm and was harvested safely, without marginal necrosis. The mean pedicle length was 15.2 +/- 0.7 cm (range, 14.5 to 16 cm). The average proximal and distal retrograde blood pressure of the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery was also studied in another 11 patients, and the anterolateral thigh flap being used for reconstruction of head and neck defects showed 58.3 and 77.7 percent of proximal antegrade blood pressure, respectively. The advantages of this flap include a long pedicle length, a sufficient tissue supply, possible combination with fascia lata for tendon reconstruction, and favorable donor-site selection, without sacrifice of major vessels or muscles.  相似文献   

The internal oblique muscle flap: an anatomic and clinical study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new muscle flap based on the ascending branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery is described. Twenty internal oblique muscle flaps have been dissected and studied in 10 fresh cadavers. This muscle flap has been used successfully as a free-tissue transfer in seven lower extremity defects. There was one loss of flap due to venous thrombosis. Other complications included a local wound abscess (one case), partial loss of skin graft (two cases), and arterial thrombosis (one case). There has been no donor-site morbidity. The donor scars are well concealed and no hernias have been observed, the longest follow-up being 9 months. The additional advantages of this flap include its thin, flat shape, excellent vascularity, and ease of application to areas about the ankle, with good aesthetic results. The disadvantages are (1) bloody and tedious dissection and (2) potential for abdominal weakness or hernia in the long run. This muscle flap appears to be excellent as a free flap for coverage of small- to moderate-sized defects of the distal lower extremity and as a pedicle flap for coverage of soft-tissue defects of the groin and anterior perineum.  相似文献   

The extensor digitorum brevis muscle flap is reliable, safe, and can be used either as a pedicle or as a free flap with minimal donor site morbidity. To increase the existing knowledge of this flap and to establish further anatomic basis for the design and elevation of the extensor digitorum brevis flap, 26 specimens from 13 fresh cadavers were dissected under 3.5x loupes. The lateral tarsal artery was found to be the main blood supply to the muscle. It has an average diameter of 1.83+/-0.35 mm and a length of 1.89+/-0.69 cm. The dorsalis pedis artery has, at the level of the lateral tarsal artery takeoff, a diameter of 3.25+/-0.62 mm. From this point to the origin of the deep plantar branch, the dorsalis pedis artery has minimal branching, and the surgeon has available an artery homogeneous in diameter that is 6.77+/-0.99 cm in length. Related neurovascular structures (anterior tibial artery and the venae comitantes, dorsalis pedis and first dorsal metatarsal artery, and deep peroneal nerve) were also studied. A safe and reliable harvesting technique and the "T interposed extensor digitorum brevis" technique for sparing the anterior tibial artery are presented, as are clinical case examples on the use of this flap as a flow-through, extensor digitorum brevis-vascularized nerve graft, a combined extensor digitorum brevis-deep peroneal nerve graft, and a bilobed extensor digitorum brevis-dorsalis pedis fasciosubcutaneous free flap.  相似文献   

We studied the arterial pattern of the postauricular surface in 16 cadavers and compared them to the results of Doppler probing in the auricles of 15 human volunteers. The dissections revealed that the postauricular surface is mainly supplied by three to five sizable branches from the upper, middle, and lower divisions of the posterior auricular artery, traversing in a rather straight and cephalic direction toward the auricular rim. One or more branches of the middle division are constantly present and distribute over the upper two-thirds of the postauricular surface. These anatomic findings were compatible with the results of the Doppler probing. We have done four auricular reconstructions with postauricular arterial flaps with excellent postoperative results. It is worthwhile to use the postauricular arterial flap in restoring the middle third of the auricle.  相似文献   

Reverse-flow island flap: clinical report and venous drainage   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Twenty-two reverse-flow island flaps were transferred. These included peroneal, forearm, anterior tibial, and temporal flaps. Sixteen of 22 flaps survived completely. We encountered partial necrosis in 4 flaps and total necrosis in only 2 flaps. We credit this success to the reliability and availability of the peroneal, forearm, and temporal flaps; but we do not encourage use of the anterior tibial flap. The flaps that survived well did not show any signs of venous congestion. The advantage of the reverse-flow island flap is that it can be transferred from a proximal to a distal location. Using cadavers and fresh amputated limbs, studies on venous drainage of the reverse-flow island flap were performed. The venae comitantes had numerous venous valves and communicating branches, but more than sufficient reflux of the venous blood occurred through the valves at pressures of 90 to 105 cmH2O. We believe that the venous drainage of the reverse-flow island flap occurs as a result of reflux actions at the valve, communicating branches between the venae comitantes, and bypass vessels around the valves.  相似文献   

Although the reverse temporalis muscle flap has been used clinically, the exact vascular connection between the superficial and deep temporal vessels has not been clearly defined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the vascular territory of the reverse temporalis muscle supplied by the superficial temporal vessels. Six cadaver heads were studied using a colored lead oxide injection through the superficial temporal artery. The specimens were examined macroscopically and radiographically. The reverse temporalis muscle flap was then applied to a clinical case presenting with traumatic anterior skull base defect communicating with the nasal cavity. The cadaver specimens demonstrated that the superficial temporal artery formed an average 1.3 +/- 0.2 cm in width of dense vascular zone, which was located within 1.8 cm below the superior temporal line. The dense vascular network further perfused the anterior and posterior deep temporal arteries and the muscular branch of the middle temporal artery to supply the temporalis muscle. The mean perfused area of the temporalis muscle was 83 percent, ranging from 79 to 89 percent, in five cadaver heads. One cadaver revealed only 55 percent of perfused area in the absence of the muscular branch of the middle temporal artery. The consistent area without perfusion was located in the distal third of the posterior portion of the reverse temporalis muscle. In clinical cases, the reverse temporalis muscle flap was used successfully to obliterate the anterior skull base defect without evidence of muscle flap necrosis. The exact blood supply to the distal third of the posterior portion of the reverse temporalis muscle flap needs to be investigated further in vivo. Particular attention was paid to the inclusion of the muscular branch of the middle temporal artery in this flap to augment the blood supply to the temporalis muscle.  相似文献   

Since 1995, the authors have created 32 distally based superficial sural artery flaps based on the vascular axis of the sural nerve. The creation of the first 18 flaps permitted the authors to view perforators that issued from the gastrocnemius muscles to the vascular axis of the sural nerve. This led to the development of an anatomic study involving 25 cadaveric dissections to establish a relationship between the gastrocnemius muscles and the vascular axis of the sural nerve, with two to three constant and direct perforators from the gastrocnemius to the neurovascular axis. In this article, the technique for harvesting this new muscular flap is described. Between June of 1997 and March of 1998, three patients underwent flap operations. Two fasciomyocutaneous flaps and one fasciomuscular flap were created and were followed by uncomplicated postoperative courses in terms of flap viability and donor sites. In all cases, the flap created was designed to fill bone defects of the leg (one case) or of the foot (two cases). The results were considered to be excellent and stable over time, with follow-up periods ranging from 9 months to 18 months in duration.  相似文献   

The thoracodorsal artery perforator flap is a relatively new flap that has yet to find its niche in reconstructive surgery. At the authors' institution it has been used for limb salvage, head and neck reconstruction, and trunk reconstruction in cases related to trauma, burns, and malignancy. The authors have found the flap to be advantageous for cranial base reconstruction and for resurfacing the face and oral cavity. The flap has been used successfully for reconstruction of traumatic upper and lower extremity defects, and it can be used as a pedicled flap or as a free tissue transfer. The perforating branches of the thoracodorsal artery offer a robust blood supply to a skin-soft-tissue paddle of 10 to 12 cm x 25 cm, overlying the latissimus dorsi muscle. The average pedicle length is 20 cm (range, 16 to 23 cm), which allows for a safe anastomosis outside the zone of injury in traumatized extremities; the flap can be made sensate by neurorrhaphy with sensory branches of the intercostal nerves. Vascularized bone can be transferred with this flap by taking advantage of the inherent vascular anatomy of the subscapular artery. A total of 30 pedicled and free flap transfers were performed at the authors' institution with an overall complication rate of 23 percent and an overall flap survival rate of 97 percent. Major complications, such as vascular thrombosis, return to the operating room, fistula formation, recurrence of tumor, and flap loss, occurred in 17 percent of the patients. Despite these drawbacks, the authors have found the thoracodorsal artery perforator flap to be a safe and extremely versatile flap that offers significant advantages in acute and delayed reconstruction cases.  相似文献   

Knize DM 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,109(3):1149-57; discussion 1158-63
Most patients who undergo facial cosmetic surgery procedures that could cause lower eyelid retraction or ectropion should have an additional surgical procedure to support the lower eyelid and lateral canthus. The lower eyelid should be supported when performing laser planing of the eyelid; midface elevation through a lower eyelid incision approach; or conventional blepharoplasty, in patients with lower eyelid laxity. Suspending the lateral canthus by surgically altering the lateral canthal tendon is a proven technique that can provide support for the lower eyelid. However, a technique of this complexity may be unnecessary for most cosmetic surgery patients. To increase understanding of the fascial support system of the lateral canthus, four fresh cadaver dissections were performed to investigate the attachments of the lateral canthus to the lateral orbital rim. The most commonly appreciated attachment between the eyelids and the lateral orbital rim is the lateral canthal tendon (the lateral canthal raphe). However, the lateral canthus also is attached to the orbital rim at a more superficial level through the septum orbitale. This superficial fascial plane may be modified and used as a structure to stabilize or suspend the lateral canthus. This structure is defined in this article as the "superficial lateral canthal tendon."  相似文献   

The gluteus maximus island musculocutaneous flap has been described using a variety of designs. We employ an island whose long axis is directed toward the pressure sore, minimizing tension in wound closure. Skin overlying the greater trochanter is avoided. Previously undermined skin can be included in the flap. Fifty patients with ischial or sacral pressure sores have been managed by this technique. Superficial dehiscence occurred in 13 percent of patients, and deep dehiscence occurred in 10 percent. The dehiscence closed spontaneously in all but one patient. Forty-nine of the 50 patients experienced complete wound healing at the pressure sore site. The patients have been observed for an average of 20 months (range 3 to 38 months), with one recurrent pressure sore seen at 28 months postoperatively. The gluteus maximus musculocutaneous island flap has proven to be both reliable in healing and durable over the observed interval.  相似文献   

An active depressor septi muscle can accentuate a drooping nasal tip and shorten the upper lip on animation. We have found that dissection and transposition of the depressor septi muscle during rhinoplasty can improve the tip-upper lip relationship in appropriately selected patients. Although the anatomy of the depressor septi muscle has been described, the anatomic variations of this muscle have not been previously reported. The goals of this study were two-fold: (1) to define the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle using 55 fresh cadaver dissections and (2) to develop a clinically applicable algorithm for modification of this muscle during rhinoplasty in those patients with a short upper lip and/or tip-upper lip imbalance. Fifty-five fresh cadavers were dissected, and the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle were recorded. Three variations of the depressor septi muscle were delineated: type I inserted fully into the orbicularis oris (62 percent); type II inserted into the periosteum and incompletely into the orbicularis oris (22 percent); and type III showed no, or rudimentary, depressor septi muscle (16 percent). Sixty-two patients over a 4-year period (from 1995 to 1999) were identified preoperatively with a hyperactive depressor septi diagnosed by a descending nasal tip and shortened upper lip on animation. These patients underwent dissection and transposition (not resection) of the paired depressor septi during rhinoplasty with improvement or correction of the tip-upper lip imbalance in 88 percent of cases. The anatomic study, surgical indications, rationale for the operative technique, and clinical cases are presented. Dissection and transposition of the depressor septi is a valuable adjunct to rhinoplasty in patients with a type I or II muscle variant.  相似文献   

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