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A simple method for selection of RNA-DNA hybrids has been developed and applied to the purification of adenovirus-specific messenger RNA. Cytoplasmic RNA prepared from adenovirus type 2 (ad2)-infected HeLa cells or from an ad2-transformed rat cell line was hybridized in solution to the complementary strands of ad2 DNA. The hybridization mixture was subsequently fractionated by chromatography on a Sepharose 2B column. The intact probe DNA as well as the RNA-DNA hybrids are excluded from the gel matrix and elute with the void volume. Nonhybridized RNA, in contrast, is included into the gel matrix and elutes as a broad peak well separated from the excluded fractions. Fractions corresponding to the void volume, were collected and the RNA-DNA hybrids were denatured in 90% formamide. The selected RNA was separated from the DNA by affinity chromatography on poly(U)-Sepharose. Restriction endonuclease fragments of DNA with a large enough size to make them excluded from the agarose column were also used for hybridization. In these experiments hybridizations were carried out under conditions which would allow R-loop formation (Thomas, M., White, R.L., and Davis, R.W. (1976) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73, 2294-2298) and the hybridized RNA was separated from unhybridized RNA by Sepharose chromatography. The validity of the method was demonstrated by programming an in vitro protein-synthesizing system with selected RNA.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) is a major glycosylated polypeptide in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The overexpression of L-PGDS in inflamed bovine mammary glands indicates its role as biomarker. No diagnostic tool for the quantitative detection of L-PGDS in cows has been reported. Immunometric ELISA tests might help to identify inflamed bovine tissue. The isolation of pure bovine L-PGDS, which is required for the generation of monoclonal antibodies, is an important prerequisite for a diagnostic ELISA test. Our goal was to identify a suitable technique to generate pure L-PGDS from bovine substrates. In the present study a two-step method for the purification of bovine CSF using ceramic hydroxyapatite chromatography followed by size exclusion chromatography is described. Subsequently, the identification of bovine L-PGDS was demonstrated by Western blot analysis and the high grade of the pure product was shown by 2-D PAGE. The yield of purified L-PGDS was 6.8 mg/l bovine CSF. L-PGDS from bovine CSF is shown to consist of multiple isoforms identical in molecular mass and pI values to those in previously described secretions of inflamed bovine mammary glands. In addition, the method was successfully applied to the purification of L-PGDS from human CSF.  相似文献   

Anion-exchange is the most popular chromatography technique in plasmid DNA purification. However, poor resolution of plasmid DNA from RNA often results in the addition of bovine-derived ribonuclease (RNase) A to degrade RNA impurities which raises regulatory concerns for the production of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA. Low capacity for plasmid of most commercial media is another issue affecting the suitability of anion-exchange chromatography for large-scale processing. This study reports the use of anion-exchange chromatography to remove RNA in an RNase-free plasmid purification process. Resolution was achieved through careful selection of adsorbent and operating conditions as well as RNA reduction steps before chromatography. Dynamic capacity for plasmid was significantly increased (to 3.0mg/ml) so that it is now possible to envisage the large-scale manufacturing of therapeutic-grade plasmid DNA in the absence of added RNase using anion-exchange chromatography as a polishing step.  相似文献   

Solutes of different size in a mixture solution were separated on-line, using a semi-continuous reciprocating size exclusion chromatography. The band of fast-moving large molecules was isolated during the first half cycle, while the band of slow-moving small molecules was isolated during the second half cycle. After 7 cycles of frontal mode operation, 89% of the Blue Dextran in the feed was isolated as a pure solution. Vitamin B12 of constant concentration was also isolated as a pure solution.  相似文献   

Purification of supercoiled DNA of plasmid col E1 by RPC-5 chromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Col E1 DNA can be purified to a high degree by RPC-5 chromatography of a partially purified cell lysate with a very shallow linear NaCl gradient at pH 7.8. Electron micrographs demonstrated that the purest fractions were composed of 93% supercoiled (form I) DNA and 7% open circular (form II) DNA. The actual chromatography can be accomplished in 13–14 h and is designed for the production of several milligrams of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

Linear double-stranded DNA fragments ranging from 0.14 to 8.4 kbp have been fractionated on low-percentage agarose exclusion gels. Both Ultragel A2 (2% agarose) and Bio-Gel A150m (1% agarose) exclude DNA fragments greater than 900 bp, while the exclusion limit of Bio-Gel A50m (2% agarose) is about 350 bp. All gels result in moderate resolution of DNA fragments smaller than the exclusion limits; we generally observe nearly complete one-step separation of fragments that differ in size by a factor of 2. On the basis of these results, we have used these exclusion gels to routinely purify greater than 0.4 mg of plasmid insert DNA sequences in one step and over 2.5 mg with a single column, demonstrating that these gel matrices can be ideally suited for repeated rapid large-scale purification of plasmid inserts. In addition, this knowledge allows for a more rational design of plasmids in those cases where large-scale use of the insert DNA is required.  相似文献   

Small molecules, like some antibiotics and anticancer agents that bind DNA with high specificity, can represent a relevant alternative as ligands in affinity processes for plasmid DNA (pDNA) purification. In the current study, pDNA binding affinities of berberine, berenil, kanamycin, and neomycin were evaluated by a competitive displacement assay with ethidium bromide using a fluorimetric titration technique. The binding between pDNA and ethidium bromide was tested in different buffer conditions, varying the type and the salt concentration, and was performed in both the absence and presence of the studied compounds. The results showed that the minor groove binder berenil has the higher pDNA binding constant. Chromatographic experiments using a derivatized column with berenil as ligand showed a total retention of pDNA using 1.3 M ammonium sulfate in eluent buffer. A selective separation of supercoiled and open circular isoforms was achieved by further decreasing the salt concentration to 0.6 M and then to 0 M. These results suggest a promising application of berenil as ligand for specific purification of pDNA supercoiled isoform by pseudo-affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method for the purification of amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi from spleens of infected mice is described. A protein A-Sepharose 4B immunoadsorbent column bound with antisera to epimastigotes of T. cruzi was used to purify the tissue forms of this parasite. Host cells and debris are not retained, and parasites can be eluted in high yields and purity. Studies of surface glycoproteins and glycolipids of the purified amastigotes with 18 lectins of various specificities revealed the presence on the parasites of receptors for N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, D-galactose, and D-mannose binding lectins.  相似文献   

We were able to reduce both the time and the use of hazardous chemicals associated with the previous plasmid isolation methods of high-pressure liquid chromatography and CsCl gradient centrifugation by employing fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Plasmid was first crudely prepared from bacterial cultures by a standard alkaline lysis method. After an alcohol precipitation, the nucleic acids were divided into two equal portions. One half was used for a standard purification method employing CsCl centrifugation. The other was dissolved in FPLC buffer, treated with RNase A, and applied to a Superose 6 preparative grade column (HR 10/30). Plasmid eluted off the column within 20 min as a single, highly resolved peak. Plasmid isolated by FPLC had yields, purity, and transformation efficiencies similar to that isolated by CsCl centrifugation.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using directly coupled size exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HPLC/ICP-MS) for the separation and subsequent elemental analysis of metalloproteins in biological samples has been studied. Data, on up to eight elements, was acquired simultaneously and the reconstructed elemental profiles from the chromatographed samples were quantified by flow injection analysis. Absolute and relative detection limits, reproducibility, operational dynamic range, and linearity of response were initially evaluated by analyzing standards of metallothionein protein of known elemental composition for Cd, Zn, and Cu. There was evidence of displacement of Zn from the protein during chromatography and the substitution of Cu sequestered from the mobile phase. Cd associated with the protein was fully recovered during chromatography. Memory effects, due to protein adsorption to the glassware in the torch box, were minimal and there was no degradation of the resolution of the chromatographed peak during extended transport through the HPLC/ICP-MS interface. The versatility of the technique has been demonstrated by the quantitative multi-element analysis of cytosolic metal-binding proteins separated from the polychaete worm Neanthes arenaceodentata. Fidelity of analysis has been demonstrated by two independent procedures: first, by comparing the elemental profiles obtained by directly aspirating the HPLC eluant into the ICP-MS to those obtained by collecting fractions and quantifying the metal content of the proteins in the conventional analytical mode; second, by comparing the stable isotopic profiles for 114Cd obtained by simultaneous ICP-MS analysis with radiometric profiles of 109Cd obtained by counting radioactivity associated with collected fractions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An active form of the Dengue virus protease NS3 (CF40.Gly.NS3pro) was expressed in Escherichia coli. This construct consists of a critical 40 amino acid cofactor domain from NS2B fused to the N-terminal 184 amino acid protease domain of NS3 via a flexible, covalent linker (Gly(4)SerGly(4)). The recombinantly produced protein is soluble and has a hexa-histidine tag engineered at the N-terminus for ease of purification using metal affinity chromatography. However, the presence of lower molecular weight impurities after affinity chromatography indicated the need for additional purification steps. The consistent appearance of these impurities suggested that they may be the products of proteolysis and/or auto-proteolysis. The latter possibility was subsequently excluded by the observation of the same impurities in a purified, catalytically inactive form of the recombinant protease (CF40.Gly.NS3pro.SA). Further analysis indicated that these impurities may represent premature translation termination products. Regardless of their origin, they were shown to form various sized aggregates with full-length CF40.Gly.NS3pro that can be separated by size exclusion chromatography, yielding fractions of active protease of sufficient purity for crystallisation trials. The ultimate goal of these studies is to obtain a crystal structure of a catalytically active form of the Dengue virus NS3 protease for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

A procedure for extracting RNA-free plasmid DNA from bacterial cells is described. The method is simple and rapid enough to obtain pure plasmid DNA in 8 to 10 h after plasmid amplification. The protocol uses the alkaline extraction procedure described by Birnboim and Doly (1979, Nucl. Acid Res. 7, 1513-1523). Plasmid DNA is then separated from high-molecular-weight RNA by ammonium acetate precipitation and from low-molecular-weight RNA contaminants by Ultrogel A2 column chromatography. The plasmid DNA obtained by this inexpensive technique is sufficiently pure to be used for restriction endonuclease analysis, 5'-end labeling, S1 mapping, DNA sequencing, and colony hydridization.  相似文献   

A new bioprocess using mainly membrane operations to obtain purified plasmid DNA from Escherechia coli ferments was developed. The intermediate recovery and purification of the plasmid DNA in cell lysate was conducted using hollow-fiber tangential filtration and tandem anion-exchange membrane chromatography. The purity of the solutions of plasmid DNA obtained during each process stage was investigated. The results show that more than 97% of RNA in the lysate was removed during the process operations and that the plasmid DNA solution purity increased 28-fold. One of the main characteristics of the developed process is to avoid the use of large quantities of precipitating agents such as salts or alcohols. A better understanding of membrane-based technology for the purification of plasmid DNA from clarified E. coli lysate was developed in this research. The convenience of anion-exchange membranes, configured in ready-to-use devices can further simplify large-scale plasmid purification strategies.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase was purified from the photosynthetic bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina to homogeneity by various methods. Conventional techniques included separation of the crude protein extract on Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4B, DEAE-cellulose DE52, and chromatofocusing columns or on preparative polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis. The same protein was isolated by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) in two steps. Comparison of the two different approaches clearly show the superiority of the FPLC method both in enzyme recovery yield and in time requirement.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the high-molecular-weight form of elongation factor 1 (EF-1H) contained four subunits (α, β, γ, and δ). Using the conventional methods of gel-filtration and ion-exchange chromatography, various forms of elongation factor 1 (EF-1α, EF-βδ, EF-1βγδ) have been purified from rabbit reticulocyte lysate. The procedure described allows one to purify these factors from a single batch of lysate in sufficient amounts for physical and biochemical studies. EF-1α is a single polypeptide of Mr 52,000, and has an isoelectric point of 9.1. EF-1βδ and EF-1βγδ are composed of two and three nonidentical polypeptides, respectively, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Both proteins can form stable aggregates in native conditions that can reach more than 2,000,000 Da. The isoelectric point for each polypeptide was determined; 5.8 for EF-1β, 5.5 for EF-1γ, and 4.8 for EF-1δ. The activity of both proteins was compared on a molecular basis by their ability to stimulate EF-1α in the poly(U)-directed synthesis of polyphenylalanine. On the basis of this assay EF-1βγδ is slightly more active than EF-1βδ. The similarity of the amino acid composition of EF-1γ and EF-1δ and the molar ratio of α:β:γ:δ in EF-1H of approximately 1:1:0.5:0.5 have led to the conclusion that EF-1δ is probably a breakdown product of EF-1γ, and that the native form of EF-1H probably contains only the α, β, and γ subunits.  相似文献   

Chromatographic methods have been used to purify the DNA of plasmid RP1. DNA was purified in two stages. DNA was precipitated by ethanol and separated from RNA and proteins in Sepharose 4B column after lysis of plasmid containing cells by alkaline solution of sodium dodecylsulphate. Separation of the total DNA preparation and isolation of plasmid DNA was achieved at the second stage by chromatography on the hydroxyapatite column. The resulting purified plasmid DNA was free of RNA, protein and linear fragments of chromosomal DNA. The plasmid DNA kept intact native structure and possessed the transforming activity. The DNA of RP1 yield after purification by the described technique presented 70-80 micrograms per g of wet biomass.  相似文献   

A method is presented for determining second virial coefficients (B(2)) of protein solutions from retention time measurements in size exclusion chromatography. We determine B(2) by analyzing the concentration dependence of the chromatographic partition coefficient. We show the ability of this method to track the evolution of B(2) from positive to negative values in lysozyme and bovine serum albumin solutions. Our size exclusion chromatography results agree quantitatively with data obtained by light scattering.  相似文献   

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