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We determined the interactive effects of irradiance, elevated CO2 concentration (EC), and temperature in carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus). Plants of the cv. Red Core Chantenay (RCC) were grown in a controlled environmental plant growth room and exposed to 3 levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400, 800, 1 200 μmol m−2 s−1), 3 leaf chamber temperatures (15, 20, 30 °C), and 2 external CO2 concentrations (C a), AC and EC (350 and 750 μmol mol−1, respectively). Rates of net photosynthesis (P N) and transpiration (E) and stomatal conductance (g s ) were measured, along with water use efficiency (WUE) and ratio of internal and external CO2 concentrations (C i/C a). P N revealed an interactive effect between PAR and C a. As PAR increased so did P N under both C a regimes. The g s showed no interactive effects between the three parameters but had singular effects of temperature and PAR. E was strongly influenced by the combination of PAR and temperature. WUE was interactively affected by all three parameters. Maximum WUE occurred at 15 °C and 1 200 μmol m−2 s− 1 PAR under EC. The C i /C a was influenced independently by temperature and C a. Hence photosynthetic responses are interactively affected by changes in irradiance, external CO2 concentration, and temperature. EC significantly compensates the inhibitory effects of high temperature and irradiance on P N and WUE.  相似文献   

In sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown under controlled conditions and subjected to drought by withholding watering, net photosynthetic rate (P N) and stomatal conductance (g s) of attached leaves decreased as leaf water potential (Ψw) declined from −0.3 to −2.9 MPa. Although g s decreased over the whole range of Ψw, nearly constant values in the intercellular CO2 concentrations (C i) were observed as Ψw decreased to −1.8 MPa, but C i increased as Ψw decreased further. Relative quantum yield, photochemical quenching, and the apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis decreased with water deficit, whereas non-photochemical quenching (qNP) increased progressively. A highly significant negative relationship between qNP and ATP content was observed. Water deficit did not alter the pyridine nucleotide concentration but decreased ATP content suggesting metabolic impairment. At a photon flux density of 550 μmol m−2 s−1, the allocation of electrons from photosystem (PS) 2 to O2 reduction was increased by 51 %, while the allocation to CO2 assimilation was diminished by 32 %, as Ψw declined from −0.3 to −2.9 MPa. A significant linear relationship between mean P N and the rate of total linear electron transport was observed in well watered plants, the correlation becoming curvilinear when water deficit increased. The maximum quantum yield of PS2 was not affected by water deficit, whereas qP declined only at very severe stress and the excess photon energy was dissipated by increasing qNP indicating that a greater proportion of the energy was thermally dissipated. This accounted for the apparent down-regulation of PS2 and supported the protective role of qNP against photoinhibition in sunflower.  相似文献   

The effect of ectomycorrhizal Pisolithus tinctorius (Pt) infection was studied on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Pinus densiflora seedlings grown at ambient (360 µmol mol−1, AC) and elevated (720 µmol mol−1, EC) CO2 concentrations. After 18 weeks, Pt inoculation had led to significantly increased dry mass and stem diameter of P. densiflora at both CO2 concentrations, relative to non-inoculated seedlings. Moreover, EC significantly increased the ectomycorrhizal development. The phosphate content in needles inoculated with Pt was about three times higher than without inoculation at both CO2 concentrations. The PAR saturated net photosynthetic rates (P sat) of P. densiflora inoculated with Pt were clearly higher than for control seedlings at both CO2 concentrations, and the maximum net photosynthetic rate (P N) at saturated CO2 concentration (P max) was higher than in controls. Moreover, the carboxylation efficiency (CE) and RuBP regeneration rate of the P N/C i curve for P. densiflora inoculated with Pt were significantly higher than for non-inoculated seedlings at both CO2 concentrations, especially at EC. The water use efficiency (WUE) of seedlings inoculated with Pt grown at EC was significantly raised. Allocation of photosynthates to roots was greater in Pt inoculated pine seedlings, because of the enhanced activity of ectomycorrhiza associated with seedlings at EC. Moreover, P N of non-inoculated seedlings grown for 18 weeks at EC tended to be down regulated; in contrast, Pt inoculated seedlings showed no down-regulation at EC. The activity of ectomycorrhiza may therefore be enhanced physiological function related to water and phosphate absorption in P. densiflora seedlings at EC.This study was partly sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Sport, Culture, Science and Technology of Japan (RR2002, Basic Research B and Sprout study).  相似文献   

The effect of elevated carbon dioxide (600±50 cm3 m−3; C600) on growth performance, biomass production, and photosynthesis of Cenchrus ciliaris L. cv. 3108 was studied. This crop responded significantly by plant height, leaf length and width, and biomass production under C600. Leaf area index increased triple fold in the crops grown in the open top chamber with C600. The biomass production in term of fresh and dry biomass accumulation increased by 134.35 (fresh) and 193.34 (dry) % over the control (C360) condition where the crops were grown for 20 d. The rate of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance increased by 24.51 and 46.33 %, respectively, in C600 over C360 plants. In comparison with C360, the rate of transpiration decreased by 6.8 % under C600. Long-term exposure (120 d) to C600 enhanced photosynthetic water use efficiency by 34 %. Also the contents of chlorophylls a and b significantly increased in C600. Thus C. ciliaris grown in C600 throughout the crop season may produce more fodder in terms of green biomass.  相似文献   

Drought is a normal, recurrent feature of climate. In order to understand the potential effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration (C a) on ecosystems, it is essential to determine the combined effects of drought and elevated C a (EC) under field conditions. A severe drought occurred in Central Florida in 1998 when precipitation was 88 % less than the average between 1984 and 2002. We determined daytime net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) before, during, and after the drought in the Florida scrub-oak ecosystem exposed to doubled C a in open-top chamber since May 1996. We measured diurnal leaf net photosynthetic rate (P N) of Quercus myrtifolia Willd, the dominant species, during and after the drought. Drought caused a midday depression in NEE and P N at ambient CO2 concentration (AC) and EC. EC mitigated the midday depression in NEE by about 60 % compared to AC and the effect of EC on leaf P N was similar to its effect on NEE. Growth in EC lowered the sensitivity of NEE to air vapor pressure deficit under drought. Thus EC would help the scrub-oak ecosystem to survive the consequences of the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 on climate change, including increased frequency of drought, while simultaneously sequestering more anthropogenic carbon.  相似文献   

Investigating the many internal feedbacks within the climate system is a vital component of the effort to quantify the full effects of future anthropogenic climate change. The stomatal apertures of plants tend to close and decrease in number under elevated CO2 concentrations, increasing water‐use efficiency (WUE) and reducing canopy evapotranspiration. Experimental and modelling studies reveal huge variations in these changes such that the warming associated with reduced evapotranspiration (known as physiological forcing) is neither well understood or constrained. Palaeo‐observations of changes in stomatal response and plant WUE under rising CO2 might be used to better understand the processes underlying the physiological forcing feedback and to link measured changes in plant WUE to a specific physiological change in stomata. Here we use time series of tree ring (Pinus sylvestris L.) δ13C and subfossil leaf (Betula nana L.) measurements of stomatal density and geometry to derive records of changes in intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) and maximum stomatal conductance in the Boreal zone of northern Finland and Sweden. We investigate the rate of change in both proxies, over the recent past. The independent lines of evidence from these two different Boreal species indicate increased iWUE and reduced maximum stomatal conductance of similar magnitude from preindustrial times (ca. ad 1850) to around ad 1970. After this maximum stomatal conductance continues to decrease to ad 2000 in B. nana but iWUE in P. sylvestris reaches a plateau. We suggest that northern boreal P. sylvestris might have reached a threshold in its ability to increase WUE as CO2 rises.  相似文献   

Two cultivars (Katy and Erhuacao) of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) were evaluated under open-field and solar-heated greenhouse conditions in northwest China, to determine the effect of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), leaf temperature, and CO2 concentration on the net photosynthetic rate (P N). In greenhouse, Katy registered 28.3 μmol m−2 s−1 for compensation irradiance and 823 μmol m−2 s−1 for saturation irradiance, which were 73 and 117 % of those required by Erhuacao, respectively. The optimum temperatures for cvs. Katy and Erhuacao were 25 and 35 °C in open-field and 22 and 30 °C in greenhouse, respectively. At optimal temperatures, P N of the field-grown Katy was 16.5 μmol m−2 s−1, 21 % less than for a greenhouse-grown apricot. Both cultivars responded positively to CO2 concentrations below the CO2 saturation concentration, whereas Katy exhibited greater P N (18 %) and higher carboxylation efficiency (91 %) than Erhuacao at optimal CO2 concentration. Both cultivars exhibited greater photosynthesis in solar-heated greenhouses than in open-field, but Katy performed better than Erhuacao under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity (sea water at 0 ‰ versus 30 ‰) on gross rates of O2 evolution (J O2) and net rates of CO2 uptake (P N) were measured in the halotolerant estuarine C4 grasses Spartina patens, S. alterniflora, S. densiflora, and Distichlis spicata in controlled growth environments. Under high irradiance, salinity had no significant effect on the intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration ratio (C i/C a). However, during photosynthesis under limiting irradiance, the maximum quantum efficiency of CO2 fixation decreased under salinity across species, suggesting there is increased leakage of the CO2 delivered to the bundle sheath cells by the C4 pump. Growth under salinity did not affect the maximum intrinsic efficiency of photosystem 2, PS2 (FV/FM) in these species, suggesting salinity had no effect on photosynthesis by inactivation of PS2 reaction centers. Under saline conditions and high irradiance, P N was reduced by 75 % in Spartina patens and S. alterniflora, whereas salinity had no effect on P N in S. densiflora or D. spicata. This inhibition of P N in S. patens and S. alterniflora was not due to an effect on stomatal conductance since the ratio of C i/C a did not decrease under saline conditions. In growth with and without salt, P N was saturated at ∼500 μmol(quantum) m−2 s−1 while J O2 continued to increase up to full sunlight, indicating that carbon assimilation was not tightly coupled to photochemistry in these halophytic species. This increase in alternative electron flow under high irradiance might be an inherent function in these halophytes for dissipating excess energy.  相似文献   

Acacia ampliceps Maslin and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. were grown for one year in lysimeters at three soil moisture regimes: 100 % (well-watered), 75 % (medium-watered) and 50 % (low-watered) of total plant available water. Biomass yield of both species increased with increase in soil moisture. Water-use efficiency (WUE) of E. camaldulensis decreased and that of A. ampliceps increased markedly with decrease in available soil moisture. A. ampliceps showed 4 – 5 times more biomass yield than E. camaldulensis grown at similar soil moisture. A. ampliceps showed almost 5, 9 and 12 times higher WUE than E. camaldulensis under low-, medium- and well-watered treatments, respectively. Significant negative correlation of 13C with WUE (r = –0.99) was observed in A. ampliceps. In contrast, 13C of E. camaldulensis showed a significant positive correlation with WUE (r = 0.82).  相似文献   

Plant communities around natural CO2 springs have been exposed to elevated CO2 levels over many generations and give us a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of long-term elevated CO2 levels on wild plants. We searched for natural CO2 springs in cool temperate climate regions in Japan and found three springs that were suitable for studying long-term responses of plants to elevated levels of CO2: Ryuzin-numa, Yuno-kawa and Nyuu. At these CO2 springs, the surrounding air was at high CO2 concentration with no toxic gas emissions throughout the growth season, and there was natural vegetation around the springs. At each site, high-CO2 (HC) and low-CO2 (LC) plots were established, and three dominant species at the shrub layers were used for physiological analyses. Although the microenvironments were different among the springs, dicotyledonous species growing at the HC plots tended to have more starch and less nitrogen per unit dry mass in the leaves than those growing at the LC plots. In contrast, monocotyledonous species growing in the HC and LC plots had similar starch and nitrogen concentrations. Photosynthetic rates at the mean growth CO2 concentration were higher in HC plants than LC plants, but photosynthetic rates at a common CO2 concentration were lower in HC plants. Efficiency of water and nitrogen use of leaves at growth CO2 concentration was greatly increased in HC plants. These results suggest that natural plants growing in elevated CO2 levels under cool temperate climate conditions have down-regulated their photosynthetic capacity but that they increased photosynthetic rates and resource use efficiencies due to the direct effect of elevated CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The relationship between carbon assimilation and high-level expression of the maize PEPC in PEPC transgenic rice was studied by comparison to that in the untransformed rice, japonica kitaake. Stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates in PEPC transgenic rice were higher than those of untransformed rice, but the increase of stomatal conductance had no statistical correlation with that of photosynthetic rate. Under high levels of light intensity, the protein contents of PEPC and CA were increased significantly. Therefore the photosynthetic capacity was increased greatly (50%) with atmospheric CO2 supply. While CO2 release in leaf was reduced and the compensation point was lowered correspondingly under CO2 free conditions. Treatment of the rice with the PEPC-specific inhibitor DCDP showed that overexpression of PEPC and enhancement of carbon assimilation were related to the stability of Fv/Fm. Labeling with 14CO2 for 20 s showed more 14C was distributed to C4 primary photosynthate asperate in PEPC transgenic rice, suggesting that there exists a limiting C4 photosynthetic mechanism in leaves. These results suggest that the primitive CO2 concentrating mechanism found in rice could be reproduced through metabolic engineering, and shed light on the physiological basis for transgenic breeding with high photosynthetic efficiency.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (E), and stomatal conductance (g s) in an adult oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) canopy were highest in the 9th leaf and progressively declined with leaf age. Larger leaf area (LA) and leaf dry mass (LDM) were recorded in middle leaves. P N showed a significant positive correlation with g s and a negative relationship with leaf mass per area (ALM). The oil palm leaf remains photosynthetically active for a longer time in the canopy which contributes significantly to larger dry matter production in general and greater fresh fruit bunch yields in particular.  相似文献   

A synthetic model of photosynthesis-transpiration was established based on a comprehensive consideration of models of CO2 and H2O fluxes controlled by stomata of plant leaves.The synthetic model was developed by introducing the internal conductance to CO2 assimilation, gic, and the general equation of stomatal conductance model to H2O diffusion, gsw = g0+a1Amf(Ds)/(Cs-Γ), into models of CO2 and H2O diffusion through the plant leaves stomata. In the above expression, g0 and a1 are coefficients, Cs ambient CO2 concentration at leaf surface, Γ CO2 compensation point, and f(Ds) the general function describing the response of stomatal conductance to humidity. Using the data observed in maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max Merr.) plants grown in the field, the parameters in the model were identified, and the applicability of the model was examined. The verification indicated that the developed model could be used to estimate net assimilation rate, transpiration rate, and water use efficiency with a high enough level of precision. The examination also showed that when f(Ds) = hs or f(Ds) = (1+Ds/D0)−1 was employed, the estimation precision of the synthetic model was highest. In the study, the parameter gic was estimated by means of a linear function of QP because it was shown to be mostly correlated with photosynthetic photon flux, QP, among various environmental factors.  相似文献   

We evaluated the combined effects of elevated CO2 and water availability on photosynthesis in barley. Soil and plant water content decreased with water stress, but less under elevated CO2 concentration (EC) compared with ambient CO2 concentration (AC). During water stress, stomatal conductance, carboxylation rate, RuBP regeneration, and the rate of triose phosphate utilisation (TPU) were decreased but less when plants grew under EC. Drought treatments caused only a slight effect on maximum photochemical efficiency (variable to maximum fluorescence ratio, Fv/Fm), whereas the actual quantum yield (ΦPS2), maximum electron transport rate (Jmax) and photochemical quenching (qP) were decreased and the non photochemical quenching (NPQ) was enhanced. Under water deficit, the allocation of electrons to CO2 assimilation was diminished by 49 % at AC and by 26 % at EC while the allocation to O2 reduction was increased by 15 % at AC and by 12 % at EC.  相似文献   

Morphology, biomass accumulation and allocation, gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence were compared for one-year-old seedlings of Salix psammophila and Artemisia ordosica, two dominant desert species, in response to two water supplies (equivalent to 315.0 mm for present precipitation in growing season and to 157.5 mm for future decreasing precipitation) during 105 d. For both species, photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 (Fv/Fm), net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, biomass accumulation in different organs, tree height, number of leaves, and leaf area were reduced in response to the decrease in water supply. For both species, instantaneous water use efficiency was not affected by the water deficit. However, diurnal patterns of gas exchange and biomass allocation were affected in different ways for the two species, with notably a decrease in specific leaf area and an increase in root : shoot ratio for S. psammophila only. Overall, S. psammophila was more responsive to the decreasing precipitation than A. ordosica.  相似文献   

植物光合生产力与冠层蒸散模拟研究进展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
植物的光合与蒸腾的模拟已经从经验模型发展到过程模型的时代。概括地论述叶片和冠层尺度上,植物生理生态的基本过程,分析近年来几个有代表性的模型在模拟光合作用,蒸腾作用时,对这些听参数化处理的方法,即在叶片水平上,以Farquhar的叶片光合作用的生化模型,Ball-Berry的气孔导度模型等为基础。  相似文献   

Several studies have shown improved soil stability under elevated atmospheric CO2 caused by increased plant and microbial biomass. These studies have not quantified the mechanisms responsible for soil stabilisation or the effect on water relations. The objective of this study was to assess changes in water repellency under elevated CO2. We hypothesised that increased plant biomass will drive an increase in water repellency, either directly or through secondary microbial processes. Barley plants were grown at ambient (360 ppm) and elevated (720 ppm) CO2 concentrations in controlled chambers. Each plant was grown in a separate tube of 1.2 m length constructed from 22 mm depth × 47 mm width plastic conduit trunk and packed with sieved arable soil to 55% porosity. After 10 weeks growth the soil was dried at 40°C before measuring water sorptivity, ethanol sorptivity and repellency at many depths with a 0.14 mm radius microinfiltrometer. This provided a microscale measure of the capacity of soil to rewet after severe drying. At testing roots extended throughout the depth of the soil in the tube. The depth of the measurement had no effect on sorptivity or repellency. A rise in CO2 resulted in a decrease in water sorptivity from 1.13 ± 0.06 (s.e) mm s−1/2 to 1.00 ± 0.05 mm s−1/2 (P < 0.05) and an increase in water repellency from 1.80 ± 0.09 to 2.07 ± 0.08 (P < 0.05). Ethanol sorptivity was not affected by CO2 concentration, suggesting a similar pore structure. Repellency was therefore the primary cause of decreased water sorptivity. The implications will be both positive and negative, with repellency potentially increasing soil stability but also causing patchier wetting of the root-zone.  相似文献   

The gas exchange traits of wild type soybeans (cv. Clark) and a near-isogenic, chlorophyll-deficient line homozygous for the recessive allele y9 (y9y9) were compared under either well-watered or water-stress conditions. Mature leaves of y9 had a 65% lower chlorophyll content than wild type. However, the net photosynthetic rate (PN) of y9 leaves was only 20% lower than in the wild type, irrespective of water availability. Transpiration rates (E) were significantly higher in leaves of y9, compared to the wild type, either under well-watered or stress conditions. The higher E of y9 correlated with increased stomatal conductance, particularly in the abaxial epidermis, where more than 70% of the stomata were located. The combination of lower PN and increased E resulted in a significant decrease of water use efficiency in y9, at both water availability levels. The relative water content decreased in stressed leaves, much more in y9 than in wild type leaves, probably because of the higher E of the mutant line. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

不同土壤水分条件下紫藤叶片生理参数的光响应   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
测定了不同土壤湿度下2年生紫藤叶片光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)及水分利用效率(WUE)等生理参数的光响应过程,探讨了紫藤正常生长发育所需的土壤水分和光照条件.结果表明:紫藤叶片的Pn、Tr及WUE对土壤湿度和光照强度的变化具有明显的阈值响应.维持紫藤正常生长(同时具有较高Pn和WUE)的土壤湿度范围为:体积含水量(Wv)15.3%~26.5%、相对含水量(Wr)46.4%~80.3%,最佳土壤湿度约为Wv 23.3%、Wr 70.6%.紫藤叶片对光照环境的适应性较强,在光合有效辐射强度(PAR)为600~1 600 μmol·m-2·s-1时,Pn和WUE具有较高水平,饱和光强在PAR为800~1 000 μmol·m-2·s-1.紫藤叶片光合作用非气孔限制的发生与土壤湿度与光照强度密切相关,Wv为18.4%~26.5%、Wr为55.8%~80.3%时,光合作用主要受气孔限制,光照强度的影响较小;超出此范围后,其受光照强度的影响较大,出现由气孔限制转变为非气孔限制的PAR临界值.紫藤正常生长允许的最低土壤湿度约为Wv 11.9%、Wr 36.1%,允许最高PAR约为1 000 μmol·m-2·s-1,是紫藤叶片光合机构受到破坏的临界点.  相似文献   

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