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Michael A. Huston 《Oecologia》1997,110(4):449-460
Interactions between biotic and abiotic processes complicate the design and interpretation of ecological experiments. Separating causality from simple correlation requires distinguishing among experimental treatments, experimental responses, and the many processes and properties that are correlated with either the treatments or the responses, or both. When an experimental manipulation has multiple components, but only one of them is identified as the experimental treatment, erroneous conclusions about cause and effect relationships are likely because the actual cause of any observed response may be ignored in the interpretation of the experimental results. This unrecognized cause of an observed response can be considered a “hidden treatment.” Three types of hidden treatments are potential problems in biodiversity experiments: (1) abiotic conditions, such as resource levels, or biotic conditions, such as predation, which are intentionally or unintentionally altered in order to create differences in species numbers for “diversity” treatments; (2) non-random selection of species with particular attributes that produce treatment differences that exceed those due to “diversity” alone; and (3) the increased statistical probability of including a species with a dominant negative or positive effect (e.g., dense shade, or nitrogen fixation) in randomly selected groups of species of increasing number or “diversity.” In each of these cases, treatment responses that are actually the result of the “hidden treatment” may be inadvertently attributed to variation in species diversity. Case studies re-evaluating three different types of biodiversity experiments demonstrate that the increases found in such ecosystem properties as productivity, nutrient use efficiency, and stability (all of which were attributed to higher levels of species diversity) were actually caused by “hidden treatments” that altered plant biomass and productivity. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted: 2 March 1997  相似文献   

Predator-induced defenses are well studied in plants and invertebrate animals, but have only recently been recognized in vertebrates. Gray treefrog (Hylachrysoscelis) tadpoles reared with predatory dragonfly (Aeshnaumbrosa) larvae differ in shape and color from tadpoles reared in the absence of dragonflies. By exposing tadpoles to tail damage and the non-lethal presence of starved and fed dragonflies, we determined that these phenotypic differences are induced by non-contact cues present when dragonflies prey on Hyla. The induced changes in shape are in the direction that tends to increase swimming speed; thus, the induced morphology may help tadpoles evade predators. Altering morphology in response to predators is likely to influence interactions with other species in the community as well. Received: 17 April 1996 / Accepted: 18 September 1996  相似文献   

Microvibration (MV) of the freely hanging and firmly supported lower arm was studied (n = 8) using two accelerometers, one located over muscle tissue (brachioradialis muscle) and one over bony tissue (processus styloideus). Measurements were made in the completely relaxed arm (REST), during arterial occlusion (CUFF) and during mild handgrip (GRIP), first with the arm relaxed and hanging beside the chair and then repeated with the arm supported in a special rest. At REST, ballistocardiac forces were identified as the driving mechanism for the regular MV pattern, whereas actions of local pulse waves (CUFF) could be excluded. During GRIP irregular MV, related to the contraction process, became superimposed on both signals. The MV at REST was sensitive to arm position. In the freely hanging state, when the arm was family coupled to the trunk, ballistocardiac body motion was present over bony tissue, producing a low damped 7–13 Hz resonant response over muscle tissue. In the supported state, the arm became isolated from body motions. Nevertheless, ballistocardiac forces reached the arm, producing smaller oscillatory responses over bone and muscle tissue. Regionally produced MV (GRIP) was not sensitive to arm position, but the spectrum content in the 7–13 Hz region was very similar to REST. From these results it would appear, that a low damped 7–13 Hz resonance process exists in relaxed muscle tissue, which physiologically becomes stimulated by cardiac and muscle forces. From the close relationship of the simultaneous MV waveforms in the supported arm, evidence for mechanical coupling between bone and muscle tissue is given. Accepted: 15 October 1996  相似文献   

We investigated how infection by the mermithid nematode Gasteromermis sp. affected predation on its nymphal mayfly host, Baetisbicaudatus, by two invertebrate predators – the stonefly nymphs of Kogotusmodestus and the caddisfly larvae of Rhyacophilahyalinata. Predation trials and behavioral observations were conducted in stream-side, flow-through experimental chambers. When parasitized and unparasitized prey were offered in equal numbers, K. modestus consumed significantly more parasitized than unparasitized nymphs. R. hyalinata consumed equal numbers of both prey types. Behavioral observations of foraging K.␣modestus on parasitized and unparasitized prey suggested that the increased consumption of parasitized nymphs was due to differences in the behavior of infected mayflies in response to the predator. Specifically, parasitized nymphs drifted less often to escape an approaching predator (non-contact encounters) compared to unparasitized nymphs, which increased the number of contact encounters and attacks that occurred between K.␣modestus and parasitized prey. Because all hosts are castrated, these behavioral alterations affect only the fitness of the parasite, which is killed along with its host by invertebrate predation. We present a number of hypotheses to explain why the parasite causes increased predation on its host. These include the large size of the parasite affecting the sensory abilities of the host, the larger energetic costs of escape behavior for parasitized individuals, and natural selection from fish predation against drifting behavior by parasitized individuals. Received: 27 May 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

Sieve-tube exudate protein (STEP) from Ricinus communis L. seedlings consists of a characteristic set of more than 100 different polypeptides, against which a complex antiserum was raised. This antiserum cross-reacted with dominant protein species (molecular weights 10–30 kDa) present in the sieve-tube exudate and, to a lesser extent, with proteins in tissue extracts of Ricinus and a wide range of other plant species. For further elucidation of the nature of individual STEPs in the sieve tubes the anti-STEP serum was used to screen a cDNA expression library constructed from Ricinus cotyledon mRNA. Two clones that differed in the 3′ untranslated region encoded a protein of 11 kDa which showed striking homology to bacterial and eucaryotic glutaredoxin sequences. Glutaredoxin activity was confirmed for the recombinant protein after overexpression in Escherichia coli and characterised in detail in sieve-tube exudate. Michaelis Menten constants (K m) for reduced glutathione and cysteine were 2 mM and 50 μM, respectively. Besides l-cysteine, dehydroascorbate and protein disulphides were also reduced by the activity present in the sieve-tube exudate. Glutathione, which is the obligate donor of reduced thiols for glutaredoxin, was present in sieve-tube sap in millimolar concentrations (up to 3 mM) with a ratio of total to oxidised glutathione of 3:1. It is suggested that glutaredoxin and glutathione in sieve tubes prevent oxidative damage and may be involved in redox regulation of sieve-tube proteins. Received: 13 December 1996 / Accepted: 28 December 1996  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate quality coding of blend ratios of binary mixtures by olfactory receptor cells in the spiny lobster. Three odorants (adenosine-5′-monophosphate, l-glutamate, and taurine) at 0.1–100 μmol · l−1 and seven blend ratios of each of their binary mixtures at a total concentration of 100 μmol · l−1 were used. The olfactory cells recorded (n = 48) evoked across-neuron patterns for single odorants that were well separated from each other. Across-neuron patterns varied with stimulus concentration but less than with stimulus type. Blend ratios of the three mixtures evoked across-neuron patterns that were orderly placed within a continuum between those elicited by the components. Mixture interactions, defined as a lack of independent effects by a mixture's components, occurred in 25, 24 and 37% of responses to blend ratios of glutamate/taurine, adenosine-5′-monophosphate/taurine, and glutamate/adenosine-5′-monophosphate, respectively. These mixture interactions did not have a large enough effect on the across-neuron patterns for the mixtures such they would be novel relative to those of the single components. These results suggest that despite mixture interactions the quality of individual compounds is not lost when mixed. This corroborates behavioral studies showing that spiny lobsters have the ability to elementally process odor mixtures. Accepted: 23 August 1996  相似文献   

Although the role of introns in eucaryotic nuclear genes has been much debated, it remains underinvestigated in fungi. The AS1 gene of Podospora anserina contains three introns and encodes a ribosomal protein (S12) belonging to the well-conserved bacterial S19 family. We attempted to complement the highly pleiotropic mutation AS1-4 with a cDNA encoding the homologous human (S15) protein (rig gene) under the control of the AS1 promoter. In a control experiment, the AS1 + cDNA was unable to complement fully the AS1-4 mutation. It was assumed that the AS1 cDNA was not well expressed and that the AS1 gene needed intron(s) to be efficiently expressed. Addition of the first intron of the AS1 gene to the AS1 and rig cDNAs did indeed allow complementation of all the phenotypic defects of the AS1-4 mutation. These data lead to two main conclusions. First, the human S15 ribosomal protein is functional in Podospora. Second, full expression of the Podospora AS1 gene requires at least one intron. Received: 26 April 1996 / Accepted: 22 August 1996  相似文献   

Canopy CO2 concentrations in a tropical rainforest in French Guiana were measured continuously for 5 days during the 1994 dry season and the 1995 wet season. Carbon dioxide concentrations ([CO2]) throughout the canopy (0.02–38 m) showed a distinct daily pattern, were well-stratified and decreased with increasing height into the canopy. During both seasons, daytime [CO2] in the upper and middle canopy decreased on average 7–10 μmol mol−1 below tropospheric baseline values measured at Barbados. Within the main part of the canopy (≥ 0.7 m), [CO2] did not differ between the wet and dry seasons. In contrast, [CO2] below 0.7 m were generally higher during the dry season, resulting in larger [CO2] gradients. Supporting this observation, soil CO2 efflux was on average higher during the dry season than during the wet season, either due to diffusive limitations and/or to oxygen deficiency of root and microbial respiration. Soil respiration rates decreased by 40% after strong rain events, resulting in a rapid decrease in canopy [CO2] immediately above the forest floor of about 50␣μmol mol−1. Temporal and spatial variations in [CO2]canopy were reflected in changes of δ13Ccanopy and δ18Ocanopy values. Tight relationships were observed between δ13C and δ18O of canopy CO2 during both seasons (r 2 > 0.86). The most depleted δ13Ccanopy and δ18Ocanopy values were measured immediately above the forest floor (δ13C = −16.4‰; δ18O = 39.1‰ SMOW). Gradients in the isotope ratios of CO2 between the top of the canopy and the forest floor ranged between 2.0‰ and 6.3‰ for δ13C, and between 1.0‰ and 3.5‰ for δ18O. The δ13Cleaf and calculated c i/c a of foliage at three different positions were similar for the dry and wet seasons indicating that the canopy maintained a constant ratio of photosynthesis to stomatal conductance. About 20% of the differences in δ13Cleaf within the canopy was accounted for by source air effects, the remaining 80% must be due to changes in c i/c a. Plotting 1/[CO2] vs. the corresponding δ13C ratios resulted in very tight, linear relationships (r 2 = 0.99), with no significant differences between the two seasons, suggesting negligible seasonal variability in turbulent mixing relative to ecosystem gas exchange. The intercepts of these relationships that should be indicative of the δ13C of respired sources were close to the measured δ13C of soil respired CO2 and to the δ13C of litter and soil organic matter. Estimates of carbon isotope discrimination of the entire ecosystem, Δe, were calculated as 20.3‰ during the dry season and as 20.5‰ during the wet season. Received: 3 March 1996 / Accepted: 19 October 1996  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of training and racing at moderate altitude (MA) on oxidative stress by assessment of serum diene conjugation (DC) and serum antioxidant potential (TRAP). Nine male top level skiers were studied during a national race (20–30 km) at sea level (SL). Thereafter, the athletes trained for 2 weeks at MA, after which they participated in a 20–30 km race at MA. Venous blood samples were taken before and after the race. The DC, indicating early events of lipid peroxi dation, did not change during the race at SL (16 850 vs 15 900 ΔAbsorbance · l−1) or at MA (19 870 vs. 20 630 ΔAbs · l−1). At MA serum DC was higher than at SL both before (25%) and after (30%) the race, the postrace difference being statistically significant (P < 0.05). The TRAP increased during the race at MA (from 1387 to 1943 μmol · 1−1, P  =  0.016), but not at SL (1713 vs 1582 μmol · l−1). These observations would suggest that the level of oxidative stress might be greater during living, training and racing at MA (higher DC levels). Increased TRAP during the race at MA may indicate that the physiological adaptation to extreme acute oxidative stress was altered. The physiological significance of this observation remains to be investigated. Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that changes in physiological responses during arm-cranking exercise using electrical stimulation of the leg muscles (ACE-ES) compared to arm-cranking exercise alone (ACE) in able-bodied subjects (ABS) are based on an increase in active muscle mass rather than the enhancing effect of the leg muscle pump. In ABS the sympathetic nervous system induced vasoconstriction and activity of the leg muscle pump are intact, therefore, a normal redistribution of blood takes place during exercise. Consequently, ES should have no additional effect on the redistribution of blood in these ABS during exercise and, thus, changes in physiological responses will be based on an increase in active muscle mass. A group of 11 ABS performed three maximal arm-cranking tests. In the first test peak power output (PO peak) was determined. The other tests were both submaximal and maximal ACE, once with ACE-ES and once with ACE. The PO peak was not significantly different between ACE-ES and ACE. Oxygen uptake (O2) increased significantly during ACE-ES compared to ACE. Cardiac output (), stroke volume (SV), heart rate and ventilation were not significantly different during ACE-ES compared to ACE. Respiratory exchange ratios were significantly lower during ACE-ES compared to ACE at 60% PO peak and at maximal exercise. In conclusion, ACE-ES caused significant increases in O2 with a lack of elevation in and SV during submaximal and maximal exercise in ABS. The results of this study suggest that changes in physiological responses during ACE-ES are based on an increase in the active muscle mass rather than stimulation of the leg muscle pump. Accepted: 6 August 1996  相似文献   

Whole body calcium influx, branchial calcium efflux, and renal Ca2+ excretion were measured in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to hypercapnia. These experiments were performed to assess the potential impact on Ca2+ balance of the changes in gill morphology known to accompany respiratory acidosis in this species. After 48 h of hypercapnia, gill filamental chloride cell fractional area was significantly reduced. Despite this reduction and the presumed involvement of the chloride cell in calcium influx, whole body calcium influx was increased after 12 h of hypercapnia and remained elevated for 48 h. Branchial calcium efflux was unaltered during hypercapnia exposure, whereas renal Ca2+ excretion was elevated over preflux values only at 6 h of hypercapnia. Measurement of the kinetics of whole body calcium influx after 48 h of hypercapnia revealed a significant increase in the maximal uptake rate of Ca2+, yet the affinity constant of Ca2+ uptake was unaffected. Measurements of high-affinity Ca2+ -ATPase activities and ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport of gill basolateral membrane vesicles revealed that the ATP-dependent Ca2+ extrusion mechanism of the gills was not affected by hypercapnia. The results of the present study clearly show that the reduced chloride cell surface area that accompanies hypercapnia in trout does not impair calcium homeostasis. Although adjustments to the basolateral membrane high affinity Ca2+ transporter do not appear to play a role, the mechanism(s) underlying the maintenance of calcium homeostasis under hypercapnic conditions are unresolved. Accepted: 1 July 1996  相似文献   

The influence of the increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) induced by acetazolamide on tympanic temperature (T ty) was examined in three healthy male volunteers and in five patients with subacute subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). The CBF was estimated by means of stable xenon-enhanced computed tomography before and after the administration of acetazolamide. The T ty was recorded continuously in both ears using thermistor thermometers. In all subjects, CBF increased ranging from 11% to 108% after acetazolamide administration. In all the healthy subjects and in two patients with mild SAH, T ty was higher than the oesophageal temperature (T oes) and T ty decreased bilaterally, ranging from 0.07 to 0.35°C as CBF increased. Three patients with severe SAH were febrile, their T oes exceeding T ty, and their T ty rose by 0.30 to 0.53°C with increased CBF. These observations suggest that T ty follows brain temperature which changes with an increase in CBF in euthermic subjects as well as in febrile subjects. Accepted: 3 September 1996  相似文献   

Interference competition by aggressive foraging often explains resource partitioning, but mechanisms contributing to partitioning have rarely been studied in Asian social bee guilds. Foraging of social bees at canopy flowers of Santiria laevigata (Burseraceae) and honey-water feeders was studied in a lowland mixed-dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Four stingless bee species (Apidae, Meliponinae), Trigona canifrons, T.␣fimbriata, T. apicalis and T. melina, aggressively defended flower patches and feeders. At the flowers, T.␣canifrons excluded other bees only in the morning when nectar flow peaked. At the feeders, the aggression resulted in asymmetric interference competition, which produced a dominance hierarchy among seven social bee species. Interspecific partitioning of the feeders was detected in time and height but not quality. Only time of the first arrival after feeder presentation was negatively correlated with the dominance hierarchy: more aggressive species arrived at the feeders later than less aggressive species. This result suggests that a trade-off between searching ability and defensive ability at flower patches gives rise to resource partitioning in the social bee guild. Received: 22 June 1996 / Accepted: 22 November 1996  相似文献   

G. Ganade  V. K. Brown 《Oecologia》1997,109(3):374-381
 The effects of, and interactions between, insect root feeders, vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil fertility on the establishment, growth and reproduction of Vicia sativa and V. hirsuta (Fabaceae) were investigated in an early-successional grassland community. Seeds of both species were sown into plots where soil insecticide (Dursban 5G), soil fungicide (Rovral) and soil fertiliser (NPK) were applied in a factorial randomised block design. Fertiliser addition reduced growth, longevity and reproduction of both Vicia species, due to the commonly recorded increase in the competitive advantage of the non-nitrogen-fixing species when nitrogen is added to the plant community. However, in plots where fertiliser was not applied, a reduction in root feeders and mycorrhizal infection led to an increase in seedling establishment and fruit production of V. sativa, and to an increase in flower production for both Vicia species. The interaction between all three soil treatments explained much of the variation in growth and longevity of V. sativa. Plants grew larger and survived longer in plots where natural levels of mycorrhizal infection and root feeders were low compared with plots where all the treatments were applied. This suggests that, although soil nutrient availability was a strong determinant of the performance of these two leguminous species, at natural levels of soil fertility biotic factors acting in the soil, such as mycorrhizal fungi and soil-dwelling insects, were important in shaping the competitive interactions between the two Vicia species and the plant community. Our results indicate that non-additive interactions between ecological factors in the soil environment may strongly affect plant performance. Received: 18 July 1995 / Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   

 The influence of different N sources on medium pH variation and the effect of the external mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on nutrient dynamics were studied using a two-compartment, aseptic Petri plate system. VA mycorrhizal, transformed roots of carrot (Daucus carota L.) were cultured in the proximal compartment and external mycorrhizal mycelium in the distal compartment. The medium in the distal compartament contained N either as NO3 or as NH4 +. The pH and the anion and cation concentrations were measured every 15 days in filtrates prepared from the distal compartments. Thirteen weeks after colonization, there was a significant basification or a light acidification of the NO3 and NH4 + medium, respectively. There was no change in NO3 concentration but a significant decrease in NH4 + concentration. Treatments containing N as NO3 showed no variation in cations such asCa2+ and Mg2+ or anions such as PO4 2–, and SO4 2– but showed significant increases in the concentration of K+. Treatments containing N as NH4 + showed no variation in cations or anions, except for increases in the concentrations of K+ and Cl. Accepted: 7 March 1996  相似文献   

Although Alpine newts (Triturus alpestris) are found at altitudes up to 2500 m, their larvae proved to be extremely sensitive to UV radiation when exposed in clear tapwater to natural sunlight or to comparable artificial UV-B radiation in the laboratory. The experiments revealed severe skin damages (lysis of epithelial cells) and mortality after a few days of exposure. In their natural habitats above the timberline, however, the larvae are protected by the high concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the water leading to an almost complete absorption of UV radiation within the first few centimeters of the water layer. Furthermore, when exposed to UV radiation larvae show erratic swimming activities that may carry them into protected areas. Only in very shallow natural habitats did we detect sublethal UV-like histological effects. Shallow high mountain ponds with clear water normally lack newt populations, probably as a consequence of both low temperature and the effects of UV radiation. Received: 4 October 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

 Root samples of 37 species distributed on the beach and along a successional gradient (from mobile to stabilized areas) in a tropical sand dune system on the Gulf of Mexico showed that 97% of the species were mycorrhizal. The mycorrhizal inoculum potential of the sand from several dune areas was compared using two different bioassays. Firstly, the field rate of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of Chamaecrista chamaecristoides seedlings transplanted to random plots in the foredunes and in the mobile area was measured. The seedlings were harvested at intervals during 3 weeks to record mycorrhizal structures. In the mobile area, no mycorrhizal colonization was observed during the experiment. In the foredunes, hyphae and external mycelium were present in 40% of the seedlings as early as 8 days after transplanting. After 15 days, arbuscules and vesicles were observed in 60 and 20% of the seedlings, respectively, and after 21 days, 100, 46 and 20% of the seedlings showed hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles, respectively. Secondly, maize seedlings were transplanted to pots previously filled with sand from the foredunes, mobile dunes, grassland and a Dyphisa robinoides shrub area. After 1 month, the lowest mycorrhizal inoculum potential was recorded for the mobile dunes and the highest for the shrub area. As expected, mycorrhizal inoculum potential increased with dune stabilization. Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

Gert Stange 《Oecologia》1997,110(4):539-545
Sensory organs that detect CO2 are common in herbivorous moths and butterflies, but their function has been unclear until now. As the CO2 gradients in the vicinity of a host plant depend on its physiological condition, CO2 could provide a sensory cue for the suitability of the plant as a larval food source. This study investigated whether changing the atmospheric CO2 concentration affected oviposition by Cactoblastis cactorum on its host, the cactus Opuntia stricta. On host plants exposed to rapid fluctuations in CO2 concentration, the frequency of oviposition was reduced by a factor of 3.2 compared to the control. As the fluctuations mask the much smaller CO2 signals generated by the plants, this suggests that those signals constitute an important component of the host identification process. On host plants exposed to a constant background of doubled CO2, oviposition was also reduced, by a factor of 1.8. An increased background reduces host signal detectability, partially as a consequence of a general principle of sensory physiology (Weber-Fechner's law), and partially due to other factors specific to CO2-receptor neurons. Received: 4 October 1996 / Accepted: 16 January 1997  相似文献   

The kinetics of the torque-velocity (T-ω) relationship after aerobic exercise was studied to assess the effect of fatigue on the contractile properties of muscle. A group of 13 subjects exercised until fatigued on a cycle ergometer, at an intensity which corresponded to 60% of their maximal aerobic power for 50 min (MAP60%); ten subjects exercised until fatigued at 80% of their maximal aerobic power for 15 min (MAP80%). Of the subjects 7 exercised at both intensities with at least a 1-week interval between sessions. Pedalling rate was set at 60 rpm. The T-ω relationship was determined from the velocity data collected during all-out sprints against a 19 N · m braking torque on the same ergometer, according to a method proposed previously. Maximal theoretical velocity (ω0) and maximal theoretical torque (T 0) were estimated by extrapolation of the linear T-ω relationship. Maximal power (P max) was calculated from the values of T 0 and ω0 (P max = 0.25 ω0T 0). The T-ω relationships were determined before, immediately after and 5 and 10 min after the aerobic exercise. The kinetics of ω0, T 0 and P max was assumed to express the effects of fatigue on the muscle contractile properties (maximal shortening velocity, maximal muscle strength and maximal power). Immediately after exercise at MAP60% a 7.8% decrease in T 0 and 8.8% decrease in P max was seen while the decrease in ω0 was nonsignificant, which suggested that P max decreased in the main because of a loss in maximal muscle strength. In contrast, MAP80% induced a 8.1% decrease in ω0 and 12.8% decrease in P max while the decrease in T 0 was nonsignificant, which suggested that the main cause of the decrease in P max was probably a slowing of maximal shortening velocity. The short recovery time of the T-ω relationship suggests that the causes of the decrease of torque and velocity are processes which recover rapidly. Accepted: 25 November 1996  相似文献   

We assessed the impacts of co‐occurring invasive plant species on fire regimes and postfire native communities in the Mojave Desert, western USA. We analyzed the distribution and co‐occurrence patterns of three invasive annual grasses (Bromus rubens, Bromus tectorum, and Schismus spp.) known to alter fuel conditions and community structure, and an invasive forb (Erodium cicutarium) which dominates postfire sites. We developed species distribution models (SDMs) for each of the four taxa and analyzed field plot data to assess the relationship between invasives and fire frequency, years postfire, and the impacts on postfire native herbaceous diversity. Most of the Mojave Desert is highly suitable for at least one of the four invasive species, and 76% of the ecoregion is predicted to have high or very high suitability for the joint occurrence of B. rubens and B. tectorum and 42% high or very high suitability for the joint occurrence of the two Bromus species and E. cicutarium. Analysis of cover from plot data indicated two or more of the species occurred in 77% of the plots, with their cover doubling with each additional species. We found invasive cover in burned plots increased for the first 20 years postfire and recorded two to five times more cover in burned than unburned plots. Analysis also indicated that native species diversity and evenness as negatively associated with higher levels of relative cover of the four invasive taxa. Our findings revealed overlapping distributions of the four invasives; a strong relationship between the invasives and fire frequency; and significant negative impacts of invasives on native herbaceous diversity in the Mojave. This suggests predicting the distributions of co‐occurring invasive species, especially transformer species, will provide a better understanding of where native‐dominated communities are most vulnerable to transformations following fire or other disturbances.  相似文献   

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