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生物三维电子显微学主要由三个部分组成——电子晶体学、单颗粒技术和电子断层成像术,其结构解析对象的尺度范围介于x射线晶体学与光学显微镜之间,适合从蛋白质分子结构到细胞和组织结构的解析。以冷冻电镜技术与三维重构技术为基础的低温电子显微学代表了生物电子显微学的前沿。低温单颗粒技术对于高度对称的病毒颗粒的解析最近已达到3.8A分辨率,正在成为解析分子量很大的蛋白质复合体高分辨结构的有效技术手段。低温电子断层成像技术目前对于真核细胞样品的结构解析已达到约40A的分辨率,在今后5年有望达到20A。这样,把x射线晶体学、NMR以及电镜三维重构获得的蛋白质分子及复合体的高分辨率的结构,锚定到较低分辨率的电子断层成像图像中,从而在细胞水平上获得高精确的蛋白质空间定位和原子分辨率的蛋白质相互作用的结构信息。这将成为把分子水平的结构研究与细胞水平的生命活动衔接起来的可行途径。  相似文献   

生物三维电子显微学在过去几年取得了巨大的突破,一些具有高对称性的病毒颗粒获得了准原子分辨率的结构,非对称性的生物大分子及其复合体的结构分辨率也有快速的提高。而要获得高分辨率的结构,获取足够多的高质量电子显微照片是其中的一个关键因素。近年来,自动化数据采集技术在电子断层成像术和单颗粒方法中都取得了很大的进展。其广泛应用将使结构测定更加快速并使结构分辨率提高到更高的层次。  相似文献   

<正>电子显微镜三维重构技术近年来有了飞速的发展,已逐渐成为研究生物大分子复合体三维结构的重要手段。电子晶体学、单颗粒三维重构技术和电子断层技术是电子显微  相似文献   

生物高分辨电子显微学是近年来发展起来的一种可与X射线晶体学相媲美的测定生物大分子高分辨结构的方法.它克服了一些限制X射线晶体学应用的困难,可以直接对非晶体状态的生物大分子或仅能形成二维晶体的蛋白进行结构测定.这一技术主要包括高分辨电子显微象的获得与电子显微象解析.文章就这一技术应用中的一些问题:自然结构的保持、辐射损伤、低衬度、低信噪比等进行了讨论.  相似文献   

团结合作,走向前沿第三届中国结构生物学学术讨论会于2010年3月3日~6日在海南三亚万嘉戴斯度假酒店成功召开。此次会议由中国晶体学会生物大分子专业委员会、中国生物物理学会分子生物物理专业委员会、中国电子显微学会冷冻电镜分会联合主办,中国晶体学会大分子专业委员会承办。梁  相似文献   

正2017年2月6日,Nature Methods杂志在线发表了加拿大多伦多大学和约克大学的电子工程与计算机科学系、生物化学系、医学生物物理系等多学科人员联合组成的研究小组开发的应用于冷冻电子显微镜(cryo-electron microscopy,cryo-EM)生物大分子结构解析的软件,cryoSPARC(cryo-EM single-particle ab initio reconstruction and classification),可以进行由低到高分辨率的快速、自动化的生物大分子结构解析~([1]).  相似文献   

生物电子显微学是结构生物学的重要分支,主要包括电子晶体学(electron crystallography)、单颗粒技术(single particle technique),电子断层成像技术(electron tomography),以及冷冻电镜技术(cryo-EM),适于从分子到细胞各个结构层次的三维结构研究,与X-射线晶体学和核磁共振谱学一道,是结构生物学的重要研究手段。本次研讨会旨在分析该领域国际发展趋势,促进国内合作研究,整合国内资源,加强人才培养。  相似文献   

电子断层成像技术(electrontomography)是近年来发展起来一项三维成像技术,可以在纳米分辨率(2-10nm)水平上获得生物大分子及其复合物或聚集体、细胞器、细胞以及组织的三维结构,而且可以用于研究生物大分子在细胞中的定位、排列、分布以及相互作用,已逐渐成为细胞生物学领域中的一项重要技术手段。该文针对这项技术及其在细胞生物学中的应用作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

该文主要探究生物大分子和各种细胞器的空间位置、相互作用的细节信息,对解析生命过程至关重要。因此,通过体电子显微学技术,实现大尺度生物样品的超微结构的三维重构,对促进细胞生物学、神经生物学等的研究具有重要意义。然而,生物样品本身只能提供微弱的电子反差,电镜成像后样品的细节结构不清晰。染色技术可以有效地增大样品的电子散射差异,提高样品超微结构的电镜图像质量。近年来,已有大量研究使用块染技术实现了大尺度样品的超微结构成像,该文通过概述电镜样品的制备过程、染色方法和染色原理,比较了在块染过程中不同的桥联剂和块染剂的特点,以期为促进块染技术的应用和发展提供有效思路。  相似文献   

冷冻电镜单颗粒三维重构技术是用来解析生物大分子三维结构的常用方法.然而目前在单颗粒三维重构过程中,溶剂平滑操作还存在一定缺陷:没有一款主流的单颗粒三维重构程序能够自动寻找掩模(mask)三维密度图,使得三维重构过程难免受到噪音统计学模型计算偏差的干扰.为解决这一问题,本研究借鉴X射线晶体学中解析优化相位所广泛采用的溶剂平滑方法,采用高斯滤波、坎尼边缘检测、最小误差阈值处理等方法处理重构所得三维密度图,优化溶剂平滑操作,发展在单颗粒三维重构过程中自动寻找mask三维密度图的方法.运用三维密度图傅里叶壳层相关系数(fourier shell correlation,FSC)曲线图、模拟颗粒数据重构角度误差散点图等指标评估此方法的效果.结果表明,自动寻找mask密度图的方法能够较好地找到涵盖分子结构信号区域的mask密度图,较为明显提高三维重构所得密度图分辨率.  相似文献   

SIGNATURE is a particle selection system for molecular electron microscopy. It applies a hierarchical screening procedure to identify molecular particles in EM micrographs. The user interface of the program provides versatile functions to facilitate image data visualization, particle annotation and particle quality inspection. The system design emphasizes both functionality and usability. This software has been released to the EM community and has been successfully applied to macromolecular structural analyses.  相似文献   

Single particle electron microscopy (EM) is an increasingly important tool for the structural analysis of macromolecular complexes. The main advantage of the technique over other methods is that it is not necessary to precede the analysis with the growth of crystals of the sample. This advantage is particularly important for membrane proteins and large protein complexes where generating crystals is often the main barrier to structure determination. Therefore, single particle EM can be employed with great utility in the study of large membrane protein complexes. Although the construction of atomic resolution models by single particle EM is possible in theory, currently the highest resolution maps are still limited to approximately 7-10A resolution and 15-30 A resolution is more typical. However, by combining single particle EM maps with high-resolution models of subunits or subcomplexes from X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy it is possible to build up an atomic model of a macromolecular assembly. Image analysis procedures are almost identical for micrographs of soluble protein complexes and detergent solubilized membrane protein complexes. However, electron microscopists attempting to prepare specimens of a membrane protein complex for imaging may find that these complexes require different handling than soluble protein complexes. This paper seeks to explain how high-quality specimen grids of membrane protein complexes may be prepared to allow for the determination of their structure by EM and image analysis.  相似文献   

The cellular nanocosm is made up of numerous types of macromolecular complexes or biological nanomachines. These form functional modules that are organized into complex subcellular networks. Information on the ultra-structure of these nanomachines has mainly been obtained by analyzing isolated structures, using imaging techniques such as X-ray crystallography, NMR, or single particle electron microscopy (EM). Yet there is a strong need to image biological complexes in a native state and within a cellular environment, in order to gain a better understanding of their functions. Emerging methods in EM are now making this goal reachable. Cryo-electron tomography bypasses the need for conventional fixatives, dehydration and stains, so that a close-to-native environment is retained. As this technique is approaching macromolecular resolution, it is possible to create maps of individual macromolecular complexes. X-ray and NMR data can be ‘docked’ or fitted into the lower resolution particle density maps to create a macromolecular atlas of the cell under normal and pathological conditions. The majority of cells, however, are too thick to be imaged in an intact state and therefore methods such as ‘high pressure freezing’ with ‘freeze-substitution followed by room temperature plastic sectioning’ or ‘cryo-sectioning of unperturbed vitreous fully hydrated samples’ have been introduced for electron tomography. Here, we review methodological considerations for visualizing nanomachines in a close-to-physiological, cellular context. EM is in a renaissance, and further innovations and training in this field should be fully supported. Robert Feulgen Lecture 2009 presented at the 51st symposium of the Society for Histochemistry in Stubai, Austria, October 7–10, 2009.  相似文献   

Determining the structure of macromolecules is important for understanding their function. The fine structure of large macromolecules is currently studied primarily by X‐ray crystallography and single‐particle cryo‐electron microscopy (EM) reconstruction. Before the development of these techniques, macromolecular structure was often examined by negative‐staining, rotary‐shadowing and freeze‐etching EM, which are categorised here as ‘direct imaging EM methods’. In this review, the results are summarised by each of the above techniques and compared with respect to four macromolecules: the ryanodine receptor, cadherin, rhodopsin and the ribosome–translocon complex (RTC). The results of structural analysis of the ryanodine receptor and cadherin are consistent between each technique. The results obtained for rhodopsin vary to some extent within each technique and between the different techniques. Finally, the results for RTC are inconsistent between direct imaging EM and other analytical techniques, especially with respect to the space within RTC, the reasons for which are discussed. Then, the role of direct imaging EM methods in modern structural biology is discussed. Direct imaging methods should support and verify the results obtained by other analytical methods capable of solving three‐dimensional molecular architecture, and they should still be used as a primary tool for studying macromolecule structure in vivo.  相似文献   

Identification of homogeneous subsets of images in a macromolecular electron microscopy (EM) image data set is a critical step in single-particle analysis. The task is handled by iterative algorithms, whose performance is compromised by the compounded limitations of image alignment and K-means clustering. Here we describe an approach, iterative stable alignment and clustering (ISAC) that, relying on a new clustering method and on the concepts of stability and reproducibility, can extract validated, homogeneous subsets of images. ISAC requires only a small number of simple parameters and, with minimal human intervention, can eliminate bias from two-dimensional image clustering and maximize the quality of group averages that can be used for ab initio three-dimensional structural determination and analysis of macromolecular conformational variability. Repeated testing of the stability and reproducibility of a solution within ISAC eliminates heterogeneous or incorrect classes and introduces critical validation to the process of EM image clustering.  相似文献   

Although three-dimensional electron microscopy (3D-EM) permits structural characterization of macromolecular assemblies in distinct functional states, the inability to classify projections from structurally heterogeneous samples has severely limited its application. We present a maximum likelihood-based classification method that does not depend on prior knowledge about the structural variability, and demonstrate its effectiveness for two macromolecular assemblies with different types of conformational variability: the Escherichia coli ribosome and Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T-antigen.  相似文献   

Single particle electron microscopy (EM), of both negative stained or frozen hydrated biological samples, has become a versatile tool in structural biology 1. In recent years, this method has achieved great success in studying structures of proteins and macromolecular complexes 2, 3. Compared with electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM), in which frozen hydrated protein samples are embedded in a thin layer of vitreous ice 4, negative staining is a simpler sample preparation method in which protein samples are embedded in a thin layer of dried heavy metal salt to increase specimen contrast 5. The enhanced contrast of negative stain EM allows examination of relatively small biological samples. In addition to determining three-dimensional (3D) structure of purified proteins or protein complexes 6, this method can be used for much broader purposes. For example, negative stain EM can be easily used to visualize purified protein samples, obtaining information such as homogeneity/heterogeneity of the sample, formation of protein complexes or large assemblies, or simply to evaluate the quality of a protein preparation.In this video article, we present a complete protocol for using an EM to observe negatively stained protein sample, from preparing carbon coated grids for negative stain EM to acquiring images of negatively stained sample in an electron microscope operated at 120kV accelerating voltage. These protocols have been used in our laboratory routinely and can be easily followed by novice users.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is a 2.5-MDa, 32-subunit ATP-dependent protease that is responsible for the degradation of ubiquitinated protein targets in all eukaryotic cells. This proteolytic machine consists of a barrel-shaped peptidase capped by a large regulatory particle, which contains a heterohexameric AAA + unfoldase as well as several structural modules of previously unknown function. Recent electron microscopy (EM) studies have allowed major breakthroughs in understanding the architecture of the regulatory particle, revealing that the additional modules provide a structural framework to position critical, ubiquitin-interacting subunits and thus allow the 26S proteasome to function as a universal degradation machine for a wide variety of protein substrates. The EM studies have also uncovered surprising asymmetries in the spatial arrangement of proteasome subunits, yet the functional significance of these architectural features remains unclear. This review will summarize the recent findings on 26S proteasome structure and discuss the mechanistic implications for substrate binding, deubiquitination, unfolding, and degradation.  相似文献   

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