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Pollen, microscopic charcoal and peat humification analyses were applied to radiocarbon-dated peat cores to examine environmental change before and after the mid-Holocene transition from hunter-gatherer (Mesolithic) to agricultural (Neolithic) communities in presently marginal upland pasture at Stanshiel Rig, Annandale, southern Scotland. The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in northern Britain is characterised by a number kf key environmental changes as well as economic shifts, including temporal patterns of fire and the Ulmus decline. Deliberate vegetation modification by Mesolithic communities is not demonstrable at Stanshiel Rig, and openings in the woodland canopy may have been promoted by grazing by wild animals or have been a consequence of climate change. Changes in fire frequency are also correlated with peat- and pollen-stratigraphic evidence for shifts to a drier climate in the late Mesolithic, probably mediated through pedological and biomass-storage change. A single Ulmus decline occurred between ca. 5650 and 5600 cal B. P., and is related here to climate change. Neolithic-age impacts on the woodland were limited, and no cereal-type pollen were found. The difference between hunter-gatherer and opportunistic farmer/hunter-gatherer at this locally is argued to be insignificant, or not detectable palynologically. Received October 4, 2001 / Accepted July 22, 2002 Correspondence to: S. M. Cayless  相似文献   

The vegetation and fire history of few coastal sites has been investigated in the Mediterranean region so far. We present the first paleoecological reconstruction from coastal Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. We analysed pollen and charcoal in the sediments of Biviere di Gela, a lake (lagoon) on the south coast of Sicily. Our data suggest that the area became afforested after a marine transgression at ca. 7200 cal b.p. (5250 b.c.). Build-up of forest and shrublands took ca. 200–300 years, mainly with the deciduous trees Quercus, Ostrya and Fraxinus. Juniperus expanded ca. 6900 cal b.p. (4950 b.c.), but declined again 6600 cal b.p. (4650 b.c.). Afterwards, evergreen trees (Q. ilex-type and Olea) became dominant in the forest and Pistacia shrublands were established. Forest and shrubland reached a maximum ca. 7000–5000 cal b.p. (5050–3050 b.c.); subsequently forest declined in response to human impact, which was probably exacerbated by a general trend towards a more arid climate. During the Neolithic, fire was used to open the landscape, significantly reducing several arboreal taxa (Q. ilex, Fraxinus, Juniperus) and promoting herbs and shrubs (Achillea, Cichorioideae, Brassicaceae, Ephedra). Final forest disruption occurred around 2600 cal b.p. (650 b.c.) with the onset of the historically documented Greek colonization. We conclude that the open maquis and garrigue vegetation of today is primarily the consequence of intensive land-use over millennia. Under natural or near-natural conditions arboreal taxa such as Q. ilex, Olea and Pistacia would be far more important than they are today, even under the hot and rather dry coastal conditions of southern Sicily.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns and intensity of anthropogenic impacts on habitats is important in the conservation of tropical ecosystems. The aim of the study was to establish the associated edge effects of anthropogenic disturbances on vegetation in western Umfurudzi Park, Zimbabwe. Three study strata were established using distance from the boundary into the park. Vegetation attributes and anthropogenic disturbance levels data were collected in 2012. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were noted on tree and shrub density, woody plant height, woody plant diversity, grass height and grass sward width across the three strata. Land clearing, livestock grazing and firewood collection were the most frequent and pronounced disturbances occurring along the park boundary. These disturbances decreased in intensity as distance from the boundary increased. We recommend the following: (i) the need to revisit the buffer zone concept and policy measures associated with ecosystem services and goods provision for communities surrounding protected areas, (ii) engaging neighbouring communities on sustainable ways of deriving ecosystem goods and services from buffer zones and protected areas and (iii) further studies on the regeneration and recovery of cleared patches along the boundary and their use by wildlife species in the park.  相似文献   

Question: How do we distinguish between concurrent allogenic and autogenic forcings behind changing patterns in plant community structures during mire development? Location: Lakkasuo raised bog, southern Finland. Methods: Two radiometrically dated peat profiles were studied using high resolution plant macrofossil analysis. A combination of partial direct and indirect gradient analyses (CCA and DCA) was applied to quantify the role of different drivers of vegetation changes. Results: Autogenic hydroseral succession explained 16% of the compositional variation in the vegetation. Disturbance successions initiated by fire explained 15% of the variation in the hummock, but only 9% in the wetter lawn. The early post‐disturbance successional stages were characterized by Eriophorum vaginatum. After partialling out the effects of peat depth and time since fire, a moisture gradient explained 29% of variation in the hummock core and 26% in the lawn. The analyses also indicated alternation between species with a similar niche. This interaction gradient explained 26% and 31% of the compositional variation in the hummock and lawn, respectively. The similar order of species replacement from both cores supported the existence of general directional succession in mire vegetation, both during the mire development and after fire events. The autogenic succession was slow and gradual while the disturbance successions were episodic and fast. Conclusion: Our results support the paradigm of the complex nature of mire vegetation dynamics where several interlinked agents have simultaneous effects. The approach of combining partial ordinations developed here appeared to be a useful tool to assess the role of different environmental factors in controlling the vegetation succession.  相似文献   

Analysis of the flora has been performed in the main types of anthropogenic biotopes in the south of the Volga Upland (within the Saratov Region), including urbanized areas, technogenic sites, forest plantations, and agrocenoses. The results show that only 908 out of 1379 vascular plant species listed for the study region occur in such biotopes, their number reaching a maximum of 636 in technogenic sites and decreasing to a minimum of 438 in agrocenoses. It is hypothesized that the aboriginal flora of the southern Volga Upland has a buffer capacity and will retain its basic structural pattern even if two-thirds of its constituent species are lost.  相似文献   

Jenkins  Michael A.  Parker  George R. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):223-237
Between 1993 and 1995 we sampled herbaceous layer vegetation on 84 plots in Platanus/Asarum Wet-Mesic Bottomland forests to determine how these forests have responded to human disturbance. Four different disturbance types were sampled (abandoned agricultural are as, clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings), and uncut 80–100 year-old reference stands were sampled for comparison. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), distance analyses (chord distance and normalized Euclidean distance) and similarity analysis (Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient) suggest that agricultural use has shifted herbaceous-layer vegetation composition away from that typical of the reference forests, but that clearcutting, group-selection harvest, and single-tree selection harvest have not greatly shifted herbaceous composition. This shift in vegetation on abandoned agricultural land resulted from a loss of indicator species, such as Cardamine concatenata (Michx.) Sw., Stellaria pubera Michx., and Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell and an influx of disturbance, exotic, and nonforest species (e.g., Lycopodium complanatum L., Lonicera japonica Thunb. and Senecio aureus L.). However, only two species found in reference stands, Erigenia bulbosa (Michx.) Nutt. and Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn., were missing from clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings. The species richness values of abandoned agriculture, clearcut, and group-selection plots were generally greater than those of single-tree selection and reference plots. Abandoned agricultural areas had much greater total species richness because of the influx of dry-site, exotic, disturbance, and non-forest species.  相似文献   

We studied phytoplankton community and succession in Lake Dishui, the largest man-made coastal lake in China. The lake experienced drastic changes in physicochemical conditions since its creation in 2003. Monthly phytoplankton communities were characterized between 2006 and 2011. A two-dimensional solution of nonmetric multidimensional scaling clearly delineated four groups of distinct phytoplankton community structure. Indicator species analysis showed that Group I (2006–2008) was characterized by mainly nanoplankton including Chromulina pygmaea. Group II (2009) was characterized by nonmotile, unicellular, elongated, or filamentous taxa, which are resistant to grazing pressure due to their large size. Group III (winter–early spring since 2010) was characterized by many motile taxa. The most characteristic taxa in Group IV (summer–autumn since 2010) were the flagellate algae. Seasonal variation in phytoplankton community was highest after 2010. Changes in phytoplankton communities may closely reflect rapid changes in lake environmental conditions such as desalination and nutrient enrichment.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Springtime in temperate lakes is characterized by a phytoplankton bloom, followed by a grazing crustacean zooplankton bloom. Timing and species composition for both phytoplankton...  相似文献   

Abstract. To assess whether winter mowing in wetlands fulfils the aim of preventing succession towards drier communities, 34 permanent quadrats (15 m2) were surveyed annually from 1984–1985 to 2000 within large mown and unmown (control) areas (several ha) in a calcareous lake shore fen (W Switzerland). Three trends were noticed: decrease of aquatic species, spread of Cladium mariscus and establishment of woody species (especially Alnus glutinosa and Frangula alnus). None of these trends was prevented by mowing, but mowing did prevent the accumulation of C. mariscus litter and kept woody saplings small. Succession was generally slow and often occurred in the form of sudden, discrete changes. Plant species richness increased with mowing and remained constant without mowing. Soil disturbance by the mowing machine contributed more to the effects of management on species composition than the periodic removal of biomass. It is concluded that mowing every three years in winter is insufficient to preserve semi‐aquatic communities against succession but sufficient to maintain the plant species richness of a low productive, regularly flooded fen.  相似文献   

Leoni  Barbara  Patelli  Martina  Nava  Veronica  Tolotti  Monica 《Aquatic Ecology》2021,55(2):607-621

In big lakes with strong anthropogenic pressure, it is usually difficult to disentangle the impacts of climate variability from those driven by eutrophication. The present work aimed at the reconstruction of change in the species distribution and density of subfossil Cladocera in Lake Iseo (Italy) in relation to climate and anthropogenic pressure. We related subfossil Cladocera species composition and density in an 80-cm sediment core collected in the pelagic zone of Lake Iseo to long-term temperature trends and phosphorus concentration inferred by diatoms frustules. The Cladocera remains detected in Lake Iseo sediment reflected the species composition and density of modern pelagic Cladocera assemblages. Cladocera rapidly respond to environmental change, and that climate change combined with eutrophication can induce changes in community composition and species density. At the beginning of twentieth century, when global warming was not yet so accentuated, the nutrient increase in water resulted as the principal driver in determining the long-term development of plankton communities and pelagic food web structure. Moreover, catchment-related processes may decisively affect both species composition and density of the lake planktonic communities due to the decrease of lake water transparency induced by input of inorganic material from the catchment area to the lake. The paleolimnological investigation, through the combined study of biotic and abiotic factor, allowed clarifying the synergic effects of the most important drivers of change in lake ecosystems, suggesting that climatic factors should be considered with nutrient availability as determinant element in controlling the temporal development of plankton communities and pelagic food web structure.


Common seasonal plankton succession patterns in temperate lakes are well understood, and were described in the popular PEG-model. Seasonal plankton succession in warm-water lakes, however, is not as well known. Recent theory suggests that some lake systems are characteristic of having alternate system-states, where one of the system-states is characterized by dominance of cyanobacteria, and transition between system-states can be abrupt and undeterminable. Lake Somerville, a shallow, well-mixed, warm-water reservoir located in eastern TX, U.S.A., experiences occasional periods of cyanobacteria dominance. To increase our understanding of seasonal plankton dynamics in warm-water systems, we analyzed 14-years of plankton data spanning a 22-year period. During this period, succession dynamics characteristic of those described by the PEG-model were observed, as well as succession dynamics expected during periods of cyanobacteria dominance, i.e., greater accumulated phytoplankton biovolume, low secondary productivity, and low light penetration. In addition to the PEG-model and cyanobacteria type system-states, other states of the system that were intermediate between these were observed. Therefore, we conclude the lake does not behave according to the alternate system-states model. The change from year to year in early-year cyanobacteria dominance was abrupt and non-monotonic during this period. In addition, the early year performance of cyanobacteria appeared to influence the plankton succession trajectory for the remainder of the season. While the magnitude of lake-flushing early in the year accounted for ~37% of variability in cyanobacteria prevalence, many of the traditional factors impacting cyanobacteria dominance appeared insignificant.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of 'ecologically orientated' forest transformation on forest floor vegetation. Forest transformation, as defined by the BMBF southern Black Forest project group, is the process which converts even-aged spruce forest into structured continuous-cover forest, consisting principally of spruce (Picea abies), fir (Abies alba) and beech (Fagus sylvatica). In order to analyse the transformation process, four transformation stages were defined as part of a 'conceptual forest development model' (pure even-aged, species enrichment, structuring and continuous cover forest stage). Four forest districts representative of the southern Black Forest were selected for the study. The analysis included the separate classification of structures, sites, and ground vegetation. In a second step, the relationships between the three complexes were analysed. The influence of forest structure on ground vegetation was investigated by examining the relationships between so-called substructure types and ground vegetation types. The substructure types associated with the pure spruce stand, species enrichment and continuous cover forest stages exhibited a ground vegetation resembling that of the Luzulo-Fagetum and Luzulo-Abietetum, whereas the structuring stages exhibited a ground vegetation of the Galio-Fagetum type. Transformation of pure, even-aged spruce forest into mixed, uneven-aged continuous cover forest is considered an important silvicultural tool to combine the demands of sustainable timber production and nature conservation. Transformation brings about greater diversity in stand structure and tree species composition. The frequencies of acidophytic mosses and vascular plants in spruce forest decrease during the transformation process. The species requiring moderate base supply increase over the transitional stages. The continuous cover forest, the final stage of transformation, increasingly contains ground species of both, i.e., species normally associated with both conifer and deciduous forest.  相似文献   

Northern mires (fens and bogs) have significant climate feedbacks and contribute to biodiversity, providing habitats to specialized biota. Many studies have found drying and degradation of bogs in response to climate change, while northern fens have received less attention. Rich fens are particularly important to biodiversity, but subject to global climate change, fen ecosystems may change via direct response of vegetation or indirectly by hydrological changes. With repeated sampling over the past 20 years, we aim to reveal trends in hydrology and vegetation in a pristine boreal fen with gradient from rich to poor fen and bog vegetation. We resampled 203 semi‐permanent plots and compared water‐table depth (WTD), pH, concentrations of mineral elements, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), plant species occurrences, community structure, and vegetation types between 1998 and 2018. In the study area, the annual mean temperature rose by 1.0°C and precipitation by 46 mm, in 20‐year periods prior to sampling occasions. We found that wet fen vegetation decreased, while bog and poor fen vegetation increased significantly. This reflected a trend of increasing abundance of common, generalist hummock species at the expense of fen specialist species. Changes were the most pronounced in high pH plots, where Sphagnum mosses had significantly increased in plot frequency, cover, and species richness. Changes of water chemistry were mainly insignificant in concentration levels and spatial patterns. Although indications toward drier conditions were found in vegetation, WTD had not consistently increased, instead, our results revealed complex dynamics of WTD as depending on vegetation changes. Overall, we found significant trend in vegetation, conforming to common succession pattern from rich to poor fen and bog vegetation. Our results suggest that responses intrinsic to vegetation, such as increased productivity or altered species interactions, may be more significant than indirect effects via local hydrology to the ecosystem response to climate warming.  相似文献   

Palynology of a thick quaternary succession in southern Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the results of pollen analysis of a 70-m thick series of peat, calcareous mud and clay near Granada in southern Spain (Fig.1). The upper 20 m of the section represent the Holocene and Weichselian (last Glacial), the part below 20 m is believed to represent the Eemian (last Interglacial), the Saalian and part of the Holsteinian Interglacial.

During Glacial times the local type of vegetation corresponded with that of an open steppe with stands of Pinus. During Interglacial times a more oceanic Quercus-Pinus forest with Ericaceae was present. If the interpretation of the lower part is correct, Tsuga and Cedrus occurred in southern Spain as late as the Holsteinian.  相似文献   

A year-round study of the algal composition of a previously uninvestigated north temperate, dimictic lake revealed the abundance of many pollution-tolerant forms, including such toxin-producing blue-greens as Anabaena and Aphanizomenon. A significant hypolimnetic oxygen deficit (0.4 ppm, 3.5% saturation) in late summer and the rate of oxygen depletion from 1 August to 19 September (0.13 mg/ml/day) further indicate eutrophic conditions. Of the three groups considered in this study (Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and Cyanophyta), the Cyanophyta were less diverse in terms of relative numbers of genera but produced the largest blooms. Chlorophyta had the greatest number of genera. Diatoms dominated in winter and spring, Chlorophyta in summer and fall and blue-greens in late summer, fall and winter. Spirogyra and Oscillatoria were the most ubiquitous members of the algal flora. Important perennials included Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Closterium, Fragilaria, Meridion, Tabellaria and Cymbella. No unialgal blooms ever occurred. The accelerated rate of eutrophication in recent years is due primarily to excess nutrient loading resulting from input of raw domestic sewage. The completion of a sanitary sewer system is expected to alleviate the excessive nutrient loading and thereby slow the eutrophication process.  相似文献   

Abstract. The vegetation of the SkoHzanka Reserve, situated on a limestone hill near Krakow, was examined over a 30 year period, using the Braun-Blanquet method. With the help of a numerical classification eight types of grassland communities were distinguished, belonging to the classes Sedo-Scleranthetea, Nardo-Callunetea and Festuco-Brometea, and 11 types of woodland communities, both remnants of ancient woodlands from the classes Querco-Fagetea and Vaccinio-Piceetea and more recent woods. In the case of grasslands the results of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) indicated that the largest variation was associated with the soil type. Woods on sandy soils are very different from those on calcareous soils, and the younger recent woods are very different from the ancient woodlands. An analysis of historical cartographic material and aerial photographs shows that in the last few decades the area of recent woods has increased considerably at the expense of grasslands. Changes in species diversity in the woods during secondary succession and their successional convergence were examined and discussed. It was found that young and mature woods on sandy soils are more similar to each other than young and mature woods on calcareous soils. These differences are mainly related to the fact that many woodland herb species growing in rich, broadleaved ancient woods are unable to colonize recent woods since they have a limited colonization capacity.  相似文献   

An experiment, in which fertilizer was used for accelerating growth for studies on production processes, is described. In this Australian heathland—a community common on soils very deficient in phosphorus and other nutrients—responses to fertilizer consisted in increases in leaf area index and standing biomass above ground. Fertilizer had no effect on growth below ground. These results were derived in the second growing season after treatment; no statistically significant effect could be shown in the non-growing periods up to two years after treatment. Discussion is centred on the limitations to be expected of such natural communities used as experimental material on which fertilizer has been imposed as a major treatment.  相似文献   

Stem diameter increments of the broadleaved deciduous tree species Tabebuia chrysantha were measured with high-resolution dendrometers in a tropical lower montane forest and in a dry forest in southern Ecuador, the latter showing a distinct dry season. Those analyses were complemented by wood anatomical studies on regularly collected microcores to determine the season of active cambial growth and the time of formation of annual growth boundaries. The length of the cambial active period varied between 3 and 7 months at the tropical lower montane forest and 2 and 4 months in the dry forest, respectively. During dry days, amplitudes of daily stem diameter variations correlated with vapour pressure deficit. During October and November, inter-annual climate variations may lead to dry and sunny conditions in the tropical lower montane forest, causing water deficit and stem diameter shrinkage in T. chrysantha. The results of the climate–growth analysis show a positive relationship between tree growth and rainfall as well as vapour pressure deficit in certain periods of the year, indicating that rainfall plays a major role for tree growth.  相似文献   

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