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B-Raf and Raf-1 are regulated by distinct autoregulatory mechanisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B-Raf is a key regulator of the ERK pathway and is mutationally activated in two-thirds of human melanomas. In this work, we have investigated the activation mechanism of B-Raf and characterized the roles of Ras and of B-Raf phosphorylation in this regulation. Raf-1 is regulated by an N-terminal autoinhibitory domain whose actions are blocked by interaction with Ras and subsequent phosphorylation of Ser(338). We observed that B-Raf also contains an N-terminal autoinhibitory domain and that the interaction of this domain with the catalytic domain was inhibited by binding to active H-Ras. However, unlike Raf-1, the phosphorylation of B-Raf at Ser(445) was constitutive and was only moderately increased by expression of constitutively active H-Ras or constitutively active PAK1. Ser(445) phosphorylation is important to the B-Raf activation mechanism, however, because mutation of this site to alanine increased the affinity of the regulatory domain for the catalytic domain and increased autoinhibition. Similarly, expression of constitutively active PAK1 also decreased auto-inhibition. B-Raf autoinhibition was negatively regulated by acidic substitutions at phosphorylation sites within the activation loop of B-Raf and by the oncogenic substitution V599E. However, these substitutions did not affect the ability of the regulatory domain to co-immunoprecipitate with the catalytic domain. These data demonstrate that B-Raf activity is autoregulated, that constitutive phosphorylation of Ser(445) primes B-Raf for activation, and that a key feature of phosphorylation within the activation loop or of oncogenic mutations within this region is to block autoinhibition.  相似文献   

We used a monoclonal antibody (10A8), derived from mice immunized with fractions enriched in Golgi apparatus of rat brain neurons, to isolate an intrinsic membrane sialoglycoprotein of 160 KD from rat brain. By immunoelectron microscopy the sialoglycoprotein, named MG-160, was localized in medical cisternae of the Golgi apparatus of neurons, glia, adenohypophysis, and cultured rat pheochromocytoma (PC 12). The monoclonal antibody (MAb) reacted only with rat tissues. Because the epitope(s) recognized by a monoclonal antibody may be restricted, localization of an antigen by a single MAb may not reflect the extent of the distribution of antigen in various species and tissues. Therefore, to further investigate the presence and localization of MG-160 or of an antigenically related protein in several species and tissues, we used a polyclonal antiserum raised against MG-160 purified by antibody (10A8) affinity chromatography. Immunoblots of crude microsomal fractions from rat brain probed with the antiserum against MG-160 showed two to three prominent bands of approximately 160, 150, and 68 KD. Immunoblots of crude microsomal fractions from human, chicken, and frog brains showed prominent bands of 130-140 and 68 KD. Immunoblots of crude membrane fractions from Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed prominent bands of approximately 110-120 and 80 KD. Light microscopic immunocytochemical studies with frog, chicken, mouse, rat, rabbit, bovine, and human brains and with several other rat and human tissues showed a staining pattern consistent with the Golgi apparatus. Immunoelectron microscopy with rat and human brain and with rat myocardium and pituitary showed prominent and exclusive staining of cis, medial, and occasionally trans cisternae of the Golgi apparatus. The cisternae of the trans Golgi network were not stained. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a polypeptide related to MG-160 is present in the Golgi apparatus of several tissues in human, rodents, chicken, and frog and possibly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The antiserum to MG-160 represents a reliable reagent for immunohistochemical visualization of the Golgi apparatus in brain and several other human tissues obtained at autopsy, fixed with Bouin's, and embedded in paraffin.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the cell surface and Golgi apparatus of Ochromonas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ochromonas danica has an unusually flexible cell surface capable of producing projections of varying sizes and shapes: large projections, 340-360 nm long, and small projections, 50-110 nm long. These projections have been demonstrated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy; some of them may break off into the medium and be the source of extracellular membranes and vesicles reported in the cell-free O. danica growth medium. Ruthernium red stained the acid mucopolysaccharide layer just outside the cell surface as well as small blebs at the cell surface. The Golgi complex of O. danica, Ochromonas malhamensis, Ochromonas sociabilis and Ochromonas sp. produced small coated vesicles which may move toward and fuse with the plasma membrane. The role of the several vesicles is unknown but possible functions are discussed.  相似文献   

We have established a ricin-resistant glycosylation-defective PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line to study biochemically glycoprotein traffic from the cell surface to the Golgi apparatus in regulated secretory cells. The strategy employed in this study is a modification of that used previously (Duncan, J. R., and Kornfeld, S. (1988) J. Cell Biol. 106, 617-628) to demonstrate transport of the cation-independent and -dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptors from the cell surface to the trans-Golgi network in nonsecretory cell types. In ricin-resistant PC12 cells, radiolabeled galactose was incorporated enzymatically into surface glycoconjugates, primarily glycoproteins. Resistance to beta-galactosidase was acquired upon reculture at 37 degrees C due to further terminal glycosylation of the galactose residues. Treatment of N-linked oligosaccharides isolated from recultured cells with a variety of glycosidases in conjunction with beta-galactosidase demonstrated the addition of sialic acid N-acetylglucosamine and fucose residues to the galactose residues in recultured cells. Resistance to beta-galactosidase was not acquired in cells recultured at 19 degrees C, indicating that subsequent glycosylation of galactose residues did not occur at the cell surface or in endosomes. While glycosylation of galactose incorporated into asparagine oligosaccharides in Chinese hamster ovary clone 13 cells was not significant (less than 1%) after 6 h of reculture, approximately 10% of the galactose incorporated into surface oligosaccharides was further glycosylated in PC12 cells in this time. Analysis of total labeled versus beta-galactosidase-resistant proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that endocytic traffic to the site of glycosylation activity in mutant PC12 cells was highly selective, but included a much greater number of proteins than were detected in Chinese hamster ovary clone 13 fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Brefeldin A (BFA) is a useful tool for studying protein trafficking and identifying organelles in the plant secretory and endocytic pathways. At low concentrations (5–10 μg ml?1), BFA caused both the Golgi apparatus and trans‐Golgi network (TGN), an early endosome (EE) equivalent in plant cells, to form visible aggregates in transgenic tobacco BY‐2 cells. Here we show that these BFA‐induced aggregates from the Golgi apparatus and TGN are morphologically and functionally distinct in plant cells. Confocal immunofluorescent and immunogold electron microscope (EM) studies demonstrated that BFA‐induced Golgi‐ and TGN‐derived aggregates are physically distinct from each other. In addition, the internalized endosomal marker FM4‐64 co‐localized with the TGN‐derived aggregates but not with the Golgi aggregates. In the presence of the endocytosis inhibitor tyrphostin A23, which acts in a dose‐ and time‐dependent manner, SCAMP1 (secretory carrier membrane protein 1) and FM4‐64 are mostly excluded from the SYP61‐positive BFA‐induced TGN aggregates, indicating that homotypic fusion of the TGN rather than de novo endocytic trafficking is important for the formation of TGN/EE‐derived BFA‐induced aggregates. As the TGN also serves as an EE, continuously receiving materials from the plasma membrane, our data support the notion that the secretory Golgi organelle is distinct from the endocytic TGN/EE in terms of its response to BFA treatment in plant cells. Thus, the Golgi and TGN are probably functionally distinct organelles in plants.  相似文献   

Adipocyte glucose uptake in response to insulin is essential for physiological glucose homeostasis: stimulation of adipocytes with insulin results in insertion of the glucose transporter GLUT4 into the plasma membrane and subsequent glucose uptake. Here we establish that RAB10 and RAB14 are key regulators of GLUT4 trafficking that function at independent, sequential steps of GLUT4 translocation. RAB14 functions upstream of RAB10 in the sorting of GLUT4 to the specialized transport vesicles that ferry GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. RAB10 and its GTPase-activating protein (GAP) AS160 comprise the principal signaling module downstream of insulin receptor activation that regulates the accumulation of GLUT4 transport vesicles at the plasma membrane. Although both RAB10 and RAB14 are regulated by the GAP activity of AS160 in vitro, only RAB10 is under the control of AS160 in vivo. Insulin regulation of the pool of RAB10 required for GLUT4 translocation occurs through regulation of AS160, since activation of RAB10 by DENND4C, its GTP exchange factor, does not require insulin stimulation.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of glucose (Glc) carriers in the uptake of vitamin C in plant cells is still a matter of debate. For the first time, it was shown here that plant cells exclusively take up the oxidised dehydroascorbate (DHA) form. DHA uptake is not affected by 6-bromo-6-deoxy-ascorbate, an ascorbate (ASC) analogue, specifically demonstrating ASC uptake in animal cells. There is no competition between Glc and DHA uptake. Moreover, DHA and Glc carriers respond in the opposite manner to different inhibitors (cytochalasin B, phloretin and genistein). In conclusion, the plant plasma membrane DHA carrier is distinct from the plant Glc transporters.  相似文献   

Golgin-160 is a ubiquitously expressed peripheral Golgi membrane protein that is important for transduction of certain pro-apoptotic signals at the Golgi complex. However, the role of golgin-160 in normal Golgi structure and function is unknown. Here, we show that depletion of golgin-160 using RNA interference (RNAi) does not affect Golgi morphology or constitutive membrane traffic in HeLa cells. However, depletion of golgin-160 leads to significantly decreased cell surface levels of exogenously expressed beta1-adrenergic receptor (beta1AR), which can be rescued by expression of RNAi-resistant forms of golgin-160. Furthermore, overexpression of golgin-160 leads to higher surface levels of beta1AR. Golgin-160 is localized mostly in the cis and medial regions of the Golgi stack by immunoelectron microscopy, suggesting that it does not directly promote incorporation of beta1AR into transport vesicles at the trans Golgi network. Golgin-160 interacts with beta1AR in vitro, and we mapped the interaction to a region between residues 140 and 257 in the head of golgin-160 and the third intracellular loop of beta1AR. Our results support the idea that golgin-160 may promote efficient surface delivery of a subset of cargo molecules.  相似文献   

High resolution immunolabeling applying the protein A-gold technique and carbohydrate cytochemistry using lectin-gold labeling on Lowicryl K4M and thawed-frozen thin sections are most useful approaches for the detection of protein antigens and lectin binding sites in intracellular organelles and the plasma membrane. They provided the basis for modern electron microscopic studies on protein gylcosylation reactions and the identification of their subcellular localization as reviewed here. These studies have demonstrated organelle subcompartments and the cell type-specific compartmentation of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus-associated glycosylation reactions. The other subject reviewed in this paper is cell surface glycoconjugates, as they are expressed in relation to specific cell types present in various organs and during cellular differentiation processes.  相似文献   

beta-1,4-Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) has two functionally distinct subcellular distributions. In the Golgi apparatus, GalTase participates in the glycosylation of secretory and membrane-bound glycoproteins, whereas on the cell surface it mediates specific aspects of intercellular adhesion. For this study, a murine GalTase clone was obtained by screening a lambda gt10 cDNA library made from F9 embryonal carcinoma cells with a heterologous bovine GalTase cDNA probe. The murine GalTase cDNA probe was used in conjunction with assays of GalTase activity to investigate the expression and distribution of GalTase during differentiation of F9 stem cells into secretory endodermal epithelium. During the initial phase of F9 cell differentiation, GalTase mRNA levels remained relatively constant; however, as differentiation progressed, as assayed by expression of the differentiation-specific marker laminin B1, GalTase mRNA levels and enzyme activity rose dramatically. Furthermore, subcellular fractionation of these cells showed that the increased GalTase levels were specifically associated with the Golgi apparatus, whereas GalTase specific activity on the plasma membrane remained constant. These results show that levels of cell surface and Golgi GalTase change relative to one another during F9 cell differentiation and suggest that these functionally distinct pools of GalTase are independently and differentially regulated.  相似文献   

Hypoxia has recently been shown to activate the endoplasmic reticulum kinase PERK, leading to phosphorylation of eIF2alpha and inhibition of mRNA translation initiation. Using a quantitative assay, we show that this inhibition exhibits a biphasic response mediated through two distinct pathways. The first occurs rapidly, reaching a maximum at 1-2 h and is due to phosphorylation of eIF2alpha. Continued hypoxic exposure activates a second, eIF2alpha-independent pathway that maintains repression of translation. This phase is characterized by disruption of eIF4F and sequestration of eIF4E by its inhibitor 4E-BP1 and transporter 4E-T. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of polysomal RNA indicates that the translation efficiency of individual genes varies widely during hypoxia. Furthermore, the translation efficiency of individual genes is dynamic, changing dramatically during hypoxic exposure due to the initial phosphorylation and subsequent dephosphorylation of eIF2alpha. Together, our data indicate that acute and prolonged hypoxia regulates mRNA translation through distinct mechanisms, each with important contributions to hypoxic gene expression.  相似文献   

The protein kinase A-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) are defined by their ability to scaffold protein kinase A to specific subcellular compartments. Each of the AKAP family members utilizes unique targeting domains specific for a particular subcellular compartment. AKAP350 is a multiply spliced AKAP family member localized to the centrosome and the Golgi apparatus. Three splicing events in the carboxyl terminus of AKAP350 generate the AKAP350A, AKAP350B, and AKAP350C proteins. A monoclonal antibody recognizing all three splice variants as well as a polyclonal antibody specific for AKAP350A demonstrated both centrosomal and Golgi apparatus staining in paraformaldehyde-fixed HCA-7 cells. Golgi apparatus-associated AKAP350A staining was dispersed following brefeldin A treatment. Using GFP chimeric constructs of the carboxyl-terminal regions of AKAP350A, a Golgi apparatus targeting domain was identified between amino acids 3259 and 3307 of AKAP350A. This domain was functionally distinguishable from the recently described centrosomal targeting domain (PACT domain, amino acids 3308-3324) located adjacent to the Golgi targeting domain. These data definitively establish the specific association of AKAP350A with the Golgi apparatus in HCA-7 cells.  相似文献   

The O-linked oligosaccharides on mature forms of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) glycoproteins were characterized, and were found to account largely for the lower electrophoretic mobilities of these forms relative to the mobilities of immature forms. Other posttranslational modifications of HSV1 glycoproteins (designated gB, gC, gD and gE) were related temporally to the discrete shifts in electrophoretic mobilities that signal acquisition of the O-linked oligosaccharides. Fatty acid acylation (principally of gE) could be detected just prior to the shifts, whereas conversion of high-mannosetype N-linked oligosaccharides to the complex type occurred coincident with the shifts. The addition of O-linked oligosaccharides did not occur in cells treated with the ionophore monensin or in a ricinresistant cell line defective in the processing of N-linked oligosaccharides. We conclude that extension of O-linked oligosaccharide chains on HSV1 glycoproteins, and probably also attachment of the first O-linked sugars, occurs as a late posttranslational modification in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The transferrin receptor cycles rapidly between cell surface and endosomal membrane compartments. Treatment of cultured cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) or insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) at 37 degrees C causes a rapid redistribution of transferrin receptors from an intracellular compartment to the cell surface. The effects of EGF and IGF-I on the kinetics of the cycling of the transferrin receptor in A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells were compared. The primary site of EGF action was found to be an increase in the rate of transferrin receptor exocytosis. The exocytotic rate constant was measured to be 0.11 min-1 in control cells and 0.33 min-1 in EGF-treated cells. In contrast, IGF-I was found to increase the cell surface expression of transferrin receptors by causing a small increase in the rate of exocytosis (from 0.11 to 0.17 min-1) and a decrease in the rate of endocytosis (from 0.33 to 0.24 min-1). It is concluded that the mechanisms for EGF and IGF-I action to increase the cell surface expression of the transferrin receptor are distinct. A kinetic model of the cycling of the transferrin receptor based on experimentally determined rate constants is presented. The model predicts that a consequence of IGF-I action on transferrin receptor cycling is to decrease the apparent Km for the uptake of diferric transferrin by cells. This prediction is confirmed by direct measurement of the accumulation of 59Fe-labeled diferric transferrin by A431 cells. These data demonstrate that the accumulation of iron by cultured cells is a complex function of the rate of cycling of the transferrin receptor and that this process is under acute regulation by growth factors.  相似文献   

Yip1p/Yif1p family proteins are five-span transmembrane proteins localized in the Golgi apparatus and the ER. There are nine family members in humans, and YIPF5 and YIF1A are the human orthologs of budding yeast Yip1p and Yif1p, respectively. We raised antisera against YIPF5 and YIF1A and examined the localization of endogenous proteins in HeLa cells. Immunofluorescence, immunoelectron microscopy and subcellular fractionation analysis suggested that YIPF5 and YIF1A are not restricted to ER exit sites but also localized in the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) and some in the cis-Golgi at steady state. Along with ERGIC53, YIPF5 and YIF1A remained in the cytoplasmic punctate structures after brefeldin A treatment, accumulated in the ERGIC and the cis-Golgi after treatment with AlF4- and accumulated in the ER when ER to Golgi transport was inhibited by Sar1(H79G). These results supported the localization of YIPF5 and YIF1A in the ERGIC and the cis-Golgi, and strongly suggested that they are recycling between the ER and the Golgi apparatus. Analysis by blue native PAGE and co-immunoprecipitation showed that YIPF5 and YIF1A form stable complexes of three different sizes. Interestingly, the knockdown of YIPF5 or YIF1A caused partial disassembly of the Golgi apparatus suggesting that YIPF5 and YIF1A are involved in the maintenance of the Golgi structure.  相似文献   

To investigate the function of calpain in T cells, we sought to determine the role of this protease in cellular events mediated by beta1 integrins. T cell receptor cross-linked or phorbol ester-stimulated T cells binding to immobilized fibronectin induce the translocation of calpain to the cytoskeletal/membrane fraction of these cells. Such translocation of calpain is associated with proteolytic modification of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B, increased cellular adhesion, and dramatic alterations in cellular morphology. However, affinity-related increases in T cell adhesion induced by the anti-beta1 integrin antibody 8A2 occur in a calpain-independent manner and in the absence of morphological shape changes. Furthermore, calpain undergoes activation in response to either alpha4beta1 or alpha5beta1 integrin binding to fibronectin in appropriately stimulated T cells, and calpain II as well as protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B accumulates at sites of focal contact formation. Inhibition of calpain activity not only inhibits the proteolytic modification of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B, but also decreases the ability of T cells to adhere to and spread on immobilized fibronectin. Thus, we describe a potential regulatory role for calpain in beta1 integrin-mediated signaling events associated with T cell adhesion and cell spreading on fibronectin.  相似文献   

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