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The sequencing by the PolyA selection is the most common approach for library preparation. With limited amount or degraded RNA, alternative protocols such as the NuGEN have been developed. However, it is not yet clear how the different library preparations affect the downstream analyses of the broad applications of RNA sequencing.

Methods and Materials

Eight human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC) lines with high quality RNA were sequenced by Illumina’s mRNA-Seq PolyA selection and NuGEN ENCORE library preparation. The following analyses and comparisons were conducted: 1) the numbers of genes captured by each protocol; 2) the impact of protocols on differentially expressed gene detection between biological replicates; 3) expressed single nucleotide variant (SNV) detection; 4) non-coding RNAs, particularly lincRNA detection; and 5) intragenic gene expression.


Sequences from the NuGEN protocol had lower (75%) alignment rate than the PolyA (over 90%). The NuGEN protocol detected fewer genes (12–20% less) with a significant portion of reads mapped to non-coding regions. A large number of genes were differentially detected between the two protocols. About 17–20% of the differentially expressed genes between biological replicates were commonly detected between the two protocols. Significantly higher numbers of SNVs (5–6 times) were detected in the NuGEN samples, which were largely from intragenic and intergenic regions. The NuGEN captured fewer exons (25% less) and had higher base level coverage variance. While 6.3% of reads were mapped to intragenic regions in the PolyA samples, the percentages were much higher (20–25%) for the NuGEN samples. The NuGEN protocol did not detect more known non-coding RNAs such as lincRNAs, but targeted small and “novel” lincRNAs.


Different library preparations can have significant impacts on downstream analysis and interpretation of RNA-seq data. The NuGEN provides an alternative for limited or degraded RNA but it has limitations for some RNA-seq applications.  相似文献   



Next-generation sequencing does not yield fully unbiased estimates for read abundance, which may impact on the conclusions that can be drawn from sequencing data. The ligation step in RNA sequencing library generation is a known source of bias, motivating developments in enzyme technology and library construction protocols. We present the first comparison of the standard duplex adaptor protocol supplied by Life Technologies for use on the Ion Torrent PGM with an alternate single adaptor approach involving CircLigase (CircLig protocol).A correlation between over-representation in sequenced libraries and degree of secondary structure has been reported previously, therefore we also investigated whether bias could be reduced by ligation with an enzyme that functions at a temperature not permissive for such structure.


A pool of small RNA fragments of known composition was converted into a sequencing library using one of three protocols and sequenced on an Ion Torrent PGM. The CircLig protocol resulted in less over-representation of specific sequences than the standard protocol. Over-represented sequences are more likely to be predicted to have secondary structure and to co-fold with adaptor sequences. However, use of the thermostable ligase Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum RNA ligase K97A (Mth K97A) was not sufficient to reduce bias.


The single adaptor CircLigase-based approach significantly reduces, but does not eliminate, bias in Ion Torrent data. Ligases that function at temperatures to remove the possible influence of secondary structure on library generation may be of value, although Mth K97A is not effective in this case.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-569) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technology has extraordinarily enhanced the scope of research in the life sciences. To broaden the application of NGS to systems that were previously difficult to study, we present protocols for processing faecal and swab samples into amplicon libraries amenable to Illumina sequencing. We developed and tested a novel metagenomic DNA extraction approach using solid phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) beads on Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana) samples stored in RNAlater. Compared with the MO BIO PowerSoil Kit, the current standard for the Human and Earth Microbiome Projects, the SPRI‐based method produced comparable 16S rRNA gene PCR amplification from faecal extractions but significantly greater DNA quality, quantity and PCR success for both cloacal and oral swab samples. We furthermore modified published protocols for preparing highly multiplexed Illumina libraries with minimal sample loss and without post‐adapter ligation amplification. Our library preparation protocol was successfully validated on three sets of heterogeneous amplicons (16S rRNA gene amplicons from SPRI and PowerSoil extractions as well as control arthropod COI gene amplicons) that were sequenced across three independent, 250‐bp, paired‐end runs on Illumina's MiSeq platform. Sequence analyses revealed largely equivalent results from the SPRI and PowerSoil extractions. Our comprehensive strategies focus on maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs. In addition to increasing the feasibility of using minimally invasive sampling and NGS capabilities in avian research, our methods are notably not avian‐specific and thus applicable to many research programmes that involve DNA extraction and amplicon sequencing.  相似文献   

Standard Illumina mate-paired libraries are constructed from 3- to 5-kb DNA fragments by a blunt-end circularization. Sequencing reads that pass through the junction of the two joined ends of a 3-5-kb DNA fragment are not easy to identify and pose problems during mapping and de novo assembly. Longer read lengths increase the possibility that a read will cross the junction. To solve this problem, we developed a mate-paired protocol for use with Illumina sequencing technology that uses Cre-Lox recombination instead of blunt end circularization. In this method, a LoxP sequence is incorporated at the junction site. This sequence allows screening reads for junctions without using a reference genome. Junction reads can be trimmed or split at the junction. Moreover, the location of the LoxP sequence in the reads distinguishes mate-paired reads from spurious paired-end reads. We tested this new method by preparing and sequencing a mate-paired library with an insert size of 3 kb from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We present an analysis of the library quality statistics and a new bio-informatics tool called DeLoxer that can be used to analyze an IlluminaCre-Lox mate-paired data set. We also demonstrate how the resulting data significantly improves a de novo assembly of the S. cerevisiae genome.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding RNAs that regulate multiple aspects of cell physiology. The differential expression of conserved miRNAs in two Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines producing recombinant proteins was examined relative to the CHO-K1 cell line. A total of 190 conserved CHO miRNAs were identified through homology with known human and rodent miRNAs. More than 80% of these miRNAs showed differential expression in recombinant CHO cell lines. The small RNA sequencing data were analyzed in context of the CHO-K1 genome to examine miRNA organization and develop sequence-specific miRNA resources for CHO cells. The identification and characterization of CHO miRNAs will facilitate the use of miRNA tools in cell line engineering efforts to improve product yield and quality.  相似文献   

With read lengths of currently up to 2 × 300 bp, high throughput and low sequencing costs Illumina''s MiSeq is becoming one of the most utilized sequencing platforms worldwide. The platform is manageable and affordable even for smaller labs. This enables quick turnaround on a broad range of applications such as targeted gene sequencing, metagenomics, small genome sequencing and clinical molecular diagnostics. However, Illumina error profiles are still poorly understood and programs are therefore not designed for the idiosyncrasies of Illumina data. A better knowledge of the error patterns is essential for sequence analysis and vital if we are to draw valid conclusions. Studying true genetic variation in a population sample is fundamental for understanding diseases, evolution and origin. We conducted a large study on the error patterns for the MiSeq based on 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data. We tested state-of-the-art library preparation methods for amplicon sequencing and showed that the library preparation method and the choice of primers are the most significant sources of bias and cause distinct error patterns. Furthermore we tested the efficiency of various error correction strategies and identified quality trimming (Sickle) combined with error correction (BayesHammer) followed by read overlapping (PANDAseq) as the most successful approach, reducing substitution error rates on average by 93%.  相似文献   

The sequencing of libraries containing molecules shorter than the read length, such as in ancient or forensic applications, may result in the production of reads that include the adaptor, and in paired reads that overlap one another. Challenges for the processing of such reads are the accurate identification of the adaptor sequence and accurate reconstruction of the original sequence most likely to have given rise to the observed read(s). We introduce an algorithm that removes the adaptors and reconstructs the original DNA sequences using a Bayesian maximum a posteriori probability approach. Our algorithm is faster, and provides a more accurate reconstruction of the original sequence for both simulated and ancient DNA data sets, than other approaches. leeHom is released under the GPLv3 and is freely available from: https://bioinf.eva.mpg.de/leehom/  相似文献   

Here we present an adaptation of NimbleGen 2.1M-probe array sequence capture for whole exome sequencing using the Illumina Genome Analyzer (GA) platform. The protocol involves two-stage library construction. The specificity of exome enrichment was approximately 80% with 95.6% even coverage of the 34 Mb target region at an average sequencing depth of 33-fold. Comparison of our results with whole genome shot-gun resequencing results showed that the exome SNP calls gave only 0.97% false positive and 6.27% false negative variants. Our protocol is also well suited for use with whole genome amplified DNA. The results presented here indicate that there is a promising future for large-scale population genomics and medical studies using a whole exome sequencing approach.  相似文献   

Kwon YS 《Biotechnology letters》2011,33(8):1633-1641
The discovery of novel small RNA classes and species has accelerated since the implementation of high-throughput sequencing technologies for the identification of small RNAs. However, as the sequence coverage increases in a cell, the expectation of finding novel small RNAs from a batch of sequencing gradually decreases. To improve the finding of novel small RNAs, an alternative small RNA library preparation method, the single ligation, extension and circularization method, has been developed which is adequate for high throughput sequencing. The procedure is faster and simpler than the more widely used procedures, and the constructed libraries are compatible with high-level multiplex analysis. The analysis of human small RNA libraries prepared by the SLEC method reported known small RNAs and novel small RNAs including 25 mirtron candidates. This study demonstrates that the method is effective in identifying known and novel small RNAs.  相似文献   

Oviductus Ranae is the dried oviduct of female Rana temporaria chensinensis (David), distributed mainly in North-eastern China. Oviductus Ranae is one of the best-known and highly valued oriental foods and medicines. Traditional Chinesemedicine holds that Oviductus Ranae can nourish yin, moisten lung and replenish the kidney essence. Meanwhile, activities of Oviductus Ranae such as anti-aging, anti-lipemic, anti-oxidation  相似文献   

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