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化感水稻不同组织水浸提液对稗草的化感作用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本研究利用HG1和HG2两个化感水稻品种和稗草为材料,研究了化感水稻品种的叶、叶鞘、根组织的水浸提液对稗草幼苗的化感作用。结果表明:HG1不论是对稗草幼苗的株高还是对稗草幼苗的根都有极强的化感作用,而HG2只对稗草的根有极强的化感作用。在不同组织之间,叶和叶鞘的水浸提液对稗草的抑制作用显著大于根的水浸提液和对照。两个化感水稻对稗草幼苗根的抑制更强于对苗高的抑制。随着稗草密度的增加,稗草受抑程度减少,这可能与单株吸收化感物质的量减少有关。  相似文献   

【背景】空心莲子草是难以防除的恶性入侵杂草,因此,探索高效无毒的化感防治方法具有重要意义。【方法】利用水浸提法研究了博落回、苦瓜、樟树、柳杉、凤尾蕨、柑橘、夹竹桃、洋葱及大蒜9种植物不同器官对空心莲子草的化感作用。【结果】与对照相比,博落回叶、苦瓜果肉与种子、凤尾蕨、樟树叶和柳杉叶的水浸提液对空心莲子草具有较强的化感作用,主要表现为空心莲子草叶片数和茎节数减少,株高与生物量的增长受到抑制。【结论与意义】不同植物水浸提液对空心莲子草的化感作用有所差异。本研究为利用植物的化感作用控制空心莲子草提供了依据。  相似文献   

4种植物水浸提液对乌丹蒿的化感作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分布于科尔沁沙地西部的固沙先锋植物乌丹蒿近些年呈现出衰退趋势。本研究选取了该地区3种主要飞播植物白沙蒿、柠条、羊柴以及乌丹蒿自身进行了化感作用的研究,结果表明:3种飞播植物及乌丹蒿自身的水浸提液对乌丹蒿的生长均有不同程度的化感作用,并且不同部位(根、叶、果皮或总苞片)中存在的化感物质的作用不同。主要表现为:乌丹蒿种子的萌发率在各供体的根浸提液中均下降,除羊柴外均达到显著,白沙蒿总苞片和羊柴果皮浸提液也有着同样的结果,而乌丹蒿叶浸提液则有一定的促进作用;4种植物不同部位的水浸提液对乌丹蒿种子发芽速度及幼根的生长均有显著的抑制作用。从综合效应来看,4种植物对乌丹蒿均有抑制作用,抑制作用由强到弱的顺序为:白沙蒿>柠条>乌丹蒿>羊柴。  相似文献   

桔梗水浸提液对小麦幼苗的化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用培养皿滤纸法研究了不同浓度桔梗水浸提液对小麦的幼苗生长及生理生化指标的影响,探讨桔梗植株水浸提液对小麦的化感作用,推测其可能的生理机制。结果表明:桔梗植株水浸提液对小麦幼苗的地上部生长表现为低浓度(≤1mg/mL)促进、高浓度(5—20mg/mL)抑制作用;对根部生长为抑制作用,且抑制强度大于地上部。随处理浓度的升高,小麦幼苗体内POD活性、脯氨酸含量、MDA含量逐渐升高;CAT活性、根系活力、光合色素含量先升高后降低;可溶性蛋白含量和伤害率先降低后升高。桔梗植株水浸提液对小麦总体的化感效应表现为低促高抑,小麦可作为桔梗的轮作作物种植。  相似文献   

【背景】假臭草是近几年来入侵我国南方的外来杂草,目前已成功侵占海南、福建、广东等省沿海的大部分果园、草地、农田等农业生态系统,给当地农业生产造成极大的危害。【方法】采用室内生物测定方法研究不同浓度的假臭草水浸提液(0.010、0.025、0.050 g·m L~(-1))对4种作物(西瓜、水稻、萝卜和辣椒)种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感作用。【结果】各浓度的假臭草水浸提液对4种作物种子萌发和幼苗生长都有较强的化感作用,并且随着浸提液浓度的增大,化感效应显著增强。当浓度为0.050 g·m L~(-1)时,4种受体作物的化感综合效应顺序为西瓜萝卜水稻辣椒。【结论与意义】明确假臭草对不同供试作物的化感作用,能够为该入侵杂草的科学防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以一年生草本植物猪毛菜的种子和幼苗为受体,采用室内培养皿法,研究塔里木河下游柽柳水浸提液对猪毛菜种子及幼苗的化感作用。结果表明:(1)柽柳茎、根浸提液对猪毛菜种子萌发的抑制作用较为显著;柽柳茎浸提液0.08~0.20g/mL浓度处理组的猪毛菜种子发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数与对照组之间均差异显著,其中种子发芽率分别减少了84.78%、89.12%、76.09%和67.39%;柽柳根浸提液对猪毛菜种子活力指数的化感作用较为显著,0.12g/mL和0.16g/mL浓度处理组与对照组相比差异极显著,化感效应指数分别为-0.960和-0.930。(2)柽柳茎浸提液处理中的猪毛菜幼苗苗长和根浸提液处理中的猪毛菜幼苗鲜重与对照组差异显著,两者在0.08g/mL浓度处理下分别增加了61.49%和52.63%;在其他浓度处理下则主要受抑制作用。(3)柽柳叶浸提液的综合化感效应呈现"W"型变化趋势;茎浸提液在高浓度时具有较强的综合化感效应;根浸提液的综合化感效应在0.12g/mL浓度最强(RI=-0.749),在0.08g/mL浓度时最弱(RI=-0.389)。  相似文献   

为揭示入侵杂草与草本花卉之间的竞争关系,以入侵植物小蓬草为供体材料,常用的花卉波斯菊、观赏油菜为受体材料,研究了小蓬草根、叶水浸提液对受体植物种子萌发、幼苗生长、抗氧化酶活性(SOD、POD和CAT)以及丙二醛(MDA)含量的化感效应差异。结果表明,(1)小蓬草浸提液对受体植物的种子萌发均具有显著化感效应,基本表现为“低促高抑”的趋势,且波斯菊、观赏油菜的种子萌发率在根、叶浸提液浓度为25 g/L时最高,在浸提液浓度为100 g/L时最低。(2)小蓬草浸提液对受体植物幼苗上下胚轴生长具有“低促高抑”的浓度效应,且浓度越大抑制作用越显著。(3)在小蓬草根、叶浸提液处理下,观赏油菜的SOD和POD活性大多显著高于对照,波斯菊SOD和POD活性则大多显著低于对照;波斯菊、观赏油菜CAT活性整体呈先缓慢升高后降低的趋势。(4)波斯菊幼苗MDA含量随小蓬草根、叶浸提液浓度的增加均呈现逐渐升高的趋势,并大多高于对照水平,而观赏油菜幼苗MDA含量随着根浸提液浓度增加而逐渐升高,却随着叶浸提液浓度的增加而降低,但大多显著低于对照水平。研究发现,小蓬草浸提液对2种花卉种子萌发和幼苗生长均表现出“低促高抑”化感作用,且综合效应强弱表现为观赏油菜大于波斯菊,根浸提液处理大于叶浸提液。  相似文献   

【目的】明确入侵植物野胡萝卜水浸提液对4种草坪草的化感效应。【方法】采用培养皿滤纸法,观察记录不同浓度(0、10、20、30、40 g·L-1)的野胡萝卜根、茎、叶水浸提液对4种草坪草种子萌发的影响,根据化感综合效应指数分析野胡萝卜水浸提液的化感作用。【结果】野胡萝卜不同部位浸提液对受体种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、根长和芽长均有一定的影响。化感综合效应指数表明,随着野胡萝卜浸提液浓度的增加,对白三叶、黑麦草、翦股颖的化感抑制作用均增强,对高羊茅的化感作用表现为“低促高抑”的双重效应。4种草坪草的耐受强弱顺序为:高羊茅>黑麦草>翦股颖>白三叶;野胡萝卜叶浸提液对4种草坪草的化感作用强于根和茎。【结论】入侵植物野胡萝卜浸提液对4种草坪草的化感效应较为显著,在入侵严重地区,可选用耐受力强的草坪草建坪。  相似文献   

邓文红  赵欣蕊  张俊琦  郭惠红 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5670-5678
以生长在我国荒漠和半荒漠地区的特有植物沙蒿为供体植物,沙米、虫实、草木樨状黄芪、狗尾草为受体植物,研究了沙蒿根、茎、叶、种子水浸提液对受体植物种子发芽、幼苗生长以及根对NH~+_4和K~+吸收的化感效应的差异,为沙区植被恢复中伴生杂草种类的选择提供理论依据。结果表明:沙蒿水浸提液对4种受体植物种子发芽和幼苗生长均具有显著的化感效应,沙米、虫实、草木樨状黄芪表现为抑制作用,狗尾草表现为促进作用。不同部位沙蒿浸提液的化感作用不同,根浸提液对沙米、虫实、狗尾草的化感效应最强,茎浸提液对草木樨状黄芪的抑制最强。不同植物种及植物的不同发育时期对化感作用的敏感性也不同,在4种受体植物中,沙米受抑制最强,其次为虫实、草木樨状黄芪,且随浸提液浓度增加而显著增强,而狗尾草具有一定的耐受力,表现为促进作用。沙蒿浸提液对受体植物根长的影响最强,其次是种子发芽、苗高和幼苗干质量。浸提液显著降低沙米、虫实、草木樨状黄芪根对NH~+_4和K~+的吸收,增加狗尾草根对NH~+_4和K~+的吸收。研究结果表明雨水淋溶是沙蒿向环境中释放化感物质的途径之一,化感作用在增强沙蒿生存竞争力,扩大种群过程中起着不容忽视的作用,可能是沙蒿单优势种群落形成的原因之一。  相似文献   

In the C4 plant Guinea grass (Panicum maximum), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) is phosphorylated in darkened leaves and dephosphorylated in illuminated leaves. To determine whether the properties of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated PEPCK were different, PEPCK was purified to homogeneity from both illuminated and darkened leaves. The final step of the purification procedure, gel filtration chromatography, further separated phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms. In the presence of a high ratio of ATP to ADP, the non-phosphorylated enzyme had a higher affinity for its substrates, oxaloacetate and phosphoenolpyruvate. The activity of the non-phosphorylated form was up to 6-fold higher when measured at low substrate concentrations. Comparison of proteoloytically cleaved PEPCK from Guinea grass, which lacked its N-terminal extension, from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which does not possess an N-terminal extension, and from the C4 plant Urochloa panicoides, which possesses an N-terminal extension but is not subject to phosphorylation, revealed similar properties to the non-phosphorylated full-length form from Guinea grass. Assay of PEPCK activity in crude extracts of Guinea grass leaves, showed a large difference between illuminated and darkened leaves when measured in a selective assay (a low concentration of phosphoenolpyruvate and a high ratio of ATP to ADP), but there was no difference under assay conditions used to estimate maximum activity. Immunoblots of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels showed no difference in the abundance of PEPCK protein in illuminated and darkened leaves. There were no light/dark differences in activity detected in maize (Zea mays) leaves, in which PEPCK is not subject to phosphorylation.  相似文献   

植物抗旱基因及其在草坪草中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从植物抗旱的生物学原理、渗透调节物质、清除活性氧、保护生物大分子及其膜结构的蛋白质、转录因子及其他酶类的基因工程等方面综述了目前抗旱基因研究的进展以及存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

The biomass of internal and external mycelia of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Gigaspora margarita Becker & Hall, symbiotic with the annual legume, Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindler, was estimated in a sterile culture experiment. When ergosterol, which is a component of fungal cell membranes, was measured in the mycorrhizal roots and soil at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after inoculation with the AM fungus, the content of ergosterol in the roots increased from 0.036 g per plant (at 20 days) to 1.85 g per plant (at 80 days). Ergosterol content in the soil also increased with time, but the ratio of external to internal mycelial biomass decreased from 24.7 at 40 days to 5.6 at 80 days after sowing. The average ergosterol concentration in the external mycelia of G. margarita was 0.63 mg g–1. It was estimated that at 80 days after inoculation, the biomass of internal and external mycelia of the AM fungus accounted for approximately 16 and 92% of root biomass, respectively. For comparison, ergosterol content in the roots of K. striata growing in the field was also measured. The results suggest that AM fungi can be a large sink of the carbon that is assimilated by the host plants.  相似文献   

利用白芨萜类化合物处理人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs)并进一步研究了细胞凋亡及细胞骨架.白芨萜类化合物可拮抗血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)和碱性成纤维细胞生物因子(bFGF)刺激的HUVECs增殖并诱导细胞凋亡.在处理的HUVECs中caspase-8活性明显增加.流式细胞术分析显示经处理的HUVECs的凋亡率随处理时间延长而升高.通过对微管进行免疫荧光染色和微丝进行荧光染色后,用激光共焦扫描显微观察表明,白芨萜类化合物处理的HUVECs中的微管和微丝发生改变甚至被破坏.因此,白芨萜类化合物造成HUVECs凋亡很可能是通过促使微管解体以及微丝去组装造成的.  相似文献   

The allelopathy of a serious weed, barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli L.), was investigated. Root exudates of young barnyard grass showed allelopathic effects and plant-selective activity and inhibited root elongation of all plants tested. With respect to shoot growth, the exudates did not show inhibition of barnyard grass only. The allelopathic substance was isolated and identified as p-hydroxymandelic acid by NMR. p-Hydroxymandelic acid strongly inhibited shoot growth and root elongation of all plants tested. The effects of three congeners of p-hydroxymandelic acid were tested on rice shoot growth. In the biological activity exhibited in rice, shoot growth was related to the hydroxyl groups. Received October 7, 1998; accepted March 29, 1999  相似文献   

The plant-parasitic nematodes Criconemoides lobatum, Hoplolaimus tylenchiformis, and Tylenchorhynchus dubius were present in the top 7.5 cm of sod consisting of numerous stolons and fibrous roots. Phenamiphos and 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) controlled all three species, whereas ethoprop and oxamyl controlled H. tylenchiformis and T. dubius but not C. lobatum. Benomyl and carbofuran controlled H. tylenchiformis but had poor control of C. lobatum and T. dubius. The effectiveness of carbofuran varied with the type of formulation, being most effective as a quick-release formulation. C. lobatum was the most difficult to control with chemicals. No chemical treatment improved the growth of ''Astoria colonial'' bentgrass (A. tenuis Sibth.) or Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) under the moist condtions prevalent in these tests.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Previous pasture residues can inhibit the establishment of exotic introduced plant species by exerting allelopathic effects. Concerning this issue, present...  相似文献   

The effect of tris, choline, and ethanolamine chlorides on theactivity of Mg2–dependent ATPase in membrane fractions(cell walls, mitochondria, and microsomes) of Zea mays L. (cv.Neve Yaar 22), Avena saliva L. (cv. Mulga), and Hordeum vulgareL. (cv. Omer) was compared with the effect of KC1 and NaCl.Considerable salt effects on apparent Mg2+ATPase activity werefound only at relatively high pH values (8.2) at which Mg2+.ATPaseactivity was low in the absence of monovalent cation salts.The Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis by ATPases from all the membranefractions increased in the presence of at least one of the organiccations to the same extent as in the presence of KCI or NaCl.The monovalent organic cations are only very slowly absorbedby corn roots in comparison with K+ and Na+. It is concluded that monovalent salt effects on ATPase fromthese plant roots are not cation specific and not related tothe capability of root cells to absorb cations. Present evidencefor the existence of a cation-transport ATPase in plant tissueis critically reviewed.  相似文献   

模拟化感作物种植密度对杂草种群数量的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
具化感作用的作物其种植密度会影响杂草的种群动态。本研究应用数学模型作为分析问题的工具,对作物化感作用下杂草种群动态进行了模型分析和计算机模拟,结果表明,当作物的种植密度较大时,杂草的种群动态数量可以得到有效的控制;而当作物种植密度低于一定数量时,其化感作用对杂草的种群动态数量影响不大。  相似文献   

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