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Freshwater wetlands constitute important ecosystems, and their benthic, attached microbial communities, including biofilms, represent key habitats that contribute to primary productivity, nutrient cycling, and substrate stabilization. In many wetland biofilms, algae constitute significant parts of the microbial population, yet little is known about their activities in these communities. An analysis of wetland biofilms from the Adirondack region of New York (USA) was performed with special emphasis on desmids, a group of evolutionarily advanced green algae commonly found in these habitats. Desmids constituted as much as 23.7% of the total algal and cyanobacterial flora of the biofilms during the July and August study periods. These algae represented some of the first eukaryotes to colonize new substrates, and during July their numbers correlated with fluctuations in general biofilm parameters such as biofilm thickness and dry weight as well as total carbohydrate. Significant numbers of bacteria were associated with both the EPS sheaths and cell wall surfaces of the desmids. Colonization of new substrates and development of biofilms were rapid and were followed by various fluctuations in microbial community structure over the short- and long-term observations. In addition to desmids, diatoms, filamentous green algae and transient non-motile phases of flagellates represented the photosynthetic eukaryotes of these biofilms.  相似文献   

The diversity of plant species and their distribution in space are both thought to have important effects on the function of wetland ecosystems. However, knowledge of the relationships between plant species and spatial diversity remains incomplete. In this study, we investigated relationships between spatial pattern and plant species diversity over a five year period following the initial restoration of experimental wetland ecosystems. In 2003, six identical and hydrologically-isolated 0.18 ha wetland “cells” were constructed in former farmland in northeast Ohio. The systems were subjected to planting treatments that resulted in different levels of vascular plant species diversity among cells. Plant species diversity was assessed through annual inventories. Plant spatial pattern was assessed by digitizing low-altitude aerial photographs taken at the same time as the inventories. Diversity metrics derived from the inventories were significantly related to certain spatial metrics derived from the photographs, including cover type diversity and contagion. We found that wetlands with high cover type diversity harbor higher plant species diversity than wetlands with fewer types of patches. We also found significant relationships between plant species diversity and spatial patterning of patch types, but the direction of the effect differed depending on the diversity metric used. Links between diversity and spatial pattern observed in this study suggest that high-resolution aerial imagery may provide wetland scientists with a useful tool for assessing plant diversity.  相似文献   

The exchange of water between the main channel of the tidal freshwater Hudson River and its tidal wetlands is a large proportion of the whole-river water volume and causes large changes in concentrations of some dissolved and suspended constituents. Ten representative wetlands were assessed for their ability to alter quantities of inorganic nutrients, suspended particles, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and dissolved oxygen during tidal exchange. The majority of sites acted as sinks for oxygen and nitrate and as sources of DOC. For other variables such as phosphate and pigments, individual wetlands varied broadly in both the direction and magnitude of change. For some variables (oxygen, DOC) we found mechanistically plausible predictors for the magnitude of alteration. The proportional coverage of submerged vegetation or intertidal marsh graminoid vegetation was related to the degree of change in oxygen and DOC. For most cases, however, we did not find strong predictors and we attribute this to the spatial positioning of “hot spots” or redundancy in the processes actually responsible for the transformation. Our ability to predict ecosystem performance from whole-ecosystem attributes may be impeded by lack of consideration of within-system spatial contingencies or lack of knowledge of which process is actually responsible for the observed alteration in material flux.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - How aquatic primary productivity influences the carbon (C) sequestering capacity of wetlands is uncertain. We evaluated the magnitude and variability in aquatic C dynamics and compared...  相似文献   

Restored wetland soils differ significantly in physical and chemical properties from their natural counterparts even when plant community compositions are similar, but effects of restoration on microbial community composition and function are not well understood. Here, we investigate plant-microbe relationships in restored and natural tidal freshwater wetlands from two subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay. Soil samples were collected from the root zone of Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis, Peltandra virginica, and Lythrum salicaria. Soil microbial composition was assessed using 454 pyrosequencing, and genes representing bacteria, archaea, denitrification, methanogenesis, and methane oxidation were quantified. Our analysis revealed variation in some functional gene copy numbers between plant species within sites, but intersite comparisons did not reveal consistent plant-microbe trends. We observed more microbial variations between plant species in natural wetlands, where plants have been established for a long period of time. In the largest natural wetland site, sequences putatively matching methanogens accounted for ∼17% of all sequences, and the same wetland had the highest numbers of genes coding for methane coenzyme A reductase (mcrA). Sequences putatively matching aerobic methanotrophic bacteria and anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea (ANME) were detected in all sites, suggesting that both aerobic and anaerobic methane oxidation are possible in these systems. Our data suggest that site history and edaphic features override the influence of plant species on microbial communities in restored wetlands.  相似文献   

Based on the study of over 500 zooplankton samples collected in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) during 1965–1974, the species composition from different habitats is analysed. The zooplankton assemblage is typically tropical with relatively few species of Cladocera and Copepoda. The Rotifera include a large number of species of the genus Brachionus. The limnetic zooplankton resembles the pond zooplankton closely in that all the eurytopic species found in the different types of habitats, including ponds, also occur in the limnetic zooplankton. The large Cladocera belonging to the genus Daphnia are very rare. In general, large zooplankters are absent. The size composition of the zooplankton has a smaller range than in temperate regions. This is due to the absence of large-sized zooplankton species. The reasons for the differences in species variety and size composition between zooplankton of temperate and tropical regions is perhaps due to a number of factors. These include the effects of high and uniform temperatures, food availability and predation by fish and invertebrates.  相似文献   

Approximately 30 years ago, it was discovered that free-living bacteria isolated from cold ocean depths could produce polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (20:5n-3) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (22:6n-3), two PUFA essential for human health. Numerous laboratories have also discovered that EPA- and/or DHA-producing bacteria, many of them members of the Shewanella genus, could be isolated from the intestinal tracts of omega-3 fatty acid-rich marine fish. If bacteria contribute omega-3 fatty acids to the host fish in general or if they assist some bacterial species in adaptation to cold, then cold freshwater fish or habitats should also harbor these producers. Thus, we undertook a study to see if these niches also contained omega-3 fatty acid producers. We were successful in isolating and characterizing unique EPA-producing strains of Shewanella from three strictly freshwater native fish species, i.e., lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), and walleye (Sander vitreus), and from two other freshwater nonnative fish, i.e., coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and seeforellen brown trout (Salmo trutta). We were also able to isolate four unique free-living strains of EPA-producing Shewanella from freshwater habitats. Phylogenetic and phenotypic analyses suggest that one producer is clearly a member of the Shewanella morhuae species and another is sister to members of the marine PUFA-producing Shewanella baltica species. However, the remaining isolates have more ambiguous relationships, sharing a common ancestor with non-PUFA-producing Shewanella putrefaciens isolates rather than marine S. baltica isolates despite having a phenotype more consistent with S. baltica strains.  相似文献   

人工湿地在生态城市建设中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生态城市的建设依赖于科学利用有限资源。随着我国城市化进程加快,水体污染日益严重,加剧了水资源的短缺。人工湿地是利用生物自净功能,低投入、低运行费、低能耗的环保型的污水处理技术。不仅可进行水资源的循环利用,而且美化环境、保护生物多样性。本文分析提出,人工湿地是生态城市建设中水资源利用的最有效模式,应大力发挥人工湿地在我国生态城市建设中的作用。  相似文献   

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