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Defects in chromosome segregation result in aneuploidy, which can lead to disease or cell death [1, 2]. The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes are attached to spindle microtubules in a bipolar fashion [3, 4]. Mad2 is a key checkpoint component that undergoes conformational activation, catalyzed by a Mad1-Mad2 template enriched at unattached kinetochores [5]. Mad2 and Mad3 (BubR1) then bind and inhibit Cdc20 to form the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), which binds and inhibits the anaphase promoting complex (APC/C). Checkpoint kinases (Aurora, Bub1, and Mps1) are critical for checkpoint signaling, yet they have poorly defined roles and few substrates have been identified [6-8]. Here we demonstrate that a kinase-dead allele of the fission yeast MPS1 homolog (Mph1) is checkpoint defective and that levels of APC/C-associated Mad2 and Mad3 are dramatically reduced in this mutant. Thus, MCC binding to fission yeast APC/C is dependent on Mph1 kinase activity. We map and mutate several phosphorylation sites in Mad2, producing mutants that display reduced Cdc20-APC/C binding and an inability to maintain checkpoint arrest. We conclude that Mph1 kinase regulates the association of Mad2 with its binding partners and thereby mitotic arrest.  相似文献   

The mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint delays anaphase until all chromosomes achieve bipolar attachment to the spindle microtubules. The spindle assembly checkpoint protein BubR1 is thought to act by forming an inhibitory complex with Cdc20. We here identify two Cdc20 binding sites on BubR1. A strong Cdc20 binding site is located between residues 490 and 560, but mutations that disrupt Cdc20 binding to this region have no effect upon checkpoint function. A second Cdc20 binding site present between residues 1 and 477 is highly specific for Cdc20 already bound to Mad2. Mutation of a conserved lysine in this region weakened Cdc20 binding and correspondingly reduced checkpoint function. Our results indicate that there may be more than one checkpoint complex containing BubR1, Mad2, and Cdc20. They also lead us to propose that in vivo checkpoint inhibition of Cdc20 is a two-step process in which prior binding of Mad2 to Cdc20 is required to make Cdc20 sensitive to inhibition by BubR1. Thus, Mad2 and BubR1 must cooperate to inhibit Cdc20 activity.  相似文献   

Improper attachment of the mitotic spindle to the kinetochores of paired sister chromatids in mitosis is monitored by a checkpoint that leads to an arrest in early metaphase. This arrest requires the inhibitory association of Mad2 with the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). It is not known how the association of Mad2 with the kinetochore and the APC/C is regulated in mitosis. Here, we demonstrate that human Mad2 is modified through phosphorylation on multiple serine residues in vivo in a cell cycle dependent manner and that only unphosphorylated Mad2 interacts with Mad1 or the APC/C in vivo. A Mad2 mutant containing serine to aspartic acid mutations mimicking the C-terminal phosphorylation events fails to interact with Mad1 or the APC/C and acts as a dominant-negative antagonist of wild-type Mad2. These data suggest that the phosphorylation state of Mad2 regulates its checkpoint activity by modulating its association with Mad1 and the APC/C.  相似文献   

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