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Prm1 is a pheromone-regulated membrane glycoprotein involved in the plasma membrane fusion event of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating. Although this function suggests that Prm1 should act at contact sites in pairs of mating yeast cells where plasma membrane fusion occurs, only a small percentage of the total Prm1 was actually detected on the plasma membrane. We therefore investigated the intracellular transport of Prm1 and how this transport contributes to cell fusion. Two Prm1 chimeras that were sorted away from the contact site had reduced fusion activity, indicating that Prm1 indeed functions at contact sites. However, most Prm1 is located in endosomes and other cytoplasmic organelles and is targeted to vacuoles for degradation. Mutations in a putative endocytosis signal in a cytoplasmic loop partially stabilized the Prm1 protein and caused it to accumulate on the plasma membrane, but this endocytosis mutant actually had reduced mating activity. When Prm1 was expressed from a galactose-regulated promoter and its synthesis was repressed at the start of mating, vanishingly small amounts of Prm1 protein remained at the time when the plasma membranes came into contact. Nevertheless, this stable pool of Prm1 was retained at polarized sites on the plasma membrane and was sufficient to promote plasma membrane fusion. Thus, the amount of Prm1 expressed in mating yeast is far in excess of the amount required to facilitate fusion.Membrane fusion has been studied extensively in the context of viral infection and intracellular membrane fusion. These fusion events are mediated by fusases—proteins that mediate membrane fusion. Some of the best-studied fusases are the SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factors) that mediate fusion of intracellular organelles and the hemagglutinin (HA) protein of influenza virus that mediates fusion of the viral envelope membrane with host endosomes (13). However, little is known about how the plasma membranes of two cells fuse during cell fusion.Cell fusion is essential for the development of multicellular organisms. Some cell fusion processes involve a single pair of cells, as in sperm-egg fusion. Many other developmental processes require multiple fusion events, as in fusion of myoblasts for muscle formation. However, all fusion events must overcome a common obstacle—maintaining the integrity and selective permeability of the two plasma membranes while fusing the hydrophobic cores of their phospholipid bilayers.We study cell fusion in mating pairs of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This organism offers a genetically tractable model amenable to many biochemical and cell biological assays. The mating pathway in yeast is comprised of 5 steps: pheromone signaling, adhesion, degradation of the intervening cell walls, plasma membrane fusion, and karyogamy. S. cerevisiae has two haploid mating types: MATa and MATα. Haploid cells secrete pheromones that bind to G-protein-coupled receptors on the surface of cells of the opposite mating type. Pheromone binding activates a signaling cascade that causes cell cycle arrest, expression of pheromone-inducible genes, and polarized growth to form a mating projection (or shmoo tip). The binding of two cells of opposite mating type to form a mating pair is mediated by complementary agglutinins located on the shmoo tips. Then, the cell walls of the two cells are joined to form a unified wall protecting the mating pair, and the walls between the two cells are degraded. This allows the plasma membranes to come into contact and fuse. The initial fusion pore between cells expands to allow cytoplasmic mixing and, ultimately, karyogamy. After mating is complete, the mitotic cell cycle resumes, and a diploid daughter cell buds from the neck connecting the two parent cells (5, 30).This work focuses on Prm1, a glycoprotein that promotes the plasma membrane fusion step of mating. PRM1 was discovered in a bioinformatic screen designed to identify Prm (pheromone-regulated membrane) proteins (11). Prm1 has four transmembrane domains and functions as a disulfide-linked dimer (20). Prm1-deficient mating pairs experience one of three fates: arrest as late prezygotes (unfused mating pairs with no intervening cell walls), lysis once their plasma membranes come into contact, or fusion. Electron microscopy revealed that the two plasma membranes in a late prezygote were only ∼8 nm apart but did not fuse. Additional studies showed that ∼30% of prm1Δ mating pairs lyse after membrane contact (1, 14). However, 50% of prm1Δ mating pairs fuse on standard yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD) medium, implying that Prm1 is important, but not required, for fusion. Mating becomes more dependent upon Prm1 activity if Ca2+ or ergosterol is limiting (1, 15).On the basis of its apparent role in membrane fusion, Prm1 should be targeted to the contact sites where membranes fuse. Surprisingly, only a small amount of Prm1 was found at contact sites, and even less was at shmoo tips or at bud tips in mitotic cells expressing Prm1 from a constitutive promoter. These observations prompted further investigation of Prm1''s intracellular transport. The results revealed that Prm1 does indeed function at contact sites. However, except for the small pool that promotes fusion, Prm1 proteins are transported to vacuoles and rapidly degraded.  相似文献   

The extracellular loop 3 (EL-3) of SLC4 Na+-coupled transporters contains 4 highly conserved cysteines and multiple N-glycosylation consensus sites. In the electrogenic Na+-HCO3 cotransporter NBCe1-A, EL-3 is the largest extracellular loop and is predicted to consist of 82 amino acids. To determine the structural-functional importance of the conserved cysteines and the N-glycosylation sites in NBCe1-A EL-3, we analyzed the potential interplay between EL-3 disulfide bonding and N-glycosylation and their roles in EL-3 topological folding. Our results demonstrate that the 4 highly conserved cysteines form two intramolecular disulfide bonds, Cys583-Cys585 and Cys617-Cys642, respectively, that constrain EL-3 in a folded conformation. The formation of the second disulfide bond is spontaneous and unaffected by the N-glycosylation state of EL-3 or the first disulfide bond, whereas formation of the first disulfide bond relies on the presence of the second disulfide bond and is affected by N-glycosylation. Importantly, EL-3 from each monomer is adjacently located at the NBCe1-A dimeric interface. When the two disulfide bonds are missing, EL-3 adopts an extended conformation highly accessible to protease digestion. This unique adjacent parallel location of two symmetrically folded EL-3 loops from each monomer resembles a domain-like structure that is potentially important for NBCe1-A function in vivo. Moreover, the formation of this unique structure is critically dependent on the finely tuned interplay between disulfide bonding and N-glycosylation in the membrane processed NBCe1-A dimer.  相似文献   

The molecular machines that mediate cell fusion are unknown. Previously, we identified a multispanning transmembrane protein, Prm1 (pheromone-regulated membrane protein 1), that acts during yeast mating (Heiman, M.G., and P. Walter. 2000. J. Cell Biol. 151:719-730). Without Prm1, a substantial fraction of mating pairs arrest with their plasma membranes tightly apposed yet unfused. In this study, we show that lack of the Golgi-resident protease Kex2 strongly enhances the cell fusion defect of Prm1-deficient mating pairs and causes a mild fusion defect in otherwise wild-type mating pairs. Lack of the Kex1 protease but not the Ste13 protease results in similar defects. Deltakex2 and Deltakex1 fusion defects were suppressed by osmotic support, a trait shared with mutants defective in cell wall remodeling. In contrast, other cell wall mutants do not enhance the Deltaprm1 fusion defect. Electron microscopy of Deltakex2-derived mating pairs revealed novel extracellular blebs at presumptive sites of fusion. Kex2 and Kex1 may promote cell fusion by proteolytically processing substrates that act in parallel to Prm1 as an alternative fusion machine, as cell wall components, or both.  相似文献   

Palmitoylation at cysteine residues is the only known reversible form of lipidation and has been implicated in protein membrane association as well as function. Many palmitoylated proteins have regulatory roles in dynamic cellular processes, including membrane fusion. Recently, we identified Env7 as a conserved and palmitoylated protein kinase involved in negative regulation of membrane fusion at the lysosomal vacuole. Env7 contains a palmitoylation consensus sequence, and substitution of its three consecutive cysteines (Cys13–Cys15) results in a non-palmitoylated and cytoplasmic Env7. In this study, we further dissect and define the role(s) of individual cysteines of the consensus sequence in various properties of Env7 in vivo. Our results indicate that more than one of the cysteines serve as palmitoylation substrates, and any pairwise combination is essential and sufficient for near wild type levels of Env7 palmitoylation, membrane localization, and phosphorylation. Furthermore, individually, each cysteine can serve as a minimum requirement for distinct aspects of Env7 behavior and function in cells. Cys13 is sufficient for membrane association, Cys15 is essential for the fusion regulatory function of membrane-bound Env7, and Cys14 and Cys15 are redundantly essential for protection of membrane-bound Env7 from proteasomal degradation. A role for Cys14 and Cys15 in correct sorting at the membrane is also discussed. Thus, palmitoylation at the N-terminal cysteines of Env7 directs not only its membrane association but also its stability, phosphorylation, and cellular function.  相似文献   

As for most cell-cell fusion events, the molecular details of membrane fusion during yeast mating are poorly understood. The multipass membrane protein Prm1 is the only known component that acts at the step of bilayer fusion. In its absence, mutant mating pairs lyse or arrest in the mating reaction with tightly apposed plasma membranes. We show that deletion of FIG 1, which controls pheromone-induced Ca(2+) influx, yields similar cell fusion defects. Although extracellular Ca(2+) is not required for efficient cell fusion of wild-type cells, cell fusion in prm1 mutant mating pairs is dramatically reduced when Ca(2+) is removed. This enhanced fusion defect is due to lysis. Time-lapse microscopy reveals that fusion and lysis events initiate with identical kinetics, suggesting that both outcomes result from engagement of the fusion machinery. The yeast synaptotagmin orthologue and Ca(2+) binding protein Tcb3 has a role in reducing lysis of prm1 mutants, which opens the possibility that the observed role of Ca(2+) is to engage a wound repair mechanism. Thus, our results suggest that Prm1 and Fig1 have a role in enhancing membrane fusion and maintaining its fidelity. Their absence results in frequent mating pair lysis, which is counteracted by Ca(2+)-dependent membrane repair.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) in the extracellular matrix is largely inactive but is transiently activated upon certain types of inflammation and cell injury. The enzymatic activity of extracellular TG2 thus appears to be tightly regulated. As TG2 is known to be sensitive to changes in the redox environment, inactivation through oxidation presents a plausible mechanism. Using mass spectrometry, we have identified a redox-sensitive cysteine triad consisting of Cys230, Cys370, and Cys371 that is involved in oxidative inactivation of TG2. Within this triad, Cys370 was found to participate in disulfide bonds with both Cys230 and its neighbor, Cys371. Notably, Ca2+ was found to protect against formation of these disulfide bonds. To investigate the role of each cysteine residue, we created alanine mutants and found that Cys230 appears to promote oxidation and inactivation of TG2 by facilitating formation of Cys370–Cys371 through formation of the Cys230–Cys370 disulfide bond. Although vicinal disulfide pairs are found in several transglutaminase isoforms, Cys230 is unique for TG2, suggesting that this residue acts as an isoform-specific redox sensor. Our findings suggest that oxidation is likely to influence the amount of active TG2 present in the extracellular environment.  相似文献   

Ergosterol depletion independently inhibits two aspects of yeast mating: pheromone signaling and plasma membrane fusion. In signaling, ergosterol participates in the recruitment of Ste5 to a polarized site on the plasma membrane. Ergosterol is thought to form microdomains within the membrane by interacting with the long acyl chains of sphingolipids. We find that although sphingolipid-free ergosterol is concentrated at sites of cell-cell contact, transmission of the pheromone signal at contact sites depends on a balanced ratio of ergosterol to sphingolipids. If a mating pair forms between ergosterol-depleted cells despite the attenuated pheromone response, the subsequent process of membrane fusion is retarded. Prm1 also participates in membrane fusion. However, ergosterol and Prm1 have independent functions and only prm1 mutant mating pairs are susceptible to contact-dependent lysis. In contrast to signaling, plasma membrane fusion is relatively insensitive to sphingolipid depletion. Thus, the sphingolipid-free pool of ergosterol promotes plasma membrane fusion.  相似文献   

To understand how YidC and SecYEG function together in membrane protein topogenesis, insertion and folding of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY), a 12-transmembrane helix protein LacY that catalyzes symport of a galactoside and an H+, was studied. Although both the SecYEG machinery and signal recognition particle are required for insertion of LacY into the membrane, YidC is not required for translocation of the six periplasmic loops in LacY. Rather, YidC acts as a chaperone, facilitating LacY folding. Upon YidC depletion, the conformation of LacY is perturbed, as judged by monoclonal antibody binding studies and by in vivo cross-linking between introduced Cys pairs. Disulfide cross-linking also demonstrates that YidC interacts with multiple transmembrane segments of LacY during membrane biogenesis. Moreover, YidC is strictly required for insertion of M13 procoat protein fused into the middle cytoplasmic loop of LacY. In contrast, the loops preceding and following the inserted procoat domain are dependent on SecYEG for insertion. These studies demonstrate close cooperation between the two complexes in membrane biogenesis and that YidC functions primarily as a foldase for LacY.  相似文献   

Cell–cell fusion is essential for a variety of developmental steps in many eukaryotic organisms, during both fertilization and vegetative cell growth. Although the molecular mechanisms associated with intracellular membrane fusion are well characterized, the molecular mechanisms of plasma membrane merger between cells are poorly understood. In the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa, cell fusion events occur during both vegetative and sexual stages of its life cycle, thus making it an attractive model for studying the molecular basis of cell fusion during vegetative growth vs. sexual reproduction. In the unicellular yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of the few proteins implicated in plasma membrane merger during mating is Prm1p; prm1Δ mutants show an ~50% reduction in mating cell fusion. Here we report on the role of the PRM1 homolog in N. crassa. N. crassa strains with deletions of a Prm1-like gene (Prm1) showed an ~50% reduction in both vegetative and sexual cell fusion events, suggesting that PRM1 is part of the general cell fusion machinery. However, unlike S. cerevisiae, N. crassa strains carrying a Prm1 deletion exhibited complete sterility as either a male or female mating partner, a phenotype that was not complemented in a heterokaryon with wild type (WT). Crosses with ΔPrm1 strains were blocked early in sexual development, well before development of ascogenous hyphae. The ΔPrm1 sexual defect in N. crassa was not suppressed by mutations in Sad-1, which is required for meiotic silencing of unpaired DNA (MSUD). However, mutations in Sad-1 increased the number of progeny obtained in crosses with a ΔPrm1 (Prm1-gfp) complemented strain. These data indicate multiple roles for PRM1 during sexual development.  相似文献   

Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) protein complexes play essential roles in catalyzing intracellular membrane fusion events although the assembly pathway and molecular arrangement of SNARE complexes in membrane fusion reactions are not well understood. Here we monitored interactions of the R-SNARE protein Sec22 through a cysteine scanning approach and detected efficient formation of cross-linked Sec22 homodimers in cellular membranes when cysteine residues were positioned in the SNARE motif or C terminus of the transmembrane domain. When specific Sec22 cysteine derivatives are present on both donor COPII vesicles and acceptor Golgi membranes, the formation of disulfide cross-links provide clear readouts on trans- and cis-SNARE arrangements during this fusion event. The Sec22 transmembrane domain was required for efficient homodimer formation and for membrane fusion suggesting a functional role for Sec22 homodimers. We propose that Sec22 homodimers promote assembly of higher-order SNARE complexes to catalyze membrane fusion. Sec22 is also reported to function in macroautophagy and in formation of endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact sites therefore homodimer assembly may regulate Sec22 activity across a range of cellular processes.  相似文献   

Jin H  Carlile C  Nolan S  Grote E 《Eukaryotic cell》2004,3(6):1664-1673
Membrane fusion requires localized destabilization of two phospholipid bilayers, but unrestrained membrane destabilization could result in lysis. prm1 mutant yeast cells have a defect at the plasma membrane fusion stage of mating that typically results in the accumulation of prezygotes that have fingers of membrane-bound cytoplasm projecting from one cell of each pair into its mating partner in the direction of the osmotic gradient between the cells. However, some prm1 mating pairs fuse successfully whereas the two cells in other prm1 mating pairs simultaneously lyse. Lysis only occurs if both mating partners are prm1 mutants. Osmotic stabilization does not protect prm1 mating pairs from lysis, indicating that lysis is not caused by a cell wall defect. prm1 mating pairs without functional mitochondria still lyse, ruling out programmed cell death. No excess lysis was found after pheromone treatment of haploid prm1 cells, and lysis did not occur in mating pairs when prm1 was combined with the fus1 and fus2 mutations to block cell wall remodeling. Furthermore, short (<1 microm) cytoplasmic microfingers indicating the completion of cell wall remodeling appeared immediately before lysis. In combination, these results demonstrate that plasma membrane contact is a prerequisite for lysis. Cytoplasmic microfingers are unlikely to cause lysis since most prm1 mating pairs with microfingers do not lyse, and microfingers were also detected before fusion in some wild-type mating pairs. The lysis of prm1 mutant mating pairs suggests that the Prm1 protein stabilizes the membrane fusion event of yeast mating.  相似文献   

Endocytic recycling involves the return of membranes and receptors to the plasma membrane following their internalization into the cell. Recycling generally occurs from a series of vesicular and tubular membranes localized to the perinuclear region, collectively known as the endocytic recycling compartment. Within this compartment, receptors are sorted into tubular extensions that later undergo vesiculation, allowing transport vesicles to move along microtubules and return to the cell surface where they ultimately undergo fusion with the plasma membrane. Recent studies have led to the hypothesis that the C-terminal Eps15 homology domain (EHD) ATPase proteins are involved in the vesiculation process. Here, we address the functional roles of the four EHD proteins. We developed a novel semipermeabilized cell system in which addition of purified EHD proteins to reconstitute vesiculation allows us to assess the ability of each protein to vesiculate MICAL-L1-decorated tubular recycling endosomes (TREs). Using this assay, we show that EHD1 vesiculates membranes, consistent with enhanced TRE generation observed upon EHD1 depletion. EHD4 serves a role similar to that of EHD1 in TRE vesiculation, whereas EHD2, despite being capable of vesiculating TREs in the semipermeabilized cells, fails to do so in vivo. Surprisingly, the addition of EHD3 causes tubulation of endocytic membranes in our semipermeabilized cell system, consistent with the lack of tubulation observed upon EHD3 depletion. Our novel vesiculation assay and in vitro electron microscopy analysis, combined with in vivo data, provide evidence that the functions of both EHD1 and EHD4 are primarily in TRE membrane vesiculation, whereas EHD3 is a membrane-tubulating protein.  相似文献   

VP1 is the major coat protein of murine polyomavirus and forms virus-like particles (VLPs) in vitro. VLPs consist of 72 pentameric VP1 subunits held together by a terminal clamp structure that is further stabilized by disulfide bonds and chelation of calcium ions. Yeast-derived VLPs (yVLPs) assemble intracellularly in vivo during recombinant protein production. These in vivo assembled yVLPs differ in several properties from VLPs assembled in vitro from bacterially produced pentamers. We found several intermolecular disulfide linkages in yVLPs involving 5 of the 6 cysteines of VP1 (Cys115–Cys20, Cys12–Cys20, Cys16–Cys16, Cys12/ Cys16–Cys115, and Cys274–Cys274), indicating a highly coordinated disulfide network within the in vivo assembled particles involving the N-terminal region of VP1. Cryoelectron microscopy revealed structured termini not resolved in the published crystal structure of the bacterially expressed VLP that appear to clamp the pentameric subunits together. These structural features are probably the reason for the observed higher stability of in vivo assembled yVLPs compared with in vitro assembled bacterially expressed VLPs as monitored by increased thermal stability, higher resistance to trypsin cleavage, and a higher activation enthalpy of the disassembly reaction. This high stability is decreased following disassembly of yVLPs and subsequent in vitro reassembly, suggesting a role for cellular components in optimal assembly.  相似文献   

In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mating pheromones activate a high-affinity Ca2+ influx system (HACS) that activates calcineurin and is essential for cell survival. Here we identify extracellular K+ and a homologous pair of transmembrane proteins, Kch1 and Kch2 (Prm6), as necessary components of the HACS activation mechanism. Expression of Kch1 and especially Kch2 was strongly induced during the response to mating pheromones. When forcibly overexpressed, Kch1 and Kch2 localized to the plasma membrane and activated HACS in a fashion that depended on extracellular K+ but not pheromones. They also promoted growth of trk1 trk2 mutant cells in low K+ environments, suggesting they promote K+ uptake. Voltage-clamp recordings of protoplasts revealed diminished inward K+ currents in kch1 kch2 double-mutant cells relative to the wild type. Conversely, heterologous expression of Kch1 in HEK293T cells caused the appearance of inwardly rectifying K+ currents. Collectively, these findings suggest that Kch1 and Kch2 directly promote K+ influx and that HACS may electrochemically respond to K+ influx in much the same way as the homologous voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in most animal cell types.  相似文献   

The mammalian B-cell receptor-associated proteins of 29 and 31 kDa (BAP29 and BAP31) are conserved integral membrane proteins that have reported roles in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control, ER export of secretory cargo, and programmed cell death. In this study we investigated the yeast homologs of BAP29 and BAP31, known as Yet1p and Yet3p, to gain insight on cellular function. We found that Yet1p forms a complex with Yet3p (Yet complex) and that complex assembly was important for subunit stability and proper ER localization. The Yet complex was not efficiently packaged into ER-derived COPII vesicles and therefore does not appear to act as an ER export receptor. Instead, a fraction of the Yet complex was detected in association with the ER translocation apparatus (Sec complex). Specific mutations in the Sec complex or Yet complex influenced these interactions. Moreover, associations between the Yet complex and Sec complex were increased by ER stress and diminished when protein translocation substrates were depleted. Surprisingly, yet1Δ and yet3Δ mutant strains displayed inositol starvation-related growth defects. In accord with the biochemical data, these growth defects were exacerbated by a combination of certain mutations in the Sec complex with yet1Δ or yet3Δ mutations. We propose a model for the Yet-Sec complex interaction that places Yet1p and Yet3p at the translocation pore to manage biogenesis of specific transmembrane secretory proteins.  相似文献   

The mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH (pHi) by removing a single intracellular proton in exchange for one extracellular sodium ion. It is involved in cardiac hypertrophy and ischemia reperfusion damage to the heart and elevation of its activity is a trigger for breast cancer metastasis. NHE1 has an extensive 500 amino acid N-terminal membrane domain that mediates transport and consists of 12 transmembrane segments connected by intracellular and extracellular loops. Intracellular loops are hypothesized to modulate the sensitivity to pHi. In this study, we characterized the structure and function of intracellular loop 5 (IL5), specifically amino acids 431–443. Mutation of eleven residues to alanine caused partial or nearly complete inhibition of transport; notably, mutation of residues L432, T433, I436, N437, R440 and K443 demonstrated these residues had critical roles in NHE1 function independent of effects on targeting or expression. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution spectra of the IL5 peptide in a membrane mimetic sodium dodecyl sulfate solution revealed that IL5 has a stable three-dimensional structure with substantial alpha helical character. NMR chemical shifts indicated that K438 was in close proximity with W434. Overall, our results show that IL5 is a critical, intracellular loop with a propensity to form an alpha helix, and many residues of this intracellular loop are critical to proton sensing and ion transport.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(23):4382-4389
rCNT2 is a purine-preferring concentrative nucleoside transporter implicated in the regulation of extracellular adenosine levels and purinergic signaling. This study addressed the analysis of the CNT2 C-terminus tail as a domain likely to be implicated in transporter sorting. The topological mapping of this segment revealed that Cys615 and Cys649 are important residues for the proper trafficking of CNT2 to the plasma membrane. The inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and ER glycosidase I and II impaired rCNT2 trafficking to the cell surface, similarly to Cys615 and Cys649 mutants. The present work suggests these two cysteine residues are relevant for the proper sorting of the transporter and its functional performance.  相似文献   

Glycine decarboxylase, or P-protein, is a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme in one-carbon metabolism of all organisms, in the glycine and serine catabolism of vertebrates, and in the photorespiratory pathway of oxygenic phototrophs. P-protein from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is an α2 homodimer with high homology to eukaryotic P-proteins. The crystal structure of the apoenzyme shows the C terminus locked in a closed conformation by a disulfide bond between Cys972 in the C terminus and Cys353 located in the active site. The presence of the disulfide bridge isolates the active site from solvent and hinders the binding of PLP and glycine in the active site. Variants produced by substitution of Cys972 and Cys353 by Ser using site-directed mutagenesis have distinctly lower specific activities, supporting the crucial role of these highly conserved redox-sensitive amino acid residues for P-protein activity. Reduction of the 353–972 disulfide releases the C terminus and allows access to the active site. PLP and the substrate glycine bind in the active site of this reduced enzyme and appear to cause further conformational changes involving a flexible surface loop. The observation of the disulfide bond that acts to stabilize the closed form suggests a molecular mechanism for the redox-dependent activation of glycine decarboxylase observed earlier.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane assembly of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels into orthogonal arrays of particles (OAPs) involves interactions of AQP4 N-terminal domains. To study in live cells the site of OAP assembly, the size and dynamics of plasma membrane OAPs, and the heterotetrameric associations of AQP4, we constructed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled AQP4 “long” (M1) and “short” (M23) isoforms in which GFP was inserted at the cytoplasm-facing N or C terminus or between Val-141 and Val-142 in the second extracellular loop of AQP4. The C-terminal and extracellular loop GFP insertions did not interfere with the rapid unrestricted membrane diffusion of GFP-labeled M1 or the restricted diffusion and OAP assembly of GFP-labeled M23. Photobleaching of brefeldin A-treated cells showed comparable and minimally restricted diffusion of M1 and M23, indicating that OAP assembly occurs post-endoplasmic reticulum. Single-molecule step photobleaching and intensity analysis of GFP-labeled M1 in the absence versus presence of excess unlabeled M1 or M23 with an OAP-disrupting mutation indicated heterotetrameric AQP4 association. Time-lapse total internal reflection fluorescence imaging of M23 in live cells at 37 °C indicated that OAPs diffuse slowly (D ∼ 10−12 cm2/s) and rearrange over tens of minutes. Our biophysical measurements in live cells thus reveal extensive AQP4 monomer-monomer and tetramer-tetramer interactions.  相似文献   

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