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Aims: A triplex real‐time PCR assay to quantify Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in specimens from live and dead pigs was developed and validated. The minimal dose of Myc. hyopneumoniae required to induce pneumonia in specific pathogen‐free pigs was determined. Methods and Results: This TaqMan test simultaneously detected three genes encoding the proteins P46, P97 and P102. All Myc. hyopneumoniae strains analysed were detected, including strains isolated in three countries (France, England and Switzerland) and from several pig farms (n = 33), and the test was specific. The estimated detection thresholds were 1·3 genome equivalents (μl?1) for the targets defined in p97 and p102 genes and 13 genome equivalents (μl?1) for the segment defined in the p46 gene. This test was used to quantify Myc. hyopneumoniae in specimens sampled from experimentally infected pigs. In live pigs, c. 107, 108 and 1010 genome equivalents (ml?1) of Myc. hyopneumoniae were detected in the nasal cavities, tonsils and trachea samples, respectively. In dead pigs, 108–1010 genome equivalents (ml?1) of Myc. hyopneumoniae were detected in the lung tissue with pneumonia. The estimated minimal dose of Myc. hyopneumoniae required to induce pneumonia was 105 colour‐changing units (CCU) per pig (corresponding to 108 mycoplasmas). Conclusion: The triplex RT‐PCR test was validated and can be used for testing samples taken on the pig farms. Significance and Impact of the Study: This test should be a very useful tool in pig herds to control enzootic pneumonia or healthy carrier pigs and to study the dynamics of Myc. hyopneumoniae infections.  相似文献   

We developed and validated a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay to determine Mycoplasma genitalium bacterial load in endocervical swabs, based on amplification of the pdhD gene which encodes dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, using the Rotor-Gene platform. We first determined the qPCR assay sensitivity, limit of detection, reproducibility and specificity, and then determined the ability of the qPCR assay to quantify M. genitalium in stored endocervical specimens collected from Zimbabwean women participating in clinical research undertaken between 1999 and 2007. The qPCR assay had a detection limit of 300 genome copies/mL and demonstrated low intra- and inter-assay variability. The assay was specific for M. genitalium DNA and did not amplify the DNA from other mycoplasma and ureaplasma species. We quantified M. genitalium in 119 of 1600 endocervical swabs that tested positive for M. genitalium using the commercial Sacace M. genitalium real-time PCR, as well as 156 randomly selected swabs that were negative for M. genitalium by the same assay. The M. genitalium loads ranged between < 300 and 3,240,000 copies/mL. Overall, the qPCR assay demonstrated good range of detection, reproducibility and specificity and can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analyses of M. genitalium in endocervical specimens and potentially other genital specimens.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to develop a rapid, sensitive, specific tool for detection and quantification of Mycoplasma agalactiae DNA in sheep milk samples. METHODS AND RESULTS: A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay targeting the membrane-protein 81 gene of M. agalactiae was developed. The assay specifically detected M. agalactiae DNA without cross-amplification of other mycoplasmas and common pathogens of small ruminants. The method was reproducible and highly sensitive, providing precise quantification of M. agalactiae DNA over a range of nine orders of magnitude. Compared with an established PCR assay, the real-time PCR was one-log more sensitive, detecting as few as 10(1) DNA copies per 10 microl of plasmid template and 6.5x10(0) colour changing units of reference strain Ba/2. CONCLUSIONS: The real-time PCR assay is a reliable method for the detection and quantification of M. agalactiae DNA in sheep milk samples. The assay is more sensitive than gel-based PCR protocols and provides quantification of the M. agalactiae DNA contained in milk samples. The assay is also quicker than traditional culture methods (2-3 h compared with at least 1 week). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The established real-time PCR assay will help study the patterns of shedding of M. agalactiae in milk, aiding pathogenesis and vaccine efficacy studies.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop a multiplex real‐time PCR assay using TaqMan probes for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of potato powdery scab and common scab, two potato tuber diseases with similar symptoms, and the causal pathogens Spongospora subterranea and plant pathogenic Streptomyces spp. Methods and Results: Real‐time PCR primers and a probe for S. subterranea were designed based on the DNA sequence of the ribosomal RNA ITS2 region. Primers and a probe for pathogenic Streptomyces were designed based on the DNA sequence of the txtAB genes. The two sets of primer pairs and probes were used in a single real‐time PCR assay. The multiplex real‐time PCR assay was confirmed to be specific for S. subterranea and pathogenic Streptomyces. The assay detected DNA quantities of 100 fg for each of the two pathogens and linear responses and high correlation coefficients between the amount of DNA and Ct values for each pathogen were achieved. The presence of two sets of primer pairs and probes and of plant extracts did not alter the sensitivity and efficiency of multiplex PCR amplification. Using the PCR assay, we could discriminate between powdery scab and common scab tubers with similar symptoms. Common scab and powdery scab were detected in some tubers with no visible symptoms. Mixed infections of common scab and powdery scab on single tubers were also revealed. Conclusions: This multiplex real‐time PCR assay is a rapid, cost efficient, specific and sensitive tool for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of the two pathogens on infected potato tubers when visual symptoms are inconclusive or not present. Significance and Impact of the Study: Accurate and quick identification and discrimination of the cause of scab diseases on potatoes will provide critical information to potato growers and researchers for disease management. This is important because management strategies for common and powdery scab diseases are very different.  相似文献   

Aims: The goal of this study was to develop and to optimize molecular tools to detect the presence of Torque teno virus (TTV) in swine and cattle. A novel real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a TaqMan probe was developed to detect both genogroups of TTV strains. Methods and Results: Oligonucleotide primers and hybridization probes were designed based on sequence analysis of the noncoding region, a highly conserved part of the genome. The real‐time PCR assay specifically detected bovine and porcine TTV DNA without cross‐amplification of other common pathogens. The assay was compared with conventional PCR and nested‐PCR assays for the detection of porcine genogroups 1 and 2 and bovine TTV on plasma and faecal samples, and the assay was found faster, more reliable and reduced the risk of false positive results. Conclusions: The real‐time PCR assay provided better detection results for the two TTV genogroups in both swine and cattle compared to the conventional PCR assays. Significance and Impact of the Study: This new TaqMan PCR assay will be a useful tool for the detection of animal TTV strains, to evaluate the viral load from animal host and finally to identify the presence of these viruses in the agri‐food continuum.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma suis cannot be cultivated in vitro. Therefore, PCR-based methods are irreplaceable for the diagnosis of M. suis infections especially when clinical symptoms are not evident. Currently, no easy and reliable method allowing the quantitative detection of M. suis is available. This report describes the development of a quantitative LightCycler PCR assay based on the msg1 gene of M. suis (LC MSG1 PCR). No PCR signals were obtained with closely related haemotrophic and non-haemotrophic mycoplasmas, with other bacteria, and with M. suis-free blood and tissue arguing for a high analytical specificity. Test sensitivity was found to be 100%, and test specificity 96.7%. To test the diagnostic suitability of the LC MSG1 PCR, 25 pigs with clinical porcine eperythrozoonosis and 25 healthy pigs were investigated. All ill pigs revealed a positive real-time PCR result whereas only one healthy pig was detected to be M. suis-infected. M. suis was quantitatively detected in 19 blood specimens of 100 sows from Switzerland and in 17 of 160 post-weaning piglets from Germany. In conclusion, this new LC MSG1 PCR assay represents a powerful tool for the improvement of the current M. suis diagnosis and for prevalence and pathogenesis studies.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop and evaluate primer sets targeted to the dissimilatory sulfite reductase gene (dsrA) for use in quantitative real‐time PCR detection of sulfate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) in stored swine manure. Methods and Results: Degenerate primer sets were developed to detect SRB in stored swine manure. These were compared with a previously reported primer set, DSR1F+ and DSR‐R, for their coverage and ability to detect SRB communities in stored swine manure. Sequenced clones were most similar to Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfobulbus sp., and these SRB populations differed within different manure ecosystems. Sulfur content of swine diets was shown to affect the population of Desulfobulbus‐like Group 1 SRB in manure. Conclusions: The newly developed assays were able to enumerate and discern different groups of SRB, and suggest a richly diverse and as yet undescribed population of SRB in swine manure. Significance and Impact of the Study: The PCR assays described here provide improved and efficient molecular tools for quantitative detection of SRB populations. This is the first study to show population shifts of SRB in swine manure, which are a result of either the effects of swine diets or the maturity of the manure ecosystem.  相似文献   

PCR技术检测猪肺炎支原体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪肺炎支原体(Mycopiasma hyopneumoniae)是引起猪支原体肺炎的重要病原,该病常引起继发感染和混合感染,严重威胁养猪业发展,造成巨大的经济损失.利用PCR技术对猪支原体肺炎早期正确诊断具有非常重要的意义.从猪肺炎支原体的特异性靶基因、临床样品采集方法与样品DNA处理方法、关键技术因素及普通PCR技术、多重PCR技术、套式PCR技术、荧光定量PCR技术、芯片检测和环介导等温扩增技术等在猪肺炎支原体检测中的研究进展、主要优缺点及应用进行综述.  相似文献   

目的探讨双重荧光定量PCR技术的优化条件,建立基于TaqMan探针技术荧光定量法检测同时检测解脲支原体和巨细胞病毒的新方法。方法分别采用普通定性PCR扩增母婴垂直传播常见的病原体(解脲支原体和巨细胞病毒)测序鉴定,然后分别采用TaqMan探针的单重和双重定量PCR技术对解脲支原体和巨细胞病毒同时定性定量检测。结果解脲支原体和巨细胞病毒单种定性PCR检测均为阳性,TaqMan探针单重和双重定量PCR检测解脲支原体和巨细胞病毒阳性率和特异性均为100%,相同样品TaqMan探针单重、双重定量PCR分别检测的结果符合率100%。结论TaqMan探针双重荧光定量PCR技术可同时检测两种靶分子,结果可靠,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

Cryphonectria parasitica, an ascomycete fungus, is the causal agent of chestnut blight. This highly destructive disease of chestnut trees causes significant losses, and is therefore a regulated pathogen in Europe. Existing methods for the detection of C. parasitica include morphological identification following culturing, or PCR; however, these are time‐consuming resulting in delays to diagnosis. To allow improved detection, a new specific real‐time PCR assay was designed to detect C. parasitica directly from plant material and fungal cultures, and was validated according to the European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) standard PM 7/98. The analytical specificity of the assay was tested extensively using a panel of species taxonomically closely related to Cryphonectria, fungal species associated with the hosts and healthy plant material. The assay was found to be specific to C. parasitica, whilst the analytical sensitivity of the assay was established as 2 pg µL?1 of DNA. Comparative testing of 63 samples of naturally infected plant material by the newly developed assay and traditional morphological diagnosis demonstrated an increased diagnostic sensitivity when using the real‐time PCR assay. Furthermore the assay is able to detect both virulent and hypovirulent strains of C. parasitica. Therefore the new real‐time PCR assay can be used to provide reliable, rapid, specific detection of C. parasitica to prevent the accidental movement of the disease and to monitor its spread.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of anthrax spores from environmental samples is essential for accurate detection and risk assessment since Bacillus anthracis spores have been shown to be one of the most effective biological weapons. Using TaqMan real-time PCR, specific primers and probes were designed for the identification of pathogenic B. anthracis strains from pag gene and cap gene on two plasmids, pXO1 and pXO2, as well as a sap gene encoded on the S-layer. To select the appropriate lysis method of anthrax spore from environmental samples, several heat treatments and germination methods were evaluated with multiplex-PCR. Among them, heat treatment of samples suspended with sucrose plus non-ionic detergent was considered an effective spore disruption method because it detected up to 10(5) spores/g soil by multiplex-PCR. Serial dilutions of B. anthracis DNA and spore were detected up to a level of 0.1 ng/ microliters and 10 spores/ml, respectively, at the correlation coefficient of 0.99 by real-time PCR. Quantitative analysis of anthrax spore could be obtained from the comparison between C(T) value and serial dilutions of soil sample at the correlation coefficient of 0.99. Additionally, spores added to soil samples were detected up to 10(4) spores/g soil within 3 hr by real-time PCR. As a consequence, we established a rapid and accurate detection system for environmental anthrax spores using real-time PCR, avoiding time and labor-consuming preparation steps such as enrichment culturing and DNA preparation.  相似文献   

The accurate quantification of disease severity is important for the assessment of host–pathogen interactions in laboratory or field settings. The interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana and its naturally occurring downy mildew pathogen, Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (Hpa), is a widely used reference pathosystem for plant–oomycete interactions. Current methods for the assessment of disease severity in the ArabidopsisHpa interaction rely on measurements at the terminal stage of pathogen development; namely, visual counts of spore‐producing structures or the quantification of spore production with a haemocytometer. These assays are useful, but do not offer sensitivity for the robust quantification of small changes in virulence or the accurate quantification of pathogen growth prior to the reproductive stage. Here, we describe a quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay for the monitoring of Hpa growth in planta. The protocol is rapid, inexpensive and can robustly distinguish small changes in virulence. We used this assay to investigate the dynamics of early Hpa mycelial growth and to demonstrate the proof of concept that this assay could be used in screens for novel oomycete growth inhibitors.  相似文献   

The use of historical and ancient tissue samples for genetic analysis is increasing, with ever greater numbers of samples proving to contain sufficient mitochondrial and even nuclear DNA for multilocus analysis. DNA yield, however, remains highly variable and largely unpredictable based solely on sample morphology or age. Quantification of DNA from historical and degraded samples can greatly improve efficiency of screening DNA extracts prior to attempting sequencing or genotyping, but requires sequence‐specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) based assays to detect such minute quantities of degraded DNA. We present two qPCR assays for marine mammal DNA quantification, and results from analysis of DNA extracted from preserved soft tissues, bone, baleen, and tooth from several cetacean species. These two assays have been shown to amplify DNA from 26 marine mammal species representing 12 families of pinnipeds and cetaceans. Our results indicate that different tissues retain different ratios of mitochondrial to nuclear DNA, and may be more or less suitable for analysis of nuclear loci. Specifically, historical bone and tooth samples average 60‐fold higher ratio of mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA than preserved fresh soft tissue, and the ratio is almost 8000‐fold higher in baleen.  相似文献   

吴霞  张桂芬  万方浩 《昆虫知识》2011,48(3):497-503
西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pargande)是世界性害虫,2003年在我国首次发生危害。针对西花蓟马与其他种类蓟马形态相似、难以快速区分的问题,本文在SCAR标记基础上,采用TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR技术,设计1对特异性引物和1条MGB探针,扩增出大小为138bp的特异片段。以质粒DNA为标准品建立了标准曲线(R2=0.9965),种特异性检验结果显示,该引物和探针只能检测到西花蓟马的荧光信号,而对其他种类的蓟马不具有检测能力。并且可以定量检测西花蓟马不同虫态靶标DNA片段的拷贝数。该检测体系重复性强、稳定性高,在口岸检疫以及植物种苗及其产品调运中的有害生物检测和监测中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Rapid PCR test for Streptococcus suis serotype 7   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent epidemiological studies on Streptococcus suis infections in pigs indicated that, besides serotypes 1, 2 and 9, serotype 7 is also frequently associated with diseased animals. For the latter serotype, however, no rapid and sensitive diagnostic methods are available. This hampers prevention and control programs. Here, we describe the development of a type-specific PCR test for the rapid and sensitive detection of S. suis serotype 7. The test is based on DNA sequences of capsular (cps) genes specific for serotype 7. These sequences were identified by cross-hybridization of several individual cps genes with the chromosomal DNAs of 35 different S. suis serotypes.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and uncultured Nitrospira-like nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) dominated in autotrophic nitrifying biofilms were determined by using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RTQ-PCR) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Although two quantitative techniques gave the comparable results, the RTQ-PCR assay was easier and faster than the FISH technique for quantification of both nitrifying bacteria in dense microcolony-forming nitrifying biofilms. Using this RTQ-PCR assay, we could successfully determine the maximum specific growth rate (mu = 0.021/h) of uncultured Nitrospira-like NOB in the suspended enrichment culture. The population dynamics of nitrifying bacteria in the biofilm revealed that once they formed the biofilm, the both nitrifying bacteria grew slower than in planktonic cultures. We also calculated the spatial distributions of average specific growth rates of both nitrifying bacteria in the biofilm based on the concentration profiles of NH4+, NO2-, and O2, which were determined by microelectrodes, and the double-Monod model. This simple model estimation could explain the stratified spatial distribution of AOB and Nitrospira-like NOB in the biofilm. The combination of culture-independent molecular techniques and microelectrode measurements is a very powerful approach to analyze the in situ kinetics and ecophysiology of nitrifying bacteria including uncultured Nitrospira-like NOB in complex biofilm communities.  相似文献   

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